Can we get this in a cd? Loved it!
January 28, 2025
Make America Great Again and Holy
[Podcast] (90 Minutes) – What happened behind the scenes, in Heaven, to get Trump elected? Is this an isolated event, separate from remarkable things Our Lady has done? With this broadcast, a Friend of Medjugorje traces the genealogy of Our Lady’s actions which have led to this point.
Episode Transcript
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We begin this Special World Report with a dramatic true story that sets the stage for what we are living through at this moment in our nation’s history.
The following is an excerpt from the short book titled, American History You Never Learned, written by a Friend of Medjugorje 32 years ago in 1993.
American History You Never Learned, Introduction:
“The early pioneers came from everywhere to stake the land. They tamed, shaped and built farms as well as cities. But what part did God play in all of this? What about Our Lady? Was there a grand design to all of this? Was Heaven bringing Christianity to a new land? Who was leading this?
“When you look at the founding of Christianity on the American continent and in the founding of this nation—the United States of America—you will always find, right there in the beginning, a common sign. It was the Blessed Virgin Mary.
“Just as satan constantly strives to supress Our Lady’s messages from Medjugorje, he has also done an excellent job of hiding and distorting facts about Our Lady’s leading role in the founding of this land.
“The following may not only surprise you and put joy in your heart, but will also give you goosebumps.
“What you are about to hear is remarkable history which satan does not want you to know.
“Our Lady’s hands have not only been in the founding of this nation, but also, in a most remarkable way, Her path can be traced.
“It is time, through God’s grace, with these types of events and writings, to proclaim this information to our children, teach it in our schools, and to place it in history.”
PART 1: The Time has Come to Reclaim Our Lady’s Land:
“They sailed into the Hudson Bay, up to the Nelson River, to Lake Winnipeg and into the Red River of the North. There, in the beautiful wooded region of Minnesota, they pitched camp. Half the men went hunting, only to return later to find their companions slain and the camp in ashes. They decided to leave, but before doing so, they etched in a stone a few words. It would not be seen until later when a farmer found the stone left by the men in the roots of a 70-year-old tree.”
“What the farmer found in 1898 on his farm was the oldest historical record ever found in our country. Strangely enough, it was about Our Lady and a plea for Her intercession.
“The inscription and date reads:
‘Hail, Virgin Mary, save us from evil,’ dated 1362
“Almost unbelievable were it not for the fact that a fervent Christian, King Magnus of Norway, had sent this expedition, headed by Paul Knutson, to this new land, and records of the expedition still exist in Norway.
“These records, coupled with the finding of what is now known as the Kensington Stone, give overwhelming evidence of the event.
“The Harvard journal of medical studies said of the early skeptics to the stone’s authenticity,
‘A future generation will find it hard to understand how an older generation could have been so blind.’
“What is important is that Our Lady’s intercession was sought by these men and their plea is a permanent historical record. Our Lady was right there in the beginning on the oldest historical record of the United States.
“Another intercession of Our Lady connected to this country came when Christopher Columbus, weary and tired, could not get his voyage financed. He was on his way out of Spain, completely discouraged because his efforts had been spent in vain when he stopped for the night, lodging in the monastery of Our Lady of Rábida.
“After listening to Columbus, the prior of the monastery, dedicated to Our Lady, decided to contact the queen and to convince her to hear Columbus’ plea for his voyage again. The outcome was favorable through the prior. It is obvious that Columbus felt Mary’s intercession was so vital that not only did he have his men receive Holy Communion in a chapel dedicated to Our Lady before they left, but he had his ship’s name changed to the Santa Maria, after Our Lady. As the men sailed to discover America, Our Lady was there with them. The men of all three ships saw to this because they sang hymns to Her every single evening.
“Mary was bringing Christianity to the new land. She was so much a part of the historical events that it is not at all difficult to research history, discover the views of these men who themselves made history, and who themselves believed it to be so, for they depended on Our Lady constantly to intercede for and protect them. The fact is these men were not always saints, but this does not change the truth that Our Lady used them to bring Christianity to our land.
“When the first astronauts landed on the moon, it was dedicated to man. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” When Columbus and his men spotted land in the new world, what happened in those first few moments? What words were spoken? All together these men breathed the following words over the strange new world: “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,…” — They recited the Salve Regina. Wherever they went, their first thought was reserved for Our Lady. They named many places in honor of Her: Our Lady of the Sea, Holy Mary of the Immaculate Conception; Star of the Sea; Port Conception. They delighted in teaching the Indians the “Ave Maria” and other prayers.
“What is plainly evident, although clouded and shrouded by those who have supposedly helped us understand history, is Our Lady led these men to a new era in human history which would initiate global change and the spread of Christianity. Our Lady was at the helm.
“For centuries, the crusades tried to rescue the Holy Lands and convert the Moslems who held the Holy Lands to no avail. Yet, thirty years after Columbus landed, Hernando Cortez walked into one of the mightiest empires on the continent and took it over…While their motive was mostly for gold, it also served to spread Christianity to Mexico which helped again set up conditions for Our Lady to cause an explosion of Christianity. When Christopher Columbus discovered America, little did he (as well as many today) know how masterfully the Father was revealing prophecy in the event. The prophecy, which once understood, gives evidence that this was Our Lady’s land and as Our Lady now has plans in Medjugorje so, too, had She plans back then. The prophecy can neither be hidden nor denied. It is in the encyclopedias and history books the world over. It is the three names of Christopher Columbus’ ships: the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. Santa Maria stands for “Holy Mary,” Pinta means “Paint,” and Nina means “Girl.” The three ships’ meanings placed in a sentence clearly states:
“Holy Mary paints girl.”
