September 5, 2024
Radio Wave Mejanomics

This is Not Real

[Podcast] (39 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje shares shocking things happening in the U.S. that are so amazing that it does not sound real. It has no other objective except to destroy the nation, and the whole world.

Episode Transcript

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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.

“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?

“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?

“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”

This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.


Tonight, I am going to give you many messages about what satan, what is he doing and to get a feel to what you are going to hear after this.

Our Lady has been telling us, satan wants to destroy the world, to destroy mankind. I am prepping you with these messages for what is going to follow after these messages.


“… satan exists! He seeks only to destroy…”  February 14, 1982


“… satan is strong. he wishes with all his strength to destroy my plans…” January 14, 1985


“… pray because satan is very active in this time. He wants to destroy everything you have received from me…”. January 9, 1989


“… satan is strong and wants to destroy and deceive you in many ways… I am protecting you even though satan wishes to destroy my plans …” September 25, 1990


“… Pray because satan wants to destroy my plans of peace…” December 25, 1990


“…satan is strong and wishes not only to destroy human life but also nature and the planet on which you live…”  January 25, 1991


“… Pray for peace, because satan wants to destroy the little peace you have…” June 25, 1992


“…satan wishes to destroy everything which is holy in you and around you…”  September 25, 1992


“… like never, I call you to pray for peace; for peace in your hearts, peace in your families, and peace in the whole world, because satan wants war, wants lack of peace, wants to destroy all which is good…” March 25, 1993


“… satan is strong and wants to destroy hope in your heart…” August 25, 1994

“…satan wants to destroy the family. The family is in crisis. Pray.” June 25, 1995


“… As individuals, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it…” August 2, 2011


“… be firm in this battle against evil…” April 25, 2015


“… Peace is in danger, pray and be carriers of peace and hope in this restless world where satan is attacking and tempting in every way…” November 25, 2015



“…you are too bound to the earth and earthly things, that is why, satan is rolling you like the wind rolls the waves of the sea…” August 25, 2016


“… satan is strong and wants to turn all of you against God…fight against materialism, modernism and egoism, which the world offers to you…” January 25, 2017


“… satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk…” March 25, 2020


“…the darkness which all the more wants to seize you and take you far away from my Son, Jesus…” March 25, 2020


“…the devil wants peacelessness and war, he wants to fill your heart with fear of the future – but the future is God’s …” March 25, 2021


“…when they want to put you in chains and to use you, it is not from God…” October 25, 2021


“…his power of death, hatred, and fear has visited the earth…” February 25, 2022


“…The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God …”  January 25, 2023


“…Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer …” September 25, 2023


“… Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful…”  February 25, 2024


“… satan is strong and every day his strength is stronger through those who have chosen death and hatred. …”  April 25, 2024


“…Good and evil are fighting and want to prevail in the world and in the hearts of people…” August 25, 2024


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[A Friend of Medjugorje]

Now that you have been prepped about what you are going to hear, what Our Lady has told us from Heaven is what is happening on the face of the earth.

This past week Glenn Beck states many alarming things that are shocking. We know some of this, but we don’t know how much has spread.

November 6, 1982, Our Lady said:

“…I have prayed. The punishments have been softened. Repeated prayers and fasting reduces punishments from God, but it is not possible to avoid entirely the chastisements…”

Then Our Lady says:

“…Go on the streets of the cities and count those who glorify God and those who offend Him. God can no longer endure that.”

Not only is this shocking, it is scary stuff. Typically I wouldn’t play much of a radio show, but you need to hear this. It is Our Lady who said, “go out on the streets.” So you are fixin’ to walk down the streets by what you are going to hear.


Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Venezuelan gangs, which a week ago everybody was like, “ah that’s not real.” They are now terrorizing communities in multiple cities across the country.

Migrants flooding into New York City now account for 75 percent of all the arrests in midtown Manhattan. It is happening all over the world and the globalist plan is the same all over the Western Hemisphere. Overwhelm and collapse==Cloward and Piven.

