June 6, 2024
Special World Report

Don’t Say This Word

[Podcast] (28 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje talks about deceptions by the devil targeting our kids, and us too. Where it comes from, why they’re doing it, and what word never to say…

Episode Transcript

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This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.



Cow’s burping a lot and its impacting climate change.

Each of the 1.6 billion cows releases about a hundred kilograms of methane every year.

This might not sound like much, but methane’s effect on the climate is twenty-three times more than carbon dioxide.

Methane traps in the heat of the sun and makes the whole planet warmer.

So each cow’s emissions are about the same as burning one thousand litres of petrol every year.

Cows are mostly responsible for 18 percent of the total greenhouse gases worldwide.

That’s more than the entire transportation sector put together.



He just said a cow produces one thousand litres in a year per cow of methane.

Or you could say gas, and that thing I’m not going to say it. That’s scary, ain’t it? Did you know how much that is.

Two hundred and eighty-five gallons a year.

We’ve got trucks here that we fill up with 500 gallons. On a trip, they burn that in a day or two.

They’re pulling these cows into labs. They put a bag around their neck and the rest of the body. And they measure it. Wow!

Twenty-four hours, I imagine they could say 365 days and come up with a thousand litres. And it’s going to kill us.

So they have to figure out how to change this. And they say we have one billion cows! Whoa!

But we have eight billion people. What about them?

And Grandma and Grandpa is in the living room and if, you might have to tell them, you have to take Grandpa and Grandma to get out of the room.

Methane is going to choke you to death. We’re going to die. [Laughing] Oh me!

Oh, these people. They’re so smart. They’ve got the figures. One billion cows and one thousand litres of that gas.

They want to kill the cows. They want it to be stopped. Why do they want to get away from the cows? In Genesis, chapter two:

“So out of the ground the LORD GOD formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to man to see what he would call them.”

He didn’t call the cows gassers. Let see what the Bible does say, the name:

“And he called them, and whatever the man called the living creature that was its name. The man gave names to all cattle.”

Did you catch it? How ‘bout that. We do the same thing Adam’s doing. We’ve got Betsy, Sabrina, Benedetta, Anastasia, Jasmine and the names go on.

These people who are doing this and all these studies are so smart.

They are scientists. We are a bunch of idiots.

The world’s going to end. Let’s get some lessons of these scientists.

What you are going to be hearing is going to scare you out of your pants. [Laughter]

We’re doomed. You didn’t know that.

I am educating you with what is happening. What they’re going to do. Be little gods.

Oh, I may be offending them because they are big gods. That’s what they think they are.

They are god teaching you what is happening now.

We are by a cliff. The world’s population is on the verge of a catastrophe.

How do we know this? Because they are telling us. Listen to this:




We have a climate crisis heading towards us and we are battling with a very, very complex problem here.

There’s no magic bullet to this. But we better do something.

The reduction of methane is the single biggest opportunity to slow climate change right now.



[Laughter] Oh know. You’re going to die. We’re all going to die.




???? ommissions, fourteen and half percent is from livestock and the majority of that is in the form of methane.

Methane is about twenty times more potent than carbon dioxide in traffic and heat but methane does not stay in the atmosphere for too long.

The average is about 12.4 years. But carbon dioxide, it stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years.



Currently we have 1.5 billion cattle on the planet. And despite all these beef and dairy alternatives coming to the market, the beef and dairy industry is still full cost to grow…



I’m biting my fingernails right now. I don’t know you listening, you are doing the same too.



…the population is moving from cereal based diets to protein-based diets. So, we’re going to be with cattle for quite a long time.


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What you just heard, did you catch that? Thousands of years carbon dioxide.

They know they are lying. The purpose of global warming I wrote about in 2005.

It started through the Catholic Church. Look up the book, Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. 2005. I detail this, this great lie.

They couldn’t make it fly until they went to Assisi. Many of you have this book. It’s in an audio. Look at it.

