We are told:
- Don’t speak too much of Mary!
- Jesus is our Savior. You are over-stating Mary’s role.
- Play it down on the Mary bit. You will turn off Protestants.
- Devotion to Mary can be overdone.
- You don’t need Mary.
- You don’t need apparitions.
- Mary is not necessary for your salvation.
- Etc., etc., etc.
If you accept any of these statements, you do not understand Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s apparitions. This is Our Lady’s time, the time that God has chosen to show Her to the world. God wants to show how much He, the great. I Am the Son, the Holy Spirit‚ is devoted to the daughter of the Father, mother of the Son, spouse of the Holy Spirit‚ whose three loves came together to a singular concentration when Mary was created. All is about to be revealed of who this Woman truly is. Don’t miss this, Her time.