September 6, 2023
Special World Report

Have We Entered the Age of Fire? Part 1 of 2

[Podcast] (90 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje speaks on the hidden meaning behind the Maui fires, and many of the “unexplained” events taking place today.

Episode Transcript


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This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.




“But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified, for these things must first come to pass, but the end is not by and by. Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from Heaven.”



Our Lady has come for more than four decades. We will never again have another Guadalupe, we will never again have another Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal, never again another Medjugorje. And the last site marked by Our Lady, as of today, in the whole world have been in the Bedroom of Apparitions, the Field of Apparitions, and the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain. Our Lady said:

May 2, 1982

“I have come to call the world to conversion for the last time. Afterwards, I will not appear any more on this earth.”

Forty-nine days later, to make sure you understand what She’s saying, the Blessed Virgin Mary repeats again, June 23, 1982, Our Lady said, quote,

“…These are the last apparitions in the world…”

These present apparition sites are the battleground.

August 2, 1981, Our Lady said:

“A great struggle is about to unfold…”

Why has Our Lady come? Is this fulfilling the Bible? The Scripture talks about the signs are clear. It’s Biblical.

All these sights speak to us through the centuries, to our day that we live right now. And now, She says, this is it.

“This is the last time I’m calling the world to conversion. After, I will not appear anymore on this earth.”

These are serious words. Do you believe it, or do you not? How many of us have not comprehended how deep and serious what’s happening?

In Matthew 7, it tells us about it. Jesus was asked by the Apostles, because He just came out of the Temple, because it was destroyed, and Jesus started explaining, in Scripture, what’s going to happen, what are we looking for. And it was signs. Our Lady told us about signs. God has given us signs. “Look at the signs, my children. Do you see what’s happening?” The seriousness is stated that this is the last apparitions in the world. We’re coming to the end of the ages. And we are alive at this moment.

Jesus relays to the apostles,

“Many will give up their faith at that time…”

That’s in the Scripture! And we’ve heard, Our Lady says to us, “This is My time”! (January 25, 1997) This is Revelation. And the Scripture says that man will betray one another and hate another. Many people’s love will grow cold.

Growing means something’s going. What are weeds in a lawn? It covers everything, and it grows. We see this in the world. Just only five or six years ago, we couldn’t imagine what we’re hearing and seeing and what man is doing now. God had to send, with all this, the Woman of Revelation, we can understand Who She is. She’s in the Bible.

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Matthew says,

“At that time…”

What Jesus was explaining to the apostles, Matthew 24:7 talks about the trouble, at that time, Jesus says,

“…will be far more terrible than anything like this from the beginning of the world…”

To this very day, that we live in, with the Woman, daily coming to us.

Jesus continues. He says,

“…nor will there ever be anything like it again.”

We are alive during something that is alive Biblically, daily! And we still don’t understand it and see it.

Jesus talks about God, His Father. He says,

“He has already numbered the days…”

That’s two thousand years ago. God numbered the days because He said, if He did not, nobody would survive. And He did this for the sake of His chosen people, for their benefit, God will reduce the days.

From back then, two thousand years ago, to the future here, this fits us like a glove. Because He says never from the beginning of the world, what is happening?

We heard Our Lady say to the visionaries, “Go out onto the streets and count how many people glorify God.” (November 6, 1982)

So many people going to Medjugorje have not taken in to the seriousness of what you just heard.

What you’re about to hear is from a pastor whose name is John MacArthur. He’s a Protestant preacher. And what you’re going to hear you’re not going to hear from the bishops. And some of the priests out there that try to say these things, the bishops are not going to let them do it.

I recently was talking to a priest because he was strong, they made the priest retire. He’s not the only one I know about. Our Church is sick.

The tenth anniversary, 1991, June 25th, Our Lady said to read Scriptures to find out why I’m coming. Is that a firecracker? No, that’s an atomic bomb! She said, “go in the Bible to see why I’m coming.” When I read that, it was what we call a Kennedy moment and everybody that was alive they could tell where they were and what they were thinking. That’s what I felt on June 25, 1991.

What else can you say about that? There’s no interpretation. Our Lady’s not saying, “Hey, go tell theologians and discern what this says.” She just said, read the Scripture, the Gospel, to know why I’m here. That’s what this whole broadcast is about, the Bible, Jesus, and the Woman, Who is the Mother and Who is also the Woman of Revelation.

Now, here’s some food for you from a Protestant.

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We open the Word of God now to Luke Chapter 21, Luke Chapter 21.  On the signs of the return of Jesus Christ.  And to understand His return, we are sitting at His feet and hearing Him speak about it. 

Luke Chapter 21 takes place during the last week of Our Lord’s life.  He sits down with His disciples on the western slope of the Mount of Olives and tells them that He will return in the future to establish His kingdom. 

He will come in power and glory.  The first time He came in humility to die.  The second time He comes in power to reign. 

So we are learning about the Second Coming of the Lord from the Lord Himself.  This particular message that Our Lord gives is in answer to questions asked by the disciples. 

When He told them that He was going to come and bring the kingdom and bring the current age to an end and establish the Glorious age of His kingdom, they wanted to know when. 

And Jesus gives them the answer.  It is the longest answer to any question Jesus is asked in the New Testament. 

Which reminds us that understanding the future, understanding prophecy, understanding the end of history is an important issue. 

It is not a minor thing, or the Lord would have not taken so much time and given so much material in answer to a simple question. 

It demands some works, some study, but it can be understood, it should be understood, it has powerful impact on our lives, now when we understand what God has planned for the future.

If you look at the way the world is going today and you listen to the harbingers of future doom and those who take it upon themselves to warn us about what’s coming, you would think that somehow everything has gone wrong and is getting worse and going down a track towards disaster, careening out of control. 

We are constantly being terrified as population by the things that could happen.  We are made aware through the media, through people who warn us, that at any point in time something could come careening out of outer space. 

The piece of some meteorite from somewhere, some other body, crash into this planet and shatter it into a billion pieces and everything would be over. 

We are warned all the time of a depletion of the ozone around the earth, of toxic waste on the planet, of potential plagues of bacteria that are learning to morph themselves away from those kinds of antibiotics that have been used to treat them through the years and that are coming into forms that we really can’t deal with.

 We are warned continually about the fact that the world is terrorized by people who have nuclear power, who are gaining the ability to wipe out cities, states, and perhaps even whole countries with this massive power bred by new science and new technology. 

There are a hundred different ways that we might be made afraid of the future. 

Has everything gone wrong?  Has God lost control?  Is He not the sovereign anymore?  Is this a good idea gone bad? 

Wouldn’t we have expected that after Jesus had come and died on the Cross and provided salvation and said I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it and risen from the dead and ascended to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit that He was now in charge and reigning over the development of His kingdom. 

That everything would have gotten better and better and better?  Well, there are people who think that.  They are called postmillennialists if you want a technical term. 

They think that the Church is going to grow, and it is going to get more powerful and more powerful until finally Christianity makes the world better and better and better.  And finally makes the world so good, that we provide a kingdom, and we call Jesus back to reign over the kingdom that we have provided for Him. 

