
Monster Fire Threatens Medjugorje Apparition Site

Monster Fire Threatens Medjugorje Apparition Site


The days here in Medjugorje have been blistering hot, with no rain for at least the last 1 ½ months. There have been many sporadic fires behind the mountains and in the fields throughout Medjugorje and the surrounding area. Because the area is so dry, it only takes one little spark to ignite into an out-of-control fire in just minutes. Coming out of English Mass today, which was at noon, in celebration of the day the Church recognizes as Our Lady’s birthday, the Caritas Community members noticed a lot of smoke coming in the direction of Apparition Mountain. As they got closer, they saw that there was a fire on the right side and back of Apparition Mountain.


The fire from a distance as it is moving towards Apparition Mountain. You can see the flames, still small, a good distance away.

As the wind picked up, they watched as the flames became larger and started to spread out, heading in the direction of the Apparition site. One of the Caritas members grabbed the camera as they headed towards Apparition Mountain. There were many pilgrims and villagers alike who were stopped along the trails, standing outside of shops, sitting outside their homes, or just standing on the streets, watching as the wind blew and flames continued to draw closer to the statue of Our Lady. The pictures show the fire sweeping across the mountain like a monster toward the Apparition site.


A wider view of the fire as it comes closer to the site of the Apparitions.

The desire of satan is to devour you. He never rests and is lurking for you.

May 25, 1995

“…satan is strong and with all his forces wants to bring the most people possible closer to himself and to sin. That is why he is on the prowl to snatch more every moment…”

satan hates and has no regard for anyone or anything.

July 31, 1986

“…hatred gives birth to dissensions and does not regard anyone or anything…”

How does God speak to us? Our Lady has told us:

March 25, 1990

“…God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life…”


It was at this moment that the fire was halted dead in its tracks. Seemingly miraculously the fire changed directions and did not come any closer to the statue. The fire was approximately 35-50 yards to the statue of Our Lady.


Medjugorje is a place where signs abound and the supernatural is continually at work. A porthole from Heaven connecting hearts to Our Lady’s daily presence through Her apparitions. Medjugorje is the place of the supernatural. It is the spot on the earth for the world’s renewal; a cosmic battle ground in which the whole world’s population is the prey to win for salvation and the eternal reward in Heaven or destruction and punishment in the eternal fire in hell. This battle was launched from the little village of Medjugorje and is Revelation, Chapter 12 in the present. The Woman coming to do battle with the dragon.

August 2, 1981

“A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake.”

This fire today, its closeness to Our Lady’s most profound apparition site in the history of the world; the hatred of satan in desecrating the statue last week, as can be seen in the picture, with Our Lady’s arm broken off and nose damaged, should speak clearly to you of the battle raging between Heaven and hell. Read the signs of the time. You must change everything in your life which hinders you from growing in holiness and closer to God and prevents you from living Our Lady’s messages. Everyone wants insurance for unforeseen future catastrophes. Living Our Lady’s messages and changing your life fully is your insurance for the future, in this life, stretching into eternity. Let this be a sign in nature to you today to evaluate what you need to change in your life.

In the Love of Our Lady,

Friend of Medjugojre

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