
Caring for Others vs. Caring for Self

Caring for Others vs. Caring for Self

January 2, 2019 A.D.

Our Lady of Medjugorje’s January 2, 2019 message for the world, given on the day of prayer for nonbelievers through Mirjana:

“Dear children! Sadly, among you, my children, there is so much battle, hatred, personal interests and selfishness. My children, so easily you forget my Son, His words, His love. Faith is being extinguished in many souls, and hearts are being grasped by material things of the world. But my motherly heart knows that there are still those who believe and love, who are seeking how to draw all the closer to my Son, who are tirelessly seeking my Son – then, in this way, they are also seeking me. These are the humble and the meek with their pain and suffering which they carry in silence with their hopes and, above all, with their faith. These are the apostles of my love. My children, apostles of my love, I am teaching you that my Son is not only asking for continuous prayers, but also for works and feelings – that you believe, that you pray, that with your personal prayers you grow in faith, that you grow in love. To love each other is what He asks for – that is the way to eternal life. My children, do not forget that my Son brought the light to this world, and He brought it to those who wanted to see it and receive it. You be those, because this is the light of truth, peace and love. I am leading you in a motherly way to adore my Son; that you love my Son with me; that your thoughts, words and actions may be directed to My Son – that they may be in His name. Then my heart will be fulfilled. Thank you.”

Caring for Others vs. Caring for Self

by a Friend of Medjugorje

Mirjana has said to the effect that:

“If you see one tear of Our Lady, you will never want to sin again.”

For Our Lady to say, “Dear children! Sadly…” should immediately bring us to a deep concentration of what Her next words would state. Indeed, they are very indicting. Those words of Our Lady say:

“…among you, my children, there is so much battle, hatred, personal interests and selfishness…”

1. Battle

2. Hatred

3. Personal Interests

4. Selfishness

Evaluate yourself. Do you follow Our Lady? Can you check off all four of the above that you do not harbor these things? They don’t pertain to you? Can you check off three of them? Can you check off two of them? Can you check off even one of them? Today Our Lady focuses us on self, not everybody else.

“But others have hurt me!” Clinging to your hurt indicts you not to be able to check off any of the four. You will keep the battle going.

“I’m not happy with others!” Leads to resentment and evolves into hatred.

I don’t get to do what I want to do!” You dwell on personal interests.

“I don’t want to share myself or things with others!” A self-focused person can only dwell in selfishness, with a form of corrupt “idolatry of self,” and character of stinginess.

These four vices destroy peace and life and result in:

“Faith…being extinguished.”

The world that surrounds your daily goings and comings is your world. The world, for you, is not in a foreign land. It is where you dwell –your habitat. Is your world hell? Does the world you dwell in have only three on the list? Then it is still hell. Does the world you dwell in have two on the list or only one on the list? Then the world you dwell in is Purgatory. If none of the four is on your list, then the world you dwell in is Heaven.

It does not matter what others make their world into, rather it matters that you make the world around you a dwelling of Heaven. Medjugorje visionary Vicka said: “Those whose life is hell in this world, just continue it when they die. Those whose life is Purgatory in this world, just continue it when they die. Those whose life is Heaven in this world, just continue it when they die.”*

It does not mean if you can check off all four of these: battle, hatred, personal interests and selfishness – that you will not have difficulties. You will. But Our Lady tells us the difference between those who are extinguishing faith vs. those who are seeking Her. Our Lady speaks clearly of who those are who are not in battle, hatred, personal interests and selfishness. She states:

“…These are the humble and the meek with their pain and suffering which they carry in silence with their hopes and, above all, with their faith. These are the apostles of my love. My children, apostles of my love, I am teaching you that my Son is not only asking for continuous prayers, but also for works and feelings – that you believe, that you pray, that with your personal prayers you grow in faith, that you grow in love. To love each other is what He asks for – that is the way to eternal life…”

Those who will suffer great difficulties vs. those who will suffer great difficulties is differentiated by:

Peace vs. Battle

Love vs. Hatred

Interest of Others vs. Personal Interests

Selflessness vs. Selfishness

Results in Restful Contentment and Faith vs. Results in Restless Discontentment and Faithlessness

Where are you on the list?

Versus vs. Versus


In the Hope You Strive for Heaven in Your Life on Earth,
A Friend of Medjugorje

Visit here to read Our Lady’s January 2 2019, message in other languages…

Be sure to hear a Friend of Medjugorje on Radio WAVE, as he shares more about today’s message. Visit here to listen or download the January 2, 2019, broadcast titled, Breakout 2019, visit here…

* Vicka only spoke in reference to Heaven and hell, but what she said can be applied to Purgatory as well.

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1 thought on “Caring for Others vs. Caring for Self”

  1. What a profound message from Our Lady today (for me) as it seems to hit a cord that brings harmony to this second day in the New Year. All for GOD’S GLORY, ALL A PART OF HIS PLAN. The old year ending in celebration and New Year beginning with Our Mothers feast day yesterday. Open hearts hear the symphony of Her messages as they unfold. May our Triune God Bless us and our Queen and Mother protect us with Her mantle. Thank you, God, for all graces received from Our Lady’s hands.

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