I saw this coming back with the, you know, the Arab Spring, and I did a chalkboard every single day that you would see Islamists, or Islamists, anarchist, Marxist, progressives, all working together. They would cascade through Europe, eventually to the United States.

And it is interesting that in the middle of this, there are two things that every single Western country, including ours, are now trying to censor us over. One, questions over immigration and two, elections.

Don’t even think about connecting these two things and talking about that. That is an unforgivable sin, but I commit it tonight. These are the questions that are the reason BlazeTV even exists.

Tonight, I am going to deep dive inside the data. Are illegals voting in our elections. If so, are the numbers meaningful enough to actually choose the next candidate? Let me just say, looking at the numbers, it is shocking, shocking, what is coming our way.

So, the footage of the Venezuelan prison gang, came out as they were taking over an apartment building with at least one AR style rifle and pistols and it was happening in a northern suburb of Aurora.

And people were saying this isn’t real. This couldn’t be real. Well, now everybody is talking about it. The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, just confirmed saying that “yeah, yep, they are real. They are here.”

Here he is on his post, “Confirmed Venezuelan illegal migrant gangsters have indeed taken over several apartment complexes and pushed out property managers to extort rents from the tenants directly.”

He also blamed the Kamala-Biden regime and said how they may be involved in importing the illegals into a city.

This is the mayor of Aurora, Colorado. Quote, “Somebody put them there. Somebody funded it. Whether it’s the federal government or not, we don’t know.”

The mayor further confirmed that the prison gang has given orders to its members to start attacking police officers. We are aware that in the Denver Metropolitan area there are elements of this gang here that are targeting police.

So, that’s good. That’s good.

The big picture to understand what is coming your way is the Left has imported millions of illegal aliens. Some of which I am sure are good families.

A lot of them are not. Seeing that about 70% of them are just military aged men, I mean they might make a family eventually, but they are not one now.


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The prison gang members don’t have any respect for our laws. Why should they? We don’t have any respect for our laws.

Defunding the police has also been pushed nationwide and that comes with local cities becoming overwhelmed.

Now there are areas that have a possibility of high risk of violent crime.

These are areas according to the Center for Immigration Studies. They have been looking at the cities, the counties and the states with laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions, policies or other practices that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from ICE.

So, it’s a short list. Let me just tell you the places that they are concerned with. The states where they said you might want to avoid:

California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, North Dakota!, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington.

Okay. Now what do those all have in common? See if there is a pattern: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and Washington.


All of them have Republicans in them.


No. No. Well, they have Republicans in them, but not controlling them, except for Utah. Utah is, it is becoming so hostile to everything that made Utah a good state and a state that everybody’s like, oh it is so family friendly.

Now let’s get there and change all of it and get some people who know how to run it, some progressive thinking here, and bring some of these migrant gangs in. That is what is happening.

The cities and counties, they are saying in the District of Columbia, you should really avoid the city of Washington D.C. which I think is the entire District of Columbia so it would be hard to visit D.C. and stay away from Washington.

In Georgia, they are saying

Athens-Clarke County
Columbia County
DeKalb County
Douglas County

In Idaho

Bonneville County and

Power County


Lake County
Monroe County
St. Joseph County and
Wayne County

But other than that, no big deal.

In Kansas

Douglas County

In Kentucky

Campbell County
Franklin County
Jefferson County
Louisville and
Scott County

In Louisiana

Just avoid New Orleans


Cumberland County
Hancock County


Baltimore, now who would have ever thought you should avoid
Baltimore? That is just such a lovely town, especially when the rats come out at night.


Baltimore County
Charles County
Howard County
Montgomery County
Prince George’s County
St. Mary’s County

And then, yeah, if you are in any of those counties in Maryland, just try not to go south because it’s Washington D.C.

In Michigan

Kalamazoo County
Kent County
Leelanau County, I guess.
Luce County
Muskegon County
Oakland County
Washtenaw County (I guess. There are too many Indian names here. I think this is wrong. I think this is wrong. I’m feeling uncomfortable. Its like we are, its honestly, its like we are just taking their culture and making it into our counties.)
Wayne County
Wexford County

In Minnesota

Anoka County
Cottonwood County
Dakota County
Hennepin County
Jackson County
Kandiyohi County
Lincoln County
Lyon County

Todd County
Pipestone County
Nobles County

Ramsey County
Watonwan County

Wow, Nebraska’s pretty safe. This is like a whole page for Nebraska.