“Juan Diego was an eighteen-year-old pagan when Christopher Columbus landed in America. Years later, due to the conquering of Mexico by Cortez, Juan Diego came across his first white man while in his middle 40s. He was turning 51 when he was baptized and given the Christian name, Juan Diego. Just six years later, in 1531, Our Lady supernaturally painted a girl on his cloak, an image of Herself. She had told him to go up on a little hill and pick roses which were growing there in the middle of winter. He came back to Our Lady with the roses haphazardly placed in his cloak and Our Lady straightened them out and told him not to open his cloak until he saw the bishop. When he opened his cloak upon seeing the bishop, he was amazed when the flowers fell out and the picture, not painted by human hands, was there on his cloak. Thirty-nine years after Columbus discovered America and ten years after Cortez captured the capital of Mexico, Our Lady was again at the beginning of Christianity in America, actually forming a prophecy with three ships an undeniable sign of Her future Guadalupe apparitions that now, long in the past, can be easily traced!
“In Europe, while droves were leaving Our Lady’s Church and denying Her in the process, tens of thousands were coming into Her Church in the new America. The roles of the missionaries were paved and made easier because of Our Lady through those who came to know about the apparitions. Within a few short years of Her apparitions in Guadalupe, several million pagans passed in front of Her Image and converted! South and North America were destined to be Christian through the direct hands of Our Lady.
“Perhaps because so many children of the Mother denied Her across Europe, God gave Her the Americas to console Her weeping heart. Whatever the reason, Our Lady played the major role in our beginnings — yes, even in the founding of the United States and in protecting it through Her intercession.
“As the English settled the thirteen colonies, the French sent out Fr. Marquette, acting as an explorer for the government and missionary of the Church. He discovered a mighty river which would show up on all the maps as the backbone of the United States. Because of the importance of this river, he gave it a befitting name, calling it “River of the Immaculate Conception.” Later, however, in the constant struggle of the world against recognizing its own Mother, the name was changed. The backbone of the country, the greatest river of our land, “The River of the Immaculate Conception” was changed to the “Mississippi River.”
“The Spanish and French, under the banner of Our Lady, went to a large part of our country, preaching to the Indians and spreading Christianity. Many suffered and were martyred. But it was the English who, along a narrow strip on the Eastern seaboard, gave our country its customs, laws, and languages. Unfortunately many of them no longer held Mary in their hearts as their Mother. Hence, those who did stay devoted to Our Lady were persecuted. Those English who kept Our Lady in their hearts sought refuge in the midst of these persecutions, not only from England but Puritans in New England and Anglicans in the Southern colonies. Many from these groups feared and hated them. Strangely enough, those devoted to Our Lady founded a colony with a hidden intent. They named it “Mary”land. They were able to use this name only because they maintained their colony was being named for Queen Henrietta Maria. Our Lady was not to be suppressed. She had claimed the Western Hemisphere as Her own. In Maryland, those English Catholics, who suffered greatly at the hands of their persecutors, decided things would be different. In Maryland there would be freedom of religion. It was the first colony to do this. A century and a half later, Maryland citizens took the leading role in making freedom of religion part of the first amendment; thus Mary’s colonists kept loyal to Her.
“About a century later, war was raging with the British and French. The Americans sided with the British, the Indians, with the French. One thousand three hundred British and American troops were headed to Pittsburgh when, seven miles from their destination, they were ambushed by the French and Indians, hidden in trees, behind logs, and in the brush. The British and Americans reacted according to their form of European warfare. They lined up and began to shoot back. The French and Indians slaughtered the British and American forces. Seven hundred fourteen men were killed and, out of eighty-six American and British officers, only one remained on a horse. After two hours, they retreated, completely defeated. Few casualties were suffered on the part of the French and Indian forces.
“The only officer left on his horse was a twenty-three year old, who the next day wrote to his mother and brother describing the event. Part of what he wrote follows:
“…By the all powerful dispensations of Providence (God), I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation for I had four bullet holes passed through my coat and two horses shot out under me, yet I escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me…”
“In 1770, fifteen years later, the officer returned to those woods with a doctor friend. An old Indian chief heard that this officer was returning to the woods, and he traveled a long distance to see him. They sat face to face over a council fire and the Indian said, “You don’t know me. Fifteen years ago you and I were in these woods together. I was the chief in charge of the Indians. We saw you riding and knew you were one of the leaders and if we could kill you we could scatter your men. So I told my braves to single you out and fire at you. I personally shot at you seventeen different times. When we saw that the bullets were having no effect on you, I told my braves to stop shooting at you. I came all this way to meet the man God would not let die in battle.”
“Indeed, the hand of God was on this young officer, and he believed deeply in God and His providence. He was George Washington, the future father of our country. While many historians and professors are doing their best to rewrite history, it is plain to see by Washington, through his letters and records, how deeply he believed the Almighty led and built this nation. He believed its purpose was to be a Christian nation and all the laws were to be based upon biblical foundations; to do otherwise would lead to ruin. Washington represented unity. Uniting the colonies through Washington’s authority, gave birth to the “union.” Henry Knox said that it was Washington’s character, and not the recently signed Constitution, that held the infant Union together.
“Washington was not a Catholic and because of this one might think, “So he was there at the beginning of our country. What did Our Lady have to do with that?” It is by a thin thread that the following information was passed on to us here and also a wonder, as it could so easily have been lost forever. The following is most remarkable, especially when you take into account Washington’s dignity, the awe and respect which surrounded him, and his impeccable honesty which show that he would not be inclined to divulge such a thing unless it were real. It was told by Anthony Sherman in 1859 to Wesley Bradshaw and published in the National Tribune, Volume 4, #12, December 1880. Perhaps it has been preserved all this time so that it may become known during the time of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje.”
This Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje is titled, Make American Great Again and Holy.
This is a Special World Report, with a Friend of Medjugorje.
What follows is a brief history of unknown real-time events that unfolded, which is necessary to understand Heaven’s role, specifically through the Virgin Mary, which has brought about Donald Trump’s first presidency, and now his second term as President of the United States.
Open your hearts. Listen to what unfolded forty years ago.
Our Lady came to a valley in Alabama to begin plans She couldn’t implement in Medjugorje. Our Lady’s plans were to be instituted between two mountains. These would be the location of Her plans that would bear such tremendous fruit that not only would change the United States of America, but would change the world. These plans are manifesting before our eyes now.
A Friend of Medjugorje first apparition in Medjugorje took place in 1986 during his first time on pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Once the pilgrimage group arrived in the hotel, they were given the option to stay at the hotel or travel more than two hours by bus to the remote village of Medjugorje.
Many from his group did not go to Medjugorje, but a Friend of Medjugorje felt drawn to the village that the Virgin Mary was appearing in in real time.
At the end of his first day, he gathered with thousands of others beneath the rectory of St. James Church. Standing in the midst of a sea of people, a Friend of Medjugorje blended in with the others. Suddenly, a woman standing at the top of the stair overlooking the crowd of people began pointing to someone and beckoning them to come up.
Afte several times of her shouting and pointing, a Friend of Medjugorje realized she was pointing to him. He made eye contact with her and she motioned to come up the stairs. He made his way slowly through the mass of people, all the while wondering why he was picked out of thousands of people to go into the room of apparitions.
He was a nobody.
When he stepped into the room where the apparition was to take place, he saw two of the visionaries, Jakov and Marija, kneeling down, reciting the Rosary. The room was filled with priests and no other lay people. He had been praying the Pieta prayers for a whole year to give himself in consecration to Our Lady in a special way. The apparition was about to start, and he began struggling, thinking to himself that he had been praying to be consecrated for over a year, and then it hit him that there would be no better place to be consecrated in the world than right here with Our Lady.
So, he leaned over to Fr. Ken Roberts and said in a low voice,
“Fr. Ken, I know it’s almost time for the apparition, but can you consecrate me to Our Lady?”
In his mind, a Friend of Medjugorje just wanted Fr. Ken to say a silent prayer, giving him to Our Lady.
What happened instead greatly mortified a Friend of Medjugorje.
After he asked Fr. Ken to consecrate him to Our Lady, Fr. Ken stopped the Rosary. He asked all twenty priests to lay their hands on a Friend of Medjugorje. Jakov and Marija, who were kneeling, stood up and laid their hands on a Friend of Medjugorje as well. Fr. Ken then began a deep and profound prayer of consecration over a Friend of Medjugorje.
“Mary, we are giving this son to You in consecration to be solely used for all of Your intentions.”
The prayer continued, but a Friend of Medjugorje was so deeply moved that he could no longer hear what was being said.
As the consecration prayer finished, Marija and Jakov immediately kneeled down, and suddenly, Our Lady was in their midst. When a Friend of Medjugorje came out of the apparition room, he wept profusely. He didn’t know why. His wife kept asking, “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He was unable to speak for about two hours. He would try, but he was silenced and not even able to understand his wife’s questions.
When his wife first saw him coming down the steps of the rectory after the apparition, she remembers being stunned by his appearance. At that time, the only thing she could compare his look to was the face of Charlton Heston in the scene from the movie, The Ten Commandments, when Moses came down from the mountain after his encounter with God. The look she saw on a Friend of Medjugorje’s face worried her, and she remembers feeling a little scared.
She explains that there was something in his countenance that had changed. She knew he had experienced something powerful, and when she tried to have him explain what he experienced, his tears overwhelmed her. He was not one to cry. His emotions infused into her the understanding that something supernatural had taken place.
The day of a Friend of Medjugorje’s consecration was significant, but unknown to him. It would not be until years later, reflecting on this profound moment of consecration that he would discover the date.
The year was 1986.
The day was July 4th, the birthday of America.
On this day, in the first encounter with Our Lady, a seed was profoundly planted deeply in his heart—the seed of apostleship for Our Lady, and Her mission for the United States of America. The impact of the moment for him is not able to be expressed in words. He knew something profound had happened.
To this day, he cannot explain it. He only remembers that from that day on, he was on fire for our nation as never before.
Two years later, on November 19, 1988, through this one man’s consecration, the Virgin Mary came to the United States of America, the nation which was given to her at its founding 200 years previous.
Twenty years later, at the onset of President Obama’s term, a Friend of Medjugorje was inspired to write a formal consecration for the United States of America. Understanding firsthand what Heaven needed, in addition to prayer, to act upon a nation, it was his desire to give Our Lady the United States of America, in Her presence, as had never been done before in the history of mankind.
Never in Church history has there been daily apparitions of the Virgin Mary like those of Medjugorje. Never has there been a body of people reciting a consecration to the Virgin Mary, in Her presence, for this nation.
A Friend of Medjugorje arranged for Medjugorje visionary Marija to return to his home in Alabama on July 3 and 4, 2008 for the consecration of our nation. He had been in Medjugorje for several weeks, but had been unable to write a consecration prayer.
