City: New Braunfels
State: TX
Country: USA
Sweet Caritas Family,
Thank you for this informative broadcast.
Poor Pope Francis is sleepwalking in a nightmare and needs to
be “awakened” from these so called dreams. Our Lady constantly asks us to pray for all of our shepherds, so I am going to have Masses said for Pope Francis the first, to beg Our Lord and Angel Gabriel to come to him in a dream while he is sleeping, and reveal clearly to him the error of his ways. Our Lady said the Holy Mass is the “Perfect” prayer. I encourage everyone to have a Mass said in your local Parish for the enlightenment of Pope Francis intentions.
God Bless you all.
Love and miss you, Karen
October 21, 2021
The “We Demand Movement”
(34 Minutes) – What is going on in the church? A Friend of Medjugorje talks about some big statements that Pope Francis made and that you need to know about – and how to understand them. A Friend of Medjugorje’s words help us to understand what is going on in the church.
Episode Transcript
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
I like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love. Grow apple trees and honeybees and snow-white turtle doves. I like to teach the world to sing (sing with me) in perfect harmony (perfect harmony). I like to buy the world a coat and keep it company. (That’s the reason) I like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. I like to buy the world a coat and keep it company.
It’s the real thing. What the world wants today is the real thing. What the world wants today is the real thing.
Of course, that’s 1973, when the hippies wanted the world to be their way and you had to come to their thinking. And this song was very, very popular. And they had their dreamy ideas that the whole world would be together. The world has never been together. The only unifying, if you want to call it principle, is Christianity. The whole basis of Christianity is about witness. Jesus’ last words said, “Be My witness to the ends of the world.” It’s that simple. It’s not through meetings, not through committees, and certainly not dialogue. It’s how you are, how you live. That attracts people.
This dreamy song came in the midst of more and more division, because this is what the devil says. “Oh, let’s get along with everybody. Let’s fraternize with people. Let’s dialogue with them. Let’s rub shoulders with them.” We went downhill, and we’ve been going that way since. “Live and let live.” Uh-uh. That’s not the way it is. If you’re Christian, you’re going to be following Our Lady. You want to convict people. You want them to think. You don’t want them to dream. You want them to be challenged by the word of God, of which Our Lady’s messages are, because She said, “…to listen to my messages…” because they are conveyed from God.
Pope Francis just addressed the Fifth World Meeting of Popular Movements.
“The event was to seek and discuss and share the ongoing social struggles and propose new forms and actions to defend workers and rights and overcoming structural causes of poverty and injustice.”
Judas. It’s what Judas talked about. Jesus said, “The poor always will be with you.”
So, when the pope started addressing these people, he started off and said,
“This is what I like to call you: social poets…”
Because there’s different trades, builders, street vendors, etc. Which, I don’t buy a lot of that.
“The meeting was to bring together activists, from the most marginalized communities of society…”
So, you think this was working people? No, these are people looking for handouts. The Church is sick with this cancer. I’ve told you before, it’s not social justice. It’s Biblical justice. I saw this in the 70s. I objected to it when this whole philosophy started growing, saying, “Oh, it’s just Church teachings.” No, it was not, and it is not now today.
So, Francis says to the poets,
“With your hands, you know how to shape the dignity of each person of families and of society as a whole, with land, housing, work, care and community.”
In other words, they want you to give that to them.
This growing socialism in the United States of America comes from the member of the Catholic Church who’s indoctrinated with this garbage. The free market is Christian. This is what Jesus taught. And those in the free market can help the poor.
Almost from the beginning, the pope says, “We need to dialogue with one another.” That’s what the devil told Eve in the Garden of Eden. “Talk to me.” God said, “Don’t go near that Tree. Don’t talk. You’re supposed to stay away from it.” There is always a principle to try to surround any big, strong voice, to use that voice and to manipulate power that has a voice.
Jimmy Carter didn’t do anything. He didn’t make any decisions. He had people around him, and they told him what to do. Biden has the same thing happening to him right now.
So, these people surround, to get their voice heard, to go through the pope, to the bishops, to the CEOs, whoever.
