May 19, 2022
Radio Wave Mejanomics

Wake Up, So You Have Some Kind of a Future

[Podcast] (29 Minutes) – Shortages of baby formula, crashing stocks, etc. What do these signs tell us about God’s plan and satan’s plan? A Friend of Medjugorje talks about these in a way that no one else will explain it – and what you solidly need to do.

Episode Transcript


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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



Don’t you think it’s strange that there’s no baby formula on the shelves right now? Why is that? A big baby formula company was shut down after two babies died. And after investigation, there was no connection to the death to the factory. And the FDA kept saying they can’t open them back up.


Yes, this is very strange. Are you thinking there’s something more to it? Of course it is! Common sense tells you.


Is there only one formula plant?


You know there’s more. And now, the FDA finally says, “Okay, you can open up.” They had an agreement, and they said it’s secret. Why would it be secret? Now, today, they said they’d reveal it.


None of this adds up.


What’s behind it? Why is it?


There’s two things: the cabal’s doing this. This is all part of the system. And then another side is to bring it down. One is evil; the other is of God.


I’ve already read some research on it that says, “Do not feed these babies with cow’s milk or any other thing. It’s too dangerous.”


What did people do for millennia? Throughout history, they used cow’s milk and goat milk, sheep milk.


And now, you can’t use it? What is that about? Why is that?


Well, there’s no money in that for these big companies. And the antichrist centralizes everything so everything can be controlled.


We’re told, probably with a lot of lying voices, that one company stops formula across the whole country.


Is that strange to you? Does it make suspect? It should.


So, why do we have so many people taking formula for babies when God’s already made everything from the mother’s breast?


We looked up the reason why so many people are using baby formula.


The first one is: moms have self-conscious about their image of their body. That’s translated into vanity—a very selfish thing—that their figure’s going to change.


The next thing: some women find it too stressful. Stressful? The emotional health of the baby and the mother is not about stressful, unless the mother gets stressful because that’s not what she wanted to do. The baby’s crying, and she’s got to be inconvenienced.


A third thing it states: some women get too fatigued. See, they want to make their own schedule.


A fourth thing: many moms listed that working moms just can’t fit this in their schedules. So, you’re going to take formula—something not made of God—for your convenience?


Another argument is mothers are pressured into it by the society, the work, the doctors, whatever, and also, big time, the formula plant. They don’t make any money if they don’t sell it. They have to come up with all these reasons, and they pressure in this, “Why would you want to be tied down?”


Another one is logistics, because working moms, they have meetings. They have travel. They’re going on vacations. It’s not the convenience of the baby. It’s the convenience and the selfishness of the mother.


Another problem: it’s too difficult and frustrating.


And here’s a big one: daddy matters. Women state: “We want to be 50/50 partners in raising our child.” This mentality is, “So, I can’t be the only one feeding the baby.” There’s women saying, “My husband helped with feedings, I slept much more, and I wasn’t half asleep and cranky all the time.” What kind of wife is that? What kind of mother is that? What kind of Christian person would be that way? Or even a non-Christian?


The next one is: “It’s my choice. Love is the only food children need.” What kind of garbage is that? If I just love my kid, that’s what they need. Not breast milk.


The list goes on and on.


I mentioned earlier that the factory’s shutting down, and that there was an evil side, and there is a good side.


So, that’s the evil side and many more things with it. It was Our Lady Who said,


“…only the glory of God remains…”


That’s a death sentence. It’s a death sentence for formulas and these diabolical thoughts of putting your children second to you.


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So, satan pulls all this formula across the shelves, across the whole United States? You think that’s by chance or just an accident? The devil plans that. And yet, satan is so smart, but he always does things that backfires for him.


he could not help himself lusting to killing Jesus and putting Him on a cross. And on the other side, from what they did, by he doing that, He brought salvation and corrected the sin of Adam and Eve.


And so, what’s happened now, satan is doing this, and the other side of it, it does not glorify God. And before that statement, Our Lady says…You know the message,


“…Everything is passing. Everything is falling apart…” (September 2, 2011)


You think Our Lady’s happy about this, seeing all these moms do this? Taking their formula and all this, for their convenience, selfishness?


So satan, fulfilling the plan of what is not of God and destroying it, at the same time correcting a widespread problem of so many mothers out there who should be nursing their baby. You think that’s okay? You accept that?


The formula companies, their doing this for the dollar. The arguments come up through people and satan, “Well, some mothers can’t nurse.” Well, I can tell you that is minute compared to those who could do it that don’t do it. God doesn’t have a defect in the milk that the mother produces that artificial formulas can come even close to the mother’s nursing milk.


