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Apparition of July 5, 2023 at Caritas of Birmingham

Apparition of July 5, 2023 at Caritas of Birmingham

Today was the last day of the Five Days of Prayer. We gathered in the Field of Apparitions and began praying the Rosary at 6:00 PM. The day was very hot, but just before the apparition, a very light drizzle began to fall.


At 6:40 PM, Marija began praying the seven Our Father’s, seven Hail Mary’s and seven Glory Be’s. Our Lady appeared at 6:41 PM and the apparition lasted about 3 minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:


“During the moment of apparition when Our Lady came, I recommended all of us, all our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us. Tomorrow, Our Lady said, “Same place,” but a different time. Thank God, at ten o’clock in the evening.”


Marija, Apparition of July 5, 2023

Marija, at the moment just before Our Lady goes back to Heaven, July 5, 2023.


Though the Five Days of Prayer is officially over, there will be another public apparition for July 6, 2023, in the Field, at 10:00 PM. Patriotic music will begin at 8:00 PM followed by the Rosary in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition.
On Behalf of a Friend of Medjugorje
and the Community of Caritas


Cross on the Mountain, July 5, 2023

Statue in the Field, July 5, 2023


October 3, 2024, 7:49 AM…

Emergency Plea Where We Stand…

“Thank you for bringing clarity and common sense to this crazy world we live in. We are reminded to cling to Jesus and Mary, and to pray for the strength of faith to properly discern words and events.”

Sue from Michigan

We only have $50,000 to finish the plea. That’s just:

2 people giving $25,000 each
5 people giving $10,000 each
50 people giving $1,000 each
100 people giving $500 each
500 people giving $100 each

We do not have time to share everything, but know that your donations are making a big impact for conversion. If this site has helped you, make a generous donation to finish this plea. There is at least one person out there who can give a large amount of $30,000, $40,000 or $50,000 to bring this plea to a close.

Thank you!

$139,399 of $190,000 raised so far

18 thoughts on “Apparition of July 5, 2023 at Caritas of Birmingham”

  1. City: Ocean
    State: NJ
    Country: United States
    Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

    Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


  2. City: Pass Christian
    State: Mississippi
    Country: USA
    This was my first time at Caritas, after hearing about it for years from my family. What a joy to be able to participate in such a prayerful and peaceful environment for the week. I’m glad I stayed for that last visit by Our Lady on Wednesday afternoon, as as the sun finally came out of the clouds after apparition time, I look at the sun, and the only description I can give is it began to vibrate in the sky. The rim seemed to change from red to orange to yellow, with the center to have some kind of emblem. I looked away, expecting my eyes to have been blinded from looking directly at the sun, but I could see clearly–this was the sign of grace that Our Lady gave me. I looked back at the sun and witnessed that gift for several minutes until the clouds rolled back over it. I had asked Our Lady to allow me to open my heart to the graces she was giving me, and she gave me not only a sign, but one my scientific mind could not discount in some other way. I know that staring at the sun for so long, I should not have been able to see anything for a while after looking away, but that wasn’t the case. I didn’t hear anyone else commenting in the area about the sun, so I’m claiming this as My Mother giving me this special sign to help strengthen my faith in her as mediatrix and the infinite mercy of her Son on the whole world. My only regret is that I couldn’t stay for the evening of the 6th.

  3. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    It is so wonderful that Our Lady is here in the United States to bless our country and all the people in our country. We all truly need to take up our cross and fight for Jesus Christ!
    Was anything said on the apparition on the night of the 6th?

  4. City: Buffalo
    State: Ny
    Country: USA
    Such an amazing 5 days of prayer and sacrifice for Our Lady’s intentions. Thank you Caritas for providing for us the opportunity to be in the presence of Our Blessed Mother. As a friend of Medjugorje likes to say….INCREDIBLE!
    After Our Lady’s apparition tonight we were blessed with The Miracle of the Sun! Many of us saw the sun dancing and displaying a myriad of colors while the music was playing those beautiful songs! We watched the sun go all the way down behind the mountain and then rise again into the sky with an aurora of red, white and blue around it🇺🇸
    Many of us saw it❤️🤍💙
    Thank you Dear Mother🙏❤️

  5. Janet Silvester

    City: Northampton
    State: England
    Country: UK
    I love Our Lady of Medjugorje and I wait for her messages. Thank Maria for me. I loved the photos very nice.

