June 5, 2013 A.D.
Every day we make a journey of some sort. When times get tough and life gets difficult, or one needs a break, a vacation to the beach, the mountains, etc. are usually the thoughts that go through many minds. While rest is good, Our Lady gives us the focus of our rest:
June 2, 2013
“…I know of the pain, suffering and difficulties, but in my Son you will find rest..”
In Her Son is the rest that many seek. And what better place to find Her Son than in Medjugorje? When life gets difficult, when one suffers trials, one can make a journey, a spiritual one. Medjugorje has been the destination for millions of hearts undergoing every kind of trial, sickness, marriage/family problems, etc. A Friend of Medjugorje tells us:
“When in history have so many been able to pilgrimage to a sanctified site to encounter an ongoing supernatural event? When has it been in history that all who would listen would be individually chosen to be used in a plan for the salvation of mankind?”
BVM Caritas Medjugojre Pilgrims on the May 28 – June 6, 2013, pilgrimage climbing up and praying the stations of the cross together on the way up Cross Mountain in Medjugorje. The climb up Cross Mountain is a real spiritual journey and one of the highlights of the pilgrimage for many.
A life-changing experience for many pilgrims is the moment when they reach the top of Cross Mountain and kneel at the foot of the Cross to give their “Crosses” and to give everything to God.
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