
“Do not permit the world to lead you…”

“Do not permit the world to lead you…”

May 20: Medjugorje visionary Ivan in Medjugorje, pictures, description and message of Our Lady during Ivan’s Prayer Group tonight…

May 20, 2013 A.D.

Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group meeting on top of Apparition Mountain at 10:00 p.m. tonight, May 20, 2013. The prayer group began singing at around 8:45 p.m. At 9:30 p.m., Ivan started the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. Our Lady appeared to Ivan around 10:00 p.m. and the apparition lasted for several minutes. Below is Ivan’s description of the apparition. 


“Today, like every day after my meeting with Our Lady, I would like to describe to you my meeting together with Her. Tonight Our Lady came very joyful and happy. As always, at the beginning She greeted all of us with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then Our Lady with Her hands extended, prayed in a special way over all of us for a longer while. She prayed over the sick present. Then She said:

“Dear children, also today, in a special way, I call you in this time of grace: open yourselves to the Holy Spirit. Dear children, do not permit the world to lead you. Therefore, may the Holy Spirit lead you. Pray. Persevere in prayer. May the Holy Spirit descend on your families who are in darkness. The Mother prays together with you and intercedes before Her Son. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.”

“Then Our Lady blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and She blessed everything brought to be blessed. Also I recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way, the sick. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of us here. And then She left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, saying ‘Go in peace my dear children.’


* NOTE: We hear from so many people throughout the world who stay connected to Medjugorje and Our Lady’s messages through A Friend of Medjugorje’s Radio WAVE broadcasts each 25th and 2nd of the month, discussing Our Lady’s messages. These are shows with strong and clear direction through Our Lady for today’s man. A Friend of Medjugorje discussed the important message above during the May 25th Radio WAVE show titled, “Resolute, Are You?” To listen visit here…

Pictures from the Apparition Tonight May 20, 2013


Sunset at Ivan's Prayer Group May 20, 2013

The sun sets on Medjugorje, Monday, May 20, 2013, as pilgrims gather on top of Apparition Mountain to await the arrival of the Queen of Heaven. With Medjugorje visionary, Ivan, returning to Medjugorje last week, the opportunity to be with Our Lady in an apparition during his prayer group meetings is, again, made available to the tens of the thousands of pilgrims who will be visiting the village this summer. In the beginning days, visionary Marija said that at first the visionaries thought the apparitions were for them, then they realized they were for the parish, then they realized they were for the whole world. A Friend of Medjugorje stated, “The world does not deserve such a grace of conversion. Our Lady revealed on October 1, 1981, that those who are not aware of the gift of Her appearance, as well as we who are, are not deserving of such a grace. Yet in God’s mercy we are granted gifts which are so great Our Lady says that if we comprehended them we would pray without ceasing.

November 8, 1984

“…If you only knew how great are the graces God is granting you, you would be praying without ceasing…”

From the writing “Mirjana, a Mystery Revealed” by A Friend of Medjugorje

 Pilgrim praying Rosary at Ivan's Prayer Group May 20, 2013

Word spreads quickly throughout Medjugorje, and through hundreds of tributaries, when Ivan relays that his prayer group meeting will be open to pilgrims. Throughout the evening, individuals and small groups ascend Apparition Mountain and find a place to rest and pray awaiting Our Lady’s arrival. Here, a lone man is lost in his thoughts and prayers as he fingers his Rosary hours before the apparition tonight on the mountain. Pilgrims from around the world will fill in the spaces around him as the evening closes and night descends. All of mankind was represented before Our Lady in Her apparition tonight, with every longing of the heart. Our Lady came to receive them all.

 Sunset at Ivan's Prayer Group May 20, 2013
Another Medjugorje sunset, and another day counting down to the time when Our Lady will no longer be with us. One cannot contemplate this without contemplating the great joy of Our Lady having and holding Jesus, Her knowing fully that with each day that passed, was one day less She would be able to have Him with Her on the earth. Do we savor these moments in gratitude to God for the great gift that Our Lady Herself can be with us? A Friend of Medjugorje said in a talk in 1999:

“It’s a hundred years from now, two hundred years from now, three hundred years from now, when people will be in awe of ‘what was it like to be there?’”

Pilgrims praying Rosary at Ivan's Prayer Group May 20, 2013
These pilgrims await the Mother who is sure to be here. In what age, in what time ever, have we had such a grace of knowing Our Lady will appear? She comes to bless, but also to give advice that will bring peace to our lives.  Tonight, She says that there are some families who are in darkness.  In an interview, Ivan was questioned about families.  He said, “Our Lady wants everyone in the world to pray, especially for youth.  She wants us to talk to youth, to guide them and bring them back to God.”  When Ivan was asked what young people should do, he replied, “In my opinion, the question should be:  ‘What should parents do?’ They should have more time for their children, to give them love and guidance.  They should pray together with their children, communicate with their children to solve problems together as a family.  Parents should limit the freedom of children.  Children should only be as free as they are responsible.  Parents are the best ones to judge how responsible their children are.  Parents have the authority from God to set limits on their children’s freedom.”  Our Lady’s advice is always practical, but not always easy.  Through prayer we find the strength to put into practice the changes we must make to overcome the darkness in our families.

