
December Novena

December Novena

THE NINE-DAY NOVENA – December 4-12,

Spiritual Healing

SHORTLY BEFORE THE CIVIL WAR, things were very bleak in the United States economy and in the country. The future did not look good. Ten men in New York began to meet at lunch and pray. Others soon joined and before long at lunchtime in the streets of New York, 10,000 people were praying daily for the healing of the nation. It was healed but not as expected. Rather it happened through the purification of a Civil War.

Knowing the past will help you know the future. The revival which took place in New York birthed many movements which still exist today. People then were much the same in spirit as the people today – not praying, gloating over human achievements, etc. A great deal is said of the state of our nation’s spirit by a statement written by Abraham Lincoln:

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown.

“But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these things were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.

“Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”



We believe we are in the same situation today and that these five days (December 8-12) are days of rebirth, of revival for our nation, but we must remember the past. Healing does not come without pain. An evil tumor is not removed without surgical procedures which are painful in themselves but bring about healing. Our nation was and is to be a light to other nations. It was founded on Biblical, Christian principles. Its founders used the Bible to form and mold this nation. Perhaps as no other nation in history, we, like St Paul, can “boast” that God’s hand laid heavily upon our founding. Yet now so many deny God in virtually everything. We blame those in darkness but we realize now that chastisement, about which Our Lady has spoken, is because of our failure to carry the torch. It is we who have allowed darkness to prevail, many times even cooperating with it and participating in it. Chastisement will come because of our failures as Christians. Yet this is our security for the Father knows best what we need to draw us close to Him, and every good father disciplines his children. We must not be announcers of doom, rather of joy and light because for a Christian the future is one of salvation. So we look for a bright future, full of hope, even though we may have a difficult path to follow to get there. The following novena is to be prayed with these thoughts in our hearts to heal us, our families, and our nation.

All the following messages were given by Our Lady from this valley.



Mary, we give you this novena for your intentions for December 8-12, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for massive conversions, for trhe fulfillment of all your plans, and the initiation of new plans to reconcile ourselves, our families, and our nation back to God.


 Prayer to Heal Our Land



LORD, WHO ARE WE AS A PEOPLE, having been given blessings in portions as no other nation before us? What has become of us, Father? We have spoiled your spacious skies with buildings and cities breathing with sin. The amber waves of grain are no longer viewed as our blessing but as our due. The awe and reverence due You when we gaze upon the purple mountains and their majesty is no longer held; rather, how much pleasure they can give us. Father, we have spurned You. We’ve blamed our problems on those who promote darkness, but You gave us time with Your Mother. Now our eyes have been opened by Her. Our lack of holiness, our not being light has allowed darkness to prevail. Indeed, our sins which we wrongly view as small have allowed those in darkness to commit great sins without shame. We now realize it’s because of our failings as Christians. Father, Samuel told your people, “It is true you have committed all this evil, still you must not turn from the Lord, but worship Him with your whole heart. For the sake of His own great name, the Lord will not abandon his own people.” Father, we come before You with our whole hearts and ask You to grant Our Lady Her intentions.

Mary, we do not deserve to even be heard, yet we know Your Son’s passion merits that we are. Mary, we call You as You have called us. Please, intercede before God to forgive us, to heal us, to heal our families, and to heal our nation.

Father, grant Mary’s intentions and hear Her pleas for us. We know you are justly irritated with us but we beg and plead for forgiveness through our repentance from our hearts. We realize our nation is headed toward disaster by so many signs You have given us. Holy, Holy, Holy God, grant Mary Her requests that we may again be your people, not a nation above God but one nation humbled and under God. Amen.



“Dear children, I call you to prayer for you to have an encounter with God in prayer. God gives Himself to you, but He wants you to answer in your own freedom to His invitation. That is why, little children, during the day find yourselves a special time when you can pray in peace and humility and have this meeting with God, the Creator. I am with you and I intercede for you in front of God. Watch in vigil so that every encounter in prayer be the joy of your contact with God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


Day 1, Friday, December 4

“I ask you once again to pray. Especially pray for my intentions. If you pray for my intentions, I will be glorified through you. All your prayers are going to help you through my hands.” November 26, 1988

“May your life be prayer. May your work be offered as a prayer and may everything that you do bring you toward me. Let everything that you do and everybody that you meet be an encounter with God.” November 20, 1988

Day 2, Saturday, December 5

“I invite you to pray and give your life completely to God. I will give you strength and I will help you in all of your needs. You can ask for everything that you need to help you. I will intercede for you in front of God.” November 23, 1988