Is that the plan?  And has somehow that plan gone awry?  The first time Jesus came, the ending didn’t look good at all.  He ended up on a Cross, like a common criminal. 

But that was reversed very fast, as He came out of the grave on the third day and then visibly ascended into Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit.  But shouldn’t history be somehow affected by the coming of the Holy Spirit and the development of the Church? 

Is this really the plan, that we live on the brink of the next great disaster that could wipe us out as all prior civilization have lived on that brink?  What should the disciples have expected and what did Jesus tell us to expect?  Let’s look at the text and find out. 

Verse 8 – here is His answer.  When are you coming?  When will it be the end of the age? 

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“See to it that you be not misled.  For many will come in my name, saying I am He.  And the time is at hand.  Do not go after them.  And when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified for these things must take place first, but the end does not follow immediately.”   

Then He continued by saying to them,

“Nation will rise against nation.  And kingdom against kingdom.  And there will be great earthquakes and in various places, plagues and famines and there will be terrors and great signs from Heaven. 

But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for my namesake.  It will lead to an opportunity for your testimony, so make up your minds not to prepare beforehand to defend yourselves, for I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute.

But you will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends and they will put some of you to death and you will be hated by all on account of my name.  Yet not a hair of your head will perish.  By your endurance you will gain your lives.”   

In a word, that is a totally pessimistic view of the future.  There isn’t one hopeful element.  Three things jump out of that.  One, the age between now and my coming will be marked by religious deception. 

The period of time between the first and second coming of Christ is marked by religious deception in the name of Christ.  The flourishing, the development, the escalation, and the growth of a false kind of Christianity. 

Secondly, it is not only marked by religious deception, but by global disaster, global disaster, involving war, disturbances, earthquakes, plagues, famines, terrors, and great signs from Heaven. 

Thirdly, it is marked by believer persecution or distress.  Look for three things:  deceivers, disasters, and distresses on those who are believers.  Really not what maybe you might have thought the Lord would set in motion. 

Now that I have come and risen from the dead and ascended into Heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit, and the Kingdom will be built and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. 

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Maybe you thought the next line would be, we are going to take over the earth, reduce all the natural disasters, reduce all the wars and eliminate all persecution of the people of God.  Just the opposite.  Escalating deception, escalating disasters, and escalating distress on the heads of those who belong to God.  Look at history around you, folks.  It is right on schedule. 

In the meantime, Jesus says here is what you can expect.  Between His first coming and second coming, deception, disaster, and distress.  Clearly pessimistic.  Fallen world, careening, yes, a fallen world, cycling downward, yes, escalating deception, escalating disasters, escalating persecution. 

And it reaches its fever pitch right near the very end.  It’s described to us in careful detail in Revelation 6-19.  There you have the details of the final 7-year period before the Lord establishes His kingdom.  Horrific deception.  Horrific disasters.  Horrific persecution and distress upon those who name the name of Christ. 

It starts now, Jesus is saying.  And it escalates until it reaches its highest point just prior to His return.  Expect the constant array of deceiving false teachers.  Expect physical disasters.  And expect persecution, all increasing toward the end. 

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[Friend of Medjugorje]

Yes, Protestants are not always understanding everything in the Scriptures, but as Catholics, for the majority, get a failing grade.  As far as the Protestants, they have a failing grade about Our Lady.  But we can learn from each other.  Our Lady is here because satan, himself, he knows the hour is near.  And we can know it by what we talked about Our Lady is here for the last apparitions on earth for so long, not speaking just to a visionary or six of them, but the whole world.  Because the hour is here.

It’s satan versus Our Lady.  That is the battle and both of them are fighting for those souls.  Why Our Lady?  Because God is sending a Woman to insult, to defeat the devil, an insult to crush the king of pride.

 Our Lady has literally told us things about satan.  March 25, 2020, She says:

“…satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk…”

See, he is reigning, his kingship, and he wants to destroy you and the earth.  December 25, 2019, Our Lady says:

“…Your heart yearns for peace…”

Why?  Because it is Christmas Day, but She says,

“…Your heart yearns for peace, of which there is less and less on earth. That is why people are far from God and souls are sick and heading towards spiritual death…” 

The Woman versus lucifer.  Our Lady talks to us on May 25, 1995, how satan is roaming after you.  She says:

“…satan is strong and with all his forces wants to bring the most people possible closer to himself and to sin. That is why he is on the prowl to snatch more every moment…”  

he is roaming for you.


“Fear God and keep His Commandments for this is the duty of all mankind.”satan roams around

Like a roaring lion

Seeking to devour us

But the fear of God will keep us

Let him keep scheming

Let him keep trying

He knows the hour is near

The fear of God will keep  us

The  fear of God  will keep us

In the blink of an eye and a trumpet sound

We will be changed by a supernatural power

The fear of the Lord leads to life.

So lift up your voice if God’s called you too

While we’re still here we’ve got work to do

satan roams around

Like a roaring lion

Seeking to devour us

But the fear of God will keep us

Hold to what lasts

And keep your lamp lit

Standing in the knowledge of this

The fear of God will keep us

The fеar of God will keep us

In the blink of an eye and a flash of light

Thе trumpet sounds and the dead will rise

The mortal clothed immortal in His name

Lift up your voice if you’ve been saved

By the blood of the lamb who forever will reign

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.

His mercy extends to those who fear him from generation to generation.

1, 2, 3, 4

We may not win every battle

But He wins the war

Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress. 

5, 6, 7, 8

Christ is coming

And there’s only so long He’ll wait

In the blink of an eye and a trumpet sound

We will be changed

The mortal clothed immortal in His name

Lift up your voice if He’s called you too

While we’re still here we’ve got work to do

 He’s coming with a trumpet sound

He’s coming with a flash of light

He’s coming for a pure and spotless

Blood washed bride

He’s coming with a trumpet sound

He’s coming with a flash of light

He’s coming for a pure and spotless

Blood washed bride

Fear the Lord, you His holy people.

satan roams around

Like a roaring lion

Seeking to devour us

But the fear of God will keep us

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[Friend of Medjugorje]

March 18, 2003

“…My children, without God you can do nothing; do not forget this even for a single moment…”

That is where we are people.  We have lost everything.  We have forgotten.  Our Lady continues:

“…For, what are you and what will you be on earth, when you will return to it again. Do not anger God, but follow me to life…”

There are two choices mankind:  God, Our Lady or satan.  And She is leading the battle against satan.

“Do not anger God, but follow me to life.” 

What is happening in the world right now?  What is going on?  What do we see?  The whole world is on fire.  Nature is turning against man.  Things are happening across the whole world.

satan disguises everything.  he is trying to to take credit from God, making people think the signs of nature around us are from him, not from God. The way God created Creation is that if man sins against God, Creation defends God.

satan wants to confuse you of the things that are happening now.  satan is stealing the things that we look at now and he is so deceptive that what is happening is Global Warming, Climate Change, all these things.

It is not because of what man is saying, the Cabal, that the world is being destroyed by man. It is not the case.  They minus out that it is from God, So the “Climate Cabal” are actually even doing things.

