For Immediate Release
March 29, 2017 A.D.
Updated 11:58 A.M. Alabama Time
What Follows is a Special Opportunity to Do a Good Deed
Yesterday, we received the following feedback from someone about the writing, The Land Where Dreams Come True:
“Dear Caritas, I was just singing another song that makes me think of Jesus and our Holy Mother of God the Virgin Mary. Its by Simon and Garfunkel, Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Jesus is the bridge who laid down His life for us, and Mary is the “silver girl”, sail on silver girl, as she did with Columbus, and the part “your time has come to shine” being the 100th year anniversary of Fatima. May She shine and Her intentions for the world come forth. I was singing this as I sing often to Mary many songs, as well as the Lord Jesus Christ, for I to can relate to the girl who was there in Medjugorje with no place to sleep and there dreams crushed. I’ve longed to be able to go just be able to go to Medjugorje. Your site has helped me tremendously as I truly believe you are being guided by the Divine to help others. May God always bless you all at Caritas, and continue to guide you.”
United States
Later in the day, we received the following unsolicited message from someone who read K.G.’s letter:
“If money is holding K.G. back from going to Medjugorje, I will put $400 toward her trip.”
United States
In response to the offer from N.S., a Friend of Medjugorje had us send the following question to K.G.:
“You mentioned in your message that you have always wanted to go to Medjugorje. What has prevented your being able to go?”
Late last night, K.G. replied to our question:
“Dear Caritas, what has prevented me from going to Medjugorje is the money. Granted my life has been tumultuous, much of it to do with my poor decision making, and part by things that were not in my control about.
“At the age of 9, I lost my mother due to cancer, she had struggled with since I was born, but a miracle that back in the 70’s she even had those many years. My father was alcoholic and I spent many nights alone. I had three sisters all of whom were much older than me and already off to college when she did died. As I got older I turned to drugs and alcohol myself and struggled with it for a long time even after I had two kids myself. I thank God every day for them, for I truly believe I’d be dead if it wasn’t for the thought of what I went through, and not wanting to see them go down the same road. Now that I am writing you and thinking about it, I really have had some amazing grace in my life… God is great and merciful! As I also struggled with Lyme disease, where I was on steady antibiotics for over three years. Been OK now for some months. I’ve been deaf, yes past tense, for more than half my life. I have recently gotten an implant in one ear, which now I can hear much better but still rely much on reading lips. Did I mention how great and merciful the Lord is? I’m still in the process of trying to get back on my feet so to speak, work wise that is, and I still have a long ways to go spiritually, but I have tremendous faith and love for Our Lady and the Lord and they have been guiding me ever so gently as I do seek, knock, and ask. I wonder how on earth I ever lived my life without the Holy Mass and God before, what a dark place I was in, that I wish to never encounter again. Today things are ok and will always be an on-going process of conversion a new and exciting adventure. So financially… I haven’t the funds to get there [Medjugorje] but my heart already is. Maybe some day I will get there in person.”
With love,
United States
When a Friend of Medjugorje was given the response from K.G., he immediately said to put this opportunity out for others to be able do a good deed. We have subsidized the cost, to be able to get the lowest fares this year for this pilgrimage sale, and we now have a commitment of $400 from N.S. to put towards K.G.’s pilgrimage to Medjugorje. With the pilgrimage sale price, K.G. only needs $1575 more. We know that there are people out there who have been blessed and would like to give a blessing to someone else. A gift of Medjugorje is the most perfect way to do this. Our Lady said on March 18, 2001:
“…I call you to love and mercy. Give love to each other as your Father gives it to you. Be merciful (Our Lady paused at this point and then added) with the heart. Do good works, not permitting them to wait for you too long. Every mercy that comes from the heart brings you closer to my Son.”
BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages will be taking calls until midnight tonight Central Time as part of the special pilgrimage sale. Pilgrimage funds for K.G. will be designated specifically. We will update this page as the day progresses. Call 205-672-2000, or visit here to be a part of this special act of love, or to request pilgrimage information yourself.
In the Love of Our Lady,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
K.G. Medjugorje Pilgrimage Fund
$1975 Â Pilgrimage Price
-$400 from N.S.
-$40 from B.R.
-$50 from K.B.
-$100 from T.P.
-$100 from T.D.
-$285 from J.K.
-$100 from C.L.
-$300 from V.S.
-$300 from M.D.
-$40 from J.C.
-$100 from D&A R.
-$50 from S.M.
-$30 from J&S S.
-$50 from M.D.
-$200 from A&M R.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Dear Apostles of Our Lady,
We have reached the goal for K.G. to be able to go to Medjugorje! We typically do not do this kind of fund drive, but because of the circumstances surrounding it, in how someone was inspired by offering to get it started, it was a clear sign from Our Lady. Just in the past few hours, it has been very beautiful to hear from people who have called in either giving an amount to help, or simply to say that they were praying for this intention, or had some beautiful story to tell about how they themselves were helped in the past to go to Medjugorje and simply wanted to give back. Many gave without a lot of means to give, but gave with the heart. Truly, each of our hearts were united for this good deed. Tonight, when we say our evening prayers before we go to sleep, each of us has something very beautiful to be grateful to God for. Thank you from Our Lady! For those who wish to still give, you can give us your name in case another opportunity like this comes up in the future. Thank you again from Our Lady!
2 thoughts on “Opportunity to Do Good”
Beautiful we send our prayers
Dear Caritas, THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to “do good” and help KG with a pilgrimage fund to Medjugorje. Yesterday’s re-posting of “Where Dreams Come True” reminded me when I first read that post, in 2007. For many years I had yearned to go to Medjugorje, and hearing the Over the Rainbow song at that time renewed the ache in my heart to go, for it seemed only a dream. By God’s grace I was able to make a pilgrimage in the fall of 2007, as the money and opportunity became available. Years passed and I wanted to return; finally able to do so with the Caritas pilgrimage group in May/June 2016, led by Ruth. Listening yesterday to the Over the Rainbow song (sung so beautifully by Ruth, right?), I recalled my initial deep desire to pilgrimage to Medjugorje, where one leaves a piece of your heart. (What must heaven be like!) I am only too happy to help KG’s dream come true, in thanksgiving for all the blessings Our Lady has showered upon me! Someday I would love to hear from her how her pilgrimage experience went. We are community!