His final day in Medjugorje, just hours before leaving for Alabama, he wrote the entire prayer of consecration, seeking for Our Lady to take this nation in Her hands by the will of We the People.
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What you are about to hear is the prayer of consecration that a Friend of Medjugorje wrote during his last day in Medjugorje.
What you will hear is the actual recording from the first time it was presented to Our Lady during Her apparition in the Field of Apparitions on July 3, 2008. Our Lady listened to the whole prayer in real time. It was a mystical experience.
After the apparition, Marija told a Friend of Medjugorje that Our Lady accepted this consecration of our nation.
The Solemn Act of Consecration of Our Nation, July Fourth, The Year of Our Lord – Two Thousand–Eight, To you Our Queen, Holy Virgin Mary for this Day of Deliverance
We the people, in your Holy presence,
who are nothing, appeal to your Heavenly
Queenly power of intercession before God,
as our Mother.
As such, we your children appeal
most urgently, most direly with a cry of
lamentation as of the city of Nineveh,
who were a people who humbled themselves
and repented and God relented of His
judgment against them.
We, O Queen, deserve Divine judgment.
We realize that civilizations across time and
cultures who crossed the line of decadence
that we have crossed, all met with their end.
The signs of the time speak to us of our nation.
We have little time left.
We your children, therefore,
make our plea of consecration at this moment,
giving directly to you this nation,
whose might and glory, we acknowledge,
began and came through being foundationed
on your Son’s, our Savior’s, principles.
Through this entrustment, we beg to include
our whole future into your hands.
Please, at this moment, accept our
seventeen* years of novenas, our prayers,
our sacrifices, and heal our land.
We know it starts with our hearts,
so we give you our hearts to heal our land.
May this consecration give into your
possession this land, that God may
look down upon what is yours and
heal this land.
O Queen, who can we turn to but you?
We look for no other remedy,
with our recourse only to you.
Pray over us at this moment.
Pray over our nation now
on this day of deliverance.
Please stretch out your arms and
place a seal across this nation with your
prayers while you are in our midst.
Let this seal be as a sign to the Father.
O Holy Queen, take this consecration,
the ownership of our nation, and
as its Queen heal this land.
With the dreams of our fathers,
on this day of remembrance of our nation’s
birth, think of your Son’s birth and
remember not the sins of this land,
but rather how much this nation has dispensed
the liberty of the Gospel to the world.
Please heal this land.
Lord of our nation, we crown you King
with Our Lady’s hands
through this consecration
to rule over us, over everything.
Thank you O Mother.
Thank you Our Queen.
Thank you for being present.
May Christ grant our nation deliverance
through this consecration. Amen
A tide of change is sweeping the country. Sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before.
It is my hope that my recent presidential election will be remembered as the greatest and most consequential election in the history of our country.
We will not forget our country.
We will not forget our Constitution.
And we will not forget our God.
Can’t do that.
Today I will sign a series of historic executive orders. With these actions, we will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense.
I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.
We will forge a society that is color blind and merit-based.
As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female.
My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier. That’s what I want to be: a peacemaker and a unifier. Above all, my message to Americans today is that it is time for us to once again act with courage, vigor and the vitality of history’s greatest civilization. So, as we liberate our nation, we will lead it to new heights of victory and success. After all we have been through together, we stand on the verge of the four greatest years in American history. We are one people, one family and one glorious nation under God. And we will not fail. From this day on, the United States of America will be free, sovereign and independent nation. And our golden age has just begun. Thank you. God bless America. Thank you all. Thank you.
A Friend of Medjugorje wrote the following on March 22, 2022: To Be Consecrated.
To declare to be Consecrated by ceremonial Rite is:
To be set apart
To be dedicated
To be devoted to the worship and service of God
To be separated from a common use to a sacred use
To be Consecrated does not make a person or thing holy
Rather, it is declared to be sacred
Why is a Consecration such a profound action?
Because it is a taking
A taking away of a person, a building, a nation, a thing,
From one use to another use
In some manner, the more sins of a nation by its people
By proxy, its people Consecrate themselves and their nation to satan
Can that be changed?
What can be given to darkness, can be given to the Light
By the dedication Rite of Consecration
Heaven will accept sincere, heartfelt appeals
God will take ownership
What happens the more you pray and fast for a Consecration?
Our Lady says what happens
August 18, 1982
The more you pray and fast for the same intention,
the greater is the grace and the mercy of God.
A Friend of Medjugorje
March 22, In the Year of Our Lord, 2022
Our Lady says, “When you need me, call me…” And another time, She says, “If you have any problems, whatever it be, call me. I will come immediately to help you in advising you on the best resolving the difficulties.”
Our Lady’s been elevated to a new position on the earth. She’s been given greater authority, greater power to the affect that, She’s somebody we really can call on. This is not something empty of words. She’s like us. We can make our promises break, and we can give our words. We can shake a handshake on something and sponge on and not do it. But Our Lady makes a contract. Her words are truth. If She says it, She means it.
Think of Who She is. She’s the Queen of the Sea. She’s the Queen of the Angels. She’s the Queen of Creation. She’s got title after title after title. She’s the greatest creature, and even every single one of the angels, She is supreme. She enters into the Trinity that no being has ever entered into that depth, the Secrets and things that She knows and what She’s privy to that nobody else has, and She comes to you today and says these three words:
“I need you.”
Big responsibility. Frightening, if you think about it. Am I responding? And one of the most glorious moments in the history of the world, the history of the Church since the death of the last apostle, John. And She says, “I need you”? I’m nothing! And only when you become nothing and you understand you’re nothing, can She use you and say, “I need you.” That’s how you become Her servant.
