March 25, 2024
Radio Wave

A Dangerous Prayer If You Don’t Do This First

(20 Minutes) [Podcast] – A Friend of Medjugorje, tells a lot in a short amount of time – how amazing it is that Heaven speaks to us and tells us about our time.

Episode Transcript


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Walking on the road to Jerusalem. The time had come to sacrifice again. My two small sons, they walked beside me on the road. The reason that they came was to watch the lamb.


“Daddy, daddy, what will see there? There’s so much that we don’t understand.” So I told them of Moses and Father Abraham. And then I said, “Dear children, watch the lamb.” “There will be so many in Jerusalem today. We must be sure the lamb doesn’t run away.” And I told them of Moses and Father Abraham. And then I said, “Dear children, watch the lamb.”


Now when we reached the city, I knew something must be wrong. There were no joyful worshipers, no joyful worship songs. I stood there with my children in the midst of angry men. And then I heard the crowd cry out,


“Crucify Him!”


We tried to leave the city, but we could not get away. Forced to play in this drama, a part I did not wish to play. “Why upon this day were men condemned to die? Why were we standing here where soon they would pass by?”


I looked and said, “Even now they come.” The first one cried for mercy. The people gave him none. The second one was violent. He was arrogant and loud. I still can hear his angry voice screaming at the crowd.


Then someone said, “There’s Jesus!” And I scarce believed my eyes. A Man so badly beaten. He barely looked alive. Blood poured from His Body, from the thorns upon His brow. Running down the Cross and falling to the ground.


I watched Him as He struggled. I watched Him as He fell. The Cross came down upon His back. The crowd began to yell. In that moment, I felt such agony. In that moment, I felt such loss, until a Roman soldier grabbed my arm and screamed,


“You! Carry His cross!”


At first, I tried to resist him, then his hand reached for his sword. And so, I knelt and took the Cross from the Lord. I placed it on my shoulder and started down the street. The Blood that He’d been shedding was running down my cheek.


They led us to Golgotha. They drove nails deep in His Feet and Hands. Yet upon the Cross I heard Him pray,


“Father, forgive them.”


Oh, never have I seen such love in any other eyes. “Into Thy hands I commit My Spirit.” He prayed and then He died.


I stood for what seemed like years. I’d lost all sense of time, until I felt two tiny hands holding tight to mine. My children stood there weeping. I heard the oldest say, “Father please forgive us, the lamb ran away.”


“Daddy, daddy, what have we seen here? There’s so much that we don’t understand.”


So I took them in my arms, and we turned and faced the Cross. And then I said “Dear children, watch the Lamb.”









We the people, Christians across the whole world, have the Blessed Mother come to us today, talking to us, 2000 years later about what happened. She’s telling us, March 25, 2024, about the Way of the Cross. Forty-five years ago, you could never imagine that the Virgin Mary would be talking to us, and She was a witness. She was there. She walked all the Stations. It’s unbelievable.


Now, who follow Our Lady, we can believe, but 45 years ago, you would say that’s unbelievable. It was not on our radar in any way. Nor could we ever think of what is happening right now from 1981, June 24th, how radical the world would be changed. Even the most evil person, the most darkest person, could not imagine the evil that is happening now. The most vile things that, week by week, something else comes up. We do not have the imagination to conjure that up.


Everything is at a boiling point. This week, in the world’s society right now, represents, day by day, going to Friday, Holy Week, like it escalating, getting day by day through Holy Friday, for Jesus. The world itself, it is as a pressure cooker.


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March 25, ’24. What a terrible time to be alive in what’s happening. At the same time, an incredible time. These are the words that we need to hear, not five years ago, 25 years ago, but now.


Our Lady said, “God conveys these messages to Me.” (July 25, 1985) She, the Queen, is the voice for God for a time that has never happened before. How can I be so confident to say that?


Because She said it! Contemplate every word in this message, and don’t let it just pass you by. “Okay. She said this.” Every letter in this message is incredible.


April 4, 1985

“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history…”


She’s not joking!


“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history…”


Put that in your heart. This message I put on the back of Words from Heaven, because it’s stunning and amazing, as I said at the beginning of the broadcast. Memorize this. I love to repeat this message many times. It’s a wake-up message, because you are alive in a time something never has happened since the world was created.


