
Our Lady’s Annual Apparition and Message to Ivanka

Our Lady’s Annual Apparition and Message to Ivanka

Our Lady told Ivanka that She would appear to her every June 25, on the anniversary of the apparitions.

June 27, 2016 A.D.

On May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret. Our Lady told Ivanka that She would appear to her every June 25, on the anniversary of the apparitions. This year, Our Lady appeared to Ivanka at her home with only Ivanka’s family present. The apparition lasted 4 minutes. After the apparition, Ivanka said:

Our Lady gave the following message:

“Little children, pray, pray, pray.”

Our Lady was joyful and blessed all of us with Her motherly blessing.

Ivanka was the first to see Our Lady on June 24, 1981. Her mother had died just a few months before. Ivanka says:

“…I was chosen by Our Lady to pray for families. I am inviting all of you to respect the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, to attend Holy Mass every Sunday, and to have at least one confession monthly. Our Lady invites us all to renew the family prayer, so that the Word of God and the Holy Bible is in the center of our lives. Everyday I pray for the families in the world, but at the same time I’m kindly asking all of you to pray for our families. Many pilgrims think that we visionaries are privileged, that we are closer to God than the rest of you. On the contrary, we are the same as you, and it’s not enough to see physically, to see with our eyes. The most important thing is to open our hearts and to have Our Lady in our hearts. The only thing we need to do is open our hearts because Our Lady is here with us today, now and we have to make the decision whether we want to let Her in and to open our hearts and accept Her messages…”1

Be sure to listen to the June 25, 2016 Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje, in which speaking to a Caritas Pilgrim group in Medjugorje, he tells of what happens when you let Our Lady into your life. To listen or download the June 25, 2016, Radio WAVE broadcast titled, Shattered Yet?, visit here…

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

1. Visionary Ivanka, Medjugorje Witness, August 27, 2009 – recorded and transcribed by the Community of Caritas

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