
From the Desk-August 26, 2008

From the Desk-August 26, 2008

The following question was written to A Friend of Medjugorje in regards to the consecration of the United States and the events during July 1-5, 2008.

Dear Friend of Medjugorje,

May the love of the Holy Trinity keep you true to the end of times. I have two concerns: In your comparison with these activities with those of the city of Nineveh, you puzzle me. The city of Nineveh’s conversion was led by the king of the city. The consecration and conversion there at Caritas begins with the people, and not led by the government. To me, the government leaders and the people of the country are at opposite ends of the hopes being prayed for by you and all others. I feel concerned that your hoped for expectations, if I may call it that, will not be the same result as at Nineveh. I pray for the best.

The following question was written to A Friend of Medjugorje in regards to the consecration of the United States and the events during July 1-5, 2008.

Dear Friend of Medjugorje,

May the love of the Holy Trinity keep you true to the end of times. I have two concerns: In your comparison with these activities with those of the city of Nineveh, you puzzle me. The city of Nineveh’s conversion was led by the king of the city. The consecration and conversion there at Caritas begins with the people, and not led by the government. To me, the government leaders and the people of the country are at opposite ends of the hopes being prayed for by you and all others. I feel concerned that your hoped for expectations, if I may call it that, will not be the same result as at Nineveh. I pray for the best.

Also, I am concerned that sometimes you refer or make reference that your only hope for conversion is through our Mother. Then other times you recognize that God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) are the sources of our hope. Our Mother may refer to Her plans for us, but She knows full well Her permission for helping us comes from God. Our Mother is not our only hope in these times. Please be cautious when making such a reference. Such a statement will be used by the enemy angels. I am so glad you have accepted God’s call and our Mother’s call to spread the word of the apparitions and mostly the call to conversion.

May God’s peace be always with you,

Dennis from Kansas

Thank you for your letter. Concerning your two questions:

Christians are given by God the dominate role in leading culture. In the days of the martyrs, a few Christians frequently converted many in the coliseum who were their opponents. As history has shown, Christians have the upper hand when fully living their faith. When we fail in living our faith, we do not prevail. Christianity fully lived, always will prevail and spread. Nineveh’s king was the government and he held the power. In our nation, “we the people,” as a republic, hold the power, not the government. Since the beginning of our foundation as a nation, our office holders are to serve us. In a monarchy, the people are subject to a king. In our republic, the government is subject to the people. It is true, that our nation has been hijacked*, as many now accept and believe that we live in a democracy. But this belief, even though many now believe it, does not make it so. Our founding and incorporating documents define who and what we are, of which the Declaration of Independence stated that “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed.” We, therefore, have authority to act in consecration before God as the rightful authority. On July 4, 2008, Our Lady, in Her apparition, clearly validated the act of consecration of “we the people.”

The second question, in regards to Mary being our only hope, and that we should be cautious. As for myself, I would be lost without Her. She, Herself has said,

January 25, 1997

“…This time is my time…”

This time has been specifically given to Her. She has said,

June 25, 1993

“…Dear children, these times are particular…”

Our Lady has said,

August 29, 1982

“…I am the Mother who has come from the people; I cannot do anything without the help of God. I, too, must pray like you…”

So you can see by Our Lady’s own words, She has no power in and of Herself. She must pray because all comes from God. Her Son is the source of our salvation. But this time is given to Her to rescue the earth. She is the only hope the world has at this “particular time.” The world is entrusted to Her. What She does with it, everything She wants to do with it in this time, God honors. It is up to Our Lady to save us. It is up to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as the Source of all graces to grant Her the grace to save us. It is up to us to answer Her call.

Christians are too cautious today. Much of what Jesus did was used against Him by “enemy angels.” Yet, He prevailed. We should do no less.

Thank you for your concern and may this help clarify for you and others what we are faced with and who it is that is supporting us.

In the Love of Our Lady,

Friend of Medjugojre

* See page 190-192 in the book, “Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.” To order, click here.

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