The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s January 25, 2025 monthly message to the world:
“Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call.
Did you hear that?
“Dear children, in this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion…”
Just another message…
You think so?!
She just said to us, “…in this year of grace…”
She’s pointing to 2025 saying, “…this year of grace…”
What have we been waiting for?
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“…I am calling you to conversion…”
What are the Secrets about? Conversion!
You think the first two secrets are not about conversion? Mirjana said, Our Lady said when the secret, the first one, there’ll be a period of conversion.
Something’s going to happen. People are so evil. So many people are murdering people, killing themselves. Something has to come from Heaven to bring conversion.
How is it going to be?
The Secrets has to have such a power that goes inside their hearts that they’re going to change, that will change their way of life.
Then, She says,
“…Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be…”
Not “may” be.
“…will be love towards neighbor…”
Our Lady has been teaching you for this moment.
“…in the center of your living and the fruits…”
Not may be.
“…will be love towards neighbor…”
Now, because you’ve been decades with Our Lady, you can expect what Our Lady says.
“…and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing…”
You’re going to have power. These evil people can’t be changed without your witnessing. Our Lady, with the Secrets, with you, you’re going to have power from the Heavens.
“…and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy…”
You’re going to be happy.
“…and joy of witnessing…”
I’ve seen many people, strangers, on the streets, wherever I am, I’m witnessing to them. I’m seeing it already in what my life’s doing. But I’m going to get a turbo of power.
“…the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith…”
Something’s going to happen in 2025, this year of grace.
You can say, “Really, a Friend of Medjugorje? How does he know that?” Because he talked, over and over, for two-three years, that forty years, Our Lady’s coming. 2021, the forty years of the apparitions, and you might say I was wrong about it.
What happened in forty years with the Israelites? They were given the land, and almost everybody thinks that nothing happened on forty years. It did! Something huge! What happened with the Israelites, was given the land.
Then, they had to go take it. He didn’t just give it to them. They had to go in. They had to fight, fight, fight!
Mystical, Mystery, Mystic by a Friend of Medjugorje
An ark is not measured, in importance, by its size. The contents within it determine its importance. What is an ark? An ark can be different things. The Garden of Eden was the womb for the first birth of man. The Ark of Eden, with its umbilical cord, nurtured man’s needs. All arks have great importance. Arks are the outward sign of man’s need. An ark can be defined as “Life Giving.”
Before Creation, there was God. God was the first Ark. Where did the universe, with all its millions of galaxies, with billions of stars, come from? The great void was filled, out of the very Being of God. Within Him resides all things that is and will ever be. Therefore, everything is sacred and holy to glorify God. Man has taken from God what is holy and has transferred it for perverse use, degrading man, causing him to fall.
Biblical history tells man of his falls. Then it tells of his rise. It is a cycle that repeats itself throughout the Bible, from man’s beginning to this moment. On time’s scale, the weight of this moment has hit the bottom, with no possibility for any counterweight to raise the heavy weight off the bottom of the scale. Forty years ago, in 1981, Heaven foresaw that the scale would reach the bottom by 2021, a fall of wickedness exceeding Noah’s time by the weight of man’s sin, that God would have to begin a Divine intervention unlike any other time in history.
Four hundred years ago, man was at the peak of the beautiful European renaissance. He had risen to new heights and pride began to fill his heart. He began the fall over the next four centuries to this moment. Man had made great civilization progress, but without God. Man has wandered off to foreign gods and objects and many inventions, of which have enslaved him. Man has raised these things to the level of divinity. These gods have shackled him with so much weight, he is no longer able to lift them off without Divine intervention.
The Israelites were enslaved, for 400 years, in much the same time as man today. The Israelites also wandered off to foreign gods. Moses was chosen, with miracles and signs, to lift the weight of slavery and bad mentalities from them so they could leave Egypt, return to God and be given a land that He had promised to them. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments and Moses gave the 10 Commandments to the Israelites. It would take great effort, and many miracles, to change the Israelites’ deformed mentalities, to be reformed, to lift them from their fall and to return them to God. It took 40 years to purify their mentalities. God, through Moses, fed them Manna from Heaven, to save them and to lift their hearts that they would become a people who would serve Him, and be deserving to enter the Promised Land.
In the summer of 1977, a drive through a valley that was so mystical, one could feel a mystery. Veterans from The War of 1812 were granted 40 acres each, in this valley and among these mountains. As they entered the valley traveling the Indian path, turned to the settler’s road, now turned to highway 43. They felt the same mystic awe of entering a “Promised Land.” They named it “Paradise Valley,” a parallel of when the Israelites entered the Promised Land after having to fight for the land. Four years later, from that ordained drive down Highway 43, a 40-year “exodus,” in 1981, begins for the whole world; an entry into and then through a desert where the heavy weight of bad mentalities and ways could be lifted off the chosen ones, just as the Israelites experienced.
For the great plan for the salvation for the world, two geographic places on the face of the earth would be the Biblical amphitheater for the great battle:
Medjugorje: The Desert. The Manna, Our Lady’s messages, to purify the way of man to return to God and be God’s people, ready to serve Him.
Caritas: The Promised Land. The propagation of the Manna for man, and for man to return to the land and be God’s children.
The Biblical cycle, changing from falling to rising, changing from bad to good, a deciding and returning to God.
When Moses died, God told His people, with Joshua, to go from the wilderness and cross the Jordan River to the land promised to Moses that He would give them. God separated the waters of the Jordan for them, just as He had with the Red Sea, so they could pass. God would fight their battles as long as they kept the Law of God.