Arthur County
Banner County
Blaine County
Douglas County
Gosper County
Grant County
Greeley County
Hayes County
Hooker County
Howard County
Johnson County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Loup County
McPherson County
Nance County
Perkins County
Platte County
Sioux County
Thomas County
Wheeler County

New Hampshire

Hillsborough County

New Mexico has a ton. Cheez, another page. Another whole page for New Mexico. Basically, avoid New Mexico. Wow, same with New York. Avoid New York. North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, pretty much get rid of all Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, in Washington county, those are, huh, that’s weird. Those are dangerous.

South Carolina

Charleston County is it.


Shelby County

Virginia—this is like almost two and a half pages of just in Virginia.

Milwaukee County

Dane County
Winnebago Correctional Center—yeah, I would avoid that usually.

In Wyoming

Teton County

And that’s it. But other than that, your good, America. You’re really really good.


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So, just avoid those counties because it looks like Venezuelan prison gangs are possibly headed your way. But, don’t worry about it.

You know, I’d like to know when somebody is going to go to jail. I would like to know when our country decides to say, you know what? George Soros is not welcome here. He is a criminal. He has done everything he can with his money and now his son is doing everything he can with his Dad’s money to destroy the West.

I mean, when are we going to start taking a stand on people who have clearly destroyed America.

This is not a Donald Trump problem. This isn’t even a Joe Biden problem.

This is a WEF, UN problem. This is what they are doing do collapse the West into one global government. They are doing this to all of our countries.

Donald Trump said, “I don’t have a problem not paying the UN.”

I would like to usher everybody out of the building of the UN. After all, we built it with our money and just, you know.

Either cutting that part of the island off of New York and just shoving it into the sea, or, I don’t know, using it, using it to house migrants would be really good.

That is a very large building. We could make it into migrant housing and that would be appropriate.

I mean, the country is at a place now to where we need radical change. We have to have radical change.

We have to get out of these UN agreements that are just nothing, but death notices nailed to all of our doors. They are killing the West.

We have to get our Federal Reserve under control. We have to gut our Intelligence.

We have to absolutely close down and board up the Department of State. State Department is one of the biggest problems. So, gut it, completely gut it and start all over again.

I mean almost all of these agencies. That is the kind of change that is needed if you want to save the country.

And the problem is, is you don’t even know where the infection is.


Do you see what Venezuela has done? And they bring everything to the United States now, taking your houses. They are going to take your money and what Beck said, the government wants to take everything.


A couple of things that I want to touch here with Carol Roth. She is our economics guru. She is a former investment banker and also the author of a fantastic book, You Will Own Nothing.

Let me just say this, Carol, how weird is it when we first started talking about this idea that you’ll own nothing. You know, we had theories on how they could get us there, but now its all happening. And you can clearly see how every American will be broke if we don’t turn around from this. It’s terrifying, isn’t it?


It sure is and certainly when I wrote, You Will Own Nothing, like you said, a lot of these things were predictions. You did the same with The Great Reset and we kind of saw the writing on the wall, saw what had happened in history and were able to project that out.

One of the things that I talked about was potentially the biggest government wealth confiscation of all time which is the government coming after something called “Unrealized Gains,”




…as well as potentially retirement accounts. And now we’ve seen that as proposal, first from the Biden administration and now the continuation with Harris for the next four years.

And so this really was meant to be a warning and we have to do something about this Glenn.


Okay, this is something that is coming from Kamala Harris. She wants price controls, which is Communist and unrealized gain, taxes on these.

Which means clearly if your house goes up. Let’s say your house goes up a hundred thousand dollars.

You are going to have to pay twenty-five percent of that increase that year. So you will have to shell out, or is it ten percent? I can’t remember. Ten percent?


Well, she said, I think I believe it was something like twenty-five percent actually.


