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State: Ky
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I love to pray in the middle of the night. It’s so peaceful and prayer seems deeper. I still fall short sometimes when I’m tired. Then I hold tight to my statue of Our Lady for comfort. God Bless You and all that you do.
August 5, 2021
Your Spiritual Wallet
Your Spiritual Wallet [Podcast] (45 Minutes) – What spiritual investment can you make every day that will change your life and every circumstance you find yourself in? A Friend of Medjugorje spoke about this to a Caritas pilgrimage group on August 5, 2021, and the simplicity of it will shock you.
Episode Transcript
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Thank you for joining us on Mejanomics tonight.
We have a special broadcast for you. Earlier today, we were blessed in that a Friend of Medjugorje spoke to the pilgrim group that is here during this week. We also had a lot of visitors join us for Our Lady’s Birthday today.
So, tonight’s broadcast is a little bit longer than a normal Mejanomics. It’s about 40-45 minutes long. But a Friend of Medjugorje really dives into prayer. But this isn’t your typical, boring Sunday homily. When you understand prayer and what it really does and how it actually really works, it completely transforms you and your life. That’s exactly what a Friend of Medjugorje spoke about today, and he shared it in a way that many people do not even understand that we know has come from his own personal life and his own personal encounter with Our Lady throughout all of these years of Her apparitions.
And so, here is a Friend of Medjugorje August 5, 2021.
Everything comes from one thing, and that’s prayer. Prayer is the essence of our life. Our Lady comes to tell us that, and for us not to be doing that, or do it in the wrong way, we won’t have the fruit in our life.
There’s people going to church, and the preachers are telling them, “You’re not praying.” They feel like they need to leave. They’re not close to God. And so, he says, “You go to church,” and he starts praying.
This song we’re about to play is Marija’s, the visionary, one of her favorite songs that she has. She plays it over and over.
I haven’t been to church since I don’t know when. Things were going great till they fell apart again. So I listened to the preacher as he told me what to do. He said, “You can’t go hating others who have done wrong to you. Sometimes we get angry, but we must not condemn. Let the good Lord do His job. And you just pray for them.”
I pray your brakes go out running down a hill. I pray a flowerpot falls from a windowsill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to. I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls. I pray you’re flying high when your engine stalls. I pray all your dreams never come true. Just know wherever you are, I pray for you.
I’m really glad I found my way to church, ‘cause I’m already feeling better, and I thank God for the words. Yeah, I’m gonna take the high road and do what the preacher told me to do. You keep messin’ up, and I’ll keep praying for you.
I pray your brakes go out running down a hill. I pray a flowerpot falls from a windowsill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to. I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls. I pray you’re flying high when your engine stalls. I pray all your dreams never come true. Just know wherever you are, near or far, in your house or in your car, wherever you are, I pray for you.
I pray for you.
Marija likes it. [LAUGHTER] She irons in the basement when nobody’s around her, and she plays this over and over ironing her clothes.
Prayer is everything. We have a sad situation in the world today. We have divorced ourselves from God, from church. The Church has divorced itself from us. Our hierarchy is off base in a lot of ways. And these ways make us estranged to prayer and to God because we are losing our religion everywhere. They just came out with a new book that said that within ten years, all the evangelical churches won’t exist. The Protestantism is going down. The Catholic Church is also. But Father Ratzinger, back in 1969, said that the future was the Church was going to lose all its edifices, and it’s going to be very small, but very powerful. And Our Lady’s breaking us up in prayer groups, and She said the answer to everything is prayer groups. But that’s not personal prayer to be divorced from that, that’s it’s okay just to go to prayer group and that’s it.
Prayer is everything that you have to have to be in the most tragic, the most sorrow, to still be in joy in the midst of it.
I know, being Italian, at our funerals, some of the great moments in our life was funerals. Yes, everybody cried, but we got together with our family, and it was stories told, and it was rich. And you never know…
I left this morning at 7:30 out here on 280. Y’all may have passed it on the bus. And there were fatalities—a very, very bad wreck. When they shut down on both sides of that highway, there’s something that happened. So, we’ve already heard that there were fatality. We don’t know how many. But you never know when God’s going to call you.
I was thinking last night, praying in front of the scene of Our Lady of Her eve of Her Birthday, asking God, “God, why can’t You just give Our Lady the last five minutes of everybody’s life? You just standing in front of them, Mary. Your Daughter, God, can do something in five minutes no matter who they are. They could be Hitler.”
