
Let Our Lady “Edit” Your Fast

Let Our Lady “Edit” Your Fast

October 5, 2018 A.D.

The 9-day bread and water Fast for the Beginning of the Reign of Our Lady begins in just a few days, October 10, 2018.

Fasting Bread

Fasting bread, in the home of a Friend of Medjugorje and his wife, last year during the October 13, 2017, prayer gathering, the last day of the worldwide 9-day bread and water Fast for the End of the Reign of satan. This year, after 18 years of fasting for the previous intention, we offer our fast for the Beginning of the Reign of Our Lady.

This is a fast you will want to take part in, as those in the future will look back at the shift in time from the reign of satan, to the reign of Our Lady and one will be able to say, “I joined with people all over the world, fasting for Our Lady, to help bring about Her reign upon the earth.” Our Lady of Medjugorje said on October 2, 2018:

“…be courageous and to not grow weary, because even the smallest good — the smallest sign of love — conquers evil which is all the more visible…”

Nine days of fasting on bread and water is such a small gift to offer Our Lady, for Her reign, in the prayer that She can multiply our sacrifice and through it, “conquer evil”. Just as a Friend of Medjugorje recently said on Radio WAVE, October 2, 2018:

“Our Lady is magnifying any good you do. She puts it in Her heart and makes it exaggerated before God the Father to produce fruit. She says, ‘All your prayers are going to help you through me.’ She says, ‘You give me your prayers. I’ll present them to God the Father.’ She perfects your distractions, She edits, She takes that stuff out. ‘Look how good this person’s praying.’ Why? Because only She’s allowed to do that. She’s an editor.”1

Offer 9-day of fasting on bread and water, allowing Our Lady to “edit” your good, making it before God, beyond what you will ever be able to offer. Join us, October 10-18, 2018. To join, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, or visit here to sign up.

Joining In Sacrifice and Prayer,
For the Beginning of the Reign of Our Lady,

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

1. Teaching Us to Fight, in Humility, October 2, 2018, Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

5 thoughts on “Let Our Lady “Edit” Your Fast”

  1. I so desire to offer myself and this 9-day fast to Our Lady so that She may ‘edit’ my entire self and fasting as an offering of love to God for the ushering IN, The Reign of Our Lady. Help us to become the children of God that He created us to be. And please, bless & transform my family to be beautiful instruments of love, compassion, forgiveness, mercy & healing in order to bring many to You, Mama. I love you, Blessed Mama Mary.?

  2. I so desire to offer myself and this 9-day fast to Our Lady so that She may ‘edit’ my entire self and fasting as an offering of love to God for the ushering IN, The Reign of Our Lady. Help us to become the children of God that He created us to be. And please, bless & transform my family to be beautiful instruments of love, compassion, forgiveness, mercy & healing in order to bring many to You, Mama. I love you, Blessed Mama Mary.?

  3. shandulani & Misha

    Thank you for the answered prayers. Thank Holy Mary for filling my life with lots of miracles and a bit of your heaven. It is a lot to me. I know you are for real and I know and I believe its you in Medjugorje. My achivements and miracles through Medjugorje are too big for me not say its not Holy Mary mother of Jesus Christ, You deserve my feedback after all.

  4. Crissy Corpus

    With all the distractions, whether praying myself or with my children, I am sooo greatfull for Her editorial assistance! And if She can take these crumbs, I pray God, please let me be more at ease. I often feel I am failing to give Her what She needs and asks of me. I pray please Mother obtain for me the graces I need to answer Your call and magnify all tbat is good! That you may use all for your plans and to the glory of God!! Amen!!

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