Country: United States
Thank you God, Our Lady and a friend of medjugorge for sharing Our Lady’s messages. Archbishop Vigano wrote a very revealing letter about our present times to the U.S. bishops conference and a separate letter to the American people to help us recognize the signs of the times we are in just a few weeks ago. May God’s truth continue to rein over us!
December 23, 2021
This is the Climax…
[Podcast] (25 minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje reveals a plan of Heaven that we are living with every day, and which is God’s answer to the prodigies of satan.
Episode Transcript
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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Good evening, everyone, and thank you for joining us on tonight’s Mejanomics.
Today, we’re going to share with you a special encounter with a Friend of Medjugorje, which he spoke to Caritas pilgrims here on December 10, 2021.
We’ll have a little more to say about his words later in the broadcast, but time and again, we see that many times his words are proven true, and to hear tonight a Friend of Medjugorje speak to us strengthens our hearts in a special way in thanksgiving for Our Lady, for Her apparitions, and during this Christmas season, these are the perfect words for us to live this time in thanksgiving.
Here is a Friend of Medjugorje, December 10, 2021.
Our Lady says to you this morning, and as you know, we always pick a message for the Community, and we live that out to the day. Sometimes, we go for the whole week with it if it’s important. But Our Lady is making a communication of new language that She can speak to you, because satan has his voices, his prodigies, his electronics, his computers, his robots, his technological stuff that is plugged into your brain. And I can imagine…No. I’m not imagining. I can say that Our Lady went to Her Son, “You’ve got to give Me something. I’m blocked. You’re blocked. Your people, Your children, have lost their way. And We’re not communicating to them. We’re totally put in a box.”
So, She’s come up to us to give us messages, speak to us in a way that has never happened in history. Nobody in the Medjugorje world talks about that message. I don’t know why.
“My Son, I need to be able to communicate to them.”
“Okay. You go give some messages. I’m going to give you six children. You convert them, and I’ll go from there.”
So, Our Lady starts speaking to the visionaries, just like a conversation we’re having now. They talk to Her. And people come here, and you go through conversion, and Our Lady will speak to you because God said, “Okay. You go down to the earth. I’ll give You something that You can surmount above the mountains of the cell phones and the technology that the devil has.” And that’s why She said, “I am going to give you messages as never before in the history of the world”! Is She exaggerating? Is She just saying just to make you feel good? “Since the very beginning of the world.”
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This is something that you, as a people, are experiencing something that nobody in two thousand years have had it. This is the Woman of Revelation, now, here, chapter 12, and the bishops don’t see it.
So, Our Lady’s here speaking to you to break the bonds that hold you down and drawing you to where this crash is going to, and She’s, with Her messages, is our parachute. We’re going to be hurt. It’s going to be difficult. But before the plane crashes, we’ve got a parachute, and we’ve got a soft landing. It doesn’t mean you’re going to escape everything or difficulties.
Some of the most suffering people we have are the Medjugorje people. They’ve gone through conversion. Why is that? Because you have to be purified. Our Lady’s messages have spoken to us over and over. After Our Lady converted the six with Her language and talking to them, training them for three years, then She starts Thursday messages. I was going to Medjugorje when they were still going on. I remember this one old villager lady, dirt on her dress. She’s been in the fields. She comes to Mass. She’s got a pencil, because they had very little things. They didn’t have paper like we’ve got. And she’s writing on a little piece of paper when they announced the Thursday message. It was awesome. That’s the organic Medjugorje.
Those Thursday messages expanded the language from the six visionaries to go to the villagers. They matured—the visionaries—and then She started speaking to the villagers to convert them. And they literally followed that. And they got messages that were really direct to their way of life. You think, “Oh, the Mother of God’s going to be there? Oh, how beautiful. How nice this is. We’ve got that.” And then She says on a Thursday message, says, “God wants to test you through your work and the fruit of your work.” And I’m paraphrasing it, but there had been a two-week rain, and all the grapes were rotten, and they were losing that. Jesus wants to stand up there in Heaven and say, “Peter, look at this. Look. They’re still happy. They’re still grateful. They’re praying. All these difficulties.”
Another message on Thursday says, “God’s going to give you problems because He wants to see how you’re going to resolve with it.” Are you going to be joyful? You’re going to be happy? “Hey, I deserve this.” “I’ve got to atone for my sin.” “I’m going to go through this.”
So, Thursday messages, they went through the gristmill. And then we come up to January 25th. I’m just getting into Medjugorje, Caritas going, and Our Lady says, “It’s come now, I’ve been giving messages for what the Father has fulfilled with Me.” It was a Kennedy moment. Here I am, getting ready. I’m in business and thinking about leaving what I need to do and how to change my life, and it’s over! The message on January 8th, at that moment, basically, is a message, if you read it, was, everything’s finished. It’s fulfilled. But Our Lady had to go from Thursday from the visionaries, to birth something else for the whole world.
