
Decide to Try

Decide to Try

May 29, 2020 A.D.

Our Lady of Medjugorje said through Ivan on May 23, 2020:

“I call you to look deeply into your hearts and to decide to try to be closer to God in prayer…”

Our Lady again gives us instruction. Only this time, She tells us to “decide to try.”

Looking at the miracle of the sun in Medjugorje

(Medjugorje photo taken Thursday October 12, 2006, 5:51 PM) – Pilgrims in Medjugorje look at the miracle of the sun. For some, this is the beginning of their conversion experience. The miracle of the sun is a supernatural phenomenon which has happened every day in Medjugorje, since Our Lady started appearing. Once, about 20 years ago, a Friend of Medjugorje was speaking to some of the villagers, and he realized that many of the children growing up in Medjugorje have been witnesses to this daily miracle their entire lives. Yet, it does not hold the same fascination that it does for visiting pilgrims. In fact, some have never even looked at it.

Our Lady knows our life. She lived it. Our Lady is asking us through Ivan, to decide to “try.” Has Her followers become so weak that Our Lady has to ask only to decide to try? Is this the reason why Our Lady asks us to, “look deeply into” our hearts? What stops many people and their conversion? Usually, it is a point of conviction. A Friend of Medjugorje explains more:

That area of discomfort in which you must work hard on your conversion, where you come to a point of conviction that causes problems for you, has caused many to cool off. There are many who are weak in their conversion and do not accept Our Lady, except with limitation, as to Her call. These will not become apostles, though they will say they know Her. Those obstacles you resign yourself to being blocked by, that you do not attempt to scale over, were not obstacles that stopped the early apostles. They conducted their lives in such a way that no obstacle stopped them and they led others the same.

– a Friend of Medjugorje
Will You Be An Apostle? – June 2, 2014

We can follow Our Lady to a certain point, or we can follow Our Lady unreservedly. A Friend of Medjugorje writes from his experience. He has given his life unreservedly, even at great cost. It is part of what he wrote in, To Love: “To give your life to a purpose and that purpose turn against you.” Yet, a Friend of Medjugorje has stayed the course, giving spiritual food to millions of people throughout the world. For those who stay the course, continuing to try, you will see miracles in your everyday life, much greater than even the miracle of the sun.

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3 thoughts on “Decide to Try”

  1. Thanks Mike for your words and Thank You Caritas through and through. After reading this writing and Mike’s feedback I remembered a quote I recently read, which apparently originated from God, said through Albert Einstein, “You never fail until you stop trying.” I feel like turning my back but thank God for His Holy Spirit because I am still trying. I do not want to fail, I know too much and there are many souls at stake. Please pray for me and those souls whom I am expected to help, I am praying for you and yours. Happy Pentacost !!

  2. Thanks Mike for your words and Thank You Caritas through and through. After reading this writing and Mike’s feedback I remembered a quote I recently read, which apparently originated from God, said through Albert Einstein, “You never fail until you stop trying.” I feel like turning my back but thank God for His Holy Spirit because I am still trying. I do not want to fail, I know too much and there are many souls at stake. Please pray for me and those souls whom I am expected to help, I am praying for you and yours. Happy Pentacost !!

  3. Michael hebert

    Forgive me, but all I kept thinking about, after reading this and praying a Rosary, was how different Reality & Truth, often are. I couldn’t help but think of Yoda, from Star Wars & that portrayed battle between Light & Dark. When I read Our Lady telling us to, “Try & Decide”, all I could think of was how Yoda told Luke, “Do, or do not, there is no try”. Oftentimes, I think how blessed we all are to have a Loving Father, a Wonderful Creator, an ABBA, through & through, which is so much better than any false god, ever portrayed throughout history & even today. How amazing, that Our True Heavenly Father, even considers my poor striving, as worthy, for Him to reach down into my life & walk along with me all day. He’s there, each time I get a spiritual bruise & allows us all to have such a wonderful Mother, who knows how to be even more tenderly, than our earthly Mom’s. We don’t have to imagine a god, we only have to Strive, to continue to Open Our Hearts, to recognize truth in Love.

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