
I Don’t Have to go to Medjugorje – Reasons Why One Must go to Medjugorje

I Don’t Have to go to Medjugorje - Reasons Why One Must go to Medjugorje

Everyone has some things in their lives where they thought they did not need the experience until they did it. Often, the experience educated them to realizing how naive they were to think it unnecessary. Think about, during your life, where this has happened and how much you were affected by the encounter, retreat, experience, etc. Yet, at the outset there was little enthusiasm. You may not have even wanted to participate in the event. When one is told he should go to Medjugorje, the answer often is, “I have the Eucharist. I don’t need Medjugorje.” “I have Holy Mass. I don’t need Medjugorje.” “I already pray. I don’t need Medjugorje,” etc. Though he may not even realize it, this response, in a veiled way, implies an “I already know enough” mentality, such as “I have the Eucharist and do not need anything else.” Is the Eucharist, Mass, or prayer so small in their mysteries that individuals can be filled with every understanding these mysteries offer as displayed by such a mentality? That is where Medjugorje comes in. For those that go to Medjugorje, what they think they understand in the present is elevated light years above where this mentality will keep you. Our Lady’s school in Medjugorje shows what the human ego limits. If you are one of those whose mentality is of this belief, that you don’t need Medjugorje, it is our experience, you will be the most overjoyed by going to Medjugorje. Experience Mass, the Eucharist, prayer as you have never experienced them before because it comes through Our Lady’s hands in the present time through a place of daily apparitions, at a site where you can actually visit. Yes, everyone should go to Medjugorje, and once you have gone, you will realize why people before they even leave the village, are already planning their second trip. Medjugorje is different than Lourdes or Fatima, in that the oasis of Medjugorje is not a past-tense, spiritually historical event as is other apparition sites in their origins. Rather, Medjugorje is a place of live grace given each day, during the apparitions while they take place, as you have never experienced before. This booklet will help to explain why Our Lady strongly desires you to come to Medjugorje, but also, it is an answer for those who believe it is not necessary for them to go. My hope and prayer is this writing will inspire you to pilgrimage to the village, as it has done many times before you.

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