September 8, 2016 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje said on September 25, 1998:
“…I call you to become my witnesses by living the faith of your fathers. Little children, you seek signs and messages and do not see that, with every morning sunrise, God calls you to convert and to return to the way of truth and salvation…”
What is Medjugorje? What is this place in which millions have visited, and left changed? A Friend of Medjugorje gives the simplest words:
“…Medjugorje is a direct, supernatural intervention into the history of the world, to motivate man to radically and abruptly change the direction of his life… An intervention needed to teach man how to live by putting God in the first place, by living more simply…”1
A Friend of Medjugorje has often said, “that Medjugorje is changing the whole face of the earth.” Today, September 8, the Universal Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Medjugorje however, Our Lady revealed that Her real birthday was August 5. Why now, in this age have we learned this? A Friend of Medjugorje answered this question in 2005, in his writing August 5th What are You Doing for Her Birthday?” He wrote, “because Heaven wanted it revealed in this time, Her time, that God will reconcile the two dates in the future. This is one star in the universe of things that Medjugorje is changing, and will continue to change.”
Most importantly, Medjugorje is changing people. With every season, comes change, memories made, recollections brought to our hearts that help us to reflect. This is the season of the grape harvest in Medjugorje. Our Lady tells us to live the faith of our fathers. The faith of our fathers was a faith that lived dependent on God for sustenance, living more simply. The faith of our fathers was the witness of the village of Medjugorje, a witness that simply to see a simpler way of life, brings conversion. There is a holiness to working in concert with nature, working with our Creator. This is the faith of our fathers, the faith that with every morning sunrise we should look to find, look to begin to create, in union with our Creator. The Community of Caritas itself was birthed through a Friend of Medjugorje’s desire to create a heritage for his children and posterity. Touched and refined in the messages of Our Lady, the witness brings conversion. Reflect on your heritage. Are you creating a place where your generations from this moment will look back and have a faith of their fathers?
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
It is unbelievable that in this time when it is so easy to travel, that some do not find the time to go to Medjugorje. That some do not make the effort. How sad that for some, they are leaving for their future posterity the witness that the greatest event since the time of Jesus and the Apostles, the direct, supernatural intervention into the history of the world, could not make it into their world. Going to Medjugorje is not a mistake. It is, as one pilgrim from Texas recently told us, “It was everything I thought it would be and more…” The September/October pilgrimage is sold out. There is one chance left for this year, Oct. 26 – Nov. 4, 2016, and it too is selling out quickly. Be sure to contact BVM Caritas Pilgrimages at 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219, or visit here to request information about a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.