A couple of days ago in Paris, a woman goes into a museum, to a Monet painting that could sell between 50 to over a hundred million dollars.

And so she goes in there. Puts glue, I guess superglue, on her hand on the painting.

Why did she do that? Because of climate change and we’re all going to die.

[She’s] going to stop it by putting [her] hand on this multi-million-dollar painting. But what did she forget about?

Hey honey, what are you going to do when you have to go to the bathroom? You can’t leave. Even worse than that, if its Number Two. [Laughter]

Oh, climate change. This is…see these people are stupid idiots. And they listen to the cabal, all this stuff is about controlling you.

All I can say, if I was one of the guards from the museum. Let her stay for 20 or 40 hours and if I was the guard, even with duties to get her hand off, I ain’t going over there.

That methane will kill you. After 24 hours, what are we going to do? See, she’s so smart. She’s causing climate change. [Laughter] People are so smart. They’re going to save the world.

That glue in your hand to a hundred-million-dollar painting. I’m not smart to do that. Wow!

And your kids are in school being taught this garbage. Garbage. You should buck it. Stand up against it.

What they use with the schools, the colleges, underestimate the power of words.

They started with the words global warming. The second name the changed it, greenhouse effects. The third is climate change.

satan did not twist Eve’s arm, he talked to her. he didn’t touch her.

he just said God didn’t want you to touch the apple because he knew you would know knowledge.

That is what is happening right now. I wrote about, maybe 20 years ago, about words, how powerful they are.

Do you know the United States is in its condition now is from one word. And that is where we are falling apart.

And it’s because we are stupid. Stupider than these people about the cows.

You are letting your kids say it. You let them say it in school. You say it. You accept it.

One word is bringing this country down. I laid it out. You cannot refute what I’ve said of this one word.

It’s just like of the words in the Garden of Eden. It changed mankind and we’ve got this one word.

And now people are starting to wake-up to it.

Now, talk show hosts are starting to talk about this word.

What happens when you throw a rock? What happens when you throw a rock in the middle of the pond?

It ripples out to the banks. That little bitty thing. You’ve all seen that before.

I dropped a rock in the pond. It’s taken over 20 years; people start to waken up.

And it’s almost too late. If you had read the ripples, we would not be in the situation we are in now.

What came off, in 2006, from our presses, we said, buy this by the hundreds, put it in the schools and spread it.

What happened? Not a lot.

But that little rock is now hitting the banks and these talk show hosts are saying what is in the book.

Glenn Beck has quoted They Fired the First Shot. Limbaugh, he quoted some of our books.

Actually, Hannity just recently said something.

Michael Berry has referenced what has been written.

Trump, the other day, you all know about To Love.

In his news conference, after the verdict, I was listening to him.

He was referencing about him doing good. And then he said, quote, I am being made out to be a devil.

I put To Love with Trump. It’s on YouTube. It’s going everywhere.

That one word is democracy. It is a vile word. It is bad. Evil.

The book that I released 18 years ago, What is the devil’s Government. Jesse Kelly, a talk show host, goes right out of the book. Listen to his clip.


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The book a Friend of Medjugorje is referring to, What is the devil’s Government? can be downloaded free here.

You can also purchase the book, What is the devil’s Government? here.

For bulk orders and quantity break pricing, call in the U.S. 205-672-2000.




Okay, Merrick Garland testified today. We are going to bring you a bunch clips from it in a moment,

but I thought one of the things he said really, it really drove something home for me and I hope after we cover it here that it will drive it home for you.

There is something we talk about all the time and we always will on this show because it is so, so critical.

It is a battle we all fight. It is one of those little ways you can fight back. We all want to fight back. Here’s a way you can do it.

Language. The words you use. They are not nothing. It’s not no big deal.

Words, language, the language that becomes part of the culture is everything.

Communists have understood this since the dawn of Communism. They understand they need to change the meaning of words.

Don’t use these words because they are too honest, too revealing.