So, Francis says, “We have to dialogue.” Oh, is that really? How about us imposing mandates, not on vaccines, but on excommunication, for lawmakers who make lawful laws for abortion? He who votes and makes that law has all abortions, meaning every abortion, makes him a murderer. Biden, Supreme Court Justice Roberts, Nancy Pelosi, and the whole gang of them! Here is Francis is venturing in these areas. He’s going to be meeting Biden in the next week or two or so, and he just had a real smiling meeting with Pelosi last week. You don’t talk to the devil. You will not win. You never would.
So, Francis goes through this whole meeting, addressing them, talking about the environment, climate change, all these garbage. I debunked this thing completely in 2007 in the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. And in that book, I spelled out exactly what’s happened now. It’s fourteen years ago! And there’s a whole chapter saying that the whole movement of global warming, when the feminazis failed, they were over. So, they realized, “We have to go something global.” They infiltrated the Catholic Church and revived the whole movement. That’s why we have a situation now. So, they said, climate change—back then, they were saying global warming—“We have to go through the Catholic Church.”
So, in this talk, Francis is talking about “ecocidal” and “genocidal.” See, they have to change the words. Verbiage is everything. That’s why the devil always says, “We’ve got to dialogue,” because they’re going to bring you to their side. He talks about the Scriptures. He talks about when Jesus was going to feed the five thousand. He said, that crowd was hungry, and Jesus told the Apostles, “Give them some food yourselves.” And Jesus did the miracle. Francis adds the words, saying, in regard to the crowd, “…struggling tirelessly. They would not have to go out without bread…” See, the social justice comes out. These people were being fed by Jesus’ word. They didn’t care about eating. It’d be nice. Nobody left. They could have left two hours later. You’ve been at talks. You’ve been someplace. You get hungry. You go get a hotdog at the football game. You leave. These people were mesmerized. They weren’t thinking about eating. That’s not what happened there. The fact that five thousand men, not counting women and children, nobody left, because they were getting the food from Heaven, straight from Jesus Christ. See how they tweak these things? “struggling tirelessly.” “Oh, we’re laying down,” they’re all asleep. They’re slobbering and stuff, thinking of eating grass. This is sickening. Maybe funny the way I’m saying it, but think about that? These people sat there all day, and they knew they had to eat. They were willing to not eat anything. They weren’t looking for a handout, and Jesus didn’t give this to them as a handout. He did it for a miracle to convert them.
Those of you who just finished the 9-day bread and water fast with us, we just went nine days. We can reason out they didn’t drive there in a car. They walked there from their houses and villages. They could go home and do that. Jesus didn’t have to do that. It’s not a social thing. It’s a conversion thing.
So, Francis goes in this whole dialogue, saying,
“Let us all dream a new world together. How different things would be…”
And he says again, “…to dream together.”
He talks about mining, oil, forestry, real estates, agri-business, destroying the forests, wetlands, the mountains. The earth is resilient. God put minerals there for us. He put oil there for us. Yes, you can say there’s greed things happening with that, but the point’s not being made that way. This is the invasion, into the Church, using the voice of the Church, the pope himself, to destroy the world and to control it, through climate change, get all the countries paying taxes, to enslave the whole world. He doesn’t get it. He’s like a Jimmy Carter. Yes, he’s the pope. I accept that. God put him there. God put Obama where he was to make us wake up. There is a certain level of tolerance that you’ll live with until something gets so intolerant, you’ve got to react to it.
This is why I’m going through this. The pope is off the track on this. Who am I to say that? Well, Pope Benedict says, “You don’t have to agree with me on just war. You don’t have to agree with me on the death penalty.” Benedict said that. Everybody thinks because the pope says it, you’ve got to agree with it. You don’t. Even big issues like that. But Benedict added to that, “You do have to agree with me on abortion. You do have to agree with me on marriage between one man and a woman.”
To make another point to make this clear, what I’m saying, Pope Benedict said,
“The greatest persecution of the Church does not come from the outside enemies, but arises from the sin in the Church.”
He was prophetic. And that’s why I said the Church is sick, because he foretold the Church is going to be sick.