There are fires all across the world.  In 2019, Canada had 3000 fires for the whole year.

In 2021, explain to me why there are 6000 fires burning in Canada, not for the whole year, but right now.  Don’t you think that is odd?

My suspicions, when I read that, a whole year you may have 3000 for a whole year, and now we have 6000 separate fires.  What is doing that?  Sounds like the cabal wants to set these fires so they can bring along the lie of Global Warming and all these things.

Isaiah, I quoted before, “Reason with me sayeth the Lord.”  If you just think about things, you look at it from a distance, you will be able to see through reasoning.  God gives you that.

Our Lady gave a message that says when you pray, everything is clear.  If you don’t, you won’t see it and you will listen to the media because you don’t have discernment.

You have fires in California, Louisiana, unprecedented places, in Alaska.  They state that it goes up like tinder.  Wildfires in Minnesota are behaving like a freight train. That statement comes from the fire officials.  June 7, 2023, “New York Forces a Code Red as Millions from the East Coast suffer from Quebec’s Wildfires.”

You have the same thing in North Africa, Australia has fires, Siberia, wildfires, Israel, China, South America, Mexico, South Korea, New Zealand, Southern Turkey, Sardinia – Sardinia has the largest wildfires in decades, and it is devastating for Italy. It just continues.  Why is this happening?

[News Clips]

We begin with the extreme heat.  That extreme heat, relentless heatwaves, the extreme heat, unbearable heat wave.  Have we entered the age of Global Boiling? This month is said to be the hottest ever on record, with heatwaves and wildfires racing across the Northern Hemisphere. 

This summer feels like a page torn from the book of Revelation.  The planet’s alarm bells ringing all at once. 

[Sound of an alarm]

For vast parts of North America, Asia, Africa and Europe, it is a cruel summer.  For the entire planet, it is a disaster.

The trend of extreme heat is evident all across the world.  Greece’s capital, Athens, is bracing for the hottest July weekend in 50 years.  Relentless wildfires in the country are forcing tens of thousands of people to evacuate from the popular islands of Rhodes and Corfu.  Italy, Spain and France are sweltering in a record-breaking heatwave.  Extreme weather is rewriting records in China too.  In India, a Southwestern coastal state, Kerala, recorded 120 deaths due to a heatwave so far this year.  Southern Europe continues to experience fierce heat. Twenty cities across Italy have been issued RED alerts.  And even the Continent at the bottom of the world, Antarctica, has registered unusually high temperatures.  Experts expect more such record breaking events in the future.


United Nations warns that the earth is now in an era of Global Boiling.  Global Warming has ended.  The era of Global Boiling has arrived.  We are going to see catastrophic wildfires in the coming decades.  Catastrophic wildfires will be happening globally, and they will be ramping up in the next few decades. 


Fire on the mountain, through the fields

Save yourself

There’s evil in the garden

But you don’t see it; I can tell

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[Friend of Medjugorje]

If you reason things out, you realize what is happening, [is] not what the people say: Climate Change.   What do you think that Our Lady comes down and says on March 25, 2022.  And She says: “…Mankind is at a crossroads…” 

What are you going to think, if you are in front of Our Lady and She tells you that?  How do you discern that?  It means we are going one way or the other way.  Then She says to you, She is in front of you, She says,

“I am calling you to return to God.”

Why?  Why is She saying that?  Then She says,

“…I am calling you to return to God and to God’s Commandments…”

  How is that going to fix it?  The Climate Change, the heat, the fires, all this stuff, what is going to happen?  So, what is that going to do, returning to God’s Commandments?  Our Lady will tell you how to fix all these things.

 “…I am calling you to return to God and God’s Commandments that it may be good for you on earth…” 

Are things good now?  satan is stealing God’s warnings in nature and propagating instead the lies of Climate Change and Global Warming. And Our Lady is saying, it is not going good for you because of sin. Man has not accepted the Commandments.  They don’t even go to Confession for it.  Jesus has the answer – to repent, to confess, that it may be good for you on earth.  To get away from what?

And She continues, “…and that you may come out of this crisis…”  Yes, there is a crisis.  There is a difficult situation happening around the world –

“…that it may be good for you on earth that you may come out of this crisis…” 

Amazing, this message tells you everything, how to reason out things that are happening.

 “…that you may come out of this crisis that you have entered…”

She is telling us all these things, that we have entered into a crisis and to make it go right for you, you have to return to God, not the “climate,” people.  Let’s raise money and stop this and stop that.  You are not going to do that.  You have to stop sin. 

“…that you may come out of the crisis into which you have entered because you are not listening to God…” 

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You listen to the scientists and all these people and what they are thinking and what they want to deny the sins. 

“…You are not listening to God who loves you and desires to save you and lead you to a new life…”

March 25, 2022, is a bomb because it blows everything out of the water of what people are saying.

Sodom, they thought they were uppity, and their civilization was so great, God came down with fire on five cities.  Sodom and four other cities around it.  We have done more now than what Sodom was doing.  They have now excavated and found Sodom.  The evidence is incredible.  Amazing!

So, we are going to play a clip.  You understand because what their sin is now, back then, they were destroyed.

We have it [the same sin] right now and it is happening and it is growing across the whole world, the LG people and it is getting to a point where God’s gotta do something.  He did it then, and He is not going to say, oh, this is modern times, I can’t do it now.

That is why Our Lady is here, so that we can come out of the crisis that is on schedule if we don’t change.  Listen to this.


Narrator: The apocalypse – when an entire people are destroyed.  Or destroy themselves.  The end of civilization.

For us today, as we go about our daily lives, its barely something we consider. We’re so sure it couldn’t happen to us. But for some civilizations, it already has.

The Bible, it’s one of the most influential texts ever written. For millennia, it has shaped the lives of billions of people.

It told stories of great civilizations, miraculous events, the Word of God. Many people see them as parables for how to live their lives, but for some these stories are historical truths. Of all the events the Bible details, one remains shocking even today.

The destruction of Sodom. According to the Bible, Sodom was one of the five cities of the Plain. It was remarkable for its wickedness.

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Dr. Robert Cargill: Associate Professor of Classics and Religious Studies: The tradition is that the sin of Sodom was what the Bible describes to be sexual perversity, specifically homosexuality.

Narrator: But is this really true? In the Bible story, God appeared before Abraham and told him His plan, to destroy Sodom and the cities of the Plain. For Abraham, it’s a shocking revelation. His nephew Lot, lived in Sodom.

Dr. Cargill: According to the Bible, Lot and his family were different than the other people living in Sodom. They would be considered righteous people.

Narrator: Abraham pleaded with God not to destroy the innocent and the guilty without distinction.

God assured Abraham that He would spare the city if just ten decent people could be found there. God sends two angels disguised as travelers to meet with Lot, who takes them in. But when the news of the foreigner’s arrival spreads through Sodom, the city descends on Lot’s house and demands he hands them over.

Dr. Jeff Rose – Archaeologist: Immediately, all the neighbors are banging on the doors saying, send out these two men so that we may know them.