In The Poem of the Man-God, Maria Valtorta, who wrote this, and she saw the whole life of Jesus, the forming of everything. And Judas was so bad, Jesus sent him to spend a week with Her in Her garden at the house. And She changed his disposition. She could see the darkness in him, but just being there that one week with Our Lady, Who didn’t have the reputation She has now, changed him into grace.
Why can’t we be praying for this? Why can’t we be praying for other people to have that five minutes with Our Lady? And I was begging God, “Why don’t You do that? You let the devil get everything. he came before the hundred years ago to get it. he got that. he’s got all the electronics, all the tech, all the materialism, all the consumerism, all the pleasures. Everything’s in his corner. And everybody’s plugged into it, even the strongest Christians. So, if You’re going to let him have that, why don’t You say, for the rest of the world, and everybody who lives from here, that they get to see Her for five minutes? That’s all She needs.”
Conversion starts with five minutes. All you need to do is give Her that. She says, “I don’t need a hundred, two hundred ‘Our Fathers.’ Just one ‘Our Father’ said from the heart.” Jean Vianney said, he wrote, “We don’t even deserve to pray, but God permits us to speak to Him. He even is pleased and desires yet of us.” He wants you to talk to Him.
We’ve got a lot of puny people in different positions, that just getting an appointment with them, or of a mayor of a town, you’ve got to get scheduled. And most of the time, they won’t see you anyway. And they’re not going to listen. And here it is, God is waiting all day long for you to talk to Him. He desires for you to speak to Him. And when you get conversations with Him, things change. Our Lady said,
December 25, 2019
“…through prayer with the heart, faith and works, you will come to know what it means to live a sincere Christian life…”
Our Lady just said in the 25th, “…pagans…” And even Marija said She’d never said that word before. But She did. If you’ve been doing the novena here, you hear that. “…many Christians…live like pagans…” We’re tainted. We’re impure. Even the most purest. And that’s why we have the Virgin Mary coming down.
While you’re here, you have to pray. Look at it as the stock market. If you win on that, and the more you invest into it, something goes up, you get a bigger return. The deeper the prayer, the more the prayer, the more that comes back to you.
“…open your hearts, pray and believe firmly and then your heart will feel God’s nearness…”
You’re praying a prayer out in the Field every day called, “The Abode of God.” That prayer was nothing but just a little sentence, like one “Our Father,” and then another sentence over here, on this mountain, on that mountain, at the waterfalls, in the valleys. When it rained, I couldn’t work, I came out here. I lived in town. And I would beg God, “Give Our Lady this place.” I bought the land here in ’77. There was no Medjugorje. But I felt in here there was something in this Valley.
The veterans of the 1800 war were given tracts of property here. And they called this, “Paradise Valley.” If you go to Israel, there’s things that happened 500 years ago or 1500 years ago or 2000 years ago, battles or whatever happened, that ground was sanctified. We don’t know what all happened here. But one thing we know—we did research—the Indians here that were known up at the Penitentiary Mountain were loving, peaceful Indians. I didn’t sanctify it. It’s got a history of sanctify. DeSoto spent the whole winter one hour from here. He was a hundred years from everybody else who explored the United States. He came up through Childersburg, right over here. If you’re overwinter in one place one hour, you’re going to go hunting. You’re going to explore. You’re going back and forth. We don’t know if he had priests with him. We don’t know if they were martyred. We don’t know what happened, but it’s likely he was here. History has things that make things holy.
“God, we give you this Tree, for all who see it see God.” Just like that. I don’t know why I said it. My wife turned to me and said, “Well, I don’t know why he said that. Why did he say that? I don’t know why he said that.” Well, if you’re praying, you say things you don’t even know why you say it, because God desires to hear you, and He puts it in your heart.
I tell you, Our Lady is restricted in Medjugorje on many avenues. They want the apparitions, but some of the officials don’t want the message. That may shock you, but they don’t. It complicates what they want to do, keeping charge of this “shrine.”
So, Our Lady comes from Medjugorje to here, and She’s very happy immediately. Marija’s surprised. We’re all surprised. Every day, messages. Our Lady never once…I kept waiting for Her to cry. We wanted to see Her…“The world is so messed up.” We were expecting Her to be sad. Every day for three months, extremely happy, speaking to us, doing things. She wasn’t restricted here. The fires of hell came upon me and some other people because jealousy rose up. They went to the bishops. They went to other people. They did everything they could to stop it. They went to the sheriff’s department. The neighbors went crazy. But I had already been in deep prayer before Marija came, and I understood a lot of things.