Yes, I thought so.


But to be clear, she said, of course this is only going to be for people who have lots of money.

And as we know everything starts out with the people who have lots of money. They have the lawyers and the tax shelters and whatnots. This is clearly going after the middle and working class.

And what you said, Glenn, that is even more scary is if your house goes up a hundred thousand dollars according to whom?

According to an estimate on Zillow? According to the IRS? According to a counsel that includes AOC and Kamala Harris? That is part of the issue.

When something is an unrealized gain, it is theoretical because you have not realized that.

Things change and that means it can go up and go down. Notice that they are not talking about crediting you for any unrealized losses.

They don’t want to give any money back; they just want to establish a price at any point in time and this can affect your home and it can affect stocks and it can affect all kinds of assets. Everything.


Everything. Everything. So, here’s the thing. Now, America please listen to this.

To get you to a place to where you own nothing, all they have to do is tax you an additional twenty-five thousand dollars on an unrealized gain for your house.

So, what does that mean? If you have to pay that, you are going to have to sell something. Because you just can’t cough up twenty-five grand.

So, what do you do? Do you sell your house so you can pay that gain? You will sell stuff to be able to afford the taxes which in the end means you will own nothing.


Yes, and who is going to come in and swoop in and buy that home that you have to put up for sell? Do you want to guess?

It will be Wall Street who has gotten into the home buying game. This didn’t exist before 2010, and now with all of the free money they had access to for almost 15 years, they are flushed with cash.

They can come in. They don’t need to do a walk through. They don’t need to get the financing terms.

We know that they continue to buy a substantial portion of all the new homes that are listed and more and more of those homes are going to be rented and not owned, which by the way, is the biggest asset on American’s balance sheet.


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There is no protection for you. The only protection that you can do, get out all your retirement now, everything out of the bank, cash out your life insurance, get every penny you got.

Put it in silver. Then put silver into land. And then turn land to be your food supply line. That is what the cabal is planning to do. Take everything from you.

And I can tell you, in the Bible, in the beginning, you are to be next to the soil.

You can say I don’t want to do that. It’s coming. The immediate things you can do is get every penny wherever you got immediately, turn it to silver.

You can’t procrastinate. You just heard all the messages Our Lady said about satan destroying everything. It’s in front of your face.

It is amazing to me that people are still thinking they are keeping their 401k. A lot of people are going to be crying because they waited too long.

What is going on in Century Silver now?


We actually have a lot of new people coming to Century Silver these days. Some of that is just people that we sent mail to in the past who are finally now feeling the pressure and giving us a call.

But a lot of people recently have been ordering the booklets and the CDs from us at ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred at a time and giving them out to as many people as possible. So we are hearing from a lot of new people.

But I wanted to mention just one term that floats around out there in the precious metals world, something you said, a Friend of Medjugorje made me think about this.

And some of you may have heard this but it is good to explain it to those maybe who don’t quite think about it this way, but there is a term out there called “counter party risk.”

And that means the risk that the other party in a transaction won’t fulfill their obligation.

So, for example, if you have money in the bank, the counter party to you is the bank and there is a counter party risk that the bank may not give you your money.

So think about that in terms of a bank, your 401k or your stock market account or if you own some physical precious metals at a depository far away somewhere.

There is an increasing and growing counter party risk that is out there and the only, the only asset that has zero counter party risk is the asset that you have physically in your hands or under your roof.

So, ie., silver that you own physically under your roof or the soil that is literally underneath your feet, the house that you are living in. Those things have zero counter party risk. But all these things that people believe that are going to be there and that the other party is going to do right by you, those things are not going to exist in the future.

There are so many models and so many examples of collapse, societal collapse in history. But what is going to happen in our time and a Friend of Medjugorje has explained this through the messages, we are like no other time in history.

Yes, we mirror the collapse of Rome. But we are going to see things and things are already happening that don’t fit the models that exist.

And you better get out from underneath counter party risk right now. Get all of your money out of the markets. Put it under your roof in physical silver, Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round.