“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history…”


If that’s not enough for you, She’s got six more words.


“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world…”


That’s why She said,


May 2, 1982

“…I will not appear any more on this earth.”


You are here. You are living. Your heart is beating.


And many people are bored with the messages.


Oh, yes, they’re curious to hear it when it’s said. What’s the big deal? We know it’s a big deal, because January 25, 1987, She says,


“…a great plan for the salvation of mankind…”


You can’t just read these messages like a scholar or curiosity. You have to pray!


My life is in the messages, to propagate them to the whole world and break them down, even though they’re so simple. They’re filled with mysteries.


For those who think they’re so simple, Our Lady contradicts on October 25, 1988:


“…pray that you may comprehend the greatness of this message…”


She’s speaking about all Her messages.


All these words, for 42 years, has a reason, and that reason is, is the last book of the Bible: Revelation.


People, we are in a glorious time. Drink every word you’re about to hear now.



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 25, 2024 monthly message to the world, given through Medjugorje visionary, Marija:


“Dear children! In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you. In a special way, little children, pray united with Jesus on His Way of the Cross. Into your prayers put this humanity which wanders without God and without His love. Be prayer, be light, and be witnesses to all those whom you meet, little children, so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



It’s interesting for a lot of people that follow Medjugorje, but tomorrow, it’s gone.


You had an incredible message—I was present—September 25, 2023. You’ve heard me talk about it. It was about cell phones. I tell you, this tool is from the devil! Diabolical! It’s so clear with that message back in September. Everybody’s forgot about it.


“Oh, but what are you going to do now? I can’t get rid of this.”


Maybe you can, if you started thinking what you have in your hand is the devil! It’s his voice! he’s filled in that little god. But it’s mighty big in a mouth, like a dragon, and it is dragging people down the roads of perdition. You might as well have a rope around you and a horse drag you down the street. You are glued to it. You are a slave to it. You can’t escape it.


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And I’ve said it several times. I was with Ivanka, 1989. I was shoulder to shoulder to her, 35 years ago! All these little gods weren’t there. Our Lady gave a prophecy. She told Ivanka:


“Pray because you are in great temptation…”


Not a small one. Great temptation. Our Lady doesn’t say, “great temptation” to scare you or exaggerate.


“Pray because you are in great temptation and danger because the world and material goods lead you into slavery…”


The whole world is enslaved of the chains that’s in their pocket, in their purse, in your hand, on your bedstand.


“…because the world and material goods lead you into slavery. satan is active in this plan…”


he was laying all this out, where we are now.


And Our Lady says,


“…I want to help each of you in prayer. I am interceding to my Son for you.”


There was very few people that could be there at that apparition. But Our Lady brought me there for that message, that I would be a witness to it.


Nobody talks about it, not in Medjugorje, not from the pulpit.


Our Lady said today,


“…In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you…”


She wants us to know She’s the Queen of Peace, and She is fixed in Her Heart and Her Mind with Her decisions to win!


To win means to defeat what you’re battling with.


Our Lady is telling us right now, She’s going to get Her way, but you’ve got to help Her.


Let’s look at Our Lady, how She does things and how She’s going to win. The example She gives at Cana, She got what She wanted, even though Jesus said, “It is not My time.”


Our Lady did not respond back to Jesus. She simply turned to the waiters and said, “Do whatever He tells you.”


She got what She wanted then. She wants a “win” through Jesus now. That’s what She said today!


“…pray with me for the good to win in you and around you…”


Jesus, just like at Cana, cannot say “no” to Her.


Our Lady shows us today, March 25th, somewhat Our Lady did in Cana, going before Her Son, that now, She’s doing Medjugorje and the world. She won there, and this is what She is saying now.


“…pray with me for the good to win…”




By doing what Jesus did, what Our Lady said, “be united with Him on the Cross.” He won, and you and I will win on the Way of the Cross.


Our Lady said,


“…Be prayer…[and] light, and be witnesses…”


You are the witnesses—the waiters—serving the Light for those whom you meet.


Our Lady’s saying, by prayer,


“…be light…be witnesses…so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you…”


What does that mean?


Do you realize, by Our Lady saying that, be merciful, and God has mercy on you?


