June 1, 2020 A.D.
Our Lady said in Her monthly message of May 25, 2020:
“Pray with me for a new life for all of you. In your hearts, little children, you know what needs to be changed…”
Of this, we are witnesses, that new life is beginning with the old life ending.
When a Friend of Medjugorje wrote They Fired the First Shot 2012, he told of different things which were happening in our nation and the world and how to fix them. One, had to do with prayer. Naturally, with the Medjugorje world, there is no shortage of opinions on prayer. However, this one small passage, shares more than an opinion, it is a perspecitive that stems from experience:
So where do we start to win? First, with deep repentance, then amend our lives with fasting, prayer, peace and penance. We must have both a strong daily structured and spontaneous prayer life. Next, we look at where evil began to win and where we began to lose.
A Friend of Medjugorje explains that in order to see where to win, and where we are losing, we have to have a prayer that is both structured and spontaneous. Think back a few months. When coronavirus hit, many lost the structure of their prayer life. Daily Masses were canceled, or chapels closed. The need to think quickly and be spontaneous about one’s spiritual life was essential. Many of things we do here at Caritas, started as spontaneous inspirations which a Friend of Medjugorje received in his prayer. When, in his old prayer groups, he noticed a “staleness” which existed in the old church mentality. If Our Lady desires the world to have a new life, this old life needs to pass away. We as Her apostles need to re-think our structure. Be more spontaneous about our prayer. Yes, Our Lady may have one awake all night praying. A Friend of Medjugorje does this often. But, to begin this new life, Our Lady asks us to pray with Her. That means, when She wants. Listen to Her promptings.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
More For Your Spiritual Nourishment…
Do Not Waste Time – May 2, 2012 – A Friend of Medjugorje shares about the “current” crisis the nation was facing, and shares some insight on helping us understand it…
2 thoughts on “The Need for Spontaneous”
Thank you so much ! Today, I was Spontaneous & went to Church this morning, seeking Confession, thinking it was going to be a problem. Much of my Confession, was related to my Great Need for Mass & Communion, at this time. I Confessed to Father, my great need for the Mass & Our Holy Mother’s desire for us to look in our hearts and recognize what I needed. I was presently surprised when he told me he was signing me up for Mass, this coming Sunday at 8:30 AM. My heart has pined for the Eucharist & all the Grace’s we receive during our Celebration of the Body & Blood of Christ. My entire wholeness, longs for the cool waters, which eternally spring up, and the oneness we are offered, to be a part, body and soul, with our Great Heavenly Father. I’ve learned a lot about people, over these months, and even more about the Grace’s received, from these Sacraments. Thank you for your writing today, it touched my heart, bringing tears, and now tears of joy. God Bless you, at Caritas, Amen.
Thank you so much ! Today, I was Spontaneous & went to Church this morning, seeking Confession, thinking it was going to be a problem. Much of my Confession, was related to my Great Need for Mass & Communion, at this time. I Confessed to Father, my great need for the Mass & Our Holy Mother’s desire for us to look in our hearts and recognize what I needed. I was presently surprised when he told me he was signing me up for Mass, this coming Sunday at 8:30 AM. My heart has pined for the Eucharist & all the Grace’s we receive during our Celebration of the Body & Blood of Christ. My entire wholeness, longs for the cool waters, which eternally spring up, and the oneness we are offered, to be a part, body and soul, with our Great Heavenly Father. I’ve learned a lot about people, over these months, and even more about the Grace’s received, from these Sacraments. Thank you for your writing today, it touched my heart, bringing tears, and now tears of joy. God Bless you, at Caritas, Amen.