The biggest gimmick that is going now and many people are falling into it, that you don’t have to pay your taxes. You can put it out into a precious metal IRA.

See, they put it in a safe somewhere. Do you think you are going to get that whenever it crashes? It’s a gimmick. It’s a lie.

They are stealing your money, your silver or your gold on the gimmick that you don’t have to pay taxes. I guarantee you they don’t even have it all there. So what do you say about that?


Well actually, we have a lot to say about that because for years we offered it as an option. But we tell people now, do not do that. It is possible.

But just like a Friend of Medjugorje said, the depository is far away from you and actually a Friend of Medjugorje told me a couple of weeks ago, call one of these IRA people. Ask them. Ask them all these questions. Where is it? Is it really there? Is there any risk that I’m not going to get it?

And I did. I called one of these companies that you hear on the radio and they actually said to me, “Don’t worry. There is no risk. There is no counter party risk with a precious metals IRA. It’s physically there.”

But it is an outright lie. The very fact that it is not under your roof.

You are relying on the depository; you are relying on those people to go to work when things fall apart and literally risk their lives to get your silver out and ship it to you or drive it to you or send it in the post office.

They are not going to risk their lives. They simply are not going to do it. When everything falls apart, everybody goes home and takes care of their family. You have a hundred percent counter party risk there.

I know a Friend of Medjugorje said this before, its worth repeating again.

You think you are saving money on taxes. I’m going to save twenty percent; I’m going to save thirty percent.

You are going to lose a hundred percent. What is better? Keeping sixty-five or seventy percent and getting it under your roof? Or pretending to save on taxes and losing one hundred percent.

You are going to be sick. And I remember an example he gave years ago. And he played a clip. There were people killing themselves after the stock market crashed in 1929. What would you do if you found out that a hundred percent of your wealth was gone tomorrow, and you can’t get it?


Did you ask them can you go see it?


Yeah, I mean, in theory…


There may be some there, but not all of it.


In theory it’s all there. In theory you can go see it. But the entire precious metals market is subject to manipulation.

The whole thing, there are supposedly hundreds of millions of ounces in vaults in London that supposedly exist, and you can probably go see it if you are a big enough player. But we don’t believe it is there.

And again, even if it is, you can’t get it when things fall apart rapidly. There are migrant gangs, like you mentioned, taking over hotels and apartment complexes.

People know where these depositories are. It’s the big boys and they’ve got insurance right now and they say we’ll cover you.

When things fall apart and the currency collapses, you don’t want an insurance payment. You don’t want cash. And that insurance company may not even exist anymore.

So, your counter party risk is super high. But it goes down to zero if you put it under your own roof.


A well. A few acres. A house. If you’ve got enough money to just do that now, if you want to stay where you are in the city.

A First Grader can reason out to that and it really amazes me that people do not follow Our Lady’s words. Everything is going to change. You heard all these messages in the beginning. She is giving you everything you need to protect yourself.


We’d like to finish by just offering one example of something that happened recently about a month or two ago.

A lady called us and she said her husband and her have been talking about their wealth and how they are going to deal with it and they actually have, right now, and have had for years a precious metals IRA.

But she has been talking to her husband about pulling it out of there and putting it into the physical Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round and getting it shipped to their home.

So we’ve been talking to them about this for about a month or two. It is something that they’ve had for a long time.

But she called just two days ago and said, hey we are actually in the steps of making this happen right now. They are going to cash out their precious metals IRA. Get that converted through Century Silver into the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round.

They are going to take a hit on it. They know it and she said its worth it and we’re going to do it.  Because they understand now that that supposed silver out there in the depository somewhere doesn’t mean a lot when things fall apart.

So they are taking the steps right now to get that hundred percent converted into the physical Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round.

A Friend of Medjugorje has used this word for years, metanoia. Change of heart. A change of your mentality.

Start thinking. Start thinking differently and start thinking smarter. Just reason out these steps. He always says, come reason with Me says the Lord.

What are you going to do when things fall apart? Are you driving 500 miles to get it? Does that guy at the depository literally going to risk his life to protect your silver? Absolutely not.