So, if there was a problem, you don’t need a company.


Back in the 1950s and the 60s, a recipe was published to make infant formula. It was evaporated milk, water, and Karo syrup. I remember, as a kid in the late 50s them giving coupons for formulas. There were doctors that didn’t want mothers to switch to home formulas. So, they recommend Similac and all this stuff, whatever it was at that time.


See, they gave kickbacks to these doctors speaking about the formula manufacturers. Just like the pharmaceutical industrial complex today that rules the whole American public.


In 2010—that’s twelve years ago—I wrote a little short book called Forget What is Personal… And that’s what we’re talking about. This is about me, myself and I. That’s what a lot of this is about. There may be a few people out there that could say, “I cannot do that. My milk is not sufficient.”


I heard a newsclip saying, “Do not give these children cow’s milk or any other kind of recipe.”


If you research, you’re going to find out cow’s milk is okay to use. There’s doctors saying right now, “Do not take cow’s milk. It’s not good for them.” It’s a lie. Do your own research. Throughout the millennia, they took the milk from animals. And that was called “dry” nursing. And another way for the baby to be fed was “wet” nursing. That could be a friend or somebody’s who’s had a baby.


We had three mothers nursing here at one time. A friend of us who was not Catholic adopted a baby. And they did not want to give it formula. They called up and asked if they would share the milk. And they did share their milk.


In the Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta, there was a situation where the Virgin Mary wet nursed a baby because the mother was not able to.


But I can tell you, Our Lady’s not happy, nor agree with this, production formula for selfish reasons.


That stated, her message is defined by God letting things fall apart and pass, and that through this, bring back what is glorifying God.


So, you see these corrections starting to happen now? That’s why I’ve told you to go back to the soil. You have to make your moves now.


Everything is falling apart. There’s not one thing every day. It’s many, many things every day crashing. Just this afternoon, the DOW dropped 1,100 points in a big, great sell-off.


Target released what their earnings were for the last quarter, and it was lower compared to last year.


When the stock markets opened the next morning, not in a day, not in hours, not in minutes, instantly! Immediately, they lost $25 billion. It crashed.


You know your 401(k)s are in there? And many people’s retirements are in that, because they invest your earnings in these markets!


You want to know the dirty secret with this? Target’s not going to eat this. Their stores are still out there. You’re eating it. You’ve got to cover it, because your financial advisors or your retirements are in these stocks. And you trust that? Think about that. Who wants to be part of that? It’s not a theory. All the markets will crash in the future.


This should scare you and run away from all this stuff.


Wal-Mart yesterday ended the quarter 11% down.


Amazon’s stock dropped 7.2%. You say, “Well, that’s not much.” Look how big Amazon is. Are they glorifying God? And they’re going down?


Best Buy, 10% down.


Dollar General, 11% down.


Dollar Tree down 14%.


Macy’s down 11%.


Going back to Target is a big hint of the future. That $25 billion they lost, it was the worst day since 1987. And there’s reports that they’re surprised of this worst day in 35 years for Target.


Why should we be surprised at this? The question that you need to ask yourself is: Where is your 401(k)? Where are your IRAs? Where are your other investments? How many years have you accumulated your retirement? How much money do you have in the bank? And you’re going to keep it there? You want it to just disappear?


Mejanomics was all about to make people wake up so they have some kind of future. And your future and your money is food. It’s your ground. But it’s a 9-1-1 emergency now to get all these things out of the markets and put it in your hands. Not in the bank. Don’t trust them. They’re corrupt. The tellers are nice. You know who they are. You may know Nancy or Jim at the teller. They don’t know what’s going on. The banks cannot be trusted. And they’re not going to lose. You are.


You have to get your money out of the bank as quick and fast as you can, and you’ve got to move as fast, as quick as you can, take that money and put it in something that is intrinsic value, and that’s silver. Not gold, unless you’re worth $30 million. For convenience, you might not have the gold. You have to put that in silver, not to save yourself, but to go back to what God made was valuable.


Judas, he exchanged Jesus for those thirty silver coins. You might think, “Okay, that’s a bad example.” No, but it proves that it has value—intrinsic value. And God put that in that metal, and God ordained it, that He knew what it was going to be used for. And in a backwards way, that was a purchase for salvation for us.


For your salvation now, you have to put this in your hands. Get it out of the system. Don’t wait.


I’m warning you, satan is building a kingdom.