“I ask you to pray and demand, asking boldly for the graces from me. I will intercede in front of God for you.” January 19, 1989

Day 3, Sunday, December 6

“Dear children, I love you and I wish you to pray for my intentions with the love you have for me, so that every plan of God about each one of you may be fulfilled.” December 15, 1988

“I want you to be in prayer. I want to protect you under my mantle. Pray. Pray. Pray.” November 27, 1988

Day 4, Monday, December 7

“I invite you to live my messages. I am here to help you! I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.” November 24, 1988

“Live in humility all the messages that I give. I want you to be carriers of peace.” November 22, 1988

“I invite you to live the profoundness of the messages that I give.” December 4, 1988

“I call every one of you to live the messages I give and to witness by your lives.” January 16, 1989

Day 5, Tuesday, December 8

“Dear children, I call you to peace. Live it in your heart and all around you so that all will know peace – peace which does not come from you but from God. Little children, today is a great day! Rejoice with me! Glorify the Nativity of Jesus through the peace that I give. It is for this peace that I have come as your Mother, Queen of Peace. Today I give you my Special Blessing. Bring it to all creation, so that all creation will know peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” December 25, 1988

“Bless [with the Special Blessing] even those who don’t believe. You can give them this Blessing from the heart to help them in their conversion. Bless everyone you meet. I give you a special grace. I desire you to give this grace to others.” November 29, 1988

Day 6, Wednesday, December 9

“I wish that all your life be love, only love. Everything that you do, do it with love. In every little thing, see Jesus and His example. You also do as Jesus did. He died out of love for you. You also offer all you do with love to God, even the smallest little things of everyday life.” November 30, 1988

“Dear children, I give you my love, so you give it to others.” December 3, 1988


Day 7, Thursday, December 10

“Pray for my intentions. With this prayer, I would like to help each one of you.” January 17, 1989

“I invite you to pray and to abandon yourself totally to God.” December 2, 1988


Day 8, Friday, December 11


“I am calling you to prayer; only through prayer can you come close to God. I am calling you to pray every day and to dedicate a special time in your day only for prayer.” January 21, 1989

“I wish you to pray for my intentions. Only in this way can you come closer to God. I will guide you to Him. Pray, dear children, I am with you.” January 22, 1989

Day 9, Saturday, December 12

“Dear children, today I am calling you to the way of holiness. Pray that you may comprehend the beauty and the greatness of this way, where God reveals Himself to you in a special way. Pray that you may be open to everything that God does through you so that in your life you may be enabled to give thanks to God and to rejoice over everything that He does through each individual. I give you my blessing. Thank you for your response to my call.” January 25, 1989

“Dear children, I desire that your lives become prayer.” January 26, 1989


To order your 1 free copy of the Novena, please call 205-672-2000 extension 315 – 24 hrs, or To Order a copy of the Novena on Mej-mart, Click Here!

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2 thoughts on “December Novena”

  1. As I have listened to this tonight, tears listening to your children! And tears that I kept feeling to ask you about Q earlier. As I hear that “you” wished you could have sent this information a few weeks ago, I feel as if I did not heed the stiring of the Holy Spirit. But, all in Her time. I pray She leads us all. I pray God’s forgiveness and that the timing of the release of your book, is in Her time! You, Caritas, exhibit, fullfill, the peace in Our Lady so profoundly! I do not. But I pray someday to. My prayers are with and for you, and Our Lady’s intensions. And I pray…for all those in positions of power who seek to do what is good and right and just and holy…may they be given the graces of the Holy Spirit and the assistance of the angels, to accomplish God’s Will here on earth! Amen! Maybe a chance to make up for not heeding the stiring of the Holy Spirit, God has given me the opportunity to share Big Q and tiny Q twice this week! No holding back anymore! Green light on!!

  2. As I have listened to this tonight, tears listening to your children! And tears that I kept feeling to ask you about Q earlier. As I hear that you wished you could have sent this information a few weeks ago, I feel as if I did not heed the stiring of the Holy Spirit. But, all in Her time. I pray She leads us all. I pray Gods forgiveness and that the timing of the release of your book, is in Her time! You, Caritas, exhibit, fullfill, the peace in Our Lady so profoundly! I do not. But I pray someday to. My prayers are with and for you, and Our Ladys intensions. And I pray…for all those in positions of power who seek to do what is good and right and just and holy…may they be given the graces of the Holy Spirit and the assistance of the angels, to accomplish Gods Will here on earth! Amen! Maybe a chance to make up for not heeding the stiring of the Holy Spirit, God has given me the opportunity to share Big Q and tiny Q twice this week! No holding back anymore! Green light on!!

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