What’s required when Our Lady says to pray? Are your prayers getting answered?
March 6, 2013 A.D.
As we prepare for Our Lady’s return to Caritas this July 1-5, 2013, we share with you the following excerpt from A Friend of Medjugorje’s January 25, 2013 Radio WAVE show titled, “Is Mary’s Fingerprint on Your Heart?”
“What’s required when Our Lady says to pray? Do we just pray for things? Do we always pray for intentions? Repeatedly asking God give me this or do this or can you say this or help me with this situation?
“On May 2, 2010, Our Lady of Medjugorje said something incredible. She said, “Today, through me, the good Father calls you to, with your soul filled with love, set out on a spiritual visitation. Dear children, be filled with grace. Sincerely repent for your sins and yearn for the good. Yearn also in the name of those who’ve not come to know the perfection of the good. You’ll be more pleasing to God..
“So, if you want to have a spiritual visitation of Our Lady, of God, or some kind of communication, how do you do it? You approach prayer filled with love. See, we often go to prayer saying, ‘give me this, give me that, can you do this, can you do that?’ Those things are the potatoes in the plate, the side item. Those things are the beans, the side items. The steak is the main entrée, the feature food that your prayer should be. Not those intentions of string beans or potatoes or whatever those may be. No matter how grave they are or how hard the situation is, whatever it may be; your spouse, your children or your work or your financial situation, those are all side items.
“Your first prayer (the steak) is when you enter prayer with a soul filled with love. If you come to Jesus, if you come to Our Lady without your soul being filled with love, you’re not going to get your prayers answered. You can go ahead and continue, even for years, praying and have nothing.
“All you have to do is approach Our Lady and tell Her you love Her and meditate on that love. Increase your love for Her as you pray. Contemplate that love. Contemplate that love with Jesus. Unite that in love and how much you love them. And just bathe in that love that they have, that you want to reciprocate, falling in contemplation with them and union with their hearts.
“You can do that for 10 minutes and say, ‘Oh, by the way, I’ve got this problem. You take care of that please.’ What do you do with somebody you really love? Somebody who has loved you so much that you’ll do anything for them? You’re going to do whatever they want. We reverse sayings, ‘Oh by the way, we love you, Jesus.’
“Instead, spend the 10 minutes in love with Him, in love with Our Lady. Yearn for good, because the good Father calls you to, with your souls filled with love…”
We are at an important turning-point in our nation. What you do these days, are the things that you will be telling your grandchildren and great-grandchildren about, either in gladness or in shame. You decide which it will be. Begin now to prepare your hearts in prayer, seeking the love of Her Who is coming as the Queen of Peace of All Hearts, this July 1-5, 2013. You will want to be here with Our Lady…
For information about the July 1-5, 2013 apparitions of Our Lady at Caritas, visit here…
7 thoughts on “Have Your Prayers Been Answered Yet?”
This message of Mama Mary filled my eyes with tears! It is full of love, hope and inspiration. I feel so close with Her and Jesus. I find peace and indescribable joy in my heart. I feel both Mama Mary and God’s great loved for me and everybody! His mercy is tremendous. I am very grateful that God and Mama Mary called and invited me to continue reading all updates here in this website. I want to fulfill God’s plan for me while I’m still here on earth. I want to help other souls, to pray for them and improve myself so my soul is worthy when the time comes. My husband and I started reading “They Fired the First Shot” and we are going to Birmingham, AL at the Apparition site for the Pilgrimage this July 1-5. I’m so excited and looking forward to it!
This message of Mama Mary filled my eyes with tears! It is full of love, hope and inspiration. I feel so close with Her and Jesus. I find peace and indescribable joy in my heart. I feel both Mama Mary and God’s great loved for me and everybody! His mercy is tremendous. I am very grateful that God and Mama Mary called and invited me to continue reading all updates here in this website. I want to fulfill God’s plan for me while I’m still here on earth. I want to help other souls, to pray for them and improve myself so my soul is worthy when the time comes. My husband and I started reading “They Fired the First Shot” and we are going to Birmingham, AL at the Apparition site for the Pilgrimage this July 1-5. I’m so excited and looking forward to it!
Thank you for this beautiful article. It came as a response to prayer, as I was praying to the Holy Spirit about how I needed to love more as well as a growing feeling that I need to stop making asking for things the focus of my prayer time. I couldn’t name the feeling but your article made it clearer what I need to change. Thank you again and God Bless you and all you do.
I feel that this article was personally written for me. LOL. Because I always pray the rosary with particular intentions in mind for each decade (both for myself and for others). I guess Mother Mary wanted me to correct my way of praying. Thank you so much for this article! Thank You Papa God and Mama Mary!
Thank you for sharing this message of love. In love of the 2 Hearts, always, we praise HIM!
Just what I needed to hear… just love, simply love. BEAUTIFUL!
Magnificent writings. I’ve been reading this website since 2007. I’ve also bought a copy of They Fired the First Shot, I live in Ireland and am very concerned about the American constitution been tampered with. Ye go down, we all go down. Keep up the great work, be careful, and God bless everyone of you. Kevin