
Medjugorje Annual Apparitions: 2002 – Medjugorje Messages

Medjugorje Annual Apparitions: 2002 – Medjugorje Messages

March 18, 2002 – Mirjana’s Annual Apparition

The following is Mirjana’s annual apparition with Our Lady on March 18, 2002:

“Dear children! Asmother I implore you, open your heart and offer it to me, and fear nothing. I will be with you and will teach you how to put Jesus in the first place. I will teach you to love Him and to belong to Him completely. Comprehend, dear children, that without my Son there is no salvation. You should become aware that He is your beginning and your end. Only with this awareness can you be happy and merit eternal life. As your mother I desire this for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


June 25, 2002 – Ivanka’s Annual Apparition 

The following is Ivanka’s Annual Apparition with Our Lady on June 25, 2002:

The apparition lasted about six minutes. Our Lady told me details about Her life on this earth. Then Our Lady told me:

“Do not get tired of prayer! Pray for peace, peace, peace!”


December 25, 2002 – Jakov’s Annual Apparition

At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparitionyear, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 5:20 p.m. and lasted 7 minutes. Our Lady gave the following message:

“Dear children! Today, on the day of love and peace, with Jesus in my arms, I call you to pray for peace. Little children, without God and prayer you cannot have peace. Therefore, little children, open your heart so that the King of Peace may be born in your heart. Only in this way you can witness and carry God’s peace to this peaceless world. I am with you and bless you with my motherly blessing.”



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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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16 thoughts on “Medjugorje Annual Apparitions: 2002 – Medjugorje Messages”

  1. Awesome broadcast. I have listened numerous times. Thank you for your years of dedication to prayer and spreading Our Blessed Mother’s messages. Happy Feast of the Assumption.

  2. Awesome broadcast. I have listened numerous times. Thank you for your years of dedication to prayer and spreading Our Blessed Mothers messages. Happy Feast of the Assumption.

  3. Thank you Friend of Medjugoje and Caritas for a wonderful inspiring broadcast. Many Catholics do not want to read the signs of the times, they are blinded by lies and fear Our Lady’s fight against satan. We must pray for them. May God bless you in your work. A friend in the UK.

  4. Thank you for this excellent broadcast! So many interesting revelations! Most of our relatives like President Trump. One member recently said Mr. Trump had a comfortable life, he didn’t need to become President, but he did it because he wanted to help the American people. God bless you all!

  5. A lot to chew on here. First if people don’t realise just how far we as a Nation have fallen, and then to do concrete action(s), to fight the perverse culture of political correctness that insists you keep your religion behind closed doors and not out in the public square, your prayers are fairly benign and without effect. We all need and should bring our Catholic beliefs into the streets of this nation. Youth are getting paid to organize and cause disruption and chaos at rallies throughout this country because of the Presidents avid Pro Life agenda, and Judicial nominees that respect and uphold the US Constitution. Just sitting behind closed doors at home or at Church is no longer an option. The left wants to limit Freedom to Worship and Freedom of Conscience to act or refuse to actas hate mongering. Already a Friend of Medjugorje has pointed out in past presentations that the EU has already severely curtailed religious freedoms, to the point of taking away Parental rights. Don’t think it can’t happen

  6. “O Divine Spirit, Spirit of Truth and Light…May Your breath dissipate the darkness,And in this Light may good deeds be multiplied.” [St. Faustina’s Diary 1411]THANK YOU!

  7. The importance of names was mentioned. Look at what our Presidents name means.Donald=Great Chief, World RulerJohn=Gift of GodTrump= Hidden ResourceGod uses the base to ridicule the proud. Throughout the bible, this is true including Jacob (Israel) , whom had two wives which were sisters to each other. This was forbidden, yet God gave Jacob the name Israel and blessed the entire world through him.God Bless, loved this discussion.Your friend, Bear

  8. While I have only listened to part I so far…I have been wanting, since former follower from Hawaii to say this… I am with you Friend of Medjugorie 100%!! And any notion that you are leading any of us astray is not only misguided, but also offensive! We pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us into all Truth! And He will! With that aside, my thoughts concerning Hawaii and those whose call ins you shared tonight is this: Our Lady has asked us to pray for those in posession of Miraculous Medals!!! Many of those followers of Our Lady whom are also listening to “lying voices” are Catholics and highly likely to be in posesion of Miraculous Medals! There IS hope that their “scales” will be lifted from their eyes!! Thank you for not holding back on Truth!!!

  9. Wow, just wow! What an awesome and inspiring program! I have heard so many good ones on here previously, but I do think this is one of the best yet! I have a long way to go to understand much of what Our Lady is saying, so that is why I rely on A Friend of Medjugorje to explain these messages to us. But it just makes so much sense. I truly do not understand why good people who follow Our Lady do not get it. I hope they just surrender themselves to Her and Jesus and then the light of truth will shine through. God bless you all in the Caritas Community, you do so much good that so many do not even realize. You hold a special place in many of our hearts. Keep up the good work and I will continue to learn from Our Lady and you and do what I can, along with my family, to spread Her messages to those who will listen. Thank you again for a wonderful program and many blessings to you all!

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