
It is Your Duty

It is Your Duty

We have a responsibility as followers of Our Lady to lead others to Her and towards conversion…

March 12, 2014 A.D.

We have a responsibility as followers of Our Lady to lead others to Her and towards conversion. What we have been gifted with, are we giving freely to others? A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in 2010:

“Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s presence is a gift of which many neglect because the world has enslaved their lives with schedules, sports, entertainment, jobs, school activities and on and on, while the great gift from God goes unnoticed by the masses!

October 25, 1995

“…I am also with you as a gift…”

Let all know of Our Lady of Medjugorje’s apparitions and evangelize Her apparitions. Allow no
quietism to enter what has been gifted to you. Our Lady’s apparitions bring about conversion, even to those who are far away from God. It is your Christian duty to bring them to Her.”

Our Lady’s daily presence with us, is a gift that we do not fully understand, and will lament when She is gone. This Lent, strive to be more active in speaking about Our Lady and Medjugorje. Our mission in 27 years has never shyed away from Our Lady or the Medjugorje message. While sometimes this may bring about persecution and trials, Our Lady tell us that in the end, you will be the most happy.

October 2, 2007

“…The way on which I lead you, through God, is difficult but persevering and in the end we will all rejoice through God...

In the Love of Our Lady,

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

P.S. Remember A Friend of Medjugorje’s upcoming evangelization talks this Friday, March 14, and Saturday March 15, 2014 in Ohio. More information here

More For Your Spiritual Nourishment:

Quietism, by a Friend of Medjugorje – Free Download

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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