So, don’t tell me I can’t say what I’m saying because I’m not following social justice. I’m following Our Lady’s messages. Everything Francis talked about contradicts everything Our Lady talks about. He’s bringing in all these answers. You know how he wants to get to it? He doesn’t get to it, because their arguments, his dialogue, is empty. There’s nothing there. He says,
“In the Name of God, I ask arms manufacturers and dealers to completely stop their activities because it foments violence and war.”
There was something last week, I don’t know whether it was in Sweden or someplace, Denmark. They killed five people with a bow and arrow. And you know what? If we have to do that, we have to go back to the beginning of civilization and tell Cain, “You can’t use that rock to kill your brother.” This is a stupid statement.
“…I ask arms manufacturers and dealers to completely stop their activities because it foments violence and war.”
Are we going to look at this, a half glass full or a half glass empty? How many wars have we won? Look what the atomic bomb did. It saved lives. It was so horrendous that it stopped everything.
He talks about the spread of hate speech. Give me a break. What does Jesus say? Turn your cheek. You want to call me a wop? I’m Italian? That doesn’t bother me. That’s your problem. None of these words to different people, different races…It’s not bad words. What makes the bad word…You can call somebody a dingbat. It don’t mean nothing. But if you sit there and say that with hatred, you’re spitting out of your mouth, you’re angry, that’s sinful.
So, whatever word you say with hate, that is wrong. But all this stupid stuff we talk about and hear about, saying hate speech, it contradicts the principles of Christianity.
Going back to the wop, somebody comes up on to me and calls me a wop because I’m Italian, I say, “That’s your problem.” Even if they do it with hate. Doesn’t bother me. It’s your sin. That’s the answer. What principle is that from Jesus? He says, if they want your coat, give it to them. They want to say something to you? Okay. It doesn’t bother me. People are going to jail for this. They’re losing jobs because they called somebody a name. Jesus called the Canaanite woman a dog! So, you better be indicting Jesus Christ Himself if you believe and you accept this. See, it’s all dialogue. It’s all the word.
Francis said,
“You have to be servants of the people who demand land, who demand work, who demand housing and a good living…”
To make it accurate, he says, may they be servants of the people who demand land, work, housing and good living.
So, then he comes up with the answer. He didn’t go to Our Lady of Medjugorje. He goes back to what he started with. He said,
“To undermine all these things and to nullify it, our poetic capacity, the capacity to dream together.”
So, he’s going to nullify this and undermine it by dreaming.
“…the capacity to dream together…”
Then he says,
“…Let us dream together…”
How nice. We’re going to dream this.
“…Sisters and brothers, let us dream together. I want to add some reflections on the future, that we must dream and build. I say ‘reflections’ because I ought to say ‘dreams,’ because right now, our brains and hands are not enough…”
So, you’ve got to start dreaming. We’re going to dream the world back into justice? This is really embarrassing. If you’re on the sidewalk,
“Hey, Bob. I haven’t seen you in a year.”
He says, “Yeah. I haven’t seen you.”
He says, “You know, I know you’re a Catholic, aren’t you?”
“Well, what do you think about that Pope Francis of y’all’s?”
“Oh, he’s a dreamer! He’s going to change everything by dreams!”
“Bob, where are you going? Where are you going, Bob?”
So, Francis says,
“…I ought to say ‘dreams’ because right now, our brains and hands are not enough. We also need our hearts and our imagination…”
So, we’ve got dreams and now, imaginations. Then, he says,
“…We need to dream!…”
I want to say something to you. You heard that song in the beginning. The pope has a drinking problem. He’s drinking too many Coca-Colas. He’s believing, “We’re just going hold hands together and we’re going to bring the whole world together.” Our Lady’s not saying that! Our Lady’s got every answer we need for every problem we have.
This is ten pages, almost five thousand words. Not even a hint of Our Lady of Medjugorje, Who, for forty years, has said, “This is the map. The devil’s going to destroy the world. It’s divided to pieces. Everybody’s turning against each other. This is the answer: My messages, because they are conveyed from God.” Listen to them, and don’t change one word in those messages.