Remember in these days, the intentions of Our Lady for July 1-5, 2013. Be a part of this special event at Caritas, Alabama when we re-consecrate the United States of America back to God, through Our Lady, in Her presence. For more information visit here…

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

15 thoughts on ““Do not permit the world to lead you…””

  1. Barbara Downer

    I wait Our Lady’s visits to the visionaries on the 25th and 2nd of each month eagerly. I can only say that Her, Our Lady’s messages, has changed me so very much and given me encouragement to continue in my spiritual life and well as physical and the strength to wait on God’s WILL in my life and that of my family. Dear Mother thank you, You are indeed my and the world’s HOPE.

  2. Barbara Downer

    I wait Our Lady’s visits to the visionaries on the 25th and 2nd of each month eagerly. I can only say that Her, Our Lady’s messages, has changed me so very much and given me encouragement to continue in my spiritual life and well as physical and the strength to wait on God’s WILL in my life and that of my family. Dear Mother thank you, You are indeed my and the world’s HOPE.

  3. The greatest gift our children can give themselves is to return to the Catholic Church, be confirmed, and understand that we are in end times. We are headed where Rwanda went. Read “They Fired the First Shot” by A Friend of Medjugorje. The messages of Mary are being ignored, which is what happened in Rwanda and millions were butchered. Our government is pure evil. Pray. Pray. Pray, and invite the Holy Spirit, God the Father, and Jesus into your lives. Receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the time is coming when we cannot.

  4. I cried as I read Our Lady’s message. I was in prayer at the time of the apparition. I was praying a prayer of generational healing & deliverance for my husband & my families (all sides of the families, those living and deceased ancestors back to Adam and Eve) with repentence of all our sins from the begining of time to now. I believe the Holy Spirit truly inspired my prayer at this significant moment. What a great grace my husband & I’s families have received!! Now to watch the effect of those prayers- I can only hope for miracles. Thank you for reminding us to be in prayer at the time of the apparitions. I believe we will never regret it!!

  5. To prepare for the feast of PENTECOST I met a priest at THE Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart)Basilica in PARIS. He told me “le combat est dur et continuel” the battle is hard and unceasing against evil! Thank you for Our Lady’s messages who sustain me daily in the fight against darkness. Through the grace of the HOLY SPIRIT and Our Lady’s prayers we are victorious each day. Tony Jeziorski FRANCE.

  6. Sebastian Salamba

    Many thanks to our Mother for her effort. Indeed Her advice is always practical. We need to be thankful for being such a wonderful model. Most of us as parents do not play a part in advising, praying for and with our children. This is a siren to all of us as parents to do something to reverse this situation. We need to be proud of our authority that God gave us as overseers of the children. May the Almighty Father open up children’s minds to take the advice that they get from parents, guardians and any elder positively. HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST.

  7. Miss Crawford

    Article was able to be understood. Evaluated parenting, yes , on grace-filled we passed. Also, appreciated the enthusiasm surrounding us.

  8. Thanks and may God Bless You All dear friends for sending this splendid Heavenly message to the entire world.Thank You Holy Mother! I am in tears when I read this message. We can understand God our Father’s love for us. I can’t understand, why some people still can’t believe. The time is so near, that’s why our Mother coming from Heaven to make us to be prepared. This is the last chance. I am so happy for even be among the selected. Still I couldn’t come to Medjugorje but I was aware about this Holy gift from Heaven! Praise the Lord!

  9. I would like to give special thanks to all who are responsible for this website. Just knowing that our Mother brings us messages regularly gives us hope and we are growing a lot spiritually and we are opening our hearts to receive her blessing and persevere in prayer. Keep up the good work and may Almighty God bless you all.

  10. Elizabeth Simon

    Holy Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Our Almighty Lord Jesus is gracious and kind to us by giving us His Mother who is there always to pray for us and lead us to her Son. The Rosary is a mighty weapon and the more we devoutly recite it we are assured of a glorious and peaceful death and Our Mother will be at our side those last moments. That is the power of the ROSARY. Hail Queen of Heaven and earth!! Guide us Mother in this valley of tears and protect us against the evil one and the temptations of this world…. protect and guide the little children who are exposed to so much of worldly temptations and keep them safely wrapped in your mantel of blue that they may grow in the fear of the Lord and live pure lives which is pleasing to God their Creator and Lord.

  11. Babes Tiongson

    Come Holy Spirit, come, through the most powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary , Your Beloved Bride. May the Holy Spirit Thrice Holy will descend upon us all, giving us hope, love and faith, restoring our faith , nourishing our soul. May we understand how deep is the love of Our Lady for all of us, and love Her as She deserves. Thank you, my Family in Christ, for being channel of graces from Our Lady. For being instruments of peace in this unpeaceful world. May the love of Our Lady be your constant protection.

  12. silvia schnitzer

    I can’t thank enough for the charity of the brothers of our Holy Mother Church who are able to propagate this message that is a ray of life in the darkness that we face every day in our life in this world. God bless them and to all the soldiers of Christ like the President of Caritas from Alabama for his efforts to lead this Country to the light, with his loyalty to the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje.

  13. I am happy to find this web site. thank u so much for sharing us the messages of our Lady.we continue to pray ,pray pray, what our Mother told us. prayer is the key to answer our problems, we must encourage each one of us to pray. thank u for sharing us what our Mother tell to u. God bless! more power to ur pages.

  14. EXCELLENT !!! Our Lady shows us that She really cares about all of us, as She continues to warn us for our own good. I pray that we all can have the perseverance to pray more and to encourage others also to pray more. Thank you Jesus for allowing Your Mother to appear to us so frequently at this time in our history. Help us to help ourselves, and others. May God bless us all!

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