
A Sign of Our Lady’s Coming

A Sign of Our Lady’s Coming

July 1-5 Update:
Our Lady before She comes always gives beautiful signs…


May 8, 2012 A.D.

Our Lady, before She comes, always gives signs. Yesterday we witnessed a very beautiful sign in the Field of Apparitions, which makes our hearts long even more for Her presence this coming July 1-5, 2012.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow at Caritas, Alabama

A rainbow over the Field of Apparitions, May 7, 2012. The tree in the Field can be seen in the center of the picture. Our Lady gives us something to meditate on, with Her coming here, July 1-5. Press Play –º to Listen while you meditate on the picture above and Our Lady’s presence here July 1-5, 2012.

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Our Lady of Medjugorje said on August 25, 2003:

“Dear children! Also today I call you to give thanks to God in your heart for all the graces which He gives you, also through the signs and colors that are in nature. God wants to draw you closer to Himself and moves you to give Him glory and thanks. Therefore, little children, I call you anew to pray, pray, pray and do not forget that I am with you. I intercede before God for each of you until your joy in Him is complete. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Our Lady before She comes to Caritas often gives us signs. In December 1999 when Our Lady came, She gave another beautiful sign, just a few days before. At 4 AM in the morning, there was an unknown object, a meteor; nobody knows. It shot all the way across the southeast and ended in Shelby County, Alabama. It was accompanied by a huge explosion and it ended right here in this county where Our Lady was going to appear in the next few days. Everything turned from night to day. It wasn’t twilight, it was completely daylight, it was so bright. And everywhere all around, it brought light.

There were reports in the newspapers and news stations across the nation the next day that people thought it was the end of the world. Truck drivers at truck stops got on their knees and started praying. Others reported that they just stopped in the middle of the road because it lit up for several moments. It was a long time that the sky was lit up. And so symbolically, Our Lady’s coming turns night into day. There was one couple who saw it on national news, that called us from California, and said as soon as they saw that it ended in Shelby County, Alabama, they knew it was Our Lady, an they began jumping up and down in their living room, squealing with joy. These things have happened often with Our Lady, and when we have a beautiful rainbow like this which happened yesterday, it’s an invitation for you to come and to spread the five apparitions July 1-5, 2012 to everybody. You don’t want to miss such an opportunity and privilege. Our Lady does a lot of signs here in incredible ways, and it’ll be for you like everybody when they come to the Bedroom and Field of Apparitions here at Caritas says, “This is the greatest moment of my life.” Every time that people come, they say it’s even better. You want to spread this far and wide. Hallelujah Alabama!

Press Play –º Below to listen to another song, Hallelujah Alabama.

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In the Hopes to See You July 1-5,
A Friend of Medjugorje


December 1999 Flashback

Newspapers from all around reported the lights that were seen in the sky, in early December 1999.


For information about July 1-5, 2012 to spread to others please click to visit here.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

26 thoughts on “A Sign of Our Lady’s Coming”


    Greetings to the Community and the Caritas family. I thank you for all the messages you sent to keep us informed. You do a good job. How I wish I could be there when Our Blessed Mother appears but she knows that it is hard for me. I gazed at the beautiful rainbow with tears of joy, it is so inspirational. May our Blessed Mother bless our nation, my family and most of all Fr. Patrick Mubiru who inspired me to know about the apparitions and messages given by Our Blessed Mother. I pray for all those who will make it in July. Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us, Amen.

  2. Mariastella Debattista

    Dear and loving friends,I will be joining you in spirit and prayers as I live in Malta,I will be praying for conversions as Our Mother Mary has been asking all these years. United in love and prayers.Yours in Christ Mariastella.xxx

  3. Thanks! Mother, and my friends, it is a serene lovely sign from Heaven! Oh our Father in Heaven loves us sinners so much. As Christians, how happy we are, such a confidence. My Lord! my Mother! please give non-believers also the happiness we receive by giving them the Wisdom to understand God’s Love.

  4. Judy & Bill Youngblood

    I am living in a state of expectancy of something to be life-changing for us personally and for the conversion of our nation. I am praying the Patriotic Rosary and he is doing the 54 day novena. This is a new form of prayer for us but we are trying it for the first time. this will be our 2nd year to come and we thank you for all you do and for keeping us well informed. We pray for all of you and for all those who will be coming especially for Marija! Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

  5. This word came to me. The Ark was preceded with the sign of the bow, the covenant of God. Our Lady is the Ark of the New Covenant. We’re praying here!

  6. This beautiful picture means so very much to me. I’ve been doing the 54 day Rosary Novena from the booklet you sent me, and the Divine Mercy chaplet for some pretty serious intentions, that really need miracles. Since rainbows have a very special meaning to me (like a special signal between Jesus and me) I almost burst out in tears of happiness when I saw this wonderful picture and listened to the song. I’m on a computer in a public place and had to take deep breaths not to start wailing for joy in public. What would people think? Thank you.

  7. I was there in 2008 and wish it were possible for me to return this year and take my husband, but finances won’t allow it. If you are thinking about going, stop thinking and make your reservations now.

  8. Thank you for this! I had just experienced an issue with my husband that requires forgiveness and turned this on when I returned from Mass. Now I am more convinced than ever that I need to come in July; I so desire it, but I need to keep praying for God’s will. I will continue to pray and spread the event message, and share this. God bless you all as you prepare for such an event!