Instead, let’s use these words because these words are intended to deceive, to manipulate.

The Communist is very, very purposeful with his language.

We are very honest with ours. When I say, honest, I don’t mean to fluff us up here.

When I say honest, when you speak, when I speak, we tend to just speak whatever words come to mind. Right? Whatever words come out of our mouth.

But we are in a battle for our culture. The language is a critical, critical part of that battle.

We must be purposeful with the words we speak.

Now maybe you’re sitting there saying, Jesse, this is too confusing. I don’t understand. What am I supposed to say? Okay.

Well, set aside what you are supposed to say for a moment.

Let’s focus on what you are not supposed to say. Whatever he’s saying.

Whatever the language the Communists use to describe anything, you can never, ever, ever, ever, ever allow yourself to use it because if you use his language, you help make his deceitful language part of the culture.

One of the biggest ways he’s doing that right now, I could list a million things for you, but one of the biggest ways he’s doing that right now is the word “democracy.”

“Democracy, democracy this, defend democracy, we’ve got to defend democracy, democracy, democracy.” Merrick Garland said it today. He loves that word.



Bring to justice all those criminally responsible for the January 16th attack on our democracy.



Democrats love the word.



I think our democracy is at stake. Not a joke. I think democracy is literally at stake.



But democracy itself…


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First, let’s go over the first reason. Why have the Communists chosen that word? We already know it’s a lie.

We’re not a democracy. We already covered all that.

Why a democracy though? Why would they, why would they say that, why would they want that?

Well, what has been the Democrat line for years, in fact the last couple of elections for sure, after they lose a presidential election, whenever they lose? What do they say?

The popular vote. Remember when Trump beat Hillary? Hillary won the popular vote. But Hillary won the popular vote. But Hillary won the popular vote.

Well, they say that because that’s true. Why do they win the popular vote?

Because Democrats have flooded this country with illegals for who knows how long and they filled up states like California and California has so many people that in the end, if you are just going to vote every man, woman and child, yes, they do win the popular vote.

But that is exactly why the founders put in the system that they put in so that the large population centres didn’t, by default, govern the country.

So, if the founders had all 50 states, which I know those weren’t there when the founders were there, the founders would have looked at that and said, wait a minute, we can’t have California govern America.

Wyoming deserves a say too. Wyoming gets a big say, they’ve got five hundred thousand people.

California has, I don’t know how many California has, its millions. We can’t have that.

So that’s why they put the system in place. They put in anti-democracy system in place so California couldn’t stomp on the rights of Wyoming. That’s why it was put into place.

Why would Democrats want to do away with that?

Well, that makes perfect sense doesn’t it? The large populations centres, at least most of them, the New Yorks, the Californias, are Democrat run.

They do have more people here, since they’ve shipped them in from every dump on the planet.

And now they don’t want this whole representative Republic thing. It’s a thorn in their side. That’s part of the reason.

But that’s not the biggest reason. That biggest reason is this.

They call the government, they call the country a democracy. And now that they’ve engrained that in the minds of so many people.

Okay, this a democracy, it’s a democracy, we’re a democracy, a threat to democracy, a democracy.

Once they’ve done that, they’ve made America something it’s not. And now that you’ve made it something it’s not, now you point to the people you hate, the people you want to destroy and you go to all your followers and you say, look, look at this.

These are the people who are a threat to democracy. They are using the word democracy, and in the next breath calling you a threat to democracy because they’re intention is to turn the guns and the power of the government against you.

Look, Joe Biden said it in his State of the Union. It wasn’t the State of the Union, it was that evil speech he gave. Remember when he said this a million times.



The MAGA Republic is not just threatening our personal rights and economic security, they are a threat to our very democracy.



Over and over and over and over again.

The purpose of using the word “democracy” which we are not, is to find the enemies of it and then turn the guns of the government, the legal system against them.

And they’ve been incredibly successful to that end.

And it goes well beyond Trump.

