Our Lady Speaks to the Community

Our Lady Speaks to the Community

As the altar was being prepared today, the founder suggested everyone write out petitions to Our Lady. He then asked Marija if they could present their petitions to Our Lady during the apparition. Marija agreed. When Marija went into ecstasy that evening, one by one, each person carried their petition up to Our Lady and dropped it into a small sailboat canister. It took several minutes for all of them to do so. All during this time, Marija gazed silently at Our Lady. When Marija came out of ecstasy she told us what had happened:“The moment of apparition, I recommend all of us and our intentions and Our Lady pray over us and I recommend our special letters and Our Lady smiled and She said:

“I wish to give you graces. Ask for them.”

Having just spent nearly an hour writing down all their petitions, they were in awe of Our Lady’s word.

Read full story here…

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