The people that work at the depositories have kids too. So, they are not going to risk their lives to protect your silver and they might be the ones to take it. They’ve got the codes. They’ve got the keys.

I mean, you’ve just got, like I said, start thinking differently and reasoning through this stuff.

If people are starving and people are scared, they are going to take care of their own and they are going to take from you. You are going to lose it.

And just to close with this one last thought. I think I said that before, but maybe this is our second last thought from Century Silver.

What we are seeing more and more of now is people are moving and changing their mentalities and moving their thoughts to getting these retirement accounts out and cashing them out for physical silver.

We’ve had people do a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, six hundred thousand.

We’ve been talking to a guy right now with 1.2 million. And we know there are bigger fish out there too.

And often time the people with the most money are the hardest to convince because it is the system itself that has helped them make those gains.

But people are really changing their mentalities now and what you don’t want to do is wait until everybody tries to do it at once because there is going to be a major, major production backlog in silver and there is going to come a point where you can’t get it.


One thing that you can do is spread this broadcast to families, friends. You can call and order and get this CD. Help people get their heads out of the ground.


To contact us at Century Silver Exchange, call us at 877-9367-686. That’s 877-936-7686.


What you just heard from Beck, there is no way out except what Our Lady’s messages has told us. There is going to be a lot of people regret they did not take the steps.

Remember Caritas. If we don’t get donations from you, we cannot send out the materials and the projects and continue this mission. Its massive.

I want to end with a message.

March 25, 1988

“…God loves you with such a great love. Because of it He permits me to be with you…”

Our Lady was here around that time.

“…permits me to be with you so I can instruct you and help you to find the way of peace…”

You just heard a broadcast that shows God send Her to have another outlet for this place here to propagate the messages in a way that She was not able to do until She came here. Pray for this mission. Support what Our Lady has established.

We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Goodnight.


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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.

This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.


Century Silver Exchange is a For-Profit Subsidiary of Caritas. It bears its own expenses and pays income taxes on any earnings. If there are earnings left over at year end, it may make a dividend donation to Caritas to further its mission efforts


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

1 thought on “This is Not Real”

  1. Yu-Ning Rose-Mary Kuo

    City: Taipei
    State: Taipei
    Country: Taiwan
    Thank you for uploading this talk of Mr. Trump here at this station. Otherwise, we would never have the chance to hear the complete content of this awesome talk made by the servant of God, Mr. Trump. Exactly as Fr. Elias Mary said in an earlier interview. Mr. Trump is daring to voice out the truth many nations of the world refused to voice out. I could feel that after the first assassination, Mr. Trump has become braver in voicing out the truth in an even clearer term. Mr. Trump has told us more truth than we could hear from mainstream media. A Friend of Medjugorje, thank you for taking the lead of doing so many prayers and fasting that we follow suit to our best ability. Mr. Trump and A Friend of Medjugorje, hope comes from the US of A. May God bless the USA and protect her. May God bless and protect A Friend of Medjugorje and his entire household. May God send the powerful Nine Choirs of Angels to protect Mr. Trump and his entire household to the best areas possible.

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1 thought on “This is Not Real”

  1. Yu-Ning Rose-Mary Kuo

    City: Taipei
    State: Taipei
    Country: Taiwan
    Thank you for uploading this talk of Mr. Trump here at this station. Otherwise, we would never have the chance to hear the complete content of this awesome talk made by the servant of God, Mr. Trump. Exactly as Fr. Elias Mary said in an earlier interview. Mr. Trump is daring to voice out the truth many nations of the world refused to voice out. I could feel that after the first assassination, Mr. Trump has become braver in voicing out the truth in an even clearer term. Mr. Trump has told us more truth than we could hear from mainstream media. A Friend of Medjugorje, thank you for taking the lead of doing so many prayers and fasting that we follow suit to our best ability. Mr. Trump and A Friend of Medjugorje, hope comes from the US of A. May God bless the USA and protect her. May God bless and protect A Friend of Medjugorje and his entire household. May God send the powerful Nine Choirs of Angels to protect Mr. Trump and his entire household to the best areas possible.

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