And so, if you break up The Prayer for the Abode of God, those, really, were sometimes three or four, just, words or one phrase, and when it got ready to consecrate this whole Valley, I just put them all together. It didn’t take three minutes to write the whole prayer because I had been saying it for years.
Our Lady couldn’t do what She wanted to do to have another avenue to be able to speak freely, even in Medjugorje, that we put out that nobody else puts out, because they’re scared, in one way. They’re threatened, the second way. And then they look out for their reputation. I don’t care what people think about me, if they like me or they don’t like me. It doesn’t matter. I want to follow Our Lady. She’s asking you to follow Her on everything.
“…you…will feel God’s nearness…”
I felt Him in the mountains, many times. But that doesn’t mean I’m special. You can do the same thing. If you pray with the heart, firmly, you, “…will feel God’s nearness…” Get out in these woods. Get out in the mountains, wherever. Get by yourself. Don’t be with each other. Enter prayer deep. God wants to be with you. You think that’s difficult for Him? “I’m tired. I’m going to sleep. Come back to me later.”
God wants you to pray. Prayer is a conversation. You can dump all these things on God. Our Lady says to “surrender everything to My Son, Jesus.” God could strike thunder.
We had a guy who was a marriage counselor, and he was Protestant. He was here. He said him and his wife got in a spat, and she went into the bedroom to pray. He said, “When she did that, I hate that,” [LAUGHTER] “because I know I’m in trouble.” That’s where you go. Not back to him or go back to her. You go to God.
With this guy saying about your brakes running out and flowerpots on your head, is what he’s doing, he wants God to do this. You don’t have to do that. You just give them and surrender and pray for them. If you pray for them…And everybody’s got that. They’ve got relations, friends, neighbors, enemies. We’ve got it in Washington. The bishops, what they’re doing. God can do far more than you can do, even debate or talking about it. Talk to God about it.
“…God never abandons you – that He is beside you at every moment…”
If you don’t know that, if you don’t feel that, you need to change how you’re praying, or start praying, and enter into it. You can get deep into it. You can feel your spirit come out of your body if you really go deep in prayer, begging God to let you go into ecstasy in prayer. Everybody can have that. We’re just distracted. They’ve done a study that if a cell phone’s sitting right there by you, and you’re talking to somebody else, you’re not 100% in conversation with the person or your social talk. Just the presence of that thing there distracts from you. That’s why we don’t even have them. We don’t want them. Your mind’s thinking about, “Oh, whatever. Do I need to check this?”
You’ve got to make the environment for prayer, not just words. You’ve got to set yourself in a setting that you can be deeply and enter deeply without interference.
“…Through prayer and faith, God will answer your every ‘why’…”
It doesn’t mean He’s going to give you everything you ask. And if you ask for it, He’ll come up and tell you, “I can’t do this, because if I do this, this is going to happen. You’ll understand it.” I’ve gotten “No’s” from God, and they were really “Yes’s” because He was protecting me. So, don’t think He just won’t give it. Anything good for you, anything that’s going to advance you, He’s going to give it to you. The price may be a hundred rosaries prayed from the heart, but you can do that.
People say, “I’m praying for my spouse, my kids, their estranged…” whatever, or, “They don’t believe in God. They know they’re going to hell,” some people say that. Our Lady says, “Pray for them.” Jesus says, “Pray for them.” God says, “Pray for them.” What does that mean? They’re not praying. How can I pray for somebody, and then God’s going to give for them? Because I’m doing their prayer. I’m praying for Jim, but Jim is taking my prayers from here as if he did it. It’s him kneeling down. That’s who God’s looking at. Jim’s saying it because I said it for him. So, when you say you pray for somebody, you’re doing the prayers they need to be doing. That’s how they get the benefit. God transfers that to them—the grace of what you won for them—because you literally said prayers, and he accepts that for that individual. Think about that. You say, “They’re not praying.” You’re not praying. “I wish they would pray.” Well, then pray. You can get them praying by you doing prayers for them. It’s a profound thing. This is how God works.
“…Through prayer and faith, God will answer your every ‘why’ and transform your every pain, darkness and cross into light…”
Wonderful. Incredible. But see, we’re spiritually lazy. We think we can do a rosary, then we just go home. People leave prayer never entering in prayer.