Going back to the beginning of this broadcast, I talked about writing the short book, back in 2010, Forget What is Personal…Think of What is of God. And it was about the August 2, 2010 message, because satan has built a kingdom. We are enslaved by it. We are deceived by it, of what’s been built in this world by the devil.


Our Lady says,


August 2, 2010

“…I call you, together with me, to…build the Kingdom…”


She wants you to be aligned with God, what His ways, and His work and His plan for mankind.


“…to begin to build the Kingdom of Heaven in your hearts…”


Is Our Lady talking about Heaven above us? No. She’s talking about Heaven on earth, because if you have Heaven in your heart, you therefore, you can live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.


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And then Our Lady says,


“…that you may forget that what is personal…”


In other words, your selfish personal interests. “I want to nurse my baby.” “I’ve got to work.” “I want to go on vacations.” “I want to be free.” “I don’t want my schedules to be messed up.”


After what Our Lady says, “…that you may forget that what is personal…” She says,


“…and – led by the example of my Son…”


And the next words She says,


“…think of what is of God…”


Are the stock markets of God? Is not nursing your baby of God?


The next year, Our Lady talks about everything passing, falling apart. God’s glory remains.


Continuing this message in 2010,


“…think of what is of God. What does He desire of you?…”


Our Lady’s been giving this slow crash of everything happening—a soft landing—and it’s still going to hurt. You’ve got to align yourself to God’s desire.


And then She says,


“…Do not permit satan to open the paths of earthly happiness…”


That’s what everybody’s pursuing. And nobody’s happy. Because earthly happiness does not bring happiness. And She says from there, that path is “…without my Son…”


All this investment, all your 401(k)s, all this is false. It’s artificial. It’s not real. How does a company go out in one quarter and lose $25 billion? Only in a moment! It’s a façade. And there is no earthly happiness with that.


Our Lady says, about this happiness,


“…My children, they are false and last a short while. My Son exists…”


She counters that path, saying,


“…I offer you the Kingdom of God…”


Our Lady does not want you to collaborate with the world, its system.


What is retirement about anyway? Where is it that anybody’s supposed to retire? I’m not going to go into retirement. I want to be working for Our Lady, which is ten-, fifteen-hour days, every day, except Sunday.


Instead, the collaboration is supposed to be with Heaven, with Our Lady’s plans. Our Lady says, October 31, 1988, to participate with Her plans. She said on that date,


“…I need your collaboration…” (October 31, 1988)


Then She comes on January 2, 1989,


“…I want to collaborate with you…”


She wants to collaborate with me, and She wants to collaborate with you.


To sum up everything, you have to have a mentality to forget what is personal and what the world is telling you to do, retirements, 401(k)s, etc. And change your mentality, what is of God. That’s your security.


There’s going to be a lot of people losing a lot of things soon. And I know I’m right because I’ve aligned with Our Lady’s messages. It’s black and white to me. I was making changes even before Medjugorje. You cannot be thinking, “I’ll know what to do when it happens.” It’s going to be out of your hands. History has shown it. 1929 has shown it. And history always repeats itself.


I’ve had many people tell me, “Thank you,” for making the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round one ounce. It’s recently gone past five million ounces. Why did thousands of people exchange their dollars and their 401(k)s and their retirements for this silver piece?


It’s two-fold. It’s sanctifying, not because we guess or we hope it is. Our Lady said it is, and anybody that carries it, pray for their conversion. When those are dispersed, what’s going to happen? Our Lady said it to Marija what’s going to happen: conversion!


“…only the glory of God remains…”


It’s not just protecting your earnings. It’s doing a good, and it’s aligned with God and with Our Lady’s message.


I feel pressed to tell you these things today for your own good to help give you a path to build a Kingdom, aligned with Our Lady, that you’ll have peace into the future instead of unpeace, what you lost.


All this is inspired and led by Our Lady. You can have thoughts about, “Oh, a Friend of Medjugorje is just pushing this.” Then, if you think that, why did God ordain for three kings to go to Bethlehem and give Joseph and Mary gold?


And I rest my case on that Biblical moment. It wasn’t the king who gave that. It was God, because they had to go to Egypt. He knew what was going to happen. They had to go into exile. In the future, we’re all going to an exile, and you need to take what you have into what the future is going to bring to all of us.


So, the following gives you the information that you need to do for your good and for the good of your family.


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To recap what a Friend of Medjugorje has said in the past few minutes, the clock is running out.



Down at about 300 on the DOW, just as we open the market. The DOW starts out down. The vast majority of the DOW, thirty stocks are in the red. So, DOW down.


