Why You Will Want to Become a Field Angel
- Message Posted
Because you will be living the messages of Our Lady across the whole world. Our Lady said on February 25, 1995:
“…live with love the messages I give and…transmit them to the whole world…”
Caritas of Birmingham is unique as a standalone. It is built as a massive structure to arm you as an individual with abundant message material to introduce and convert people. Caritas gives you the largest Medjugorje mission in the world at your disposal. It gives you all the tools to help you with your prayers and efforts to evangelize as one of Our Lady’s apostles. You have access to every kind of material to give away on the messages. Caritas is structured through millions of dollars of printing equipment to produce valuable Medjugorje material for free or in volume for the cost of only the paper.
That means a Field Angel’s monthly gift goes into millions of pieces of material because the building and printing equipment are already paid for, and a community Our Lady called to be formed for runs it. Caritas we can produce material and spiritual conversion at an extremely low cost. There is nothing else you can donate to, dollar for dollar, that with your prayers, can change the world. Your financial gift is on the front lines to help your loved ones and friends to come back into the Church or strengthen your family. To operate, Caritas needs your support, and your need our support from what we produce. It is a partnership. In essence, when you become a Field Angel, you are doing something for yourself.
Explanation of a Field Angel
Field Angels are some of the most important people in the Medjugorje world. Field Angels are the core supporters of the mission of Caritas of Birmingham, who have committed monthly to support the work of Our Lady. There are several ways to become a Caritas Field Angel, the fastest growing group of people dedicated the help ensure the success of the mission work of Our Lady of Medjugorje, by the grace of God, and reaching a multitude of souls now in the present, and millions more into the future.
* On March 18, 2020, a Friend of Medjugorje launched, Project 50, which is a call for 1,000 people to give $50 a month as a Field Angel. That’s only $1.66 a day!
As of October 5, 2021, there are 667 Project 50 Field Angels.
The Project 50 Field Angels are a separate group, who are helping to spearhead new projects and initiatives. For more information about the launch of Project 50, read here…
Any of the donation options below apply to Project 50 Field Angels.
To become a Field Angel, we are asking for a recurring donation each month. If you are already giving as a Field Angel (the average donation is $25), thank you and please consider making your donation automatic recurring each month. It is a valuable lesson to teach your children about giving alms. Get all of your friends to sign up! Both you and they can become a Field Angel four ways:
• By calling or writing to Caritas in the U.S. and setting up your monthly recurring Field Angel donation through an ACH debit to your checking account – the safest and best method. Call Caritas at 205-672-2000 to set this up or click here to download the ACH Authorization Form to mail to Caritas at:
Caritas of Birmingham c/o Field Angels 100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA You can fax this form to: 205-672-9667 You can email this ACH Authorization Form to: [email protected] Again, outside of the U.S. dial, 001-205-672-2000. • By clicking here and making Monthly Recurring Field Angel Donation on your Credit Card (But we highly recommend to do it with your checking account because it’s more secure and costs very little compared to credit cards.) • By clicking here and making a Monthly Recurring Field Angel Donation through your PayPal account (Again, the first choice is through the more secure automatic deduction through your checking account) • By calling Caritas in the U.S. and giving your Card information over the phone for us to set up a Recurring Field Angel Donation You can call Caritas in the U.S at 205-672-2000 if you have any questions about the options above. Using your checking account and having us set up a monthly ACH debit, is the least costly, safest and most-reliable method of donating. If you live outside of the U.S. and wish to call, dial to, 001-205-672-2000.