I’ve told the Community over and over and over for years, from the beginning, because we have long hours, we do a lot of work, and our work is all for you and the people and the world, that prayer takes precedent over tiredness. And maybe you’re drowsy. Maybe you barely can do it, but God sees you struggling to get those prayer, and that prayer may be deeper than if you were alert. You have to pray.
Our Lady has given us insights that are beautiful. “Before you work, pray, for it to be blessed. At the end of the day, pray, so that it will be blessed.” If Our Lady said that, and you’re working on something, or whatever your job, or whatever project it may be, and then you don’t pray three “Hail Mary’s” over it, at the end of the day, you don’t do that, then you don’t have the blessing. It’s not what you do. If we all built this podium, and everybody had their plans, they’re going to go about it different ways. They’ll start over here or this different thing because opinions are different, or skills are different. But at the end of the day, when you finish it, it’s going to be like this, but who’s going to be the most efficient and have an easier time, if it’s blessed? Even if it’s a less efficient, less skilled person, they can come out with more fruit from it, as opposed to somebody who’s cussing all the time wanting to do this, or whatever. Your work can be blessed every single day. You’re making a cake. Ask for a blessing for it. “This is a work of art. I want it to be blessed.” We don’t know what somebody’s going to eat and what it does to them, but there’s grace to it. Our Lady wants grace attached to every single thing you do. Don’t do anything…Our Lady said, “Do not take a step without prayer.”
And when you’re hurting, and everything’s very difficult, you think the world’s against you, you’ve got a headache, you want to get an aspirin, or you’re sick, you want medicine? Our Lady says,
October 25, 2019
“…May prayer be a balm [for] your soul…”
That’s your medicine. While you’re here in these days, you can receive a lot of medicine, a lot of healing, if you’re open to it. If you just want to be social, not invest time, go deep in your prayer, you will leave here with less in your spiritual wallet. If you invest, your wallet is going to be filled with spiritual wealth that you’ll be able to go affect people when you go home. But don’t expect that. It’s how you change people is by your change yourself.
September 13, 2019
“…More than ever, today, it is necessary to pray for the family, that it may be spiritually healed…”
Spiritual sickness is everywhere. You have hatred in the family. You have deformed people raised between two parents that never gave exchanged love to each other to teach them. Jelena said—the innerlocutionist of Medjugorje said—“Children learn how to love by the love of the mother and father love toward each other.” That’s how you teach it. And there’s some painful things seen when you get older. You realize what you did. You made mistakes. God knew what He was doing when He was putting man and woman together. One’s a leader, and one comes underneath the arm of the man, the other.
Who’s teaching obedience in the family today? Who’s doing that? Nobody. Because the husband is exercising his authority, and the woman is too. We have a tragedy in womanhood today. And people don’t like to hear this, that “We’ve got to give woman this. We’ve got to give woman that.” No, we don’t. We need to do a teaching, by witness, of what obedience is.
A lot of mistakes have been made. But Our Lady gave a message which said, through prayer, you will find the greatest joy, “…out of every situation that has no exit…” So, if you’re locked in the room, and you can’t get out, and there’s still walls. There’s no windows. There’s no doors, She’s telling you, through prayer…reading the Bible also, because you have to learn how to do this, you can correct even decades of error. And that’s what Our Lady’s showing us, and that’s why She’s showing through what She’s doing to God the Father.
September 2, 2019
“…Pray the Rosary every day—that wreath of flowers which, as a mother, directly connects me with your pains, sufferings, desires, and hopes…”
Our Lady comes to Mirjana often sad and crying. You know what Mirjana does? She says, “Oh, I’m seeing the Virgin Mary everybody. Right here.” No, she’s crying right now. She says, “I’m connected to your suffering, your desires, and your hopes.” Our Lady feels that. Mirjana copies that. You see her crying. She said, “If you see one tear from Our Lady, you would never want to commit a sin again.”
So, Our Lady shares all your difficulties. You can talk to Her, and She’s listening, and you can feel Her presence if you learn how to pray in depth and sincerity.
The same date, September 2, 2019,
“…The world is in such need of your prayers for souls to be converted…”
That’s where you have to pray for them. Their conversion comes through you, through your sacrifices, through doing the prayers that they’re not doing. And don’t get discouraged, thinking, “Okay. Nothing’s happening.” You may have to pray for years. It may be on their deathbed they change.
