
A Spiritual Revolution to Bring in Check and Management

A Spiritual Revolution to Bring in Check and Management

From 20 Years of Apparition


Marija, the visionary of Medjugorje, says, “Our Lady’s messages are for today’s man to help him to understand the Bible.” We, in modern society, live radically different than those who wrote the Bible. While the Word contains the fullness of Revelation, man has become too dark to follow it in fullness with the society that he has built. Our Lady’s call is back to the Holy Scriptures, back to what the Church teaches. Her messages are not the Bible, but are to lead us to the Bible. Ancient man did not deal with television, mass communication, internet, and computers. Nor did they travel at the speed of jets, which is twofold in including the pace of today’s retarded family life – going here, going there as well as a host of high tech sins, such as test tube babies and cloning, that affects everyone in the highest skyscrapers to country farms. Man today lives radically different, and our hearts need help. Our Lady is leading a spiritual revolution to bring in check and management the industrial and high tech revolution. God has given Her this period to accomplish this task. This is why this time is so extraordinary, unlike any in history and will affect all future men. Our Lady says, and clearly states whose time this is. Our Lady says:

January 25, 1997

“…This is my time…”


It is such a grace that we do not even realize the greatness of it, and that Our Lady, because we are so preoccupied with the world, has to intercede just so we may be able to understand how great Her being here is in “Her Time”. Our Lady says:

April 25, 1990

“…I will pray for you and intercede for you before God that you understand the greatness of this gift which God is giving me that I can be with you…”


The Bedroom of Apparitions

The Bedroom of the Apparition – July 19, 2008

These bouquets of flowers represent over 4000 people who desired for their intentions to be present in the Bedroom of the Apparitions during Our Lady’s Apparitions to Marija Lunetti when she and her family were here with us for the Five Days of Prayer, July 1-5, 2008 and for several days afterwards as well. Hanging on the Bedroom wall, a picture of St. Joseph, with the child Jesus, peeks over the thousands of flowers present, each representing the desires of those who wish to be

“… a most beautiful bouquet prepared for eternity…” July 25, 1995

Think of it, well over 12,000 apparitions! Our Lady has been on the earth everyday for 28 years! All attention is on Her. Of man and of angels, She is the holiest creature that has ever existed. Marija says even the angels in all the apparitions never, even for a moment, will take their eyes off of Her. Holding on to time is one of the greatest moment of their state of being in accompanying Her to earth. We are in a time of grace because of Her. The Woman of Revelation, it is She whose presence upon the earth is leading it to holiness. Her blessing leaves Her fragrance upon the earth to bring about the springtime all of Heaven awaits.

October 25, 2000

“…I desire to renew prayer with you and to call you to fast which I desire to offer to my Son Jesus for the coming of a new time – a time of spring – the Church is being renewed in the Spirit…”


She wishes to garden you into a flower to be bouquet in Heaven for all eternity.

July 25, 1995

“…I wish to make of you a most beautiful bouquet prepared for eternity…”


                                                                                Still in the Christmas Season with
the Infant Jesus,

Friend of Medjugojre

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “A Spiritual Revolution to Bring in Check and Management”

  1. I stopped my membership with the NRA about 7 years ago when it became apparent that the NRA was supporting political candidates on the basis of their apparent views on gun control and not on the basis of them being a member of a “progressive, Marxist, atheistic party”. Several of these politicians did wind up throwing the NRA and gun rights “under the bus”. I believe this showed a serious lack of wisdom on the part of the NRA at that time.I now am a member of the NAGR.

  2. I stopped my membership with the NRA about 7 years ago when it became apparent that the NRA was supporting political candidates on the basis of their apparent views on gun control and not on the basis of them being a member of a progressive, Marxist, atheistic party. Several of these politicians did wind up throwing the NRA and gun rights under the bus. I believe this showed a serious lack of wisdom on the part of the NRA at that time. I now am a member of the NAGR.

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