Lot says absolutely not, you can have my daughters instead. They’re virgins, you can do whatever you want with them. But you cannot have my guests. At that point, God steps in and says, nope, the test has failed.

Narrator: It’s damming. The angels allow Lot and his family to leave, but when they are gone, God levels the city with the remaining inhabitants inside.

Dr. Rose: It would have been positively terrifying.

Mary-Anne Ochota – Social Anthropolist: God destroyed them in a shower of fire and brimstone, so terrible that no man could live in this land.

Narrator: The destruction was so complete that the city was abandoned for 700 years. It’s a profound punishment for the city’s Sins.

According to the Ancient writings of the Bible, the Koran and the Torah, Sodom was supposedly part of what’s known as the five cities of the Plain. For centuries, archeologists have tried to locate it.

Dr. Phillip Silvia: I think Sodom is the epitome in Scripture of God’s judgment against sin in the world and it’s the engineer in me. And the theologian in me understands there must be a discoverable trail of physical evidence showing us what He did and how He did it. And that’s what drives me.

Narrator: The more Dr. Collins studied, the more convinced he became that the Bible could provide clues to the location of Sodom.

Dr. Stephen Collins: The middle Bronze Age fortifications were stunning to me. We estimated the rampart system itself took somewhere between 40 and 60 million mud bricks to make. It was obviously a highly centralized government who could put such a project together and complete it.

Dr. Leen Ritmeyer – Archaeologist Architect: I’ve worked on many archaeological excavations. I have never seen such a huge site as Tall el-Hammam. About six times as big as the old city of Jerusalem.

Narrator: Crucially, the team discovered layers of ash throughout, ranging from half a meter to two meters thick. Evidence that Tall el-Hammam was destroyed, and they were convinced it was destroyed in the Middle Bronze Age.

Dr. Silvia: Mixed in with that ash are pieces of pottery that we can identify with that Middle Bronze Age date.

Narrator: The evidence indicates, the site was burned in one-thousand seven hundred BCE. And as Doctor Siliva sifts through the ash layer, a picture of a great destructive event emerges. Among the ruins, they find a large 180-kilogram saddle quern that workers used to grind grain.

Dr. Silvia: That’s called a saddle quern because you basically would straddle it, like you were riding a horse, and then you would run your grinder back and forth, like this, to grind the grain.

Narrator: But for Dr. Silvia, the position of the saddle quern doesn’t make any sense.

Dr. Silvia: It was literally blown off of its dirt pedestal onto its side on the ground, in a north-easterly direction.

Narrator: The team are intrigued by how such a large, heavy object could have been blown over. And it’s not the only object. Across the site, they uncover artifacts and structures that landed in the same direction, seemingly pushed by some catastrophic force.

Dr. Collins: You find bits and pieces of pottery, everything you can imagine, strewn for six, seven, eight meters across the floor to the northeast, so everything has this directionality to it. Everything inside there is churned up and full of ash and pottery and broken mud bricks and everything about it is, is catastrophic.

Narrator: The team uncovered evidence of a great destructive event, hitting Tall el-Hammam. The team make a chilling find.

Dr. Collins: We started finding human bones, a piece of a pelvis, piece of a knee bone, piece of a femur. One of them was only existing from the mid-femur down. Everything else is missing. And the place where the separation occurred is severely burned. It’s almost like they were burned off.

Dr. Silvia: They appear to have been bodily slammed up against one of the very thick walls and then fell to the ground and were covered in ash and in material there.

Dr. Collins: These were not lovingly placed burials. These were people who wound up in these positions by some sort of violent event.

Narrator: In another section, they find further evidence that the inhabitants were killed by an intense force.

Dr. Collins: In the Middle Bronze palace area, two skulls emerged. We have no lower jaw bones on either one. One, we have the entire skull, and it is smashed down. One has a piece of pelvis right here, next to the fragments of the skull. They are literally blown to bits.

Narrator: For Collins, the location of the skulls is key.

Dr. Collins: We are eight meters down and a meter deep in the destruction matrix. There is no doubt, zero doubt, that these two individuals, these two skulls fragments belong to the Middle Bronze destruction event itself.

Dr. Silvia: The body is just not designed to stand up to that kind of force. And it’s both shocking, it’s both traumatizing, but on the other hand, as an engineer, as a scientist, it’s absolutely fascinating.

Narrator: The team believes they’re getting closer to discovering what destroyed this city. But so far, nothing conclusive which tells them this might be Biblical Sodom. Twenty-one meters wide and 14-meters high with towers on either side, and up to six chambers.

The Tall el-Hammam team are gradually unearthing the secrets of a vast metropolis spanning an area of approximately a hundred and fifty acres with an estimated population of up to 65,000 inhabitants.

Dr. Collins: It had all the features of a major, major city center. I mean in, with its palaces, its temples, its residential areas, its streets, its massive fortifications, its satellite towns, its massive agricultural areas that you could take advantage of. It had everything to make it great and this is what the Bible describes, and this is what the archeology confirms.

Dr. Silvia: It fits the geographical clues in terms of location. It fits the time frame in terms of its occupation history. To me, I don’t see what other conclusion you can come to.

Dr. Silvia: When you get an earthquake, the ground moves back and forth. We are in a north-south strike slip zone in the region around Tall el-Hammam.

So, when you have earthquakes there, things tend to move north and south and so walls tend to fall in both directions. But all the material evidence we’re finding is pushed to the northeast, and only to the northeast. It’s very monodirectional.

Narrator: Crucially, the team make another discovery which suggests that the site remained unoccupied for approximately 700 years. The team uncovered evidence of a thriving Middle Bronze Age city, destroyed by a violent event, followed by a 700-year period where the site remained largely abandoned.

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For them, the location of Tall el-Hammam and its scale, indicates it could be Sodom, but they’re no closer to explaining the cause for its catastrophic demise. Then in 2011, while excavating a section of the upper city, Dr. Collin’s team make an extraordinary discovery.

They found a piece of pottery in the Middle Bronze Age layer, thousands are scattered throughout the site, but this piece is different. On one side the fragment looks like regular Bronze Age pottery, but on the other, the surface is green and glass-like.

Dr. Collins: It looks like one side of it is superficially melted.

Narrator: The fragment looks as though its time traveled from a later era.

Dr. Collins: What in the world is a piece of glazed pottery doing down here this deep?

Narrator: Could it offer any clues for the cause of Tall el-Hammam’s destruction? Collins takes the strange looking piece of pottery for analysis. When the results come back, they are quite literally out of this world.

Dr. Collins: We know that now, from the tests, everything about this particular melted surface of pottery shard is physically identical to trinitite.

Narrator: The word “trinitite” comes from the code name “Trinity” used in the first ever detonation of a nuclear bomb. The test took place on the 16th of July, 1945, in the Jornada del Muerto desert, New Mexico.

Dr. Martin Archer – Physicist: When the trinity bomb was detonated, it released the equivalent of 21,000 tons of TNT. That’s actually slightly more than the nuclear bomb that they dropped in Hiroshima in World War II.

Narrator: In the aftermath of the explosion, scientists noticed a strange substance all across the surface of the desert.