When we had an apartment next to the Vatican, I knew one of the major archivists in the Vatican. He would come over to our apartment. We’d eat lunch. And he would say, “Today, I had a letter in my hand from Abraham Lincoln to the pope.” It’s fascinating.
Maybe I can say a lot of what I say because I was so close to different things that gave me cognition to say what I’m saying now. And there was this idea I had a long time ago that the Vatican knew everything, everything going on. And they were so thorough about what they did. And they investigated. They knew everything. I tell you what, they’re out of touch. The hierarchy is out of touch with us. And those who are following Our Lady, we know more than they do, far more than they do in the Vatican.
You say, “Well, how can I say that?” Is that arrogant? I’m telling you, I know it. I’ve been there. We had an apartment for three years, and that apartment, I just stepped right across the street, went right there in the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. And we walked across the Square in the mornings. And you know who would pass at seven o’clock in the morning, walking to his apartment? It was Ratzinger, the future pope. I’d say hi. He’d say hi.
So, I’m saying these things because I’ve got a background to see things and understand things, coupled with the messages, how sick we are. The Church is very, very sick, and it’s infiltrated with some bad, bad people. And not necessarily the people that hold the position. It’s the curtain that surrounds that power.
So, we’ve got this document that doesn’t even come close…I read the whole thing—five thousand words—to see if I could find anything close to the messages of Our Lady. It was all social justice, how we were going to do this and how we’re going to change.
He continues…I’m skipping down some pages.
“Let us dream together because it was precisely the dreams of equality and justice and dignity, the dreams of fraternity that improved the world.”
No. The fraternity of united in the world is Our Lady’s messages. “No, but we’ve got a better idea. We’re going to dream ourselves into peace and close to God.” Dream, dream, dream. How sweet. This is so much sugar. This is beautiful.
Dream, dream, dream, dream. Dream, dream, dream, when I feel blue. All I have to do is dream.
Only trouble is, gee wiz, I’m dreaming my life away.
Dream, dream, dream, dream. Dream, dream, dream, dream. Dream, dream, dream, dream.
He doesn’t stop there. He says,
“I am convinced…”
See, who convinced him? The curtain of power? He’s saying right there,
“I am convinced, when we look through these dreams, we will find God’s own dreams for us all…”
Wow. God has Ten Commandments. That’s not a dream. There are certain mandates that we have to live as Christians. Not dreams. Dream, dream, dream.
All I have to…All I have to…
“…Let us dream together. Dream among yourselves. Dream with others…”
All I have to…All I have to…
Francis says,
“…You’re capable of going beyond short-sighted self-justification that achieves nothing but continuing to justify things as they are. Dream…”
He says again.
All I have to…All I have to…
He continues,
“…Dream together…”
All I have to…All I have to…
He says,
“…Dreams are always dangerous for those who defend the status quo because they challenge the paralysis that the egoism of the strong and the conformism. Dream…”
All I have to…All I have to…
He says,
“…Dreams transcend the narrow limits imposed on us and suggests possible new worlds to us…”
All I have to…All I have to…
So, he’s saying, “Don’t think to implement things. Don’t change things. Just dream.”
All I have to…All I have to…
“Don’t follow the messages of Our Lady to heal the Church, to change the world.” No. He says,
“…But to dream of that good living in harmony with all humanity and creation…”
All I have to…All I have to…
He says, in regards to resignation, in other words, letting things go,
“…Such resignation destroys us and substitutes the isolation of every man for himself. And so, we must dream…”
All I have to…All I have to…
And here’s a real dream. I mean, I’m talking, this is a real dream. He says,
“…I think of the Good Samaritan. Do you know what comes to my mind? The protests over the death of George Floyd. It is clear that this is the type of reactions against social, racial and macho injustice can be manipulated or exploited…”
How about that dream?
All I have to…All I have to…
He relates to George Floyd,
“…The popular movements are not only social poets but also collective Samaritans…”
So, all those people who protest are Samaritans.