“…with your prayer[s] pronounced from a pure and open heart, by the gifts which you offer to my Son, will make even the hardest hearts open…the strength of prayer pronounced from the heart—a powerful prayer full of love—changes…”
Not the individual. Not your spouse. The power of that, She says,
“…prayer full of [life]—changes the world…”
I’m just one person. You’re just one person. You’re going to change the world? I’m a ditch digger. I started praying out here. We got people from every country in the world saying, “We’re following everything you do.” I don’t want them following me. I want them following Our Lady. But they see that I’m following Our Lady, and they want to follow that.
I read one message when I had these pulled a little while ago. I said, “Wow. I didn’t know She said that.” And it says,
“…through prayer [you will] attain what your desire is…”
And I thought, “Wow.” That’s on October 6, 1986. That’s what Our Lady gave me in that message. And for a minute, I thought She did it twice. She gave me that message through Marija.
“…through prayer [you will] attain what your desire is…”
This Valley, to be all Hers. And She’s taken it as Her possession. And you have the graces, because pioneers came before you, soldiers, the Indians, DeSoto, whoever, and that continues. And you are to continue here. Our Lady gave us another place outside of Medjugorje, for conversion.
Medjugorje, you go walking there, you didn’t even have to pray. You could kneel down, and you hold you hand, and you physically felt peace in your hands. I’m not saying that. I’m telling you, you felt it. There was no distractions. Now, there’s everything. There’s bars, soccer, all kinds of stuff. Big TV screens. And that’s why we’re struggling here to protect this place because we know this will be a place of conversion till the world ends. Our Lady’s sanctification of some place, consecrated, doesn’t go away. It can be desecrated just like the other day, the morning y’all flew in and came in.
July 4, 1988
“…prayer will obtain victory!”
May 3, 1986
“…seek to make your hearts happy through the means of prayer…”
If you’re sad, you’re depressed, and you pray, you crush it. The proverbial sayings that we have come from wisdom and things and experiences and from Christian, a lot of Christian bases.
So, if you’re not happy, if you’re depressed, the proverbial saying, “Go out and do something for somebody else.” When you do that, you feel good. If you cook for somebody, you go to a neighbor, you do something that’s kind for somebody, you feel after that, that you get that. That’s a grace. The angels give that to you immediately right back. And literally, it works. If you’re locked up in the house, and you’re depressed, you go start doing something for somebody else and watch what happens to that depression. It burns it out.
“…seek to make your hearts happy through the means of prayer…”
We’ve got a lot of burdens in this mission, a lot of difficulties, a lot of persecution and difficulties. But in the middle of that—sometimes it’s worse—is that I’m the most joyful and making jokes when that’s going on. The worst situation, you’ve got to be happy in it. And there is a lot of joys, pure, beautiful things, just watching the kids and what they do and how they live here. This is a toy house for them, and they are playing tracks. They get on the rollers in Shipping. They’re allowed to go anywhere and everywhere, except on top of the press because they’ll be that thick if they stay in it.
But the kids bring youthfulness, and if you’re not youthful, even if you’re seventy years old, you can capture that through prayer. You’ve met people like that.
I love just seeing the kids walking around playing, and they play in a way that you don’t see anywhere out there. They have free play from the moment the wake up to the time they’re asleep here and find out where they are in…We don’t even know where they are. They fell asleep. [LAUGHTER] We have to go find out for them. The parents can leave here not worrying about babysitting, and they know everybody knows that the parents are gone. Even if they don’t know, their environment is very comfortable.
We had a 29-year-old wife, mother…Her name’s Andrea. A lot of you know the story. Get this book downstairs. Read it. It’s How to Die. She died. And Rebekah was her daughter. They had three kids. She died in the house here. And she’s buried in the cemetery. And a lot of you here, go pray in the cemetery. It’s the most richest, wealthiest thing we have, because we can be born here and buried here.
And so, Rebekah, after we buried Andrea, the next day, was outside playing. And it was amazing. How old was she? Four? Four years old. Running around playing. She wasn’t in a neighborhood where she didn’t know the neighbors, her dad had to go to work, another place, had to figure out what they’re going to do with her, and she had to go to school. She was here. Her whole environment here didn’t change. The only thing that changed, her mother went to Heaven. And it was amazing, amazing thing how Our Lady’s asking us to live in small communities. There was no tragedy as far as missing friends and everything. Her life stayed the same. Read the book. It’s incredible.
