For Immediate Release
March 26, 2016 A.D.
A Special Grace:
Opening of the Bedroom of Apparitions
Make a Pilgrimage to Caritas and go through the “holy doors” of the Bedroom of Apparitions. Along with the 54 day Rosary novena*, the Community of Caritas is inviting friends and followers of the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje to make a pilgrimage to the Bedroom and Field of Apparitions during this Holy Year! A Friend of Medjugorje and his wife are graciously allowing their home to be opened for the first time on designated dates, once each month, starting in April through November for the year 2016 so that pilgrims may come and pray in the Bedroom of Apparitions! For the Community of Caritas, the double doors that open into the Bedroom are “holy doors” as well, not by way of the Church designating them as holy, as at shrines and in basilicas and cathedrals, but by way of knowing we have entered into a room, through these doors, where the Queen of Heaven has visited this room 144 times over the past 28 years. It is Her presence that has made them holy. There is powerful grace present within the walls of this special room that Our Lady, Herself, chose to manifest a special plan of God. Thousands** have been intimately touched, not only in the heart, but within their very soul while praying in the Bedroom. During this Year of Mercy, when the Bedroom is opened, pilgrims will have the opportunity to consecrate or re-consecrate themselves to Our Lady when they will be present in the Bedroom.
The Bedroom of Apparitions will be opened on the first or
second Saturday of the following months, with the exception of the month of
April, which will be opened on the first Friday
12:00 P.M. (after Rosary in the Field) to 6:00 P.M. (CDT) | Saturday, August 6, 2016 |
Friday, April 1, 2016 | Saturday, September 3, 2016 |
Saturday, May 7, 2016 | Saturday, October 8, 2016 |
Saturday, June 4, 2016 | Saturday, November 5, 2016 |
Saturday, July 9, 2016 |
For more information contact Caritas of Birmingham at 205-672-2000.
While making a pilgrimage to Caritas, St. Paul’s Cathedral in Birmingham is the location of the Holy Doors in the Birmingham diocese and we would strongly encourage everyone to make that a part of their pilgrimage in order to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence.
*See Medjugorje, Prepare the World for My Final Coming
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