And then, he says,
“…I want to offer you some guidelines…”
Finally, we’ve got our answers. We’ve got them coming to us. Our Lady of Medjugorje. Maybe he’s going to come up with this. Maybe he’s going to come up with this. Maybe he’s going to look at what She’s saying. He says,
“…I want to offer some guidelines…”
“…The social teachings of the Church does not have all the answers…”
The real dream is Medjugorje, and that’s the answer, Pope Francis, and you’ve got all authority to tell all the cardinals and bishops and priests of the world to implement this. That’s what’s going to fix it. Not some stupid dream.
“…What must we do?…”
And he answers his question, saying,
“…I do not have the answer. And so, we must dream together and find it together…”
Here’s one part of the solution. He says,
“…A basic income or salary that everyone in the world may have access to basic necessities of life…”
He’s talking about a guaranteed income, a guaranteed house, guaranteed land, which is un-Christian.
After discussing there’s got to be a minimum income to everybody across the world, he says that,
“…The reduction of working days is another possibility…”
And he says,
“…For those who are working…”
He says, quote,
“…I insist working fewer hours so that more people can have access to the labor market…”
In other words, the guys that are working eight hours, take four hours, and he’s off, and then get somebody else and get four hours.
I’m speechless. Totally speechless. This is our pope! And everybody gets to work four hours, take off and go golf or whatever, and then giving four more hours to somebody who’s not working.
Just play it again, Sam, because that’s a dream.
All I have to…All I…All I have to…All I have to…have to…have to…All I have to…All I have to do is dream.
He says,
“…The United States has tried to establish the United Nations…”
Which is an evil organization,
“…has tried to establish some targets through so-called sustainable developments. But fortunately, they are not well-known by the people…”
We have studied this. Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping is all about this. It is evil, and it’s to set up exactly what the pope’s calling for right now.
“…Build a lasting peace based on social justice…”
It’s already built, and that’s why we’re in trouble. And that’s the cancer. I’m telling you. This is a cancer in every diocese across the world. Social justice is very evil, and it’s straight from the devil. There’s no Biblical justice in it.
So, he ends, saying,
“…Continue to dream together. And thank you, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you for letting me dream with you. Let us ask God to pour out His blessing out on our dreams.”
Not on your work. Not on your labor. Holy work, toiling the soil. All of which you want blessings over. Our Lady gave a message, “Before you work, ask for God’s blessing. When you end your work at the end of the day, ask for His blessing.” But Francis ends this, saying,
“…Let us ask God to pour out His blessing on our dreams.”
Dream, dream, dream, dream. Dream, dream, dream, when I feel blue. All I have to do is dream.
Only trouble is, gee wiz, I’m dreaming my life away.
Dream, dream, dream, dream. Dream, dream, dream, dream. Dream, dream, dream, dream.
Let me tell you what a dream is. Forty years, Our Lady has never said the word, “dream” except one time.
August 25, 1994
“…I pray and intercede before my Son, Jesus, so that the dream that your fathers had may be fulfilled…”
What was their dreams? About our nation, that they would propagate goodness, not socialism, to make the world better. Don’t think the Declaration of Independence is not sacred, nor our Constitution.
If you go to Washington, every night, it goes underground in a vault that a bomb can’t even destroy it. Why? Because it’s sacred. It’s the dreams of our fathers that manifested of where we are now. And Our Lady comes now, to us, telling us the words, how to live the dream. Not some fantasy, but reality.