January 23, 1986
“…If you pray with the heart, dear children, the ice of your brothers’ hearts will melt and every barrier shall disappear…”
October 29, 1983
“…Prayer is the only road which leads to peace…”
If you don’t have peace, you have to start praying. It doesn’t mean you have to go to a church and go to Adoration. You have to have a prayer life. Our Lady told the prayer group that She wanted them to pray three hours a day. And Our Lady came back when they complained, “How are we going to do that?” And She says, “You can’t even pray four hours? It’s only a sixth of your day.” You live by prayer, not by work, and you can live by your work if it’s through prayer.
“…If you pray and fast…”
Compliant with fasting,
“…you will obtain everything…you ask for.”
I have seen in the past that I’ve gotten my prayers answered, not what I asked for. I got something better! My scope and my aim was lower, and a bountiful bounty came that was bigger than what I expected.
October 25, 1983
“…Prayer will give you everything. It is with prayer that you can obtain everything.”
She says that again. That’s another date. That’s a second time. Here’s a third time.
February 13, 1982
“Through prayer, one obtains everything.”
She’s not saying, “Well, I’m not going to give that. I just don’t want to give it to them,” God says. God wants to meet your needs. He desires for you to talk to Him. He’s a Father, and He likes to give that. If you’ve worked really hard, or you’ve done something really big in your life, and you give somebody a gift, and you were so proud to give it to them, and then you give it to them, and they don’t even say thank you. They grab it, walk away. As opposed to saying, “I can’t believe you did this? You made this? How beautiful!” How many gift do you have that God gives you every minute of the day? You can breathe. You can walk. I would have my kids, when they went to bed—we prayed together—and I’d give them a blessing. I said, “Thank God for today and something that happened.” “Well, I don’t have anything to give thank you.” I said, “You’ve got legs, don’t you? Did you walk around today? How about your arms? Do they work? Can you see? Did you see everything today?” God likes to hear you say, “You know, God, thank You. I can walk.” Don’t take it for granted. It’s there. There’s always, you can give something in gratitude for God for what you’re thankful for. And be thankful for. Just don’t think coming up with it.
I thank God. When I had a heart attack, you know what I was thanking God for? I just ran up those steps up there, fast, skipping three or four of them at one time. Then I come down and have a heart attack. [LAUGHTER] “Thank You, God. I could do that.” I’ve got bragging rights. But I didn’t feel anything. But He was with me the whole time, and I wasn’t scared. People say, “Well, you’re scared.” It’s not that I was scared. I wouldn’t be able to finish my work. I’ve still got some writings to get you in trouble about, convicting you. [LAUGHTER]
And again, Our Lady says, on October 6, 1986
“…through prayer [you will] attain what your desire is…”
That was a personal message, and that’s a gift, and I thank Our Lady all the time, because I’ve been told by the Virgin Mary, “If you pray, you will attain what you’re asking for.” So, if anybody’s got four or five million dollars to buy that mountain…[LAUGHTER] I’m waiting for it.
September 25, 2020
“…I am calling you, little children: return to God and to prayer…and do not forget…that prayer and fasting work miracles in you and around you…”
You can do what Jesus did. You know what Jesus’ biggest thing was? Was it going healing the lepers or bringing somebody back from death? The Apostles didn’t go say, “Hey, teach us how to do that.” The biggest thing Jesus did in His life and what He showed is what the Apostles came to Jesus and said, “Teach us how to pray.” It was His prayer. The biggest witness of Jesus was His prayer to the Father. And He was God. And if He had to pray, and you ain’t God, then you better be praying. That’s where He convicted everybody. It’s an amazing thing if you contemplate that.
“…that prayer and fasting work miracles in you and around you…”
You can do that. It’s your capability, may changing their mentalities through your witness and your life.
June 24, 2020
“…perseverance in prayer. Pray for my plans, projects that I wish to carry out with [you] and…the whole world…”
I guess the girls here told you I’m working on the book Ten Secrets. I’ve been working on it forever. It’s not fun. I don’t like it. I didn’t like third grade either, and that’s why I got 72 D’s and 13 F’s. [LAUGHTER]
“…Pray for my plans, projects that I wish to carry out…”
May 25, 2020
“…Pray with me for a new life for all of you…”
These ones, you’ve heard many times.
October 25, 2008
“…I call you…to pray for my intentions so that, through your prayers, you may stop satan’s plan[s] over this world…”
February 25, 2003
“…only with prayer and fasting can wars…be stopped…”
January 25, 2001
“…the one who prays is not afraid of the future…the one who fasts is not afraid of evil…only through prayer and fasting also wars can be stopped – wars of your unbelief and fear [of] the future…”
February 10, 1984
“…you can become humble only through prayer and fasting.”