  9. This morning when I woke up I went to my front porch to pray. The birds were singing. The sun was shining; it is a beautiful morning. I began praising God for the great things He is and does and all the beauty of creation and my mind felt filled with light. Then I read our lady’s message for today and I know that it was her loving heart that inspired me to pray that way.

  10. paddy and monica roe

    Greetings To your Community ,we send your kind wishes from the East Coast of Ireland,we will be with you in Spirit .We have started to pray the 54 day.Novena with both our countries included as we ,up to now have had the Blessing of being free from the scourge of abortion.We pray to Mother Mary to continue to protect us from this abomination as people are meeting in our Parliament to see whether they will introduce it to our Country.we ask for your prayerful support Kind Wishes Monica and Paddy

  11. Thank you Caritas for the good job you do for the World. The first time i read the messages, i did fast because everything was touching my life and family. It would be great for me to be present for Apparition. Our Lady knows that it is quite hard for me now due to some difficulties. I pray for those who will manage to continue sending the messages to all

  12. Mr. Mrs. Gloria & Manuel Lopez

    I wish I could be their when Our Blessed Mother appears. I just give thanks and praise that, we can at least look at the photo you have sent me to gaze on, it is so inspirational and beautiful. I just pray Our Blessed Mother will hear our prayers no matter where we are at, and send us a Blessing from where she will appear for my whole family. Thank You, for the photo, it is so inspirational. Lopez Family.

  13. My husband and I were there in 2011 and it was a beautiful experience with Our Lady and we witnessed the miracle of the sun! He will miss 4 days of work with no pay but that is not stopping us! We look forward to being in the presence of Our Lady at Caritas July 1-5, 2012. 🙂

  14. Thank you very much for this beautiful scenery, a sign from heaven. I showed to my son and told him that this is where HEAVEN and earth meet. The song is one of my favorite. When I need peace I play this song from your website. This a perfect rainbow, a very huge one. The Ark, Our Lady, is coming again to grace this special place. I can also see the Eucharist, in the picture. To the right half of the arch, it’s like a gateway to heaven, where one walks on the cloud before entering the “pearly gate”. Yesterday we received the 2 big boxes of brochures. My husband and I drove to different suburbs and place them by the back of Adoration chapels, churches, gasoline stations, doctors office. We feel the sense of urgency that it should be out soonest. One more box to go tomorrow. Thank you for your serving hearts. We are grateful to God for all the graces He has given us through your prayers, for your unselfishly giving your life so we may live life eternally. In the love of Mama Mary.

  15. Our Lady and you Caritas just made our jouneying to see you in July sweeeeeeter….like frosting on the cake….and we’re fasting on bread and water! How SWEET is Our Lady! You’re all in our prayers. Sherry and Mike

  16. Can’t thank you enough for the picture and song. It is one of my favorite songs and I often sang it to my children as they fell asleep. I received the same sign last summer. I had just experienced a terrible disapointment from what I had hoped was an answer to prayer, I looked up and saw a full rainbow in deep colors . Other people around me saw it too and were amazed, as it hadn’t even rained, but I knew that it was God’s show of support for all that I was going through. I am praying the 54 day Rosary Novena and fasting for Our Lady’s intentions and the Caritas community. I can’t wait to come down and pray with you all again in the presence of Our Lady who brings such joyous hope into our lives.

  17. thank you for this beautiful and peaceful scenery and ask our Blessed Mother to give the merciful Heart of Jesus who will be present on those days and also for the healing of the nations specially USA

  18. The picture, the music, knowing Our Lady is coming – you guys sure know how to melt hearts and bring tears of joy!!

  19. As I gazed upon the picture listening to that wonderful song, the rainbow seemed to change..it became a dome. It was a picture of a glass dome over a sacred place. I couldn’t stop looking at it, blinking my eyes. What wondrous miracles of conversion and reconciliation will take place in July. The Mother will lead us. We are preparing for it. Thank you for sharing that loving sign.

  20. There was a double rainbow in the sky to the southeast in my town in the early evening of 5/7/2012. And the sky was very dark with rain clouds, yet the rainbow was brilliant amidst the dark sky which I have never seen before. Thank you for sharing this picture – we get so caught up in the day to day struggles of life we forget the beauty and majesty of God’s creation – His gift to us and how He speaks to us. The rainbow, the sign of His covenant with mankind and renewing of the earth.

  21. As I meditated upon the photograph of the rainbow over the Field of Apparitions I was brought to tears knowing that I will be unable to go to Caritas to be with our Blessed Mother and your beautiful family this year. I know She is always with me no matter where I am, but I will miss being in Caritas because it is such a spiritual, uplifting experience with so many people who truly believe.

  22. There is no way that I can attend, but I know she will understand and be with me also. I am trying to fast, it is very difficult and I’m not doing too good, but I and my daughter are praying the Patriotic rosary. I thought it was difficult at first, but it seems to just flow now. I do look forward to all your messages and it seems like it is just for me. Makes me feel great. I can say for sure that since I have increased my prayer life, I am at peace with myself.

  23. Shelly Stafford

    These messages you send always come at a time during my busy day when I seem to need them the most. I am praying that I will be able to attend when our Lady visits in July. There is so much prayer needed, these messages inspire me to resolve to pray more.

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