Fr. Jozo Summoned to Party Headquarters

Fr. Jozo Summoned to Party Headquarters

On August 11, Fr. Jozo was summoned once again to Party Headquarters in Citluk. He was ordered to stop the flow of pilgrims going up Apparition Mountain and to close the Church. Fr. Jozo said he would do what he could to discourage people from climbing the hill, but he would not stop Mass as long as people kept coming to the Church. He was threatened with prison for his refusal. On August 12th, guards were placed at the entrance to Apparition Mountain allowing no one to pass. On August 13th, special armed police squads with dogs arrived in Medjugorje from Sarajevo. They were expecting to find a mob armed and ready to fight. What they discovered were people on their knees, with Rosary in hand, praying. There were no weapons or aggressiveness from the crowds towards the police squads.

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