-Caritas Community Member, Medjugorje
Though the day in Medjugorje was full of rain, Our Lady called Her children up Apparition Mountain Monday evening, to pray with Ivan and his prayer group, and to be present with Her in an apparition. It was a beautiful cool evening with gray clouds forming a canopy over the valley of Medjugorje, with patches of blue sky seen here and there, and then the moon and stars becoming more and more visible as the night grew darker. Many pilgrims stayed down at the foot of Apparition Mountain, waiting and praying at the site of the Blue Cross instead of making the climb to the top as it seemed almost certain that at some point in the evening, it would begin raining again. The mountain paths can be very treacherous after a good rain, and especially so when trying to make it down in the dark. However, there were several hundreds of pilgrims who made the decision to join Ivan’s prayer group, regardless of what the weather would bring. The first pilgrims began arriving up at the top of Apparition Mountain several hours before Our Lady’s apparition, and pilgrims continued to climb up even as the singing began at 9:00 p.m. As the time approached 9:30 p.m., and Ivan began the recitation of the Rosary, the wind began to pick up, and suddenly the pilgrims were engulfed in heavy rain, with some thunder and lightening. The rain remained steady throughout the Rosary. But despite this inconvenience, it didn’t hamper the spirits of those who had climbed the mountain to be with Our Lady. The prayer and singing continued. The rain was so loud at times that the pilgrims could barely hear the prayer group praying. And yet, at the moment of Our Lady’s apparition, the rain began to subside, and all grew quiet. The silence was due to the understanding that Our Lady was present and each pilgrim withdrew into their hearts to communicate in prayer their love and their petitions to Our Lady.
The following is a description of the apparition:
“Our Lady came and said, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’ She prayed over us for a long time with Her hands extended. She prayed over the sick who were present, and then for priests. She gave us Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious articles that people brought with them. Ivan recommended everyone present to Our Lady, as well as their intentions, their families and especially the sick people. Our Lady continued to pray, especially for peace. We prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and one Glory Be. Our Lady left, praying, in the sign of the light of the Cross.”
It was indeed treacherous coming down from the mountain. The rain had stopped, but mud was caked on the feet of the pilgrims, and the stones were very slippery, making it impossible to get any traction on the way down. However, the spirit of the pilgrims was very light-hearted, happy and even jovial after being able to be with Our Lady and receive Her blessing. There were no impatient voices or complaints, but rather a gracious acceptance of the situation and care in descending the mountain, along with many prayers being said in thanksgiving to Our Lady for the opportunity to be with Her on the mountain, even in the rain. It was felt that She was in need of this sacrifice of the pilgrims for some special intention.
Following are a few of your comments:
“Glory be to the Father,Son and the Holy Spirit.Thanks be to the Lord for sending with great love His Holy mother to give us blessings and messages. Thanks be to the Lord. How Great thou art.”
R. & C. B.
Europe – Malta
”I am so glad that the messages are still given today and that the apparitions are still happening during these times of war, hate and unhappiness that exists in the world. I pray that in the places of war peace will someday soon come and that poverty and famine in those countries and others will someday soon vanish for the sake of the people. I pray that more people will turn to Jesus and Mary and pray to them believing that they do exist. This is my prayer for the people in this world. Thank you for the messages and God bless you all.”
”Thank you for giving us this wonderful description of Our Lady’s apparition to Ivan’ Prayergroup. I felt the peace of Our Blessed Mother as I read it.”
Dublin, – Ireland
“With the world in such disarray, Our Dearest Mother is waiting for us to hear the cry of her son to pray and sacrifice everything we can for peace in our hearts and in our world. She is so grateful for every sacrifice–both little or large. Please let us join together and follow her prompts and rejoice in her blessings. We cannot continue to accept blessings every day without giving back. God Bless”
Shavertown, Pennsylvania – USA
”Thank you for sharing Our Lady’s beautiful message. I felt a warmness just reading Her message. Thank you for this site.”
M. K.
Kiel, Wisconsin – U.S.A.
”What a beautiful event.”
T. R.
Merrifield, MN – United States
”It is of the highest privilege to be able to thank every one of you, who is participating in the delivery of Our Lady’s messages. let alone to be able to thank her through you is also grand. Every day is a new commitment on my behalf. to look and feel her sons presence in every thing that I do. To actually find Jesus in every body I meet, makes my day a special journey. Regardless of all the challenges. Thank you very much for this opportunity.”
Bellflower, California
”I like being notified by email that there is a current, important news information on the site.
Thank you for the benefit and I love Her.”
P. D.
Allen, TX – America
”I had the privilege of being there for the apparition this past Monday evening. I have one hip replacement & one hurting hip. I became separated from my group going up the hill as I was going slow making sure not to fall. However, I was determined that Mary was calling me to the top & would take care of me. About half way up, it began to storm with wind, lighting & thunder. I looked up the mountain toward Our Lady’s statue. Just to the right, I saw a very long, perpendicular streak of lighting. It was not perfectly straight but very long. I thought I was imagining this so I looked away; when I looked back it was still there as if it were just hanging from the sky. I asked many people later & no one else experienced this. I do not know the meaning of this but it may come to me later. When I arrived at the top, it was dark & I could not see anyone from my group so I found a place to sit & prayed with the group around me. It started to rain & the wind blew. I was wearing a water proof jacket with a hood so the top part of me was dry but I was wondering how I would ever get down & even considered the possibility of having to spend the night up there. In spite of the cold rain & wind, the feeling of peace & joy was there. Right as Our Lady appeared, everything & everybody became very quiet. Afterward, as people started to leave, I stood up & tried using my cane but was immediately slipping all over the place. I got down on & tried hanging on to rocks to descend. With my tender hip, I knew I could not go down in that position. As I stood there pondering what to do, this tall, strong, young man appeared at my side. He took my hand to help me. I made a light hearted joke about my guardian angel appearing just at the right moment! He never said one word so I was thinking that he could not understand English. He stayed with me the entire trek down this treacherous mountain. If I started to slip, he would grab my arm or even both arms at times. I could feel his strength as we descended. He stayed right with me until we reached the bottom of Apparition Hill. I thanked him & I looked around to see if anyone from my group was there. When I looked back, he was gone! I waited at the bottom of the hill for well over 30 minutes for my group to show up as I did not know the way back to our hotel in the dark. That night I was thinking that just some nice person showed up, however in reflecting on the experience, I really do lean toward it being my guardian angel. There were many other, older women slipping down the mountain that night. Why did he help & stay with me?! In the past eight months, since my husband abandoned me, God has always protected me & given me everything I could possibly need or want. This is one more example of Our Father’s loving care & the miracles that happened to me in Medjugorje.”
M. S.
Treasure Island, FL – USA
I was lucky enough to be present at the apparition but was at the bottom of the hill near the blue cross. The rain and wind were appalling before the apparition. I couldnt hear the prayers further up the hill as it was too noisy. Through the clouds there was a single star in the sky back over Medjugorje which became very bright and faded away within about 10 seconds. Then thunder lit up the sky behind Cross Mountain culminating in what looked to me like the Cross being hit. The rain and wind subsided and it became silent.
Lancaster, – England