Our Lady of Medjugorje’s January 25, 2023 Monthly Message for the World

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The following is Our Lady’s latest 25th message given through Marija:

January 25, 2023

“Dear children! Pray with me for peace, because satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope. Pray with me, that what I began in Fatima and here may be realized. Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings, and be people of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


25. siječanj 2023

„Draga djeco! Molite se sa mnom za mir jer sotona želi rat i mržnju u srcima i narodima. Zato molite i žrtvujte vaše dane postom i pokorom da vam Bog da mir. Budućnost je na raskrižju, jer moderni čovjek ne želi Boga. Zato čovječanstvo ide prema propasti. Vi ste, dječice, moja nada. Molite se sa mnom kako bi se ostvarilo ono što sam započela u Fatimi i ovdje. Molite i svjedočite mir u vašem okružju i budite ljudi mira. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“


25. Januar 2023

„Liebe Kinder! Betet mit mir um den Frieden, denn satan will Krieg und Hass in den Herzen und Völkern. Deshalb betet, und opfert eure Tage dem Fasten und der Buße, damit Gott euch Frieden gibt. Die Zukunft steht am Scheideweg, weil der moderne Mensch Gott nicht will. Deshalb steuert die Menschheit auf ihr Verderben zu. Ihr, meine lieben Kinder, seid meine Hoffnung. Betet mit mir, damit sich das, was ich in Fatima und hier begonnen habe, verwirklicht. Betet und bezeugt den Frieden in eurer Umgebung und seid Menschen des Friedens. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid.“


25. gennaio 2023

“Cari figli! Pregate con me per la pace perché satana vuole la guerra e l’odio nei cuori e nelle nazioni. Perciò pregate e, nelle vostre giornate, fate sacrifici con il digiuno e la penitenza perché Dio vi doni la pace. Il futuro è al bivio perché l’uomo moderno non vuole Dio. Perciò l’umanità va verso la perdizione. Voi, figlioli, siete la mia speranza. Pregate con me affinché si realizzi ciò che ho iniziato a Fatima e qui. Pregate e testimoniate la pace nel vostro ambiente e siate uomini di pace. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”


25. stycznia 2023

„Drogie dzieci! Razem ze mną módlcie się o pokój, bo szatan pragnie wojny i nienawiści w sercach i narodach. Dlatego módlcie się i ofiarujcie swoje dni poprzez post i pokutę, aby Bóg dał wam pokój. Przyszłość jest na rozdrożu, bo współczesny człowiek nie chce Boga. Dlatego ludzkość zmierza ku upadkowi. Wy, dziatki, jesteście moją nadzieją. Módlcie się razem ze mną, by się urzeczywistniło to, co rozpoczęłam w Fatimie i tutaj. Módlcie się i dawajcie świadectwo o pokoju w waszym otoczeniu i bądźcie ludźmi pokoju. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”

13 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s January 25, 2023 Monthly Message for the World”

  1. Glenn Villanueva

    City: Houston
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    Brother’s & Sister in Christ. This is a serious message from GOD. We need to repent, penance. it is not too late, the Blessed Mother is helping the whole mankind.

  2. City: Vancouver
    State: British Columbia
    Country: Canada
    Very interesting remember a Canadian RC Priest was there could feel but not see

  3. City: cranterbury
    State: kent
    Country: uk
    God, has not changed, in OLD TESTAMENT, he sent his prophets,to warn the people, not to forget GOD. He warned them , of difficult times ahead,if they did not change and repent. in, our times, he has sent, messages by MARY. wILL WE EVER LEARN?

  4. Eileen Vacheresse

    City: Toledo
    State: OHIO
    Country: United States
    I am simply astounded by the big warning Our Lady has choosen to give us in the Jan 25, 2023 message. She says,
    “The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition” The Oxford dictionary defines “perdition” as – (in Christian theology) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death. This is serious everyone!! We knew this time would be coming. Pray!! Pray!! Pray !!!! Sending my love to Caritas!!

  5. City: Lake City
    State: Florida
    Country: USA
    Our Lady’s January 25th Message tells of the dire straits that the world has created. There is no longer any more time to ponder, and no time for “ifs, ands and buts”! We must do EXACTLY what she is telling us. Self discipline, focus and stepping up as Apostles of Love 💕. Fast & penance is mandatory. Starting NOW. Pray the Rosary and follow the advice of our FOM. United we stand. God bless, Susan

  6. Richard A Denis

    City: TX - Conroe
    State: TX
    Country: United States
    Satan has taken control of the world. Most millennials do not go to church or believe in God. Governments are doing or saying things, just to get elected or stay in power. People are killing people as if they were animals for slaughter. Television shows are so corrupt that I am surprised that God hasn’t destroyed the world. We are in the end times and we do need to pray for our families, our countries, and our world. So much sorrow in today’s world.

  7. City: Sutton
    State: Surrey
    Country: United kingdom
    Evil is taking over our leaders the pride and bloodshed is increasing rapid ly myself and family will pray as ourlady. Asked us soon peace will come remember my daughter in your prayer on 12 of January please talk to ourlady about her she is 19 years old also my daughter winnifred please help us to pray for them especially my heart felt thanks regards. Mrs B mcdonagh

  8. City: Lakewood
    State: N.J
    Country: U.S.A
    We diffidently need to pray more and more for peace in what is going on in the world today how many are people living without God in their lives now we need to fast,make sacrifices but what kind of penance do we need to do or should my Beloved Mother Mary I want to pray with You for Your intentions because we living in dangerous times but Our Heavenly Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end

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