  6. Angelina Dete

    City: London
    Country: United Kingdom
    I ask for total healing, open doors all around in my life

    My son Mickey Meckell Shingirirai to be blessed at work and get the job he really want. Let him continue to serve the Lord.
    Mother Mary pray for us sinners. Amen

    1. City: Romagnano Sesia
      State: Novara
      Country: Italia
      In questi giorni di preghiera e di grande grazia nella vostra comunità, sono unita a voi in preghiera, con tutto il cuore. Voglia Dio ascoltare le preghiere che la Gospa porterà in cielo! 🙏

  7. City: Chicago
    State: Illinois
    Country: United States
    Thank you for sharing all her words with us
    I Love You Mother Mary

  8. Dolores Jules

    City: Edison
    State: NJ
    Country: USA
    Thank you for these days at Caritas. Our Blessed Mother blessed all of us & I know her blessings went out to all praying for these apparitions.
    Thank you,Terry & all the community, to have a wonderful heavenly visit from our Lady. Even tho she didn’t say anything she blessed us many times.
    Taken into our hearts we continue our love & prayers for all her blessings for us. God & Mother Mary continue to protect & bless us.

  9. City: Baton Rouge
    State: LA
    Country: US
    Good morning Caritas,
    It is Thursday July 6, 2023 at 8:30 am. I’m home now after celebrating 6/30 – 7/4 with the Caritas community and the rest of the USA and parts of the world. Every day was (is) special to be there and, of course, with Our Blessed Lady during those days, and Her blessing over each one of us! Although She had no special words for us there during any one of the days, She, and all of Heaven, chose to be with all of us each day under the great Pine Tree in the Field, which, itself, represents America! (I checked all of the license plates!) That choice made by Heaven was, in itself, a big message! But, I just now read what Our Lady said during Her visit last night, July 5! … a very special apparition at 10:00 pm this night 7/6! (I hope the candles will still be lit!) I can only imagine how thrilled the whole Caritas Community is, and especially A Friend of Medjugorje, and all of those who will be there tonight! Everyone gets to prepare for it and I can imagine the joy you must be feeling today! My hope is that the splendor of Heaven is displayed tonight to all of you! God knows, more than we do, just how much we need Him! Thank you all for all that you do! You deserve every blessing from Heaven given to you! Love and peace to you all!

  10. City: Venice
    State: Fl
    Country: USA
    Beautiful. God bless all of you for helping Our Lady save us .

  11. City: Waco
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I’m just getting back home from my time at Caritas. My heart is full and i feel great blessings for this amazing opportunity to be in the presence of Our Lady. As I say my morning rosary I can’t help but think of all the beautiful people I met climbing the mountain. We all were strangers but helped each other struggle to the top. What great joy it was to finally reach the top. It was so powerful singing praises to God and praying the patriotic rosary together. I really didn’t want to leave. We all helped each back down. Young and old, Crippled and broken hearted. But now we had great joy and love and blessing from Our Lady!!! I felt tremendous peace and its still with me today! I can pick up my cross with joy knowing that I have a whole family behind me who are praying for me and a heavenly family who shower me with incomprehensible love. I feel a great strength today. Times are tough right now and I know that these are the “times ” but now I feel ready with this inoculation of love.
    Thank you Caritas community for all you do. And thank you Mother Mary for your benediction and love for us!

  12. City: Hessmer
    State: La
    There was also a rainbow by Penitentiary Mountain around 5:30 although it was sunny and had not rained yet.❤️

  13. City: century
    State: fl
    Country: usa
    hi we are so blessed to be wiyhHER. TO HAVE her so SO CLOSE TO US,THAT IS A big message .THANK GOD INDEED WITH ALL OUR HEART john

  14. Crissy Corpus

    City: Clovis
    State: CA
    Country: United States
    We will be praying here with you at 6 p.m. our time. I thank Marija for being here with us, praying for our country. We desperately need prayer and Our Lady’s presence. I pray for Her intentions, Her plans, Her projects, and God’s plan of salvation for us and through us. I pray that Her plans that She wanted in coming to us be realized. I pray for peace in our hearts, in our families, in our country and the whole world. I pray for the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and the Eucharist reign of Christ. I pray for the continued conversion of us all. I pray for our families, our youth, our pregnant and nursing mothers. And I pray Her heel will crush the head of the serpent soon!!

  15. City: Nashville
    State: TN
    Country: USA
    I have felt so blessed to be praying here at home each night of these five days of prayer and visualizing myself there among you all. At around 6:50pm or so, each night, I would pick a random message from the website as my way of thinking that this might be what Our Lady was saying to me – however – each message seemed absolutely appropriate for the entire group also: words of thanksgiving, encouragement, love and appreciation and calls for prayers of peace and for Our Lady’s intentions. The message I picked tonight, July 5th, seemed especially appropriate as a wrap-up of this 5 days of prayer: from a message on July 1, 1983 given on Cross Mountain: “I thank all those who have responded to my call. I bless all of you. I bless each of you. In these days, I ask you to pray for my intentions.”
    I have truly felt the presence of Our Lady these 5 days. Blessings to all who were there in person – and to all who have prayed along remotely. Yet, there is no time or space between us really – we are all together as Our Lady’s apostles. Love to all and great thanks to Marija for bringing Our Lady once again to the USA and helping us all pray for our great nation!

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