Dr. Archer: When the bomb exploded, it sends out a big fireball and that creates a huge mushroom cloud, a big uprush and it took a whole load of the sand up in there and that basically melted because of the immense heat and then rained back down onto the desert which cooled really quickly and then formed this glassy trinitite.

Narrator: The melted glasslike surface of the sand is similar to that found on the pottery shard at Tall el-Hammam. When its analyzed further, experts discover something else. Zircon.

Dr. Archer: Zircon is a naturally occurring mineral that you can find in rocks, pretty much all over the world. Looking at Zircon under a microscope, what you’ll see is like a crystal-like structure and very, very regular with very sharp jagged edges, basically.

Narrator: But the Zircon inside this piece of pottery is different.

Dr. Archer: This Zircon was actually a lot smoother and kind of more like a tear drop.

Narrator: Experts conclude that the Zircon in this fragment must have undergone an extreme process to create such a strange shape.

Dr. Archer: It suggests that this Zircon has been heated up to a really high temperature, such that it even melted and then it cooled very quickly because otherwise you’d get the more regular looking Zircon that usually takes, you know, thousands of years to cool down.

Narrator: The fragment must have been subjected to extreme heat for it to have melted this way.

Dr. Archer: Normal fire would burn at somewhere between 600 and 2000 degrees Celsius. For Zircon to melt, though, I mean, you’re talking at least 4000 degrees Celsius. That’s over double the hottest fires.

Dr. Silvia: Now, the surface of the sun is about 4000 degrees so you’re talking about temperatures equivalent to the surface of the sun.

Narrator: And as the excavation continues, the team unearth more and more pieces of extreme heat blasted pottery.

Dr. Collins: Every place we’ve excavated across the site, we have found indicators of these high heat events. Every place we find bits and pieces. What kind of thing could do that?

Dr. Archer: From the evidence of this ancient site, we know there must have been incredible temperatures, much hotter than a regular fire, and it created a substance very similar to trinitite, but of course, there weren’t nuclear bombs back then, so what could have caused this? Well, one possible option is a meteor.

Dr. Silvia: Now, at our site, there is no crater on the ground for us to point to or look at and say: Ah-Hah, here’s the conclusive evidence that we have some kind of astral body coming in and hitting us. We don’t have that.

Narrator: But meteors don’t need to make impact to unleash their destructive power on earth. An incredible concussive force at a blast of high intensity heat can result from a rare cosmic phenomenon known as a meteor airburst.

Dr. Archer: An air burst can be when a meteor, in the earth’s atmosphere, explodes in the air before it hits the ground.

Narrator: The damage on the ground from the explosion can be devastating.

Dr. Archer: Firstly, you’ve got this really hot rock the meteor in the air has radiating heat that can set things ablaze. Now, when it explodes you’ve got the big shock wave and that can also take temperature with it so you can feel a heat rush. The amount of devastation you’re going to see really depends on the size of the rock. Bigger meteor, more destruction.

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[Friend of Medjugorje:]

So, what you just heard, was that a myth? Sodom is real. The Bible is real. The word, “abominable,” is defined as: worthy of, or causing abhorrence, as a thing of evil omen, odious, very hateful very hateful, detestable, loathsome, unclean. And you can keep going. The word, apocalyptic, means relating to the total destruction of something, especially of the world.

It means relating or involving predictions about future disasters in the destruction of the world. It’s infallible when something scientifically has proof, the community can accept it.

Sodom is proven, biblically and with physical evidence. So, what’s happening right now, do you think that God is not going to do something?

Ten out of 50 states, Hawaii is in the top ten abominable. Not only just abominable, look it up for yourself.

If you look on Travel, it says, Maui, 2023, Travel Guide. It says Hotels, Bars and Events. What do you want to discover? What’s abominable sin like? It’s the best on Maui.

Another listing states, Things to do and see as part of the LG Community. Maui is home to a thriving LGBT Community that supports LG false unions.

In other words, that’s the place to go get married. Another listing states, Maui, is a popular stop for all abominables, wherever they are. They’re calling for the world, for you to come.

It is the second most visited island for abomination. Another statement, Welcome to the LG family Island of Maui. Discover abominable friendly Maui.

It continues. Maui has been home to LG film festivals, showcasing a diverse range of LGBQ theme movies. Isn’t that nice? There are several more headlines and articles, but they go into things we don’t talk about on this world report.

Are you thinking, these poor people on Maui. How can I say is Sodom.

But what I can say, those practices are there as well as different places in the world. We know there’s people on Maui are innocent. Nor are they for it.

What would God say? He’s changed His mind. And He’s okay with it? God still destroyed Sodom, but He told Lot, “Get Out.” Get out of these places. I’m telling you get out. And you look up what I defined to you, you should wake up.

March 25, 1990, Our Lady says:

“Dear children, I am with you even if you are not conscience of it. I want to protect you from everything that satan offers you and through which he wants to destroy you. As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you unto holiness. God wants to save you and send you messages through men, nature and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life. Therefore, little children, understand also the greatness of gift which God is giving you through me so that I may protect you with my mantle and lead you to the joy of life…”

I’ve been in Guam. I’ve talked about this before. I was asked to speak. First, I talked to a school. And then I talked to one church. And then the next one, everybody came before the next church, and to the next and the next. Seven churches. They couldn’t even get inside the church. The whole island.

The next time Marija came to here, we had people flying all the way from Guam. Surely, there are people on Maui that know about Medjugorje. But wake-up. You’re not going to change this place, except by fire.

Yes, there are some good people there in the midst of it, but where these places are overrun or are either growing day-by-day with their filth and what they are and denying that it’s not a sin, there is only one other way to purify.

Around 1965, in grammar school, I remember our teacher, a nun, talking about the flood and that God made a promise He would never destroy the world again, and His sign was a rainbow.

Before that happened, there were no rainbows. God created that to show His fatherly love that He won’t ever again destroy the world by water.

But, I remember asking the nun, I raised my hand, what would happen when the world gets bad again? And she said, not even missing a second, it’s going to be by fire.

And I was stunned by that. And she said it’s going to come down from Heaven. I asked how can you say that? She said because its Biblical.

I didn’t know how she got that out of the Bible except from Sodom and we’re there. Sodom had the innocent people there and God sent two angels there to lead them and not to hesitate but leave.

But also, there’s something in the Biblical part, these abominables wanted the sons and it was so disgusting, Lot said he was willing to give his two daughters to the sodomites. Can you imagine a father doing that, because it’s such a sin.

So, I ask you a question, has God changed? Is this sin decreasing or growing? And it’s getting to a point now, that it passes Sodom.

Alabama just passed sweeping laws to protect children. What is the measure of Sodom and what they were doing, to what the world is seeing now for children? How long is God going to wait? And it’s not always without signs.

Maui is a sign. I’m sure there were “Lots” there. There are 13 states against abominables. These 13 states have passed laws that allow discrimination against the abominables and their lifestyles, etc.

All these omens, fires all over the world. God gives us signs to convert and return back to Him, the Father.

There seems a paralleling of the history of the world that God is saying something to us because we have gravitated closer and closer to Sodom.