So, their conversion, the six, the parish conversion, and then, She launches out to the whole world for the 25th messages. And the first message of January 25th was very profound. What She said, God wants, “…to use you [for] a great plan…” This is not a little bitty thing five hundred years ago or 1,500 years ago, or a renaissance. Our Lady’s here in a way that’s so big that as your fireworks you see—the climax—This is the climax of all apparitions. Our Lady, you know what She said, “I will never appear again.” “These are the last apparitions in the world.” That should get your attention. Wow. We’ve had it through the centuries, the Virgin Mary, giving the Rosary, doing this, go to this, Guadalupe, whatever. This is the final battle and boot camp to go through an antichrist system that She’s going to crush, with you, together, because She can’t do it, and we can’t do it, but together we can, because it’s bigger than us.
And God has restricted the Virgin Mary, that, “You’re not going to get this except through the people.” She says, “…I…come from the people…” Our Lady’s with us to rally you up to bring love between each of us and confront the evils that’s in people. Our Lady said, quote, to squash, basically, in the “…evil in people…” And people will be silent. They’ll just do their prayers. They’ll do adoration. No, it’s a lot more than that.
So, Our Lady went to the world from that point, and look where we have matured, and now we’re in the fortieth anniversary year, and the plan’s, really, is just beginning to happen. We know things are coming to us. We know things were bad, difficulties, but we couldn’t imagine what’s happening, how’s everything disappearing, supply chains, how nobody wants to work. You can’t hire people now. It’s genius, really. And only a Mother can make this happen, slowly, slowly happen, to give you time to transition into a new way of life, a different way to live.
Your message today,
“…[God] has not left you to yourselves…”
Thank God. Thank God. Because nobody’s throwing away their cell phones. She’s going to have to take it away. We have twenty-three landlines here. We’re having to add, right now, minimum, ten more landlines. We operate without cell phones. And we can go up to fifty-four landlines, which we’re going to have to do because we know when the Secrets come in, we can’t take it. We’re taking steps to get foundationed for the onslaught of what the Secrets are going to bring, and your support for this mission is the spreading of Our Lady’s conversion.
satan doesn’t want these words out because this is the road map, through this boot camp that you’re in now, that when She crushes, a century from now, whenever, the antichrist comes in the fullness, they’re going to follow what your witness was and how we lived and how we transitioned into these things. Look at the control. Look at the vaccination. Fauci said, yesterday, “When you’re having a Christmas party, and your family’s coming over for Christmas, stop them at the door and make them show you their vaccination card. And if they don’t show that, don’t let them in.” [LAUGHTER] Yeah. God. Fauci. We’re in a difficult situation.
“…the Father has not left you to yourselves…you are not in [the] world only for yourselves…”
You don’t own yourself. You don’t own your house, your car, your children, your marriage. God does. That’s the first thing. That’s what I did before I went to Medjugorje. I was ready for it. That’s not my house. I’m fortunate to live in it. It’s Our Lady’s. I have nothing. I owe nothing. I get to use it, which is a blessing.
“…you are not in [the] world…for yourselves, and that I am…calling you here only for your sake…”
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These last apparitions are for your sake, because there will be a whole lot more people that would be in hell if Medjugorje didn’t happen.
Our Lady says,
“…you…illuminate the way and that, with your life…”
Your witness, your life, your struggles, your difficulties, your joys, have value. You’ve heard us say many times, the Community goes someplace. We’re minding our own business, and people are just looking at us. They come talk to us. It’s supernatural. It doesn’t make sense. The more you live the witness of what Our Lady calls, the more She will put people across your path. And miracles, beautiful things.
“…with your life, you may show…the love of God. I am with you. If you open your hearts, I will lead you…”
If you open, only a little bit, maybe fifty percent, seventy percent, maybe ninety-five percent. She said, “…open…” a complete 360 circle, everywhere you turn, you’re open to it.
“…If you open your hearts, I will lead you…”
She can’t do that. If you just go that far.
So, while you’re here on these grounds, you need to open your heart completely. And that’s a hard “yes,” and Our Lady’s not going to force it on you. It’s up to you.
We have people that go through conversion, and they start panicking because what God asks, what Our Lady is asking for, is more than they can take. And it will be that way. And Our Lady said a message about, as individuals, you cannot do it. She says,
August 2, 2011
“…I call you to gather into God’s family and to be strengthened with the Father’s strength. As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world…”
She’s telling us, all this stuff going on, She’s going to heal the world if you don’t act as an individual, but in union with Her and with everybody else.
A lot of people now, in the last weeks and months, are starting to panic. “Where am I going to get water? Is food going to be available? How am I going to do this?” And you’ve still got people going on the weekends, and all this frivolous stuff, instead of praying. Our Lady said years ago, a couple decades ago, “Use this period so that it will go well for you.” But people would just…They want to keep their foot on the deck and on the boat. You ain’t going to make it. You’ve got to get on the boat. You’ve got to step off the deck. If you try to keep both feet on that boat, untied, it separates, you’re going in the water.