Maybe you’re thinking about, well they just did it to Trump in New York.

Brother, they did it to the January 6 people years before they did it to Donald Trump.

They’ve been doing it to Americans citizens for years. Trump is just the latest. He’s just the one that made the headlines.

All the people around Trump have already been destroyed by these people.

Here’s a headline from today:  “Wisconsin’s attorney general files felony charges against attorneys and an aide who worked for Trump in 2020.”

This is about electors and whatnot. You should know the charges are of course insane, ridiculous, all these other things.

Any word you want to put on it, but the truth is, as soon as I make you the enemy of democracy, then what that gives me the freedom to do, it gives me the freedom to take the official offices of the government and use them to attack you before.

If you’re not a threat to democracy. If you are just a Republican or a Libertarian or a Conservative or an anti-Communist, or whatever you call yourself, if you’re just that, why I can’t, I can’t use my job as attorney general to attack you just for being a Conservative.

That would mean I was taking my official government position and attacking my political opponents.

But if I take my political opponents and I classify them as being a threat to the very government itself, well then you could argue I have an obligation as attorney general to attack you. See that?

Why that word? Why? It’s very clearly been done on purpose as I talked about, they use words with a purpose.

Why that word? We are a representative republic, for those of you who don’t know anything about American civics. We are not a democracy.

In fact, the founders were emphatically anti-democracy. Benjamin Franklin once famously said, “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.”

Not only are we not a democracy, that was the last thing we were ever supposed to be because democracies are evil, evil, evil things.

Why would they all say it? Why use that word? Well, let me explain.

A representative democracy [republic] means the mob, the majority, can never destroy your rights, ideally.

If you live in a representative republic, like we do, I’m sorry, representative republic, then the mob can’t ruin you.

In a representative republic they don’t get to take a vote of three hundred million Americans on whether or not you are allowed to own guns.

It is a representative republic. You are allowed to own guns no matter how many people say you can’t.

In a democracy, it is mob rule.

If you are, I don’t know, a dirty Communist Democrat and you’ve spent the last 50-60 plus years flooding the country with illegals and people from every third world dump around the planet who will now do your bidding whenever you call upon them, well you’re looking at this representative republic and all the rights its allowed you to keep and you think to yourself, no, this will work out a lot better for me if we were a democracy.

And so that’s why they use that word without end.

Just one example from today, that is a word that should never come out of your mouth ever when describing the United States of America.

That’s the Communist’s word and he has chosen that word for a purpose.

They don’t intend to destroy democracy, or to defend democracy.

They intend to destroy you.

That’s why they’ve arrested Moms for Liberty or gone after Moms for Liberty.

That’s why they’ve gone after your school board.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation prompted by Merrick Garland who was prompted by the White House.

Do you remember we got word that the teacher’s union coordinated with the White House to send a letter to Merrick Garland angry about angry parents at school board and Merrick Garland sent the Federal Bureau of Investigation after angry moms.


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The book a Friend of Medjugorje is referring to, What is the devil’s Government? can be downloaded free here.

You can also purchase the book, What is the devil’s Government? here.


For bulk orders and quantity break pricing, call in the U.S. 205-672-2000.


All this and more is in the booklet What is the devil’s Government.

Our forefathers hated democracies.

The quotes are in that book that Kelly just talked about, was being spoken about 20 years ago. It was off the radar.

I’m telling you, your schoolbooks, your children, you take those books and you blackout democracy.

I’ve got another writing, The Power of Words Bring Down Empires. I wrote that maybe 15, 16 years ago, I don’t know, sending the trumpet and I gag every time I hear a Conservative say, “our democracy.”

By doing that, satan is destroying the republic.

Words make what the word says. That’s why we are falling apart.

Many, many things we see that we put out what we print, and we give out is not referenced to that because I am not going to apologize for the Virgin Mary.

It’s going to be through it. That’s why they don’t reference to it, oh this is that Virgin Mary and the pizza, or in a tree, or something like that.