So, with all these growing abominable, LGBQ communities, they are putting their fists up in front of God.

On the other hand, we’ve had many states protecting, defending the lifestyle, passing laws to protect them.

Recently, the governor of Alabama, Kay Ivey, signed a measure. She said, quote, “There are very real challenges for our young people, especially with today’s societal pressure and modern culture.” Unquote.

Then she said, publicly to the news, quote, “I believe very strongly that if the good Lord made you a boy, you are a boy and if he made you a girl, you are a girl.”

It’s not complicated. They have made this world and we have let them, and we have made the world with them by being silenced. We don’t stand up to them. [We don’t say] “You’re not going to do this. We don’t accept it. It’s the molestation of the minds of children and confuses them.”

And Jesus was very, very serious how this sin is. What these teachers are doing and what they are doing to the children that “It is better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and thrown into the river for those who kill the innocence of the little ones.”

How long is God going to sit there? Who is giving us time right now is Our Lady to wake everybody up.

If you have to move to a more Biblical place, leave. Don’t do what Lot’s wife did. Everything about their lifestyle is twisted.

This is the world we have allowed, and this is the world that they have made. It’s not enough [for me to say], I’m not going to be like that, but that’s what they want to do. Uh-Uh.

Why do we have laws? Go down the road. Run through the red lights. Sooner or later, someone is going to crash into you. And that’s these people, they’re going to crash into you.

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Secrets follow us
Visions, we can’t forget
The animal inside got ahold of us
But we don’t feel regret

(Ooh) Everything’s twisted
(Ooh) But we don’t feel a thing
(Ooh) There’s no resisting

It’s in our blood, in our blood
No escape
Can’t outrun
No, we can’t get away
It’s in our blood
In our blood, in our veins
This is the world we made
This is the world we made
This is the world we made

Prey on the powerful
Masters of the game
We run with the wolves in the shadows
We’ll chase ’em down ’til we’re face to face

Everything’s twisted
But we don’t feel a thing
There’s no resisting

It’s in our blood, in our blood
No escape
We can’t outrun
No, we can’t get away
It’s in our blood
In our blood, in our veins
This is the world we made
This is the world we made
This is the world we made
This is the world we made

This is the world we made

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On Maui, where the fires hit, witnesses described the island as desolate. Desolate is defined as a place void of people, a state of bleak, dismal emptiness.

We know, very clearly, that we have three Secrets to purify ourselves, our mentalities, maybe physically, we don’t know. But its coming. And it’s real.

And they’re the Secrets of Medjugorje. Has Our Lady given any clue about these? The Third She has. But the First and Second, we speculate.

But it’s going to be something for the purpose to purify mentalities and the souls and to help you go towards God or more against Him.

Our Lady did show Mirjana the First Secret, as we understand it, because Mirjana said, “The earth was desolate.”

Narrator: On October twenty-fifth, nineteen eighty-five, Our Lady gave the following message to Mirjana concerning unbelievers:

“They are my children. I suffer because of them. They do not know what awaits them. You must pray more for them.”

Our Lady showed Mirjana the first secret – the earth was desolate:

“It is the upheaval of a region of the world. In the world there are so many sins. What can I do if you do not help me. Remember that I love you. God does not have a hard heart. Look around you and see what men do, then you will no longer say that God has a hard heart. How many people come to church, to the house of God, with respect, a strong faith, and love God? Very few! Here you have a time of grace and conversion. It is necessary to use it well.”

[Friend of Medjugorje]

Our Lady is here to give us a way out. On March 28, 1985, Our Lady said:

“Dear children, today I wish to call you to pray, pray, pray. In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit.”

Those of you who are trapped in sin, enslaved by it, and you wake up and realize you’re losing your soul, the message just said, there’s a way out.

You can change. You can be renewed, God’s children, not satan’s children. It will come to you if you open up and pray, it will come to you like a wave. You are not stuck, and you’re not trapped. She’s here for you.

[Song: Way Out]

Thoughts that I can’t explain
Chemicals in my brain
Move at a different pace and I can’t keep up
Comes at me like a wave
All this anxiety
I wanna scream but the words are stuck

Trapped inside this head of mine
That spins reality into a lie
I don’t know why I say I’m fine
When I’m

Breathing but getting no air
I’m moving but going nowhere
But every time I get here
I break through the breakdown
So when you see me crying
I want you to know I’m trying
I’m fighting, surviving
‘Til I find a way out

Hard seeing through the tears
When it’s so dark in here
I’m numb to the fears, the ring in my ears, year after year now
The pressure is piling on
But I’m gonna come out strong
Make a diamond out of me, ooh, I’ll shine eventually

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Trapped inside this head of mine
That spins reality into a lie
I don’t know why I say I’m fine
When I’m

Breathing but getting no air
I’m moving but going nowhere
But every time I get here
I break through the breakdown
So when you see me crying
I want you to know I’m trying
I’m fighting, surviving
‘Til I find a way out

(Breathing but getting no air)
(I’m moving but going nowhere)
(But every time I get here)
I get here, I break through the breakdown
(So when you see me crying)
So when you see me crying
(I want you to know I’m trying)
I’m trying, I’m fighting, surviving
(I’m fighting, surviving)
‘Til I find a way out

[Friend of Medjugorje]:

For all those who are in the dark, you have no way out, break through the break down. Fight and survive until you find a way out. She is here for you. You speak to Her. She’ll speak to you. She has the way to free you.

What you’re about to hear now will, in many ways, confirm and support Medjugorje.

Narrator: On June eighteenth, nineteen sixty-one, four young girls had a remarkable experience. There, in a tiny hamlet of about three hundred people and eighty stone houses, with no running water, in the mountains of northern Spain, these four young girls, about 12 years of age, had an encounter with Heaven.

In nineteen sixty-one, as color T.V. was making its way into American homes and the invention of the fax machine was underway, life in the small village of Garabandal, was far from modern or convenient. Electricity, which had become common in half of all homes in the U.S. by nineteen twenty-five, was only available for a few hours each night. T.V. and cars did not exist in this village. The people of Garabandal lived by raising cattle and working the land.

There was a small church in the village, but because of the remoteness of the village in the mountains, and lack of a parish priest, the priest from a nearby village would travel on horseback to say Mass once a week for the villagers.

On June eighteenth, nineteen sixty-one, four twelve-year-old girls, were playing together near the village. Suddenly they heard a sound like thunder and saw an angel, who later revealed himself as Saint Michael the Archangel, standing before them in dazzling white. The angel said nothing, and the girls ran away frightened. However, over the next few days, Saint Michael appeared to them again, yet said nothing.

Finally, on July first, the angel spoke for the first time to tell them that on the following day, the Blessed Virgin Mary would appear to them as Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The next day, July second, Our Lady did appear to them as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, holding the infant Jesus with two angels at Her side. One of which was Saint Michael.

Over the course of Her apparitions to the four girls, Our Lady foretold three momentous events that would occur in the future:

First, a worldwide warning that will be seen and felt by all.

Second, a miraculous sign that will be left at the site of Our Lady’s apparitions in Garabandal within twelve months of the warning. This sign will be indestructible, and something not seen before.

