
Make Use?

Make Use?

June 22, 2020 A.D.

On January 2, 2015, Our Lady said through Mirjana:

“My children, I will make use of you, apostles of love, to help all of my children to come to know the truth…”

What does it mean that Our Lady will “make use” of us? Does this not sound so beautiful?

Sheep graze on Apparition Mountain

(Medjugorje photo taken in 1990) – In this photo taken by a Friend of Medjugorje in 1990, two goats graze on Apparition Mountain. This simple Cross was replaced by Korean pilgrims in 2001. As we look this week to the earlier days of Medjugorje, we remember the simplicity of those times. The same is true for each person. With each passing day, it seems life is more and more complicated and one often finds themselves longing for the simpler days. But, were those times better?

Is it not a beautiful thing to be used by Our Lady? What one may think about this before setting out, is tested in how life turns out. A Friend of Medjugorje shares more:

Our Lady has come to wash the world and cleanse it with the Blood and water of the Lamb. We are the fortunate recipients of this grace, in this time of grace, to be apostles. To be an apostle is to expect trials, temptation, persecution and every difficulty you never experienced before answering Our Lady’s call. The constant striving for conversion must be relentless. We will do well to grasp what is expected of us and make sincere attempts to draw closer to the divine light where we will find the refuge of the fullness of consolation.

– a Friend of Medjugorje
from Two Paths

We learn from a Friend of Medjugorje’s words that in order for Our Lady to use us, She has to make us a reliable witness. If Our Lady will use us to help others know the truth, as in the January 2, 2015, message quoted above, that means we have to be the first to know the truth, whether in our own sinful lives, or in the society around us. We know a Friend of Medjugorje’s words about this are true and reliable. Anyone who tells you otherwise, or promises another way, does not know what they are talking about. To be made use of, is a searching and painful journey to “re-think” the world around us, but, as a Friend of Medjugorje shares, the fullness of consolation is our refuge, as well as divine light.

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

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3 thoughts on “Make Use?”

  1. Michael Hebert

    Many times, A Friend of Medjugorje explains, shadows are longest later in the day, & shortest, at noon.  But is there ever a time, when shadows, dissapear altogether, while the sun is out? “Lahaina Noon” as it’s called in Hawaii, takes place, twice a year, but actually happens all the time, somewhere on earth, where the sun is 90 degrees, and directly above a place on earth. When this happens, outside objects, which stand straight up, completely lose their shadow, seeming to play tricks on the mind, confusing perceptions of reality, as visual cues are lost. The Hawaiian word Lahaina, means “cruel sun”, and the ancient Hawaiians, used to believe the sun was resting on their brains, when these events occurred. In our day, we know it’s best to walk in the Light of Our Holy Mother’s Son, being ever mindful to keep him on our minds, while we deal with the realities of a cruel world. Walking in His Light, along with Our Lady, we bring Easter Noon, dispeling the world’s evil, dark, shadows

  2. Michael Hebert

    Many times, A Friend of Medjugorje explains, shadows are longest later in the day, & shortest, at noon.  But is there ever a time, when shadows, dissapear altogether, while the sun is out? “Lahaina Noon” as it’s called in Hawaii, takes place, twice a year, but actually happens all the time, somewhere on earth, where the sun is 90 degrees, and directly above a place on earth. When this happens, outside objects, which stand straight up, completely lose their shadow, seeming to play tricks on the mind, confusing perceptions of reality, as visual cues are lost. The Hawaiian word Lahaina, means “cruel sun”, and the ancient Hawaiians, used to believe the sun was resting on their brains, when these events occurred. In our day, we know it’s best to walk in the Light of Our Holy Mother’s Son, being ever mindful to keep him on our minds, while we deal with the realities of a cruel world. Walking in His Light, along with Our Lady, we bring Easter Noon, dispeling the world’s evil, dark, shadows

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