So, the time that you’re here, going up to the Cross, to the mountain, don’t be talking going up the trail, and couple that with your prayer, the difficulties going up there. And be quiet when you get up there. You can start praying now for graces at the Cross tomorrow. If you went in the Bedroom today, you should be praying for your graces for the rest of the trip. Through your whole night, be praying. Enter into prayer.
7:30 out of Nashville. Airplane bottles on my tray. The heavens get to shakin’. It’s a stranger’s hand I’m takin’. We pray, mm. White coats and lots of coffee, wearing worry on my face. The chapels out of waiting rooms for families waiting on the news. We pray, ay-ay, ay, ay.
I’ve been losing my religion. I’ve been in and out of faith. What it is and what it isn’t, well, it’s not for me to say. We stand in different churches, and we call it different names. But in the end, we pray, ay, ay.
Where do we go when we’re dreaming? Who is it to whеn you give thanks? When we’rе high and low in hope, together or alone, we pray, pray.
I’ve been losing my religion. I’ve been in and out of faith. What it is and what it isn’t, well, it’s not for me to say. We stand in different churches, and we call it different names. But in the end, we pray, (in the end we pray). Oh, yeah.
We pray (when we stand in the midnight hour, we pray). We pray (when our arms are stretched out wide, we pray). We pray, pray (pray). In the end we pray, ay, ay.
Seems like love went out of fashion. Is it easier to hate? Whatever book you read, if you do or don’t believe. We pray, oh, we pray, yeah.
We pray (when I close my eyes, I call out your name). We pray (oh yeah, we pray, yeah). We pray (I will follow, Who art in Heaven). We pray (hallowed be Thy Name). ‘Cause in the end we pray (we pray), we pray. In the end we pray, we pray.
“Seems like love went out of fashion. It’s easier to hate. Whatever book you read, if you do or you don’t believe, we pray. We pray.”
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace and Reconciliation,
Pray for us.
In the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, amen.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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7 thoughts on “Your Spiritual Wallet”
City: Bristol,
State: CT
Country: US
Dearest FOM : Ave Maria.! Remember The Lords Prayer – Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven.! PRAY ONLY FOR THE DIVINE WILL Of God.! ACCEPT Whatever God Sends You In His Divine Will;And If You Feel In Disagreement With What He Sends You;PRAY EVEN More; IN And For His Holy DIVINE Will To Be Done In Your Life.! Your Human Will Is FAULTY And May NOT Be The Better Situation To Follow In This Life.! God’ Divine Will;And Divine Knowledge To Obey;IS ALLWAYS DIVINELY WISE;So ALLWAYS Pray;And Seek THE DIVNE WILL Of God;And You Will NEVER Go Wrong;And You Will Attain To Heavenly Peace On Earth…!!!!!!! – Thank You.! – God’ Divine Will;Will Richly BLESS You.! – With MANY BLESSINGS.! – Have A Blessed Day.! – Ave Maria.! -
City: Wellsboro
State: Pennsylvania
Country: USA
Thank you for this message. I needed a boost to continue prayers in everyday life experiences. -
City: Ilhéus
State: BA
Country: Brasil
Thank you for everything. Jesus. Mary joseph blessed yours -
State: New York
Country: United States
FOM, in this discussion mentioned his, prayer and wish, that Our Lady, would appear to everyone for, “Just 15 Minutes,” to convict everyone back to God. Who are We, to Not Believe, that isn’t the Meaning, Behind Our Lady’s Special Blessing? Consider how Our Lady once said, if She had to, She Would Appear, in Everyone’s Living room. After all, Nothing Is Done By Chance, & Nothing Is Too Hard For God, So Why Not The Same, For This As Well? With this Being FOM’S, Heart of Hearts Prayer, Contained Within, One Our Lady’s Past Messages, Perhaps, this Happening in Certain Living Rooms, is Only Limited to the Number of Heart Felt Prayers, Novenas, and Sacrifices We Make, Along With Our Asking Each Particular Person To Receive this, “Special Blessing?” Only Time Will Tell, But Shouldn’t It Be An Important Thing For Us To Consider?