This gathering of, quote, “Popular Movement” to forge dignity, is a farce. The dream for the world today that is a reality, is Our Lady came to the earth and blessed every single person on the earth, and that’s where we’re following, versus what you just heard. And I say versus, because if Our Lady could correct the world through the Church, She would have done it. And that’s why you are an apostle. That’s why you are called, repeatedly, for forty years, “…Thank you…” Our Lady tells you, not for dreaming, but, thanking you for responding to Her call. We are to take action. We are not to be silent. We are not to accept Chief Justice Roberts, Biden, all these people. They are excommunicated. The officials in the Church need to act upon it. We demand it. Not free housing. We demand to protect our home, our Church that we love. What’s being done with the Catholic Church, don’t let the devil drive you away from it, because it’s on your shoulders to save it.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night. Sweet dreams.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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16 thoughts on “The “We Demand Movement””
City: Clovis
State: CA
Country: United States
Thank you! We know who our true north star is. I pray for all of our Shepherds. May God fill them with the Holy Spirit. No dreams! Just the truth of the Gospel. -
City: Neptune City
State: NJ
Country: USA
This is the incident that really revealed to me what was in heart of Pope Francis. On the feast day of our Lady of Fatima 2020, instead of the Vatican issuing a coin with our Blessed Mother on it and honoring her, they chose instead to issue a coin with “mother earth” . I just thought what a slap in the face to our Lady! Very revealing. -
City: Plano
State: tx
Country: usa
I’ve been “uneasy” about this Holy Father for some time. Because of that “worry” and concern, I have CLUNG to the Blessed Mother and her teachings for 40 years, and have followed your apostolic actions that have been so powerful and successful. You have the “guts” (Pardon my boldness) to state the truth, and explain confusing matters. My love and devotion to the Mother, has led me to become a secular Carmelite, and dedicate my life to her plea: “pray, pray, pray”; I have sent out her monthly messages to all, even those who I am not sure believe, nevertheless, they get the messages and I pray. My devotional Carmelite name is “of the Good Shepherd”, and the Mother has led me to a deep love for Him and belief that He is in charge! He does NOT dream. he leads powerfully and correctly, approving His Mother’s messages. Yes, our beloved church is in trouble, with clinging to the correct Magisterium, and living her messages, we will prevail. I cling trustingly to Jesus ‘s words: “…the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against my church”. Thank you for your fighting spirit on her behalf.-
City: Clovis
State: California
Country: United States
City: Rio Rancho
State: New Mexico
Country: United States
“Whoever is ashamed of Me and of My Words in this faithless and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of when He comes in His Father’s glory with the Holy angels.” We continue to pray for pope and all church leaders who have been lead astray by satan’s lies. For our families, ourselves, the nation and the world. “Be prepared my children.” This is still Her time leading us back to our Lord. Be vigilant…Thank you FOM and Caritas -
City: Liverpool
Country: Uk
Only recently I read Pope Francis was a great believer of the Fatima messages… can he ignore their continuation?
I shall keep the Holy Father in my “dreams”
Thankyou FOM for keeping it real x-
City: Clovis
State: California
Country: United States
I would keep him in prayer, with all our shepherds. Especially, those who are diminishing Our Lord’s True presence in the Eucharist and Our Lady’s messages. Vigano has also said, that we should resist any action in the church that complies with the Covid agenda. It is time that we listen to the Holy Spirit, more than our pastors. Maybe even more than our “Pope”. Archbishop Vigano does not even address Francis as Pope. I think FOM said, at one time, that Vigano is related to Marija by marriage. For myself, I chose to side with Vigano. But, I will still pray for Francis.
City: Bristol
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: United Kingdom
Our Lady said: “The Holy Father will have much to suffer”, not that he was no longer the Pope, but that he would have much to suffer.My thinking is this will be when he realises Medjugorje is true and as the earthly Head of the Catholic Church he has missed all these years of opportunity to bring Our Lady to the people. Such a position of authority that he could have spread Our Lady’s messages to the whole world. Yes I think he will suffer great remorse when he wakes up and realises that he is missing the greatest thing that is happening on this earth in two millenia.
A Friend of Medjugorje said to your comment:
My friend, you are right because Our Lady said this would happen:
August 25, 1997
“…soon a time will come when you will ‘lament’ for these messages…”
City: Ridgeville
State: SC
Country: United States
Thank you for this excellent broadcast. It reminded us of the following verses from Sirach 34:
Dreams Mean Nothing
Foolish people are deceived by vain hopes, and dreams get them all excited. A person who pays any attention at all to dreams is like someone who tries to catch shadows or chase the wind. What you see in a dream is no more real than the reflection of your face in a mirror. What is unreal can no more produce something real than what is dirty can produce something clean. Dreams, divination, and omens are all nonsense. You see in them only what you want to see. Unless the Most High has sent you the dream, pay no attention to it. Dreams have misled many people; they put their faith in them, only to be disappointed. The Law is complete without such falsehood. Wisdom, as spoken by the righteous, is also complete without it.-
City: Plano
State: tx
Oh what a perfect response to FOM’s letter! Thank you for that..I have gone and read it and marveled how relevant it is. Thanks from Texas!
