January 13, 2022
Radio Wave Mejanomics

On the Road, Owning Nothing

[Podcast] (40 Minutes) – Is this true for everybody? A Friend of Medjugorje covers what is being planned, who is doing it, what is not being done to stop it, and how to help protect what you have.

Episode Transcript


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



And Mejanomics was birthed because Our Lady asked for Matthew 6 to be read to the whole parish of Medjugorje, every Thursday. Why did She do that? Because She foresaw, forty years ago, that we would be headed toward an antichrist system.


Do you know what sixty-four days from today is? March 18th—the most probable day that something may start unfolding. We can’t predict it for sure, but that’s the fortieth anniversary. I’ve said recently several times that Our Lady’s said something’s going to happen on that date, and it’s important.


What are you doing? Are you preparing yourself? Did you know on December 9, 2021, ten countries came together? Where did they meet? In Israel! That’s not by chance. And what they did, they wanted to simulate, go through a practice cyber attack on the global financial system, so they could save the world. satan has said, through Obama and other people, “Never let a crisis go to a waste.” “But these people are helping us!” They went through the trial run for a cyber attack on the global financial system,


“…in an attempt to increase cooperation that could help everybody and minimize the crash.”


This was called the “War Game.” They’ve been planning this for over a year. The simulation,


“…created a scenario that caused chaos to the global markets and a run on the banks. They had sophisticated players in what would be several of the attacks that would impact the whole global foreign exchange and the bond markets, liquidity, integrity of the data, importers and exporters…”


In other words, everything, everywhere across the world.


“…the attack they practiced with was paralyzing the global financial system. In this crash would be appealed for the emergency of liquidity from the banks and assistance to a multitude of currencies…”


In other words, what they’re saying, limit their access of liquidity, leaving the banks in a disarray and ruin. In other words, what they’re trying to do is take the multitude of currencies to make one. They would make bank holidays and delinking everything from major currencies. No U.S. dollars. No Euro. Just one currency.


The fact that they met in Jerusalem is not by chance. It’s satan’s plan. Jesus, two thousand years ago, went into the Temple and drove out the money-changers out of the Temple. It wasn’t about selling the tax or buying lambs. The Temple was a safe deposit for the Temple treasury.


In the Bible, in Acts chapter two, verse five, it says,


“Out of every nation under Heaven…”


They came to the Temple. What did they come for? They exchanged their foreign coins at the bank in the Temple. It was an exchange mart and a safe place to deposit their money.


People came from distant countries and would bring their money in large denominations to put in one currency. What it fulfilled was three major functions:


  • (a) Foreign exchange
  • (b) The changing of large denominations into small ones and vice versa, and
  • (c) Banking


What was going on in the Temple when Jesus drove them out was the money-changers. They were changing foreign currencies. They made the Temple a bank. And now, we have this thing practiced in Jerusalem? Is God talking to us?


Can you understand Our Lady’s message, March 25, 1990?


“…God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life…”


And these ten countries go to Jerusalem, represents the Temple? This is a message. It speaks to us. Our Lady said that in the message, what I just said. “…change the direction of your life…” If you ever have to act, now is it. Sixty-four days before the possibility of what happens. And if it’s a hundred days, you still need to be prepared.


There’s decisions you have to make. We’re going to cover that. No more waiting on the fence. No more delaying, thinking that I can wait to tomorrow. If that’s your mentality, be ready not to have the ability to change the direction of your life.


In Jerusalem, the money-changers set up their tables on the outer court of the Temple. That whole scenario is speaking to you! It’s the message from God that these people aren’t here to help us. These ten countries are coming together to take over. They may be the ones that are going to pull the trigger. See, that’s how the devil works. “i’m going to help you. This is what we need to do. We need to manage the whole world system.” That is the antichrist system! To tell the whole global world, all different currencies, to come down to one, is for the purpose to use you.


October 25, 2021, Our Lady says,


“…who prays…feels…”


Why would She say “feels”? She says that because,


“…who prays…feels the freedom of the children of God…in [the] joy of heart…”


That’s why She wants you to change your direction. She does not want you in bonds, in the chains. And that’s what She says.


“…they want to put you in chains…to use you, it is not from God…”


This system, this meeting in Jerusalem is not from God. It’s a plan. They’re going through the practice to overtake us, and only Our Lady can stop this, because we’re going to be slaves.


Put on your calendar. Start marking your sixty-four days. Nothing happens? Great. You have more time. Let it motivate you when you see that every day to be thinking and taking action. You’ve got the message. Keep it in your mind, “…Everything…is falling apart…” The supply chain is not going to be corrected. It’s not going to get better. It’s going to get worse. But these very bright people in Jerusalem know all the answers. They’re working toward the antichrist system, central control of banking. And that’s what antichrist is about.


Why don’t the bishops have any spiritual IQ that this is a system? They do nothing! I am so frustrated with the bishops, their silence, their nuance. I’ve said this before. We have a right to be upset and angry with them. Not disrespect their position. God made the position for the bishops. Their seat has power. But they become Pharisees. They say one thing and do nothing else.


Biden winning the politics in the seventies, with no money. The guy’s worth a billion dollars! And you bishops out there worry about your stupid social justice, your communist way. You’ve openly paid for this. Forget about the abortion. That’s why a Catholic is worth a billion dollars through politics. Something’s not right. You cowards! You bishops have made this situation. It wasn’t Senate. It wasn’t the Congress. It’s not the presidents. It’s not the military. It’s not anything. You have opened this door to this system, and not one bishop has mentioned that we’re in an antichrist system. It is in front of you. How come you don’t see it? You reject Our Lady. You ignore Her. It’s just for the old women that still cover their head with the little veil, and their little rosaries, their not important.


I lay all this to the bishops, not the politicians. And I’ve got a lot more to write about that, and that’s coming after I finish the Ten Secrets, and I still need prayers for that.