Boy, I Don’t Know About You, But I’m going to make sure to give Her Special Blessing to many more people now…..even if this isn’t what it provides to any of them….Always Remember, …. ….God and Our Lady’s Giving, Will Never Be Surpassed. Whatever the Blessing Contains, it will certainly be a most Incredible Gift !! In My Heart, I Hope, FOM, Gets His Wish….Amen & Alleluia ! -
State: New York
Country: United States
When you Breathe, “Pray.” This might sound odd but Prayer should come to you as easy as breathing. You’ve heard people say, you can practice something enough that you get, “Muscle Memory”. The Truth is, if you pray often enough, eventually it becomes a part of of you so much, that it’s just like breathing. Our Lady gives us the Secret to this, telling us to be just like Flowers Blooming in the Sun. Next time you pray, think of the last time you were tanning, enjoying the warmth of the Sun, now Thank God for that and lift it High Up With Your Heart…..Now, Just do that all day long, everyday, as best you can…..You can do it, Just Keep Reminding Yourself How Easy It Is For The Flowers To Glorify God…..Don’t forget this and…. Pray,Pray, Pray. May God Bless All Of Us Forever
7 thoughts on “Your Spiritual Wallet”
City: Louisville
State: Ky
Country: United States
I love to pray in the middle of the night. It’s so peaceful and prayer seems deeper. I still fall short sometimes when I’m tired. Then I hold tight to my statue of Our Lady for comfort. God Bless You and all that you do.
City: Bristol,
State: CT
Country: US
Dearest FOM : Ave Maria.! Remember The Lords Prayer – Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven.! PRAY ONLY FOR THE DIVINE WILL Of God.! ACCEPT Whatever God Sends You In His Divine Will;And If You Feel In Disagreement With What He Sends You;PRAY EVEN More; IN And For His Holy DIVINE Will To Be Done In Your Life.! Your Human Will Is FAULTY And May NOT Be The Better Situation To Follow In This Life.! God’ Divine Will;And Divine Knowledge To Obey;IS ALLWAYS DIVINELY WISE;So ALLWAYS Pray;And Seek THE DIVNE WILL Of God;And You Will NEVER Go Wrong;And You Will Attain To Heavenly Peace On Earth…!!!!!!! – Thank You.! – God’ Divine Will;Will Richly BLESS You.! – With MANY BLESSINGS.! – Have A Blessed Day.! – Ave Maria.!
City: Wellsboro
State: Pennsylvania
Country: USA
Thank you for this message. I needed a boost to continue prayers in everyday life experiences.
City: Ilhéus
State: BA
Country: Brasil
Thank you for everything. Jesus. Mary joseph blessed yours
State: New York
Country: United States
FOM, in this discussion mentioned his, prayer and wish, that Our Lady, would appear to everyone for, “Just 15 Minutes,” to convict everyone back to God. Who are We, to Not Believe, that isn’t the Meaning, Behind Our Lady’s Special Blessing? Consider how Our Lady once said, if She had to, She Would Appear, in Everyone’s Living room. After all, Nothing Is Done By Chance, & Nothing Is Too Hard For God, So Why Not The Same, For This As Well? With this Being FOM’S, Heart of Hearts Prayer, Contained Within, One Our Lady’s Past Messages, Perhaps, this Happening in Certain Living Rooms, is Only Limited to the Number of Heart Felt Prayers, Novenas, and Sacrifices We Make, Along With Our Asking Each Particular Person To Receive this, “Special Blessing?” Only Time Will Tell, But Shouldn’t It Be An Important Thing For Us To Consider?
Boy, I Don’t Know About You, But I’m going to make sure to give Her Special Blessing to many more people now…..even if this isn’t what it provides to any of them….Always Remember, …. ….God and Our Lady’s Giving, Will Never Be Surpassed. Whatever the Blessing Contains, it will certainly be a most Incredible Gift !! In My Heart, I Hope, FOM, Gets His Wish….Amen & Alleluia !
State: New York
Country: United States
When you Breathe, “Pray.” This might sound odd but Prayer should come to you as easy as breathing. You’ve heard people say, you can practice something enough that you get, “Muscle Memory”. The Truth is, if you pray often enough, eventually it becomes a part of of you so much, that it’s just like breathing. Our Lady gives us the Secret to this, telling us to be just like Flowers Blooming in the Sun. Next time you pray, think of the last time you were tanning, enjoying the warmth of the Sun, now Thank God for that and lift it High Up With Your Heart…..Now, Just do that all day long, everyday, as best you can…..You can do it, Just Keep Reminding Yourself How Easy It Is For The Flowers To Glorify God…..Don’t forget this and…. Pray,Pray, Pray. May God Bless All Of Us Forever