Country: Mexico
I went to Holy Mass today and in the gospel that was read at it Jesus say “I came not to bring peace to the world, I came to bring division” (Gospel according to Luke) which I have read since the early morning. Later into the day I continued my reading from Conchita (the great Mexican Mystic ) and in the part I read today (I´ read this book from the beginning, some pages every day) Jesus told her “I´’m tired of false christianism and I want to separate the authentic from the false”. I was thrilled by the coincidence with the gospel that was marked for today. And when I heard your broadcast today, about not dialogue together but separation, it was absolutely stunning, How could it be by chance? WORDS FROM HEAVEN, confirmed three times !!! -
City: Beaumont
State: TX
Country: USA
This is not surprising of the Pope. The Catholic Church will dwindle to remnants but not even the gates of hell will destroy God’s church. And it is very scary how so many people DON’T have at least 1% of spiritual sense. Jesus I trust in you and have mercy on us all. Thank you FOM for the work that you do. -
City: Gibsonia
State: PA
Country: US
Overwhelmed with love and thanks for all of those who are involved with Medjugorie and “Our Friend of Medjugorie”. To know this through them is truly a blessing. Our Lady has truly blessed us! Thank you Our Lady and all involved with Medjugorie!
Prayerfully! Pam -
City: Victoria
Country: Australia
It’s very scary that our Pope isn’t spreading the word of Medjugorje.Keep up these great broadcasts!
16 thoughts on “The “We Demand Movement””
City: New Braunfels
State: TX
Country: USA
Sweet Caritas Family,
Thank you for this informative broadcast.
Poor Pope Francis is sleepwalking in a nightmare and needs to
be “awakened” from these so called dreams. Our Lady constantly asks us to pray for all of our shepherds, so I am going to have Masses said for Pope Francis the first, to beg Our Lord and Angel Gabriel to come to him in a dream while he is sleeping, and reveal clearly to him the error of his ways. Our Lady said the Holy Mass is the “Perfect” prayer. I encourage everyone to have a Mass said in your local Parish for the enlightenment of Pope Francis intentions.
God Bless you all.
Love and miss you, Karen
City: Clovis
State: CA
Country: United States
Thank you! We know who our true north star is. I pray for all of our Shepherds. May God fill them with the Holy Spirit. No dreams! Just the truth of the Gospel.
City: Neptune City
State: NJ
Country: USA
This is the incident that really revealed to me what was in heart of Pope Francis. On the feast day of our Lady of Fatima 2020, instead of the Vatican issuing a coin with our Blessed Mother on it and honoring her, they chose instead to issue a coin with “mother earth” . I just thought what a slap in the face to our Lady! Very revealing.
City: Plano
State: tx
Country: usa
I’ve been “uneasy” about this Holy Father for some time. Because of that “worry” and concern, I have CLUNG to the Blessed Mother and her teachings for 40 years, and have followed your apostolic actions that have been so powerful and successful. You have the “guts” (Pardon my boldness) to state the truth, and explain confusing matters. My love and devotion to the Mother, has led me to become a secular Carmelite, and dedicate my life to her plea: “pray, pray, pray”; I have sent out her monthly messages to all, even those who I am not sure believe, nevertheless, they get the messages and I pray. My devotional Carmelite name is “of the Good Shepherd”, and the Mother has led me to a deep love for Him and belief that He is in charge! He does NOT dream. he leads powerfully and correctly, approving His Mother’s messages. Yes, our beloved church is in trouble, with clinging to the correct Magisterium, and living her messages, we will prevail. I cling trustingly to Jesus ‘s words: “…the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against my church”. Thank you for your fighting spirit on her behalf.