We are about to experience the greatest transfer of wealth in history. We are aware of what is called, “The Great Reset,” to change everything—a whole new system. What is the Great Reset? It’s harnessing the fourth industrial revolution, which is an antichrist system. Sustainable Development. Multilateralism, that all the countries can be one. That’s centralization. That’s antichrist system. A first grader could see that. Redesign skills and jobs for a digital era. That will be how they control you. And a few other things, it says. And the Vatican has accepted this! There’s a department in the Vatican about science, and the clergy that’s the head of it is all for this stuff! They’re part of it! And even an idiot can review these things and understand this is bad stuff.


The Reset is going to put you on a road that you’ll own nothing. What you have to do to fight this is ownership. You have to own. O-W-N. Since they’re going to be controlling everything, there’s only one thing they can’t, and that’s silver, and that’s God’s system. It’s been there forever and will be until the end of the world.


We’re going to let you listen to a clip of Glenn Beck in an interview today, and pay attention to what’s being said, because we’re on the verge of losing everything. I wouldn’t keep one dollar in a 401(k) or one dollar in the stock markets or the investments. Get out of them. These may be your last moments to keep the ability of ownership. You say, “Well, if they take my silver…” Well, that’s the last thing, everything’s over anyway.


I don’t understand anybody that’s got retirement and keeping it in that, with the situation that’s saying, screaming to you, get your money physically into your hands. Not dollars. That can disappear in one night. Nothing in the banks. Nothing in the investments. Get out of the stock markets. Put it in silver. Yes, I’ve always said, better than silver is land. But that’s not easy to create a system. The days are being counted now that you need to make decisions immediately.


What you’re about to listen to, you may want to listen to this several times. Glenn Beck is interviewing Carol Roth. As you’re being illuminated to this, remember what England used to do. They put you in stocks and bonds as punishment. Isn’t that interesting, when we have what we call “stocks and bonds”? You’re going to stay enslaved to that? Listen carefully to this interview.




Let me go to Carol Roth.


Carol Roth understands the economy broadly, understands the big business of Wall Street, but then focuses on the average person. She is a former investment banker turned to the light side, and she is the author of the war on small business, and we want to talk to her today about inflation, Congress and their insider trading and what you should know about investing, how you can protect yourself for what is coming.


Let’s start here with inflation. Inflation is not transitory. It is getting worse and worse. There are shortages in our grocery stores. And we’re hearing blame from everybody, you know. From the snowstorms, etc., etc. In my entire life, I have never seen our country, except in snowstorms for a few days, go through this, but certainly not countrywide. What is really happening, and how bad do you think this is going to get.



So, this is the, we’ll call it the logical outcome. The illogical outcome of central planners who think that they are incredibly smart and a direct result of the COVID policies, monetary and fiscal, that we have seen over the last two years. You had the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars and adding that to the economy. You had the federal governments putting out trillions of dollars in stimulus money. You had governments at all levels deciding that they were going to treat the economy as if it were a modem that you could power cycle and flip it on and off. And they shut down about a third of the economy and assumed that that wouldn’t cause disruptions to the labor force and to the supply chain. And then some of the incentives that they put in place and the uncertainty they created by their policy further disrupted that labor force. So, when you put that sort of big storm of things together, that is the driver of inflation, and it goes all the way through. If the inputs to goods and services are increasing in prices, and labor costs are going up because you can’t find enough workers to work, and they have the leverage on their side, and your operating costs are going up, eventually the businesses are going to need to make up that drag. And so, they pass those cost increases onto the consumer, and that’s why you are seeing both an increase in cost as well as a decrease in availability of all different kinds of goods and services.



So, the study came out, shows that what they have done to the economy has cost the average American five thousand dollars extra just in inflation. They said to us last summer, when it was, you know, going over two percent, maybe it’ll go to three or four. Maybe it’ll go to five. Maybe it’ll go to six. It’s now over seven. And it’s only been a few months. Are we seeing any signs of slow down of this?



I don’t know if they actually missed the mark, or they just lied to us, because anybody with half a brain—and you don’t have to be a formal economist—knew this was going to be the outcome, and many of us have been jumping up and down for, you know, almost two years now saying this is going to be the outcome. And by the way, that CPI measure of inflation, that seven percent that you’re talking about, is an urban household survey where they basically say, “Well, if you can substitute a good, we’re not going to count that as an increase.” So, it’s actually that the seven percent they’re saying, you’re feeling much more than that in terms of your pocketbook and your everyday shopping. Now what…



Wait, wait, wait. If you…Wait, wait, wait. If you can substitute a good…So, in other words, you can get Spam instead of ham?



[LAUGHS] Right. Then, we’re not going to count that. We’re going to count the increase in Spam instead of the increase in ham. I mean…






…not the actual thing, but that’s the…



Right, right, right.



…the analogy to what happened.



Okay. Yeah, yeah.



That’s how they manipulate these inflation numbers that have been doing that for many decades now. So, whatever they’re reporting to you…And again, we don’t need to tell you that you’re going to the grocery store. You’re out living your life, and you’re feeling this. So, you know the things that you’re paying for have increased more than seven percent, but that’s what they’re admitting. So, that’s a pretty big, big admission when their target rate of inflation was two percent.


In terms of where this is going, there are parts of this where I don’t see how, even if you can get some of the supply chain back on track, and even if the Fed scales back its monetary policy, which it has said it plans to do, but I personally don’t believe it’s going to be at the scale that they’re saying. The labor piece of this, you know, we’ve had something like three million boomers who have retired early. We have some structural issues in the labor force. So, what may end up happening is the rate of increase in inflation may come down. Instead of a seven percent increase, it’s only a five percent increase. And what they will do is they will that as, then, “Oh, look! The inflation rate is going down.” But what that really is, is cumulative. You’re never getting back that initial seven percent increase, which we know is higher. You’re adding on top of that another five. So, yes, maybe, you know, you didn’t get another seven, but that money you are never getting back. That is a permanent tax on the average American.



