
(Download) Big Q, Little Q: The Calm Before the Storm

Download: An edge of the seat read reveals all about “Q”



Download Version. In every period there is a book for the time that man is in. This is the book. A must read now.

The flood came. Why did it come? Man was so corrupted that man could not correct his corruption himself. Only a Divine Mandate decided from Heaven could cleanse and wash away the corruption. Man, however, was called upon to be a collaborator with the Divine. That collaborator was NOAH. A Friend of Medjugorje shows in Big Q, Little q, a mandate of a Divine Nature, the spiritual realm, is putting into action a flood in the physical realm. Both realms are activated and poised. Who is Big Q? Who is Little q? You will read and understand. Big Q is activated in the spiritual realm and Little q is activated in the physical. A fascinating read that is urgent to read. Stop every activity and read Big Q, Little q. Once you read it, spread it. You will not regret it.

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