City: Clovis
State: California
Country: United States
City: Rio Rancho
State: New Mexico
Country: United States
“Whoever is ashamed of Me and of My Words in this faithless and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of when He comes in His Father’s glory with the Holy angels.” We continue to pray for pope and all church leaders who have been lead astray by satan’s lies. For our families, ourselves, the nation and the world. “Be prepared my children.” This is still Her time leading us back to our Lord. Be vigilant…Thank you FOM and Caritas
City: Liverpool
Country: Uk
Only recently I read Pope Francis was a great believer of the Fatima messages… can he ignore their continuation?
I shall keep the Holy Father in my “dreams”
Thankyou FOM for keeping it real x
City: Clovis
State: California
Country: United States
I would keep him in prayer, with all our shepherds. Especially, those who are diminishing Our Lord’s True presence in the Eucharist and Our Lady’s messages. Vigano has also said, that we should resist any action in the church that complies with the Covid agenda. It is time that we listen to the Holy Spirit, more than our pastors. Maybe even more than our “Pope”. Archbishop Vigano does not even address Francis as Pope. I think FOM said, at one time, that Vigano is related to Marija by marriage. For myself, I chose to side with Vigano. But, I will still pray for Francis.
City: Bristol
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: United Kingdom
Our Lady said: “The Holy Father will have much to suffer”, not that he was no longer the Pope, but that he would have much to suffer.
My thinking is this will be when he realises Medjugorje is true and as the earthly Head of the Catholic Church he has missed all these years of opportunity to bring Our Lady to the people. Such a position of authority that he could have spread Our Lady’s messages to the whole world. Yes I think he will suffer great remorse when he wakes up and realises that he is missing the greatest thing that is happening on this earth in two millenia.
A Friend of Medjugorje said to your comment:
My friend, you are right because Our Lady said this would happen:
August 25, 1997
“…soon a time will come when you will ‘lament’ for these messages…”
City: Ridgeville
State: SC
Country: United States
Thank you for this excellent broadcast. It reminded us of the following verses from Sirach 34:
Dreams Mean Nothing
Foolish people are deceived by vain hopes, and dreams get them all excited. A person who pays any attention at all to dreams is like someone who tries to catch shadows or chase the wind. What you see in a dream is no more real than the reflection of your face in a mirror. What is unreal can no more produce something real than what is dirty can produce something clean. Dreams, divination, and omens are all nonsense. You see in them only what you want to see. Unless the Most High has sent you the dream, pay no attention to it. Dreams have misled many people; they put their faith in them, only to be disappointed. The Law is complete without such falsehood. Wisdom, as spoken by the righteous, is also complete without it.
City: Plano
State: tx
Oh what a perfect response to FOM’s letter! Thank you for that..I have gone and read it and marveled how relevant it is. Thanks from Texas!
Country: Mexico
I went to Holy Mass today and in the gospel that was read at it Jesus say “I came not to bring peace to the world, I came to bring division” (Gospel according to Luke) which I have read since the early morning. Later into the day I continued my reading from Conchita (the great Mexican Mystic ) and in the part I read today (I´ read this book from the beginning, some pages every day) Jesus told her “I´’m tired of false christianism and I want to separate the authentic from the false”. I was thrilled by the coincidence with the gospel that was marked for today. And when I heard your broadcast today, about not dialogue together but separation, it was absolutely stunning, How could it be by chance? WORDS FROM HEAVEN, confirmed three times !!!
City: Beaumont
State: TX
Country: USA
This is not surprising of the Pope. The Catholic Church will dwindle to remnants but not even the gates of hell will destroy God’s church. And it is very scary how so many people DON’T have at least 1% of spiritual sense. Jesus I trust in you and have mercy on us all. Thank you FOM for the work that you do.
City: Gibsonia
State: PA
Country: US
Overwhelmed with love and thanks for all of those who are involved with Medjugorie and “Our Friend of Medjugorie”. To know this through them is truly a blessing. Our Lady has truly blessed us! Thank you Our Lady and all involved with Medjugorie!
Prayerfully! Pam
City: Victoria
Country: Australia
It’s very scary that our Pope isn’t spreading the word of Medjugorje.
Keep up these great broadcasts!