So, you talk in your book and really lay it out really well. This is all due to the biggest wealth transfer of all time. It started in 2008. They did it again here recently. And it has completely bypassed Main Street and the middle class, and it’s gone to the well-connected and the wealth already. They’re getting richer and richer. I’ve never been somebody who has a problem with rich people or, you know, you make your money. You earn it honestly. However, they’re getting bailed out by people like me paying my taxes and others who are working hard every day. And we are losing in this deal. And the end game is you will own nothing, and you’ll be happy.



That is one of the tenants. And I have to say, you know, I am not the most conspiratorial person, and when I first said, “Oh, there’s no way they said something like you will own nothing and you will be happy.” And then, sure enough, I went and I looked it up myself, and I did the due diligence and, “Oh, boy. That’s right there in plain English.” And that is the issue here, is that they are creating these barriers to wealth creation and to ownership. And they’ve done it to monetary policy. They’ve done it through government rule, and it is the most historic transfer of wealth from Main Street to Wall Street because if you are a saver, or if you are a retiree, or you, as an average American are just trying to go and buy groceries, it’s getting more expensive. You’re not able to earn any sort of appropriate interest level on your savings to keep up with that piece of inflation. But the asset values have been increasing, and so we’re seeing those people who are already wealthy and well-connected seeing their wealth increase. And so, basically, what you need to do is you need to take that playbook and flip it on its head. Whatever they don’t want you to do, you need to do. You need to have ownership. You need to be focused on those assets and practice some delayed gratification right now because that is the pushback against the Great Reset.



So, I was saying earlier today, because this whole thing is to try to get you to not own anything. And they’re going to bankrupt us. So, you’ll have to be very careful and, you know, really strategize because you don’t want to get into over your head debt. But owning property, owning your own house, is so critical right now. And if it means you have to move away from where you really want to live, but you can find another place in a cheaper part of the country, you know, that is a red state mentality, you should do it.


Somebody called me today and said, “Would you consider condominiums real property?”



[LAUGHS] That’s a tough one. [LAUGHS] That’s a tough one.






I say that as a condo owner because it is somewhat cooperative. And obviously, we saw, you know, as recently as, you know, within the last year, that if that cooperative doesn’t make the necessary investments in the property, tragedy can strike. We saw that in Florida.






So, you know, I like something where you have that direct ownership, and the more direct you can own, the better. As you said, home ownership. Other things to do…Like, if you are a worker, right now, you are in demand, and if you do not have an ownership stake in the company that you’re working with through options or equity, it’s a really good time to look for an opportunity where you can share in that upside, whether the company is public or private, a lot of different businesses will offer you the opportunity to own a piece of the business over time, and that’s, you know, if you’re going to work, and you’re going to put your time and your effort towards helping somebody else build value, participate in that value if you can.




I want to take a little break at this point.


Everything you’re hearing is a no-brainer. The plan is, you don’t own anything. You need to own your own little or large homestead. But you can’t do that today. It’s a big decision going looking and finding someplace or selling your house and moving to a rural area. But what you can do right now instead of waiting for somebody to transfer your wealth to them, you can transfer, immediately, your money from the bank, from your retirements, from wherever you have it, and turn it into something that’s in your own system, in your hands, physically.


We cannot express enough to tell you, you have to make decisions. I’ve said for years, forget about the taxes. Forget about the penalties. That loss is nothing compared to losing all of it. What I’m telling you is not maybe. Our Lady said that in a message already quoted, March 25, 1990,


“…you must change the direction of your life…”


She ends that and says,


“…[and] that I [will] protect you with my mantle and lead you to the joy of life…”


You have to make decisions, today.


Some points are going to be made right now from Century Silver.



Probably the most important word from that message you just read is “must.” “…you must change…”


The information that you’ve give in this broadcast is so clear. The information on the clip from Glenn Beck is so, so clear. There is simply no more waiting.


We know that many people have gotten relaxed. They’re tired of corona. They’re tired of all the stuff that’s surrounding it. They’ve let their guard down. It’s worn them down, but this is not time to relax. As you said, we know that there’s a Great Reset coming. There’s the reset that’s planned by darkness, but there’s also the reset that’s planned by Our Lady. Who’s reset are you going to be a part of? You’ve got the opportunity, right now, everybody does, to take fake paper money and give it back to those on the dark side. They’re going to take it from you one way or the other. You might as well give it to them now and get something in return, something real and physical, silver in the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round. There is simply no more time to wait.


As you mentioned a couple minutes ago, a Friend of Medjugorje, we might have nothing happen on March 18th, but we don’t know that. But let this serve as an impulse to make a concrete decision to change your life right now. Our Lady said you must do it. You’ve got to get your money out of the bank, out of the retirement accounts and into something real.



Okay. We return to Beck.




I know that I have done my homework on gold and silver, and I just believe it is a hedge against insanity. They say it’s a hedge against inflation, but they have so trapped gold with all kinds of tricks that they’re suppressing the price of gold right now. But when the world becomes so insane, it always returns to a reset. It always returns to the things that are known. It’s the gods of the copybook headings returning, as Rudyard Kipling said.


This is a hedge against insanity because we need to have something of value. You put your investments into physical gold or silver.


There was a story that came out of the World Economic Forum in early December. They did another drill and brought everybody together from all of the treasuries and the central banks and the central planners and all of the government officials, and everybody was involved with this. It was supposed to happen in the U.A.E., but I think because of COVID, it moved to Israel. But what they were war-gaming was the end of the financial system. And they premised that there are going to be people that are going to, through fake news and through hostage taking, like the oil company hostage, that they are going to collapse the system, and it will require a complete shut down and restructuring, including of currency in almost an immediate time period. That news should be everywhere. Everywhere. Because that totally takes the United States out of the position of being the world economic leader. Doesn’t it?



