All felt Our Lady’s presence…

All felt Our Lady’s presence…

Tonight’s apparition was in the Bedroom of Apparitions. Our Lady came at 6:40 p.m. and the apparition lasted more than four minutes. Six or seven priests were present in the apparition tonight. After the Rosary was prayed, the Consecration for the Family was recited, both in the Field and in the Bedroom, just before Our Lady came in the apparition. Our Lady was strongly felt in the apparition by many who were present in the room. A dramatic healing took place with a man who was dying. Our Lady cured him. Our Lady interiorly spoke to him and She said that he was no longer to be concerned about himself but now to be concerned for others. Following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“During the apparition when Our Lady came, I recommended to Our Lady all of us, all our intentions and Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. The presence of Our Lady is the most beautiful message. So also tonight Our Lady came and I don’t know how long She stayed, but She prayed over us and She blessed us.”

Immediately upon relaying the above to all those in the house, Marija walked to the Field to speak to all the pilgrims, also to tell them about the apparition. Following is what she said:

“We just finished praying with Our Lady and I came to say that Our Lady blessed also all you. And I prayed and asked blessing for all you who are here praying. And for all your objects a blessing. So Our Lady prayed for us a long time and after She blessed us. She have one surprise for us. Tomorrow Our Lady comes here!”

(Thousands gathered in the Field today while Our Lady appeared in the Bedroom. Everybody was thrilled.)

“Probably She missed you.”

Marija said that Our Lady desired to appear in the Field tomorrow, at the same time, 6:40 p.m.

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