Third, a final chastisement if mankind does not repent after experiencing the warning and the miraculous sign.

The apparitions of Garabandal occurred from nineteen sixty-one to nineteen sixty-five.

One of the visionaries, Conchita explains in further detail the warning.

The Garabandal visionary Conchita shared the details of an important message she received on January first, nineteen sixty-five from the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a message announcing an event that will affect the entire world, all people, and an event that no one will be able to avoid. It will be so strong that some people will not survive it. The following is Conchita’s description about the warning.

“On January first, nineteen sixty-five, Our Lady told me during an apparition, that a warning would be given to the whole world so that the world could be changed.

It will come directly from God and will be visible to the whole world.

No one can escape it. We will feel it physically and internally.

A warning is like a punishment, terrifying for both the good and the bad.

It will be like the revelation of our sins. We will see the consequences of the sins we have committed.

The warning will bring the good closer to God and will warn the wicked that the end of time is coming. This should not be confused with the end of the world.

It will be like fire.

It won’t burn our body, but we will feel it in our conscience.

No one can stop this from happening. It is certain, although I do not know anything about the day or date.

The warning is something supernatural and will not be explained by science.

It will be seen and experienced by all people around the world and will be a direct work of God. If people die from it, it will only be from the emotional shock of seeing it.

It will encourage us to think about death, that is, we would rather be dead than to experience a warning.

The warning will be recognized and accepted by the world.

I think that those who do not despair will experience great good from this for their sanctification.

This will happen at the moment when Communism is reestablished in the world.

Interviewer: And you now give us the final message.

Conchita: Yes, it was June 18th, nineteen sixty-five. The angel came and gave me this message.

“As my message of October 18, nineteen sixty-one has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one.  Before the cup was filling up, now it is flowing over. Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your request. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the Passion of Jesus.”


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Announcer: This ends Part one of the Special World Report titled, “Have We Entered the Age of Fire?” with a Friend of Medjugorje.

Our Lady has used a Friend of Medjugorje to define Medjugorje to the whole world.

Part two will broadcast this Thursday, September seventh at eight p.m. Central Time, USA. You won’t want to miss the conclusion of the Special World Report, “Have We Entered the Age of Fire?”  Tell everyone you know.

Part one will be re-broadcasted on mej.com Wednesday, September sixth at 8:00 p.m. Central Time USA.


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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

8 thoughts on “Have We Entered the Age of Fire? Part 1 of 2”

  1. City: Irvington
    State: AL
    Country: USA
    My heart is heavy after listening to just this part. Everything being said I fully believe this to be TRUTH. My heart hurts for this world and it’s sad. God Bless you ALL

  2. hebertmichaeljohn

    City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    Our Lady’s Message, September 6, 1981
    “Pray especially on Sunday, so that the great sign, the gift of God may come. Pray with fervor and a constancy so that God, may have mercy on His great children. Go in peace, my angel. May the blessing of God accompany you. Amen. Good-bye.”

  3. State: TX
    Country: USA
    I refer to the 2nd Epistle of Peter, Chapter 3 — It is all about “Preparation for the Coming of Christ”. Verse 7 states that the “present heavens and earth are reserved by God’s Word for FIRE; they are kept for the Day of Judgment, the day when godless men will be destroyed. Verse 10b: “the elements will be destroyed by FIRE; and the earth and all its deeds will be made manifest.” I urge you to read Chapter 3 in its entirety. It also tells us how God wants us to prepare…(12) “looking for the coming of the day of God and trying to hasten it!”
    I thank FOM for this outstanding podcast, and Peace of Christ be with you all…

  4. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    As always, thank you so much for sharing this. FOM you are truly anointed and a prophet.

  5. Jennifer Petsche

    City: Oak Harbor
    State: OH
    Country: US
    Now is the time to take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and STAY THERE! The fires happening now are NOT from God – they are from DEWs – Direct Energy Weapons (Lasers from planes) – look it up – you will find they say they are still being developed – this is a lie – they are being used and can be directed on homes and not hit trees – which was shown in videos from people in Maui. Electricity mysteriously out 4 hours before fire, water shut off so fires could not be put out, all government officials off the island when fires burned. ONLY POOR people – native islanders homes burned – not billionare/millionaire homes like Oprah Winfrey. Just before the fires a zoning law was passed, that deemed that if there was a disaster, the land would be re-zoned and could be purchased by the government. Climate change is a lie, all must see that suddenly it has accelerated to all these fires in places that have agreed to 15 minute cities. 15 minute cities are cities of enslavement – you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave – because they will monitor your social credit score (carbon usage) and not allow you to leave (won’t happen immediately, but is the plan). If you spend beyond what they think you should on meat, gas, anything they deem a detriment to climate – you will be banned from buying, leaving and selling. EVs will be the only option for a car. You can’t charge your car if you are not carbon compliant and they will have control on where the chargers are. Think! The only way to be saved from all of these planned events is through prayer and the refuge of Our Mother’s Immaculate heart. If you read Revelation, the devil comes after her AND HER OFFSPRING (THOSE WHO CALL HER MOTHER), but she is protected, and taken to a place of safety, therefore, WE who take refuge in her, are protected. Evil wants you controlled by FEAR, fear of Covid, fear of no food or shelter – God told us 365 times in the bible not to fear. He said we would be protected from disease, etc., if we BELIEVE AND TRUST IN HIM. OUR Mother comes to remind us and to say He has chosen me to be your refuge in these times and she begs us to Pray, Pray, Pray. So turn off your Tell LIE Visions, shut off your phones and take time to pray for yourselves, your family and YOUR fellow man – especially those who are lukewarm or do not yet know of HIS LOVE.

    1. City: Gillieston Heights
      State: NSW
      Country: Australia
      Hi Jennifer,
      I was about to write a comment and reading yours it is virtually what I was going to write, no need for me to repeat it. Well done. And thank you to FOM, COB and Our Lady for putting part of her plan together. I suspect, that everything that is not of God is being destroyed by satan in his plan to take over and destroy the planet on which we live. It makes sense that perhaps Our Lady is allowing evil humans to destroy things that are not of God but they don’t know it. Why get in the way of an enemy that is self destructing? And it gives Our Lady more time. FOM has discussed re the food industry as evidenced by the burning down of large factories, large milk producing farms and the list is growing. Their plan to control the world by controlling energy, money and food is known by Our Lady. So is their evil depopulation plan. How magnificent a plan it would be to allow evil humans to almost win by destroying the evil things as part of their plan, with lots of people waking up to all this with The Great Awakening and realising how stupid we are. The Muslims are planning to dominate the world through having a population growth, this has been known for years. And then when everything looks like we Christians have lost, along comes the 1st 3 secrets. Convert all the Muslims to Christianity, have most of the world repent. Then we get our punishment from God which is deserved, which it doesn’t matter if you die earlier than planned, you live forever anyway. This war is about saving souls. Billions of souls. Wow what a brilliant plan from God to rescue us from ourselves. I have been upset by God allowing satan extra powers, but I finally realised he is giving people extra graces to cover this and we are going to finally realise that this earth is for God’s kingdom and for Peace. Keep up the great work FOM & COB, thank you for saving my soul and the many millions / billions yet to realise what you and Our Lady are doing. God Bless.

  6. Joseph R Jannetta

    City: Rock Hill
    State: SC
    Country: United States
    The signs of our times abounds around us .
    The 20th century an historic and pivotal time in salvation history . We are bearing the consequences of our actions as we move deeper into this new millennium Time seems to be compressing and all humanity is beginning to realize that something is askew . A time seems to be near that a harvest is approaching a separation of the wheat from the chaff, the good fruits from the bad. Lines have been drawn between good and evil as clearly as day is to night.
    The messages of our Mother guide us forward as they have throughout salvation history. Come Holy Spirit and Renew the face of the earth. To the Caritas community thank you all for your service to her call .

  7. Country: usa
    A book written by Christine Watkins called The Warning has testimonies of some people that have already experienced an illumination of consciousness and a movie called the Great Warning is under production by belladreams and they hope to have it out in October. Hopefully, this movie will inspire people to get to confession before the warning where you will see all your sin as Gods sees them. Some people say this is warning is in the Bible as Revelations 6.

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8 thoughts on “Have We Entered the Age of Fire? Part 1 of 2”

  1. City: Irvington
    State: AL
    Country: USA
    My heart is heavy after listening to just this part. Everything being said I fully believe this to be TRUTH. My heart hurts for this world and it’s sad. God Bless you ALL

  2. hebertmichaeljohn

    City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    Our Lady’s Message, September 6, 1981
    “Pray especially on Sunday, so that the great sign, the gift of God may come. Pray with fervor and a constancy so that God, may have mercy on His great children. Go in peace, my angel. May the blessing of God accompany you. Amen. Good-bye.”

  3. State: TX
    Country: USA
    I refer to the 2nd Epistle of Peter, Chapter 3 — It is all about “Preparation for the Coming of Christ”. Verse 7 states that the “present heavens and earth are reserved by God’s Word for FIRE; they are kept for the Day of Judgment, the day when godless men will be destroyed. Verse 10b: “the elements will be destroyed by FIRE; and the earth and all its deeds will be made manifest.” I urge you to read Chapter 3 in its entirety. It also tells us how God wants us to prepare…(12) “looking for the coming of the day of God and trying to hasten it!”
    I thank FOM for this outstanding podcast, and Peace of Christ be with you all…

  4. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    As always, thank you so much for sharing this. FOM you are truly anointed and a prophet.

  5. Jennifer Petsche

    City: Oak Harbor
    State: OH
    Country: US
    Now is the time to take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and STAY THERE! The fires happening now are NOT from God – they are from DEWs – Direct Energy Weapons (Lasers from planes) – look it up – you will find they say they are still being developed – this is a lie – they are being used and can be directed on homes and not hit trees – which was shown in videos from people in Maui. Electricity mysteriously out 4 hours before fire, water shut off so fires could not be put out, all government officials off the island when fires burned. ONLY POOR people – native islanders homes burned – not billionare/millionaire homes like Oprah Winfrey. Just before the fires a zoning law was passed, that deemed that if there was a disaster, the land would be re-zoned and could be purchased by the government. Climate change is a lie, all must see that suddenly it has accelerated to all these fires in places that have agreed to 15 minute cities. 15 minute cities are cities of enslavement – you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave – because they will monitor your social credit score (carbon usage) and not allow you to leave (won’t happen immediately, but is the plan). If you spend beyond what they think you should on meat, gas, anything they deem a detriment to climate – you will be banned from buying, leaving and selling. EVs will be the only option for a car. You can’t charge your car if you are not carbon compliant and they will have control on where the chargers are. Think! The only way to be saved from all of these planned events is through prayer and the refuge of Our Mother’s Immaculate heart. If you read Revelation, the devil comes after her AND HER OFFSPRING (THOSE WHO CALL HER MOTHER), but she is protected, and taken to a place of safety, therefore, WE who take refuge in her, are protected. Evil wants you controlled by FEAR, fear of Covid, fear of no food or shelter – God told us 365 times in the bible not to fear. He said we would be protected from disease, etc., if we BELIEVE AND TRUST IN HIM. OUR Mother comes to remind us and to say He has chosen me to be your refuge in these times and she begs us to Pray, Pray, Pray. So turn off your Tell LIE Visions, shut off your phones and take time to pray for yourselves, your family and YOUR fellow man – especially those who are lukewarm or do not yet know of HIS LOVE.

    1. City: Gillieston Heights
      State: NSW
      Country: Australia
      Hi Jennifer,
      I was about to write a comment and reading yours it is virtually what I was going to write, no need for me to repeat it. Well done. And thank you to FOM, COB and Our Lady for putting part of her plan together. I suspect, that everything that is not of God is being destroyed by satan in his plan to take over and destroy the planet on which we live. It makes sense that perhaps Our Lady is allowing evil humans to destroy things that are not of God but they don’t know it. Why get in the way of an enemy that is self destructing? And it gives Our Lady more time. FOM has discussed re the food industry as evidenced by the burning down of large factories, large milk producing farms and the list is growing. Their plan to control the world by controlling energy, money and food is known by Our Lady. So is their evil depopulation plan. How magnificent a plan it would be to allow evil humans to almost win by destroying the evil things as part of their plan, with lots of people waking up to all this with The Great Awakening and realising how stupid we are. The Muslims are planning to dominate the world through having a population growth, this has been known for years. And then when everything looks like we Christians have lost, along comes the 1st 3 secrets. Convert all the Muslims to Christianity, have most of the world repent. Then we get our punishment from God which is deserved, which it doesn’t matter if you die earlier than planned, you live forever anyway. This war is about saving souls. Billions of souls. Wow what a brilliant plan from God to rescue us from ourselves. I have been upset by God allowing satan extra powers, but I finally realised he is giving people extra graces to cover this and we are going to finally realise that this earth is for God’s kingdom and for Peace. Keep up the great work FOM & COB, thank you for saving my soul and the many millions / billions yet to realise what you and Our Lady are doing. God Bless.

  6. Joseph R Jannetta

    City: Rock Hill
    State: SC
    Country: United States
    The signs of our times abounds around us .
    The 20th century an historic and pivotal time in salvation history . We are bearing the consequences of our actions as we move deeper into this new millennium Time seems to be compressing and all humanity is beginning to realize that something is askew . A time seems to be near that a harvest is approaching a separation of the wheat from the chaff, the good fruits from the bad. Lines have been drawn between good and evil as clearly as day is to night.
    The messages of our Mother guide us forward as they have throughout salvation history. Come Holy Spirit and Renew the face of the earth. To the Caritas community thank you all for your service to her call .

  7. Country: usa
    A book written by Christine Watkins called The Warning has testimonies of some people that have already experienced an illumination of consciousness and a movie called the Great Warning is under production by belladreams and they hope to have it out in October. Hopefully, this movie will inspire people to get to confession before the warning where you will see all your sin as Gods sees them. Some people say this is warning is in the Bible as Revelations 6.

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