It is in your hands, your judgment. If you don’t forgive, you are walking to perdition.


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How do I know? Because most of you, you say it every day. You’re telling God not to be merciful to you. It’s in the “Our Father.”


“…forgive us…”


You’re really saying, “me.”


“…forgive us our trespasses as we…”


But you’re saying,


“…as I forgive those who trespass against me…”


It’s a dangerous prayer, very dangerous, because you’re saying, “Judge me how I judge other people.” That’s one of the biggest things in this message. If you want to be forgiven, you have to forgive no matter what’s happened to you.


And I’ve talked to people, “I can’t do that. I’m not going to forgive them.” You’re condemning yourself.


You see how deep this message is, on the first read? You think, “Okay. Yeah, this is nice.” It’s filled with so many things that you can be looking at this every day, and it speaks to you.


When Our Lady had a message in the Bedroom, December 25, 1988, was a beautiful message.


One year later, December 25, 1989, Our Lady said,


“…little children, read everyday the messages I gave you and transform them into life…”


That’s why Caritas is a little village, how we live, by those messages.


You cannot say, “I’ve read the messages.” You have to transform them into life. Having Our Lady in our house, I was already, from 1986, changing how I did everything. And it opened the door for the Queen of Peace to be with us for three months! And many messages, beautiful things.


We are a model, and we know satan hates this place, because Caritas is a model of what She wants people to duplicate.


March 25, 1990

“…you must change the direction of your life…”


You can’t follow everybody else in the culture because the way culture is today is in perdition.


We have, as many of you know, a large machine to propagate the messages to the whole world and witness of the way we live. And all you who listen to this, we are expanding.


We must have funds to do what Our Lady’s leading us to.


Think about how much you spend a month that is not necessary, that you give it to Our Lady’s mission. We have people begging in the Mission House in Medjugorje. We’ve got hundreds of thousands of material to ship to Medjugorje, materials that convict and convert. We have to have you help us.


We always say, we’ve got the cannons. We need the ammunition. If you don’t give us any donations, we have no ammunition.


We need your commitment for us to continue.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

5 thoughts on “A Dangerous Prayer If You Don’t Do This First”

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Medjugorje is JESUS and MARY. There is no defeat in JESUS and MARY. Latch yourself on NOW to Medjugorje to be part of the VICTORY.

  2. City: Charlottesville
    State: VA
    Country: USA
    Take FOM thoughts + OL’s message and combine it with the sorrowful mysteries. I put each sentence OL gave us with a mystery then pray for mercy on all who will die this day for the 5th sorrowful mystery.

    1. City: Nelspruit
      State: Mpumulanga
      Country: South africa
      Wonderful and wise words. Makes us think really carefully about when we pray and inspires us to walk closer with Mary in these troubled times.

  3. We will send munitions! And encourage all those who have read this transcript to do the same!… it is our opportunity to help Our Lady with Her Plans. And quite amazing to think, and realize, that we are able to assist with the salvation of the world — propagating the many messages, each of which is so unique and important! It is our great honor to make donations to your very worthy cause. We will get together all we can spare.
    Thank you for all that you do!
    We send our love your way~ G&B 🙂

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5 thoughts on “A Dangerous Prayer If You Don’t Do This First”

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Medjugorje is JESUS and MARY. There is no defeat in JESUS and MARY. Latch yourself on NOW to Medjugorje to be part of the VICTORY.

  2. City: Charlottesville
    State: VA
    Country: USA
    Take FOM thoughts + OL’s message and combine it with the sorrowful mysteries. I put each sentence OL gave us with a mystery then pray for mercy on all who will die this day for the 5th sorrowful mystery.

    1. City: Nelspruit
      State: Mpumulanga
      Country: South africa
      Wonderful and wise words. Makes us think really carefully about when we pray and inspires us to walk closer with Mary in these troubled times.

  3. We will send munitions! And encourage all those who have read this transcript to do the same!… it is our opportunity to help Our Lady with Her Plans. And quite amazing to think, and realize, that we are able to assist with the salvation of the world — propagating the many messages, each of which is so unique and important! It is our great honor to make donations to your very worthy cause. We will get together all we can spare.
    Thank you for all that you do!
    We send our love your way~ G&B 🙂

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