Yeah, absolutely. And I think the one good thing that we have, you know, whether or not the World Economic Forum and all of these leaders, you know, want to try and sort of topple what the U.S. is doing, the biggest strength anybody has is, it’s from a financial system. And obviously, the U.S. is the world’s reserve currency. You know, the amount of power and money that is wrapped up in our financial system, you know, it’s got to be amongst the biggest on the planet, even if there are calls to push against that leadership, I think that we…It’s almost like having a financial army. We’re going to have the push back to do everything we can to stop that because when you’re on top, you know, what would be the benefit to collapsing that for all of those people who are in those power positions?



Carol, let’s switch topics. It has always driven me mad that people can go an serve, like Joe Biden, have nothing in the bank when he goes in 1972, and leaves public service a billionaire. And it is happening everywhere, and it is not just Nancy Pelosi. It is also republicans. Can you explain this story and how corrupt and what we can do to stop this?



Yeah, it’s funny. So, we’re talking about the Federal Reserve and what they do, and I always joke that, you know, if you were to go into your account and change your balance and put in more money and use it to buy things, it would be called fraud, and when the Federal Reserve does it, it’s called monetary policy. Well, if you were able to go and use non-public information to buy stocks, it would be called insider trading. You’d be put in jail. When Congress does it, the Speaker of the House calls it participating in a free-market economy, and…






…[LAUGHS] Unfortunately, we have far too many members of Congress in both parties who are actively engaging in trading. They are doing it based on information that they’re getting in closed-door sessions. They are making rules and regulations that impact individual companies, and then, they’re going out and trading. We’re not talking about just investing in mutual funds or the markets. They’re actually trading in specific stocks. They’re trading…or their spouses, in the case of Nancy Pelosi, it’s always her spouse. It’s never her.



I know.



But their spouses are trading…There’s a huge veil there. They’re trading in things like options and derivatives on securities, and…






…there’s a group called unusualwhales.com that did a report, and there are…It looks like two dozen members of Congress that have beat the S&P 500 in 2021. So, not only are they, you know making laws, but they are fantastic individual stock pickers as well.



Yeah. [LAUGHS] You know, I saw that list, and what is disturbing—and I haven’t looked into the list. I don’t know that organization you just quoted. But there was a lot of republicans that are bigger whales than Nancy Pelosi.



For 2021, yes. I think there are about five names that beat the Pelosi’s return against the S&P 500. And this is a bipartisan issue and a bipartisan problem, one that, during the Obama administration, there was an act called the Stock Act that came out that was meant to curb this and require reporting it requirements, insider look back inside…I think it was over the last year or two. There were fifty-two members of Congress that didn’t report accurately or on time. And so, now, we’re starting to see, again, on both sides in both the House and the Senate and on both sides of the aisle, bipartisan legislation being introduced to say, “You shouldn’t be doing this.” You know, you shouldn’t be…It’s a moral hazard. You shouldn’t be enriching yourself. That’s not what a member of Congress is supposed to be doing, is enriching yourself at the expense of the public. It will be very interesting to see if some of these big wigs are willing to get behind because based on Pelosi’s comments and her husband, her quote-unquote, “husband’s” return on investments, my guess is, that’s going to be a big “no.”




In light of all of this, if you get a phone call, you say, “I’m somebody calling you at Century Silver, and I have $225,000 in my retirement. I’m scared to get rid of that security. I’ve got to have something to live on later.” How do you answer that?



We get that question all the time, and we tell pretty much everybody, we think it’s much, much riskier to stay in the financial markets. The money you have in a financial account like that can disappear overnight. The much, much safer way, the really sure way that you can preserve that wealth is to put it in physical silver in the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round. You store that physically in your home or wherever you decide to store it that’s safe. And nobody can take that.


We do get the question from time to time, “Well, what if they come door-to-door and take silver?” And you’ve responded to that question before. If they’re literally coming door-to-door, taking silver, then everything is over. But they can reach out into a million banking accounts in a minute and a half and take everything from a lot of people. So, it’s a much, much better idea, even if you’re taking a penalty and paying taxes on that, you’re going to have to pay those taxes at some point. You might as well swallow that pill now and get your money under your own possession.



How many rounds have been exchanged?



The Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds, the number of those that have been produced and exchanged for since you released it in 2010 is approaching five million now.



Five million ounces.



That’s right.



Which has intrinsic value, which has a spiritual value of conversion. Five million ounces out there. Five million coins.



That’s exactly right, and as we’ve said before, most people are holding onto those in their home right now, but we are certain, and history has shown it, when you have dollar collapse or financial reset, whatever you want to call it, people return to physical silver. It’s the daily exchange. And these are going to be flying out in circulation all over the entire world.



Let me ask you another question. How many people have called and bought silver, approximately?



It’s approximately around 3,500 people that have exchange for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round.



And so, the amount of money that is that’s been exchanged?



It’s close to…We’ve estimated a little bit over $150 million.



Out of all those thousands of people, has anybody literally said, “I’m concerned this was a mistake”?



We have not had a single person call in to tell us that they were dissatisfied or unhappy about exchanging paper dollars for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round physically. Now, we have had people who purchased in the past, many, many years ago around that 2011-2012 timeframe that bought at a much higher price when silver was up into the upper forties. They were a little bit unnerved by the fact that they bought really high, but that’s a wrong mentality. They’ve got their hands on physical silver. It’s in their possession. And when things change, when the dollar collapse, changes, whatever, the name of the game is not what dollar amount you purchased your silver at, but that you have physical silver that has tremendous purchasing power probably well beyond, maybe multiples of $48 an ounce.



Sixty-four days. Maybe it’s not a deadline. But one thing’s for sure, it’s a good decision to transfer your wealth into your hands.



The time to make this wealth transfer in your favor is now. Silver is really cheap right now. Spot price is around just approximately $23 an ounce. That’s really close to cost, the cost of getting silver out of the ground and bringing it to market. So, you’re getting silver, more or less, at cost.


You can contact Century Silver Exchange at 877-936-7686. That’s 877-936-7686. We have a lot of people calling in to request free information. We’ve got some really good nicely put together packages as well as, for free, a Friend of Medjugorje’s book It Ain’t Gonna Happen. We’ve got some people that order a hundred of these packets at a time to give to their loved ones. You can spread this to other people in addition to securing your own wealth in physical silver.



One last question. We have people overseas, many places, who want to transfer their money into the rounds—the Miraculous Medal one-ounce piece—and we can’t ship overseas. Is there a way to do that?



Oh, absolutely, and it requires a little creativity, but first off, we can ship to Canada. We just can’t ship anywhere else right now outside of the U.S. and Canada. Long story short, there were so many difficulties at border crossings. Packages were getting sent back. You know, just very difficult things were happening. So, we are not able to ship anywhere outside of the U.S. and Canada right now. But what you can do is fly here to the United States, exchange for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round, and fly it back. By law, you can carry up to $10,000 on your person on a flight. Now, you’ve got to do your own due diligence. Check the laws in your country. Find out if you have to pay taxes if you’re bringing physical silver back into your country. The laws are changing fast, and they can very drastically by country. So, you’ve got to go, like I said, do your own research on what it might take to get it back in the country. But you can think creative. You can act creative, and if you want to do that, give us a call. Let’s coordinate. We will make sure that the mint has it ready for you when you come to visit in the U.S.


Century Silver Exchange is a for-profit subsidiary of Caritas of Birmingham. It bears its own expenses and pays taxes on its income. If there are any earnings leftover at year-end, it may make a dividend donation to Caritas to further its mission efforts.



This is not a one-time listen. We’re pushing you, and we’re doing that because we don’t want you to end up in a corner. This is a time to make decisions.


We will be praying for you, all the decisions. We want you to be on the road of the joy of life. There’s a lot of decisions for you to make. Tell your friends, your relatives. Encourage them, what you just heard.




The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

16 thoughts on “On the Road, Owning Nothing”

  1. City: Grove City
    State: PA
    Country: USA
    These broadcasts about buying silver always make my heart sink. I want completely out of the current fiat money system but my husband won’t allow it. We have several hundreds of thousands of dollars in 401k’s and other investments and probably around only 1000 ounces of silver. He will let me buy extra food and other prepping items. We are buying 10 acres of woods beside our house. But he still forces me to put 5 percent into my 401k to get the employer match. When I bring up the subject he gets mad – even though he is well aware of everything happening in the covid plandemic and expects the world to fall apart soon. He listened to Big Q, little Q and now calls you the Magicgorje guy. You are supposed to let the husband lead the household. I am just afraid of losing everything and don’t know what else to do.

  2. Country: United States
    I was waiting for the answer to the question poised at 33:38, “what will we live on?”. Thank you for this podcast. It’s unnerving not being able to move to a rural area with a well, grow a large garden, raise pigs, chickens and cattle for food, etc. Not everyone can do that, especially when you’re retired and no so physically fit to live off the land. What’s a person to do?

  3. City: Huntsville
    State: Alabama
    Country: United States
    As we know Russia is planning an invasion into Ukraine causing an upheaval in the World. We can recall that the Medjugorje Secrets are said to begin shortly after a conflict/upheaval starts in a region of the world. March 18th?

    Blessings upon all!

  4. City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    The One Currency most Probably will be, “Carbon Credits.” It’s the one thing which exists everywhere around the World, and fulfills, the most Biblical Prophecy. The, “Powers and Principalities,” haveve already created Intrinsic Value, a Threat to Humanity as Motivation as well a means to Trade Them. Look at this recent news posted in Israel: “In first, Israel approves carbon pricing on greenhouse gas emissions Aug 3, 2021. In order to create a world wide currency, you have to first get everyone in agreement to no longer, “Peg Currencies,” to the dollar, which they’re, “Crashing on Purpose,” but also have a way in which it affects every single person of the Earth, this is the, “Inconvenient Truth,” about their use of, Carbon Emissions as a threat against humanity. The “Beast’s number is 666,” CARBON is the 6th Element of the Periodic Chart, with 6 Electrons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Protons. Carbon is truly 666 and the system we’re moving closer to everyday, represents the Antichrist System because we are a, “Carbon Based Lifeform.” The Bible says: Revelation 13:18

    This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

    This is the, Number of Every Man, as we’re all made of Carbon, and 666 Antichrist System, will be made up of EVERY MAN, who accepts it as their Saviour, rather than God instead. It is the Adoption of a Belief that Man no longer needs God, as they choose to follow the System instead. Why isn’t the media talking about the piles of money found in Chinese Officials House’s, sometimes measured in Tons, because there’s so much of it. Why hasn’t any of this money been linked to Chinese Citizens finding, “Duplicate Notes,” and even “Triplicates,” of their country’s currency? Timing is important and as the Threat of the Pandemic Decreases, the Threat of Their Next Reset Volley Increases. In Joe Biden, the world has someone to blame, while the truth is, “They’re using this Image, They’ve Created,” to hide the Truth that the collapse of the US Dollar is already planned and instrumental to this so-called “RESET.” Could this be the reason the Bible tells us, the Dragon gives his Authority to the Beast? If the media in a concerted effort quickly moves towards making Chinese currency a Pariah, because China’s current situation is revealing only the Tip of the Iceberg, trust in their currency would easily drop and inflation would reach staggering proportions. Even though the United States is indebted to everyone, this is the Game Plan, because the Dollar is so pervasive everywhere. The Great Reset could have more to do, with making it look like the world is wiping out America’s Debt, starting fresh with a New Carbon Based Currency and an even Playing Field, then many would like to admit, but Consider how the Bible tells us a Time of, 10 Kings will emerge for only a short time…..Has Our Lady spoken of Time, what has She said regarding it? We must pray for Her Help and for The Conversion in these Times. The Only Thing Which Can Save Us from the Completion of these plans, is for God to take away the Great Power which currently exists in hands of so few, trying to rule over the many, while taking away Our God Given Liberties. Our Lady is Here to stop this. God Bless and Pray, pray, pray……We Got This, We can Do ALL THINGS, Through Him, Who Gives Us Strength !! Let Grace Arise !! Let Grace Arise !!

    1. Thank you for this broadcast, it was really powerful. All the broadcasts are powerful. Lately I am feeling out of sorts and am anxious. How am I going to “Be Ready” and what do I need to do? I think about so many things and yet I don’t know how to accomplish them. I wish I had a fire place or wood burning stove in my house. Louisville Gas and Electric has gone beyond affordable – bills are doubling and people here are very upset, it’s unaffordable. My water bill is $150 and only about $10 of that is actually water – the rest is taxes, fees, and a huge EPA assessment! I am trying to pay off my mortgage – God help me. Selling my house and moving doesn’t seem like a solution. I live near my parish, St. Louis Bertrand. If I move to a rural area then I won’t have access to Mass or all the activities at my parish. My parish is Dominican and I just love all the priest there, they are not beholden to ArchLou and have a conservative membership, lines for confession each day and holy hours. It’s a wonderful place. So, I bet there are many others like me who have no whereto go, but have to stay put and increase their gardens and be ever so persistent in doing the daily work to keep up. Thank you for another broadcast, please pray for me that I can figure out how to install a fireplace or wood burning stove in my house. Love from Louisville, Molly

      1. City: FULTON
        State: New York
        Country: United States
        Dearest Molly, FOM provides the best answer to your concerns about being ready for what is coming. FOM tells us Mejanomics was birthed out Our Lady telling us to read Matthew 6 every week.

        While we must strive to do our best with the Resources we have, we are to, “SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD”….and all of these things will be provided to us besides. God knows your needs before you have them, He also knows if you’re seeking His Kingdom first.

        A funny true story.

        When I was at Caritas for the 8-12th Christmas in the Field, after I was Graced by Our Lady to receive the strength I needed from Her Son to climb Penetentiary Mountain, I had to drive back to the main strip of stores to get something to eat.

        Even though I was Very Thankful, that my Heart was Held Together for that climb, I felt within me Our Lady was calling me to more.

        When I asked what it was, She gave me a particular sign which included NI4X. Inside my heart, I knew Our Lady was telling me, “Not In 4X”, She Did Not want me to gain any more weight and allow myself to be in a 4X Shirt, as I’d gone from a size 2XL to 3XL a while ago.

        I cried out to Heaven after seeing this, remembering all the attempts I’ve made trying to lose weight, as well as my quickly gaining weight years ago, when I started fasting on Bread.

        I continued to petition Our Lady regarding this, while I drove the strip searching for something to eat. Thank God, it was just a minute before I received Her answer.

        She gave me a sign which told me, I need to be a Meat Eater, which I’ve been following since using the Keto Diet. I started that very moment She gave me my sign and She has confirmed Her pleasure in my following the Grace I’ve received since then. Not only that, but I have to use suspenders to hold up my pants now. Isn’t Our Lady Cool?

        Since that day, I’ve been feeling so much better, Thankful for the answer I received, I bought what I needed to stay on this new Lifestyle of Eating, but honestly, God provided better, with 1/2 a deer, which was so wonderful as He told me this summer to keep room in the Freezer because this provision would come.

        The funny thing is. After listening to FOM over the years, when I had enough money to prepare as FOM tells us to, I collected a good stockpile of food I now recognize as not being the best for my health, even though it is what most people eat.

        So here I am surrounded with food in an apartment where I’ve turned every extra space into storage of what not is stuff I shouldn’t eat, while God provided me with what He knew was best for me and my heart at this time. Our ABBA provides everything on this Earth…it is all His, He can make the Rich go Hungry, while He Feeds The Poor…..Let us not be of, “Little Faith,” as this is the reason for Our Mother in Growing Her Cohort. We must be more courageous than the Jew’s coming out of the Desert. They only had Moses, we’ve got the Queen of The Angels, to Lead Us !!

        I’m no way perfect, but I can tell you, I’m giving everything I can, Striving to live as Our Lady tells us, as best I can.

        Funny, Isn’t it, even when I try to do what appears best, it doesn’t always turn out looking the way I Imagined, That is the difference between My Will and God’s Will. But the Sooner I Recognize God’s Will Over Mine, & The Sooner I Accept His Will In Correction Of Mine, The Sooner God can turn even my failings into a Blessing for another.

        I Pray to give God everything, especially my failings, because I’m so full of them, I pray that God take these failings and turn them into Something Beautiful for His Kingdom…..I know He’s the Only One Who can do this, while Our Mother will Embellish my Gifts, Sacrifices and Obedience to the Holy Spirit, when She brings them before Our Great ABBA.

        I always bought the food with the intentions of helping others while I was helping myself. Little did I know I might be helping more than I expected, but perhaps I might be able to eat some of those foods after I lose weight, I don’t know, but just like Matthew 6, I’m not going to worry about it, because God cares about me, more than He does the Birds, and all of Us Following Christ, will never be thrown into the Furnace.

        Jesus tells us to pray that we don’t have to go through a Final Test. In ancient times to teach Children the need to work, they would be made to go without being able to eat the families food and have to forage for themselves. This was a, ” Test,” which didn’t take long for those children to learn.

        Our Lady wants us to be close to God, so one of the things we’re being taught is to be able to sacrifice food on Wednesdays and Friday, perhaps this will help ensure others may eat, on those days in the future, while we won’t be concerned ourselves, with meeting this need, who knows, but it’s something we should consider.

        By Fasting we learn to trust God more, and Fear the need for food less. Pray to Our Lady to show you what part you are to do, for God’s Kingdom. I’m sure She will show you and as She shows you, feel confident Our Heavenly Family, will cover you, with a most wonderful way, to meet your other needs.

        Consider one thing I did to prepare. I bought a very large number of Heirloom Seeds of many unique vegetables, etc. My intentions are to spread these seeds out amongst those who didn’t prepare and won’t be able to have a garden otherwise.