Our Lady said in your message earlier,
“…has not left you to yourselves. Immeasurable is His love, the love that is bringing me to you, to help you to come to know Him, so that, through my Son, all of you can call Him ‘Father’ with the fullness of heart…”
The crisis today is not motherhood. It’s fatherhood. And if fatherhood is in crisis, then you can bet motherhood’s in crisis.
It’s amazing how much Our Lady speaks about God as Father. In How to Change Your Husband, I wrote that years ago, that the future thing is fatherhood. Maybe that’s what’s coming up in March 18th. That’s what the St. Joseph book is about. Because fatherhood is trashed more than anything else, because the male—the man—represents God the Father. It doesn’t matter if he’s defective. He sits in that chair of fatherhood, and it’s damaged. And a lot of women are off base. If you haven’t read How to Change Your Husband, that gets you back on base, or either won’t get back on it.
So, everything with Our Lady is to unite us, unite marriage, unite the family, the family with everybody else, and do all this together.
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(Ooh, ooh) (Ooh, ah)
I can see the panic in your eyes, and I know you can see it in mine. We’ve been through some crazy things before, but nothing like this. You know I’ve always got a lot to say, but this has left me nothing but afraid. And I’ve got one thing I’m holding on to, and it’s your hand ’cause I believe
Together, we’ll get through this. Together, no matter what it is. There’s no valley too deep, no river too wide, no mountain too steep we can’t climb. Together, we got all we need. Together, just watch and see. We’re gonna make it come what may. Nothing can break us if we stay together.
I know it’s hard to fight an enemy when the sky is too dark to see. And we can even start to believe we’re fighting with each other. But if we really look deep enough, I believe we can find the love. And when this storm has finally passed, (finally passed) we’ll see that all we have is what we have.
Together, we’ll get through this. Together, no matter what it is. There’s no valley too deep, no river too wide, no mountain too steep that we can’t climb. Together, we got all we need. Together, just watch and see. We’re gonna make it come what may. Nothing can break us if we stay together. (We’ll get to the other side) (If we stay together)
We’re gonna get to the other side, you and I, you and I. We’ll look back from the other side knowing we made it together.
We’re gonna get to the other side, you and I, you and I. We’ll look back from the other side knowing we made it
Together, we’re gonna get through this (gonna get through this) Together, no matter what it is (no matter what it is) There’s no valley too deep, no river too wide, no mountain too steep we can’t climb. Together, we got all we need. Together, just watch and see (just watch and see) We’re gonna make it come what may. Nothing can break us if we stay together.
We’ll get through this together. (We’ll get through) (We wanna stay together)
This is Our Lady. This is Her plan, to unite God the Father, the children. She says, “I have no power to do that. The power comes through your prayers.” And Our Lady takes all the rosaries, the millions of rosaries, after today, before God’s throne, “Here’s some more. Here’s some more money. I want My graces. I’m buying them. They’re doing this fasting. They’re doing this sacrifice. Tomorrow, I’ll bring You some more.”
It was strange in the beginning, because Our Lady talked like She wouldn’t be with us. And on several occasions, She says, “God has given Me more time,” basically. I don’t think She came in where God gave, “You’re going to have forty years.” I think She went in there because She was a Woman. She wanted the forty years. She just didn’t tell Him. [LAUGHTER] So, “Just give Me three years.”
“Give Me six years.” “Give me eighteen years.”
Then She rose all those rosaries, all that fasting, every day, back to the throne,
“Okay, okay, okay.”
So, She made it to the 40th Anniversary. And things are about to come. A lot of things coming, things that we don’t know.
And you have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje from December 10, 2021 here at Caritas, Alabama.
One thing we will say about a Friend of Medjugorje’s words is that he speaks with authority, and this is something we see time and again in the Medjugorje world. There’s a lot of opinions about the messages. There’s a lot of opinions about the apparitions. But we oftentimes think, in the Scripture, when people heard Christ speak, and they said, “Here’s Somebody different. He speaks like someone with authority.” And when we hear a Friend of Medjugorje speak to us, through all these years in his experience with Our Lady, in his discernment of the messages, over and over, we come to the very same conclusions. He speaks with authority. They are words we can accept as true. And so, continuing the broadcast tonight, here is a Friend of Medjugorje to conclude.
If you speak out, if you stand up for what the messages are, you’re going to be in trouble with people. There’s people who are not going to like you, and the stronger you are, the more resistance you’ll get. At the same time, you’ll have the other side, together with you, you’ll grow stronger with them. The stronger your witness, the more strong you’ll be given a voice.
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This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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5 thoughts on “This is the Climax…”
Country: United States
Thank you God, Our Lady and a friend of medjugorge for sharing Our Lady’s messages. Archbishop Vigano wrote a very revealing letter about our present times to the U.S. bishops conference and a separate letter to the American people to help us recognize the signs of the times we are in just a few weeks ago. May God’s truth continue to rein over us!