Throughout Biblical history, there are few arks. The largest was Noah’s Ark. A “lifesaving” Ark that saved mankind and animal kind. Then there was the Ark of the Covenant, “life giving,” containing the 10 Commandment tablets, Aaron’s rod that had bloomed and a piece of manna, all of which represented the presence of God. The smallest and most sacred “life giving” Ark that Scripture relays to us, was the womb of a Woman, “the Ark of His covenant,” that was seen within His temple:
“Then God’s temple in Heaven was opened, and the Ark of his covenant was seen within his temple…A great sign appeared in Heaven, a Woman clothed with the sun with the moon under feet and on Her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child.” Revelation 11:19; 12:1-2
Another “lifesaving” ark is given for the end times, to carry man through the greatest distress the world has ever seen. Within it is the sacred Manna to give lifesaving nourishment to man. Strangely, this ark is very similar in size to Noah’s Ark. Its ordained name defines the purpose of the ark: to preserve the Manna coming from Heaven. The Ark’s name…
An ark planted in the Promised Land that Our Lady said on June 25, 2021:
“…decide for God so that it may be good for you on the land which God gave you…”
A land that satan tried to take and God literally spoke, saying:
“Wait for the Lord and keep His ways. He will promote you to the ownership of the land.” Psalm 37:34
June 25, 2002
“… every word that I am giving you…comes from Heaven…”
“Words from Heaven”
The only place on earth
Anointed and designated, as the Ark, to pass to all future generations
The Manna
To the end of the world
Tread lightly, for you walk on Holy Ground.
June 25, 2021 – Forty years. Nobody was excited. I was! Listen to the message on the 40th anniversary. She said,
“Dear children! My heart is joyful because through these years…”
What years? Forty years! She’s pointing to it. The forty years in the desert, Our Lady related, in this message. Also,
“…I am calling all of you…”
For what?
“…for peace and freedom…”
The mystery in this message, is in there when She says, “lead away” – the Israelites, they were lead to the land.
“…wants to lead away all the more hearts from my motherly heart…”
Then, She says, what She’s doing now, and what She said back then, 2021,
“…That is why decide for God so that it…”
What does “it” mean?
“…so that it may be good for you on the land which God gave you…”
If that’s not recalling the Israelites, it ain’t. And nobody made a big deal about it. So, I was right for years about the fortieth anniversary. That’s clear. In some way, it’s covered up, but that statement is out of everything that She said, “…may be good for you on the land which God gave you…”
Have you gotten it yet? She’s bringing, back then, and now, today, January 25, 2025, “…this year of grace…”
I will be shocked if the secrets are not happening in this place of the next four years.
What does that mean? Trump’s here! Don’t tell me Our Lady didn’t put him there and the power that he has and what he’s doing, it is like striking lightning from Heaven to purify, change all the evil. And you are going to have power. She’s wanting you to witness because we are going to release the graces in this year, and your life will become a true witness of faith.
I want to update you where Our Lady is right now and what’s happening right now.
Trump, how did he get there? How are these things happening, that Our Lady would be able to do something. Her hands are handcuffed if you don’t give me Her, from us, to give Her the ability of what She wants to do. You’re going to hear now the history that I’m telling you, the Holy Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace, was able to do what She did and saving Trump’s life, putting him as president.
Some people may say, “How dare you, a Friend of Medjugorje.” If you don’t believe that, you don’t know Our Lady. Our Lady has to do something to get what She gets from people on earth.
They’re talking, right now, the whole world is changing, every nation! Our Lady says She wants to save the world. Where did it start from? Right here in Alabama.
Oh, you may say, “You’re really going off your rocker.” Really? We’re going to let you now listen to history of Our Lady’s walking to have the things in this valley and Her apparitions of what She did, what I’ve organized and worked for to give our nation to Our Lady in this valley, and it covers the Bedroom of the Apparitions, and after several days, She says, “Tomorrow, I will appear at the great Pine Tree.” And She said, “And everybody can come.”
This place, what Our Lady did, is different. The visionaries have gone all over the place, across the world. No place, outside of Medjugorje, Our Lady, geographically, tells the visionaries what She said, go to a spot.
She gave me, through Marija, directions for the Bedroom. Then, She tells Marija to tell me to do this. What is this? Go to the Field with the Tree.
What has that got to do with America?
She picked that day, Thanksgiving!
For three months, She did every apparition in the Bedroom, and only one time, to go out there. And every day, thousands of people went to the Tree, and She blessed them at the Tree. So, this history back then, to understand what’s happening now, with you, and our nation…
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O men of the earth, why did you place an X upon the asphalt,
In One thousand, Nine hundred, Sixty-Three, in the Year of Our Lord?
O men of the earth, why did you place a stone next to the sea,
In the One thousand five hundred year before the birth of Our Lord?
O men of the earth, why did you place a plaque upon a barren land, akin to a desert,
In One thousand, Nine hundred, Sixty-Nine, in the Year of Our Lord?
O men of the earth, why did you place a pile of stones on the side of the road
In the One thousand, five hundred, fifty-two year before the birth of Our Lord?
The men of the earth respond in chorus:
It is not the X upon the asphalt.
It is not the stone next to the sea.
It is not the plaque on a barren land.
It is not the pile of stones next to the road.
For they carry no importance
In and of themselves.
It is the very ground—the very soil.
The marked place.
To bring life back to a nation,
A seed comes from a Bedroom.
Strong Family
Strong Nation
The seed could only be obtained by reaching
Into the future, so it could be planted,
Growing decades before the Woman implemented Her idea for a bedroom,
A place marked, to speak to the world
A place of home
What happens in it is important.
