
What Happened on August 3, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on August 3, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

August 3, 2005, Wednesday


medjugorje visionary marija in extacy

Marija’s apparition of Our Lady on August 3, 2005:

Marija’s Description: “At the moment when Our Lady came, like always, I recommend to Our Lady all our intentions, all what we have in our hearts. Our Lady extended Her hands and prayed over us. I then asked Her to bless all objects with Her blessing. And Our Lady blessed. And I asked Our Lady for tomorrow, and Our Lady said: “Same time. Same place.”


medjugorje visionary marija in extacy

What is the purpose of Our Lady’s apparitions? Marija, in a talk she gave in Medjugorje in November 2010, answers this question.

“What does holiness mean? Some people, unfortunately, nobly think they should leave their families and go to Africa to work as missionaries. No, this is not what Our Lady wants from us. Our Lady wants (for) us even more than that, our Africa (missionary efforts) becomes our own family. The society in which we live is sick and lives without God. Europe, until almost yesterday, was Catholic, and that Christian/Catholic culture is visible in our architecture, in our monuments, in every corner of the streets we see how many artists were inspired throughout history to make the sculptures, the paintings of Our Lady, the paintings of the Holy Family. That is why Our Lady invites us, because She knows that we are going through a difficult period in our life, and She teaches us to create a culture. She invites us to create culture with God. She invites us to participate together with Her to create a new culture where God is going to be in the very first place in our lives.”

This is the call of the Caritas Community—to create a new culture based in the messages of Our Lady. This “way” of Our Lady has been established over time in the life of the community and at these events in which thousands come to be with Our Lady, these pilgrims are exposed to a new way of life. The witness of living the messages is just as impacting as being in the presence of Our Lady. Our Lady opens the heart where people can see and accept the need to change, while the witness of the community gives concrete examples of how to begin implementing the messages into everyday life.

medjugorje visionary marija talking

Marija, with her husband Paolo translating, speaks with the pilgrims in front of Caritas’ mission building, the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages. Marija is always a delight to listen to. She speaks about Our Lady’s messages very practically, giving simple examples from her own life as a wife and mother of how she applies Our Lady’s words to everyday situations. It was a double treat having Paolo translating for Marija, to see them together as husband and wife, sharing the mission of living and spreading Our Lady’s messages together, as a family.

pilgrims walking to the field of apparitions

Pilgrims leaving the Field have much to ponder in their experiences at Caritas with Our Lady. The experience goes so much farther than just the individuals who are called to be present for Our Lady’s apparitions. Caritas, through the years, has received tens of thousands of letters and testimonies. Following is a letter received from a pilgrim who attended the Five Days of Prayer, August 1-5, 2005:

August 30, 2005

Dear Caritas,

The entire week was life-changing. I have continued with the three hours of daily prayer, daily Rosary, Mass, confession and my new favorite: the hourly three Hail Mary’s for Our Lady’s intentions. Upon my return, my employer’s ten-year anniversary gift to me was an anniversary clock that chimes on the hour. Now when I hear the chimes, I drop to my knees.

Our Lady has answered many of my petitions and is working miracles within our family. My husband that’s been away from the Church for 40 years asked to go to Mass with me. My mother has now joined me in the daily Rosary. A broken relationship now fixed. Two family members have now a new devotion to our Blessed Mother and now wear their blessed Miraculous Medals with excitement. I have received many thank-you’s for the “timely” candles that were lit for them in the Field. Some even said it was an “answer to their prayers.” I was honored that my Mother chose to use me.

Thank you and God bless all of you for all of the sleepless nights, hard work and constant prayer to make the week so amazing!! You are all an absolute answer to prayer.

Menominee, Michigan

Sleepless nights, hard work and constant prayer are small prices to pay for those we hear from, such as the one above that testify to the life-changing graces they received in having the opportunity to be in Our Lady’s presence in the Bedroom and Field of Apparitions at Caritas.

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