May 29, 2017 A.D.
Tonight, Ivan’s prayer group met at the Blue Cross. Ivan started the Rosary at 9:00 p.m. We prayed the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries tonight in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition to Ivan. Our Lady appeared to Ivan at around 10:00 p.m. and the apparition lasted for several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of Our Lady’s apparition:
Today, as every day, I would briefly like to describe tonight’s meeting together with Our Lady. Also today Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and She greeted all of us, at the beginning, with Her motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then, for a while, She prayed over all of us here, with Her arms extended, and She prayed especially over those of you who are sick. Then Our Lady said:
“Dear children, also today I desire to call you to put God in your lives in the first place; to put God in your families in the first place; to accept His words, the words of the Gospel and live them in your lives and your families. Dear children, in a special way, through this time I call you to the Holy Mass and the Eucharist. Read the Sacred Scripture more in your families with your children. Thank you, dear children, also today for having responded to my call.”
Then Our Lady blessed all of us with Her motherly blessing, and She also blessed everything you brought to be blessed. Then I recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, your families and, in a special way, all the sick and those who, in a special way recommended themselves to prayer. After that Our Lady continued to pray over all of us here for awhile, and She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting, “Go in peace my dear children.”
Our Lady said in tonight’s message, to put God in the first place in our lives and our families. Many today, go about their lives believing that God is in the first place, when in fact He is taking second place, or even a worse position. A Friend of Medjugorje writes:
“…We Christians have been growing alongside pagans, laughing at their jokes, and listening to their music and entertaining ourselves with shows they produce, etc. Are we really any different from them? It is harvest time. We must distinguish ourselves by our lives as to whether we are weeds or wheat. The first monthly message to the world, after six years of apparitions, called for a radical change in life:
January 25, 1987
“…today I want to call you to start living a new life as of today…”1
Evaluate your life, evaulate your family. Does your life or family stand out as different, as set apart? Your life and family should not resemble the world. Evaluate. Pray. Decide. Make changes.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas