
Have You Listened to the Broadcast: Dixie, Loves All the Nation

Have You Listened to the Broadcast: Dixie, Loves All the Nation

November 7, 2020 A.D.

“It’s time that our lives, contradict other lives… Our Lady is coming to us. She is raising a whole body of apostles… It would not have been prophecied, unless there is a need for that…”

– Friend of Medjugorje
from Dixie, Loves All the Nation, November 6, 2020 A.D.

Part 3 of the special election coverage with a Friend of Medjugorje culminated in a broadcast titled, Dixie, Loves All the Nation.

Special World Report - Dixie Loves All the Nation

A Friend of Medjugorje, in Special World Report titled, Dixie, Loves All the Nation, gives a basic civics lesson, and a common-sense lesson.

Our Lady of Medjugorje, in speaking of Her apostles, said on June 2, 2014, that they will:

“…will pray with their works and not just with words…”

The deficit of words and works, is what a Friend of Medjugorje speaks about in this broadcast, and the stealing of the U.S. Presidential election.

Have You Listened to the Broadcast:
Dixie, Loves All the Nation

This is what people who have listened to Dixie, Loves All the Nation have to say:

“What a Radio Wave show tonight. Oh my gosh-unbelievable how well it was presented. The information was intrinsically poised to demonstrate all the connections that originated with our Founding Fathers and with Our Lady. Now to totally absorb it all. Well done. Take care and God must Bless All of you abundantly all the time.”


Listen or Download Online Here…

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Spread this to everyone you know urgently. This 50 minute broadcast is a must-listen and should be spread to to eveyone you know. You can order this on a CD, to give out to all your family, friends, entire church parish and any people you meet. Call Caritas in the U.S. to order in bulk for as low as 40¢ each!

To order this important CD, call in the U.S. at 205-672-2000. When dialing from outside the United States dial, 001-205-672-2000. We will be shipping all these orders via UPS, since the Postal Service will be too slow or not delivering at all. Call 205-672-2000. To order after hours dial to extension 315.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

3 thoughts on “Have You Listened to the Broadcast: Dixie, Loves All the Nation”

  1. I love the story said here by Lincoln to that general or person confronting him on breaking the constitution, the spanish captian ship hole one. That was an interesting one. Im thinking if election stuff doesn’t pan out, I think I know what way stuff will go then. The Dems don’t realize the reailty of whats going on geo wise. They think marshal law by war, I’m thinking more natural disasters first, and then this sets the order i was wondering which happened first cause their close together, WWIII or the disasters, although I think they will run into each other, but this gives disasters as occurring first.

  2. I love the story said here by Lincoln to that general or person confronting him on breaking the constitution, the spanish captian ship hole one. That was an interesting one. Im thinking if election stuff doesn’t pan out, I think I know what way stuff will go then. The Dems don’t realize the reailty of whats going on geo wise. They think marshal law by war, I’m thinking more natural disasters first, and then this sets the order i was wondering which happened first cause their close together, WWIII or the disasters, although I think they will run into each other, but this gives disasters as occurring first.

  3. Our Holy Mother wanted me to share Her words, with everyone: “Thank the people in my name for the prayers, the sacrifices, and the (acts of) penance. Have them persevere in prayer, fasting, and conversion and have them wait with patience for the realization of my promise. Everything is unfolding according to God’s plan.” Don’t forget, the Original Apostles, had to wait 40 days for Our Lord’s promised Advocate. Noah had to wait 40 days & nights, before the Ark floated away. The Israelites had to spend 40 years in the Desert, and Jesus was tempted in the desert for 40 Days as well. We’re in a period, we’re we can count down another 40 Years, without using anymore years to count it. The Bible tells us to Lift Our Heads High, for Our Salvation Draws Near. Let us Remember, soon it won’t matter, Red or Blue, Protestant or Catholic, American or not, all will be defined by the Character in Their Heart & Their Love for Each Other, but Especially, for the Love they Have for Thier Creator.

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