Even long ago, the ancient Greeks
Held, a place of home makes up a strong nation
Home is the answer of how to heal nations
The Woman’s idea, as originally
In the Garden of Eden,
Wanted to seed, a Tree of Life, to cancel death.
The Woman ordained its planting,
Providentially at the appropriate time.
The Woman
The Wind
Flew the seed to a special place.
So frail, so fragile, it grew,
Upon the designated place.
As a marker sign, voicing something other than itself.
How a nation can be healed.
A people gathering daily at a marked place, at a marked time,
How the world can be healed.
Places are important.
Marked places and marked times tell men of the earth many lessons.
When he loses Reverence
When he loses Sacredness
He loses life and inherits severe tribulation.
Only intervention by God, His secrets, will be the remedy
Purifying men of the earth
Back to peace
History teaches both, in the spiritual and physical realms.
In the physical realm of man
The most catastrophic powerful
Violent act
Ever perpetrated on man
Now is marked with an edifice representing a place of peace
In the same place, the physical realm gives way to the spiritual realm
Where tens of thousands of people
From all over the world, come yearly on August 5th
And pray for peace
At the Woman of Revelation’s hour: 10:34 a.m.
At ground zero
At the place
What is a patch of asphalt?
What are a few square feet near a sea?
What is a tiny spot on a barren land?
What are a few stones on the side of a road?
O men of the earth, they speak of happenings way beyond the normal,
Impacting world history
The X marks the spot of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The stone pillar marks the spot, next to the sea
Where God parted the Red Sea through Moses.
The plaque marked the spot man stepped on the moon.
The stones on the side of the road marks where Rachel, Jacob’s wife,
Died after laboriously birthing Benjamin.
It is a place not of laxity.
It is a place of a laborious birth.
It is a place of work.
It is a place of sweat.
It is the Woman who calls you to labor, work and sweat,
Not to relax
You are asked to sacrifice your life for the salvation of the world.
In our time, people across the world have stood, singularly or together,
On their little patch of ground for decades.
Unknowingly, they may be marking the spot
For a reason beyond their comprehension.
Will you be “X”ed—stone-pillared – plaqued – stone-monumented?
One family, simply doing their chores for decades, could never comprehend the little patch of ground they labored and sweat upon would be marked as a spot far greater than almost all other great events.
A spot marked for the whole world
Where a Proclamation of the Woman of Revelation of war
Began that very night on the little patch of ground.
The Gumno
A place where those in grace or sin physically touched the Woman of Revelation,
Symbolizing the Great Moment of Separation that has laboriously arrived,
The Great Sifting of the wheat from the chaff
“…A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake.”
The speck on earth with monumental importance for eternity
Where an engaging struggle was involving three places:
Violence vs. Peace
O men of the earth, how can it be both at the same time?
Life’s purpose is a battle.
O man you must struggle for peace
It is a war.
What place will be the supreme edifice marked for this great battle?
It is the soul.
Marked for eternity
For what happened in its existence on earth
For all to read.
Help has arrived,
When the Woman of Revelations said:
“I am happy to be here.”
A man inspired, marked a place
In the physical realm,
Marked by the spiritual realm
The world gained
Important pile of rocks
In a simple Field.
Changing a nation.
Changing all nations.
Where we go one we go all.
A Friend of Medjugorje
The Ninth of September, in the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Nineteen
The Prayer to Heal Our Land was written by a Friend of Medjugorje in 1993. The prayer was written as part of the Seven Novenas prayed each year in preparation for the Five Days of Prayer for the Reconciling of ourselves, our families, and our nation back to God. Millions of these prayers have been prayed since 1993 by people across our land and world.
A Friend of Medjugorje writes that through the apparitions of Medjugorje, the Virgin Mary is leading us to prayer. Only in prayer will we find our way back to God, to reconciliation, to the healing of our land and world.
Get on your knees. Pray with the heart, in union with tens of thousands across the world.
Lord, who are we as a people, having been given blessings in portions as no other nation before us. What has become of us, Father? We have spoiled Your spacious skies with building and cities breathing with sin. The amber waves of grain are no longer viewed as our blessing, but as our due. The awe and reverence due You when we gaze upon the purple mountains and their majesty is no longer held, rather, how much pleasure they can give us. Father, we have spurned You. We’ve blamed our problems on those who promote darkness, but You gave us time with Your Mother. But now, our eyes have been opened by Her. Our lack of holiness, our not being light, has allowed darkness to prevail. Indeed, our sins, which we wrongly view as small have allowed those in darkness to commit great sins without shame. We now realize it’s because of our failings as Christians.
Father, Samuel told Your people, “It is true you have committed all this evil, still you must not turn from the Lord, but worship Him with your whole heart. For the sake of His own great Name, the Lord will not abandon His own people.
Father, we come before you with our whole hearts and ask you to grant Our Lady Her intentions. Mary, we do not deserve to even be heard, yet we know Your Son’s Passion merits that we are. Mary, we call You as You have called us, please intercede before God to forgive us, to heal our families and to heal our nation.
Father, grant Mary’s intentions and hear Her pleas for us. We know You are justly irritated with us, but we beg and plead for forgiveness through our repentance from our hearts. We realize our nation is headed toward disaster by so many signs You have given us. Holy, Holy, Holy God, grant Mary Her requests that we may again be your people, not a nation above God, but one nation humbled and under God, amen.
Let freedom ring
Let freedom ring
My country, ‘tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
Land where my father’s died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From ev’ry mountain side,
Let freedom ring.