        As one crop or the other succeeds, or dies, we will all be able to share in the bounty of some, while also prayerfully, asking God for an abundance of new seeds to be harvested from the foods we grow, thus spreading them further around us.

        Perhaps giving God 10% of the harvest to reach seed, instead of being harvested for food. Will that be our future Tithe?

        I believe sharing in the future will be one way to ensure community protection of crops from marauders, not to mention, lack of rain, etc. should God decide to send us that instead of rain in one area or another.

        Having an only garden, surrounded by hungry people, also just doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.

        I’m a single person, is there any way I could possibly protect my crops from others seeking to ravage the garden? Perhaps the best security is to make others secure in their needs as well, may God make this so, Amen.

        In this way, we can also link all of those lights, George Washington saw in his vision from Our Lady, linking one Oasis to another, across our nation, as each new community Keeps eyes and hearts firmly on God as the first thing in their lives.

        I hope this helps you…God Bless.

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16 thoughts on “On the Road, Owning Nothing”

  1. City: Grove City
    State: PA
    Country: USA
    These broadcasts about buying silver always make my heart sink. I want completely out of the current fiat money system but my husband won’t allow it. We have several hundreds of thousands of dollars in 401k’s and other investments and probably around only 1000 ounces of silver. He will let me buy extra food and other prepping items. We are buying 10 acres of woods beside our house. But he still forces me to put 5 percent into my 401k to get the employer match. When I bring up the subject he gets mad – even though he is well aware of everything happening in the covid plandemic and expects the world to fall apart soon. He listened to Big Q, little Q and now calls you the Magicgorje guy. You are supposed to let the husband lead the household. I am just afraid of losing everything and don’t know what else to do.

  2. Country: United States
    I was waiting for the answer to the question poised at 33:38, “what will we live on?”. Thank you for this podcast. It’s unnerving not being able to move to a rural area with a well, grow a large garden, raise pigs, chickens and cattle for food, etc. Not everyone can do that, especially when you’re retired and no so physically fit to live off the land. What’s a person to do?

  3. City: Huntsville
    State: Alabama
    Country: United States
    As we know Russia is planning an invasion into Ukraine causing an upheaval in the World. We can recall that the Medjugorje Secrets are said to begin shortly after a conflict/upheaval starts in a region of the world. March 18th?

    Blessings upon all!

  4. City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    The One Currency most Probably will be, “Carbon Credits.” It’s the one thing which exists everywhere around the World, and fulfills, the most Biblical Prophecy. The, “Powers and Principalities,” haveve already created Intrinsic Value, a Threat to Humanity as Motivation as well a means to Trade Them. Look at this recent news posted in Israel: “In first, Israel approves carbon pricing on greenhouse gas emissions Aug 3, 2021. In order to create a world wide currency, you have to first get everyone in agreement to no longer, “Peg Currencies,” to the dollar, which they’re, “Crashing on Purpose,” but also have a way in which it affects every single person of the Earth, this is the, “Inconvenient Truth,” about their use of, Carbon Emissions as a threat against humanity. The “Beast’s number is 666,” CARBON is the 6th Element of the Periodic Chart, with 6 Electrons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Protons. Carbon is truly 666 and the system we’re moving closer to everyday, represents the Antichrist System because we are a, “Carbon Based Lifeform.” The Bible says: Revelation 13:18

    This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

    This is the, Number of Every Man, as we’re all made of Carbon, and 666 Antichrist System, will be made up of EVERY MAN, who accepts it as their Saviour, rather than God instead. It is the Adoption of a Belief that Man no longer needs God, as they choose to follow the System instead. Why isn’t the media talking about the piles of money found in Chinese Officials House’s, sometimes measured in Tons, because there’s so much of it. Why hasn’t any of this money been linked to Chinese Citizens finding, “Duplicate Notes,” and even “Triplicates,” of their country’s currency? Timing is important and as the Threat of the Pandemic Decreases, the Threat of Their Next Reset Volley Increases. In Joe Biden, the world has someone to blame, while the truth is, “They’re using this Image, They’ve Created,” to hide the Truth that the collapse of the US Dollar is already planned and instrumental to this so-called “RESET.” Could this be the reason the Bible tells us, the Dragon gives his Authority to the Beast? If the media in a concerted effort quickly moves towards making Chinese currency a Pariah, because China’s current situation is revealing only the Tip of the Iceberg, trust in their currency would easily drop and inflation would reach staggering proportions. Even though the United States is indebted to everyone, this is the Game Plan, because the Dollar is so pervasive everywhere. The Great Reset could have more to do, with making it look like the world is wiping out America’s Debt, starting fresh with a New Carbon Based Currency and an even Playing Field, then many would like to admit, but Consider how the Bible tells us a Time of, 10 Kings will emerge for only a short time…..Has Our Lady spoken of Time, what has She said regarding it? We must pray for Her Help and for The Conversion in these Times. The Only Thing Which Can Save Us from the Completion of these plans, is for God to take away the Great Power which currently exists in hands of so few, trying to rule over the many, while taking away Our God Given Liberties. Our Lady is Here to stop this. God Bless and Pray, pray, pray……We Got This, We can Do ALL THINGS, Through Him, Who Gives Us Strength !! Let Grace Arise !! Let Grace Arise !!

    1. Thank you for this broadcast, it was really powerful. All the broadcasts are powerful. Lately I am feeling out of sorts and am anxious. How am I going to “Be Ready” and what do I need to do? I think about so many things and yet I don’t know how to accomplish them. I wish I had a fire place or wood burning stove in my house. Louisville Gas and Electric has gone beyond affordable – bills are doubling and people here are very upset, it’s unaffordable. My water bill is $150 and only about $10 of that is actually water – the rest is taxes, fees, and a huge EPA assessment! I am trying to pay off my mortgage – God help me. Selling my house and moving doesn’t seem like a solution. I live near my parish, St. Louis Bertrand. If I move to a rural area then I won’t have access to Mass or all the activities at my parish. My parish is Dominican and I just love all the priest there, they are not beholden to ArchLou and have a conservative membership, lines for confession each day and holy hours. It’s a wonderful place. So, I bet there are many others like me who have no whereto go, but have to stay put and increase their gardens and be ever so persistent in doing the daily work to keep up. Thank you for another broadcast, please pray for me that I can figure out how to install a fireplace or wood burning stove in my house. Love from Louisville, Molly

      1. City: FULTON
        State: New York
        Country: United States
        Dearest Molly, FOM provides the best answer to your concerns about being ready for what is coming. FOM tells us Mejanomics was birthed out Our Lady telling us to read Matthew 6 every week.