The S&P 500 down. The NASDAQ is down.



Everything not of God is falling apart.



All the stocks that are kind of indicators of where the economy is going…


Are we looking square in the face of a recession here?



Yeah, the recession’s here. And I think you’re right. I think…And I think the recession’s here. We had negative GP growth in Q1, and I think Q2 is going to be right there with it.



Rising prices


Crashing stocks


Failing companies


Food shortages


These are not temporary problems.



Cost of fertilizer up. Chemicals are up. Fertilizer’s up three to four times of what it was a year ago. Everything is going out of sight.


The price of cattle is no better than it was a year ago. So, I’ve got three to four times the cost to produce them and receiving no more for them. And that’s not sustainable.



This system is going away. Those who stay a part of the present system stand to lose everything.








Your livelihood.


God has a plan.


satan has a plan.


As you have heard from a Friend of Medjugorje, the analogy that in ancient times, God sent Jesus to die on the Cross for all mankind.


But in Bethlehem, satan’s plan was to instigate Herod to kill the Baby Jesus ahead of the appointed time. God provided by sending a material means.


The three wise men came, bearing a gift of gold, which helped Joseph and Mary flee into Egypt with the Child Jesus.


satan’s plan failed through God sending a material means to help save Baby Jesus.


Today, satan’s plan is to take down the present system in order to drive people to slavery and despair. God’s plan is to take down the present system in order to purify it of all that does not glorify Him.


As He did once in Bethlehem, so too, today, God has provided a material means.


Just as Joseph and Mary used gold to escape with little Jesus, today, we have the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round, a one-ounce piece of .999 pure silver. A material means to escape the present system which is falling apart.


Those who do not escape will fall with the system.


A Friend of Medjugorje designed the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round as a way of not only preserving your means, but also to sanctify it and spread conversion.


There is no other silver round designed for this purpose, and it is the reason why the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round is the number one specialty round in the world.


Century Silver Exchange was founded to help everyone exchange their failing stocks, pensions, 401(k)s, and even savings accounts into real wealth, based in real truth, that you can really hold in your hand and spread real conversion.


To request an information packet, or to ask questions, call Century Silver Exchange, toll-free in the U.S. 877-936-7686. Again, 877-936-7686. Or visit centurysilver.com and request information.


Do not wait.


Herod is at our back.


Time is of the essence.


The moment to flee is now.


The Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round.


Call 877-936-7686.




With my prayers, with my heart, I give you the advice of what I’ve done for years to stay out of debt, which gave me the ability to do what I’m doing now when God called me. And God’s going to call you.


Contemplate and pray.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.


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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

17 thoughts on “Wake Up, So You Have Some Kind of a Future”

  1. Linda M Lopez

    City: Chicago
    State: Illinois
    Country: United States
    When I retired in 2018 I cashed out my 401 k because I didn’t trust anywhere.also breast feeding is the best I’ve seen I. Other countries gra dmothets breast feeding little baby grandchildren.so the milk always comes back if you need it. I had a neighbor from the middle east saying they would breast feed the children until they were 12!wowser

  2. David Pawlitschek

    City: Frazee
    State: MN
    Country: United States
    I spent much time and effort -with others – Trying to save the ” Family Farm System” to provide our food. Very few small farmers left now. WE NOW HAVE MORE PEOPLE DEPENDING ON FEWER PEOPLE FOR THEIR FOOD, THEN EVER BEFORE, NOT GOOD, DANGEROUS !!
    Dads used to teach Sons as they worked together, we lost the value of that too.

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17 thoughts on “Wake Up, So You Have Some Kind of a Future”

  1. Linda M Lopez

    City: Chicago
    State: Illinois
    Country: United States
    When I retired in 2018 I cashed out my 401 k because I didn’t trust anywhere.also breast feeding is the best I’ve seen I. Other countries gra dmothets breast feeding little baby grandchildren.so the milk always comes back if you need it. I had a neighbor from the middle east saying they would breast feed the children until they were 12!wowser

  2. David Pawlitschek

    City: Frazee
    State: MN
    Country: United States
    I spent much time and effort -with others – Trying to save the ” Family Farm System” to provide our food. Very few small farmers left now. WE NOW HAVE MORE PEOPLE DEPENDING ON FEWER PEOPLE FOR THEIR FOOD, THEN EVER BEFORE, NOT GOOD, DANGEROUS !!
    Dads used to teach Sons as they worked together, we lost the value of that too.

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