
From the Desk-May 27, 2008

From the Desk-May 27, 2008

Followers of Our Lady,

Last month, in April, New Orleans was struck by a Katrina of a different sort. Well, at least Bourbon Street was. The news media won’t touch it. The TV stations won’t blare it. Yet, Heaven itself took notice. Tom Phillips said, “This is unbelievable.” Tom, a twenty-year veteran of the New Orleans Police Department, said, in addition, “I have never seen anything like this in my life.” It all started with over 16,000 people, being led by a 87-year-old man who spoke to the crowd in the arena and then decided to lead them to the notorious Bourbon Street, a place where the devil runs free with its partying, saloons, and the unmentionables. Officer Phillips feared, as the 16,000 plus crowd walked the one-mile trek from the arena to Bourbon Street, it would result in the big “R” word – “Riot.” The 87-year-old man, before leading the crowd from the arena, read from the book of Joshua, paralleling himself to Joshua. He read from the Book of Joshua: “I am this day, eighty-five years old, as yet I am strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. Now, therefore, give me the mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day.”

The 87-year-old man said, “There is a great mountain in this city which needs to be conquered.” With that, he and the crowd poured out to make war on Bourbon Street, with the conviction of Joshua. As they crossed Canal Street, onlookers stood stunned, hearing the thousands singing “Amazing Grace.” As the marchers approached all those partying on Bourbon Street, the second Katrina hit. A wind of God filled Bourbon Street, an army of Joshua. Packed with Christians, the sounds of the music of the night clubs and strip joints stopped and was instead replaced by sounds of weeping, repentant sinners. The spirit of God accompanied the marchers. The partying people began pouring out their drinks and asked for prayer from the Christians who were reaching out to them. Several hours of prayer and ministering to the sinners continued. The mountain, that night in New Orleans, fell into Joshua’s hands, through the spirit of might, the spirit of God. The 87-year-old man said two hours later, “Now I know how the Apostle Paul must have felt at the end of his ministry, ‘Do the work of an evangelist; make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith.’

Officer Phillips relayed that what they thought would be a riot, turned out to be the big “R” word – “Revival.”

How can a Protestant man enter a Catholic city and do what the Catholics have not? Where is the conviction? Our Lady just said on May 25, 2008:


“…Work on the salvation of the world in a special way while I am with you…”


Why do we not do the “work of an evangelist” as the old man said of himself? We are to be apostles. We are to live righteously and carry that strength into the dens of hell, and commit theft against satan, stealing souls from his grip. Our Lady wants it. She has stated it. She has pleaded for it, and if 87-year-old Billy Graham at the end of his twilight can do it, why can’t apostles of Our Lady do the same?

March 18, 2000

“…I am calling you to be my apostles.”

August 23, 1983

“…I need you to spread my messages in the entire world.”

With Love for Our Lady,

Friend of Medjugojre


P.S. Our Lady’s message, “…Work on the salvation of the world in a special way while I am with you…” is a place to start. Caritas has a solid plan, a “special way” in place that you can join in the march to conquer the mountain which is doing exactly what Our Lady’s message calls you to do. We will send this information immediately to you. Call 24 hrs (205) 672-2000, ext. 383 or write to Caritas of Birmingham, 100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive, Sterrett, AL 35147. Ask or write for the “Serious Announcement.” Or click here to request a free copy of the “Serious Announcement”. (Please leaev name, phone, and mailing address.) The “Serious Announcement” is free. There is no charge to receive this.

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1 thought on “From the Desk-May 27, 2008”

  1. Friend of Medjugorje, you talked about the advances in communication. If medjugorje.com would use live-streaming, your powerful messages would be more effective.Holy Spirit, guide us!!Joel

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