And these hosts believe they lose credibility but if you go back and you hear this tonight in the book, is what a priest told me, Friend of Medjugorje, a Jesuit, he said,

“You do the work, they get the credit, and God gets the glory.”

So this is another thing in the pond that is rippling to the banks, where people now, can open their eyes.

Order the book What is devil’s Government?

We have so many things happening right now. There are so many things I am trying to get out. These truths, through the messages of Our Lady has to be spread.

The materials we give to you and the books are cheap so that you can have in your home a Medjugorje center.

Challenge the schools. Teach your kids. We are working at this moment, of what we said last week on Our Lady’s message where She said to create prayer groups.

We are working on that now and when we get it to you, we connect everybody in your places, you’ll have that. We wish you Our Lady, we love you, goodnight.


The book a Friend of Medjugorje is referring to, What is the devil’s Government? can be downloaded free here.

You can also purchase the book, What is the devil’s Government? here.

For bulk orders and quantity break pricing, call in the U.S. 205-672-2000.


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4 thoughts on “Don’t Say This Word”

  1. Michael Hebert

    City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    There’s no reason for this to be happening…
    God Bless, G’night..

    IDAHO JUST SHUT DOWN 500,000 acres of farm land with water curtailment.

    1. To anonymous: As a Friend of Medjugorje has said for years, “as goes the United States, so goes the world.” The world does what the USA does, not what Ireland does. If we fall, the rest of the world falls.

  2. Country: USA
    Words do Matter how about priDEMONth do you see the word DEMON in Pride Month. How about a transgender winning a womens beauty pageant in Maryland going on to compete for Miss USA not good. Please tell your kids and grandkids they are made by God and in his image and he created man and woman and to be proud of what gender Gid made you. Do you know transgender are at a higher risk of suicide like 300 percent higher. Jesus first miracle was at a wedding and isnt it funny how the Blessed Mother asked for Jesus to help when they ran out of wine and he called her WOMAN my time has not come but such a good son performed his first miracle at a wedding for a man and woman. We need to start affirming who we are and we are proud of whom God made us and never give up our identity as a God created woman or God created man. We are losing 30 percent of our youth many are claiming bisexuality. People it starts in the home you are your childs first defense. You hold the power of the purse homeschool your kids if your schools are encouraging what you dont believe in or Catholic or religious schools if you can afford them. You are responsible for protecting your kids or grandchildren from predators. You need to take your kids back and pay attention to whom they play with and what the school is teaching.

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4 thoughts on “Don’t Say This Word”

  1. Michael Hebert

    City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    There’s no reason for this to be happening…
    God Bless, G’night..

    IDAHO JUST SHUT DOWN 500,000 acres of farm land with water curtailment.

    1. To anonymous: As a Friend of Medjugorje has said for years, “as goes the United States, so goes the world.” The world does what the USA does, not what Ireland does. If we fall, the rest of the world falls.

  2. Country: USA
    Words do Matter how about priDEMONth do you see the word DEMON in Pride Month. How about a transgender winning a womens beauty pageant in Maryland going on to compete for Miss USA not good. Please tell your kids and grandkids they are made by God and in his image and he created man and woman and to be proud of what gender Gid made you. Do you know transgender are at a higher risk of suicide like 300 percent higher. Jesus first miracle was at a wedding and isnt it funny how the Blessed Mother asked for Jesus to help when they ran out of wine and he called her WOMAN my time has not come but such a good son performed his first miracle at a wedding for a man and woman. We need to start affirming who we are and we are proud of whom God made us and never give up our identity as a God created woman or God created man. We are losing 30 percent of our youth many are claiming bisexuality. People it starts in the home you are your childs first defense. You hold the power of the purse homeschool your kids if your schools are encouraging what you dont believe in or Catholic or religious schools if you can afford them. You are responsible for protecting your kids or grandchildren from predators. You need to take your kids back and pay attention to whom they play with and what the school is teaching.

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