My native country thee,
Land of the noble free, Thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills,
My heart with rapture thrills,
Like that above.
Let freedom ring
Great God our King
From sea to shining sea
Let freedom ring
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees, sweet freedom’s song
Let mortal tongues awake,
Let all that breathe partake,
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.
Let freedom ring
Great God our King
From sea to shining sea
Let freedom ring
Our father’s God, to thee,
Author of liberty to thee we pray.
Long may our land be bright,
With freedom’s holy light.
Protect us by thy might,
Great God, our King.
The point of this broadcast is to show Our Lady was the one to put Trump where he is now. Consecrations mean something, especially when Our Lady is standing in front of thousands of people at ten o’clock at night, and we learn, straight from Marija, that Our Lady stayed there, just looking at us, listening to us as we consecrated. It was so mystical. What you heard, the echo to the mountains. It was very beautiful.
This ground, the apparitions in the Bedroom, the Field, and add to that, 2013, Our Lady, She called us to go from the Bedroom, the next day, that She would bless the Cross on the mountain, the Cross, for the Soul of America. And Marija said, “Our Lady embraced this Cross and blessed it.”
Nobody can deny, this is not just ground. This is Ground Zero for everything that’s happening you see.
Last week, I was in Washington, D.C. for the swearing in for Trump.
We’re fortunate that we have this history with 213 apparitions here. Several times, Marija came back on July 4th, giving, again, consecration. We were stunned when Marija said, Our Lady gave a message for your nation, July 3, 2012. Marija said, Our Lady said,
“Form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and to Me.”
Our Lady didn’t say in this message, maybe healing. She said, “we.” She’s with us. We the People. And She’s the Mother of God.
There’s no nation in the world that Our Lady of Medjugorje has said something like this.
Standing, watching Trump being sworn in in D.C., the song you’re about to hear, I used it with my book, They Fired the First Shot when we did conventions. We played this song. It’s the first time we ever heard anybody use this song. They used this song right before Trump is sworn in. This is another fingerprint of Our Lady, pointing from this place to Donald Trump. We’re connected to this.
Listening to this song, be thinking of the words of Our Lady to form and make prayer groups for your healing and the healing of this nation.
What do we have to do, what’s happening now, is to make America great again and holy.
O, America you’re calling
I can hear you calling Me
You are calling Me
To be true to thee
True to thee I will be
O, America you’re weeping
Let Me heal your wounded heart
I will keep you in My keeping
Til there be a new start
And I will answer you
And I will take your hand
And lead you to the Son
And I will stand by you
Do all that I can do
And we will be as one
O, America I hear you
From your prairies to the sea
From your mountains grand
And all through this land
You are beautiful to Me
And O, America you’re calling
I can hear you calling Me
You are calling me
To be true to thee
True to thee I will be
And I will answer you
And I will take your hand
And lead you to the Son
And I will stand by you
Do all that I can do
And we will be as one
O, America you’re calling
I will ever answer thee
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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8 thoughts on “Make America Great Again and Holy”
Carl, yes, you can get this broadcast on CD. Just call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, and ask for item number CD2070SWR.
It will be (2) CD’s and the cost will be $2 for the two CD’s plus shipping.
If you get it in bulk to spread it, the cost goes down from there. God bless!
City: Rock Hill
State: S C
Country: USA
A Year of GRACE!
A Year of HOPE!
A Year to WITNESS!
All GLORY to our TRIUNE GOD! 🙏
Thank you Caritas -
City: Rock Hill
State: S C
Country: U S A
A time of WITNESS!
A time of GRACE!
A time of HOPE!
City: Millsboro
State: DE
Country: United States
City: Hessmer
State: La
Also when Our Lady’s apparition began is when Vance and Trump walked into the Capital Rotunda and they played The Battle Hymn of the Republic which is one of Our Ladys favorite songs after he was sworn in. -
City: Hessmer
State: Louisiana
Our Lady is the reason I became Catholic. I have never doubted Her or Caritas. We have been with you all and treasure every visit there. AMERICA has to change its heart. Our Lady has given us Trump to help us once again. Pray and fast as never before for us all. Blessings and Love Susan -
State: Texas
Country: US
Thank you very much for this presentation. I particularly enjoyed the writings I had never heard or read before.
8 thoughts on “Make America Great Again and Holy”
Can we get this in a cd? Loved it!
Carl, yes, you can get this broadcast on CD. Just call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, and ask for item number CD2070SWR.
It will be (2) CD’s and the cost will be $2 for the two CD’s plus shipping.
If you get it in bulk to spread it, the cost goes down from there. God bless!
City: Rock Hill
State: S C
Country: USA
A Year of GRACE!
A Year of HOPE!
A Year to WITNESS!
All GLORY to our TRIUNE GOD! 🙏
Thank you Caritas
City: Rock Hill
State: S C
Country: U S A
A time of WITNESS!
A time of GRACE!
A time of HOPE!
City: Millsboro
State: DE
Country: United States
City: Hessmer
State: La
Also when Our Lady’s apparition began is when Vance and Trump walked into the Capital Rotunda and they played The Battle Hymn of the Republic which is one of Our Ladys favorite songs after he was sworn in.
City: Hessmer
State: Louisiana
Our Lady is the reason I became Catholic. I have never doubted Her or Caritas. We have been with you all and treasure every visit there. AMERICA has to change its heart. Our Lady has given us Trump to help us once again. Pray and fast as never before for us all. Blessings and Love Susan
State: Texas
Country: US
Thank you very much for this presentation. I particularly enjoyed the writings I had never heard or read before.