        While we must strive to do our best with the Resources we have, we are to, “SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD”….and all of these things will be provided to us besides. God knows your needs before you have them, He also knows if you’re seeking His Kingdom first.

        A funny true story.

        When I was at Caritas for the 8-12th Christmas in the Field, after I was Graced by Our Lady to receive the strength I needed from Her Son to climb Penetentiary Mountain, I had to drive back to the main strip of stores to get something to eat.

        Even though I was Very Thankful, that my Heart was Held Together for that climb, I felt within me Our Lady was calling me to more.

        When I asked what it was, She gave me a particular sign which included NI4X. Inside my heart, I knew Our Lady was telling me, “Not In 4X”, She Did Not want me to gain any more weight and allow myself to be in a 4X Shirt, as I’d gone from a size 2XL to 3XL a while ago.

        I cried out to Heaven after seeing this, remembering all the attempts I’ve made trying to lose weight, as well as my quickly gaining weight years ago, when I started fasting on Bread.

        I continued to petition Our Lady regarding this, while I drove the strip searching for something to eat. Thank God, it was just a minute before I received Her answer.

        She gave me a sign which told me, I need to be a Meat Eater, which I’ve been following since using the Keto Diet. I started that very moment She gave me my sign and She has confirmed Her pleasure in my following the Grace I’ve received since then. Not only that, but I have to use suspenders to hold up my pants now. Isn’t Our Lady Cool?

        Since that day, I’ve been feeling so much better, Thankful for the answer I received, I bought what I needed to stay on this new Lifestyle of Eating, but honestly, God provided better, with 1/2 a deer, which was so wonderful as He told me this summer to keep room in the Freezer because this provision would come.

        The funny thing is. After listening to FOM over the years, when I had enough money to prepare as FOM tells us to, I collected a good stockpile of food I now recognize as not being the best for my health, even though it is what most people eat.

        So here I am surrounded with food in an apartment where I’ve turned every extra space into storage of what not is stuff I shouldn’t eat, while God provided me with what He knew was best for me and my heart at this time. Our ABBA provides everything on this Earth…it is all His, He can make the Rich go Hungry, while He Feeds The Poor…..Let us not be of, “Little Faith,” as this is the reason for Our Mother in Growing Her Cohort. We must be more courageous than the Jew’s coming out of the Desert. They only had Moses, we’ve got the Queen of The Angels, to Lead Us !!

        I’m no way perfect, but I can tell you, I’m giving everything I can, Striving to live as Our Lady tells us, as best I can.

        Funny, Isn’t it, even when I try to do what appears best, it doesn’t always turn out looking the way I Imagined, That is the difference between My Will and God’s Will. But the Sooner I Recognize God’s Will Over Mine, & The Sooner I Accept His Will In Correction Of Mine, The Sooner God can turn even my failings into a Blessing for another.

        I Pray to give God everything, especially my failings, because I’m so full of them, I pray that God take these failings and turn them into Something Beautiful for His Kingdom…..I know He’s the Only One Who can do this, while Our Mother will Embellish my Gifts, Sacrifices and Obedience to the Holy Spirit, when She brings them before Our Great ABBA.

        I always bought the food with the intentions of helping others while I was helping myself. Little did I know I might be helping more than I expected, but perhaps I might be able to eat some of those foods after I lose weight, I don’t know, but just like Matthew 6, I’m not going to worry about it, because God cares about me, more than He does the Birds, and all of Us Following Christ, will never be thrown into the Furnace.

        Jesus tells us to pray that we don’t have to go through a Final Test. In ancient times to teach Children the need to work, they would be made to go without being able to eat the families food and have to forage for themselves. This was a, ” Test,” which didn’t take long for those children to learn.

        Our Lady wants us to be close to God, so one of the things we’re being taught is to be able to sacrifice food on Wednesdays and Friday, perhaps this will help ensure others may eat, on those days in the future, while we won’t be concerned ourselves, with meeting this need, who knows, but it’s something we should consider.

        By Fasting we learn to trust God more, and Fear the need for food less. Pray to Our Lady to show you what part you are to do, for God’s Kingdom. I’m sure She will show you and as She shows you, feel confident Our Heavenly Family, will cover you, with a most wonderful way, to meet your other needs.

        Consider one thing I did to prepare. I bought a very large number of Heirloom Seeds of many unique vegetables, etc. My intentions are to spread these seeds out amongst those who didn’t prepare and won’t be able to have a garden otherwise.

        As one crop or the other succeeds, or dies, we will all be able to share in the bounty of some, while also prayerfully, asking God for an abundance of new seeds to be harvested from the foods we grow, thus spreading them further around us.

        Perhaps giving God 10% of the harvest to reach seed, instead of being harvested for food. Will that be our future Tithe?

        I believe sharing in the future will be one way to ensure community protection of crops from marauders, not to mention, lack of rain, etc. should God decide to send us that instead of rain in one area or another.

        Having an only garden, surrounded by hungry people, also just doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.

        I’m a single person, is there any way I could possibly protect my crops from others seeking to ravage the garden? Perhaps the best security is to make others secure in their needs as well, may God make this so, Amen.

        In this way, we can also link all of those lights, George Washington saw in his vision from Our Lady, linking one Oasis to another, across our nation, as each new community Keeps eyes and hearts firmly on God as the first thing in their lives.

        I hope this helps you…God Bless.

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