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April 2, 2010 Message Be Ready Pictures from Apparition Send Your Feedback
As early as 4:00 a.m. this morning in Medjugorje at the Blue Cross pilgrims were gathered, some bundled in blankets in the chilly weather, praying rosaries in preparation for Our Lady’s Good Friday apparition to Mirjana.
Many more pilgrims began to gather as it was still dark, some even laid down covered in blankets. Daylight came shortly after 6:00 a.m. and the praying continued, accompanied by singing. Mirjana arrived at 8:37 a.m. and knelt in front of statue of Our Lady by the Blue Cross at the foot of Apparition Hill. Our Lady stayed with us today for six minutes, from 8:49 a.m. to 8:54 a.m.
Mirjana greeted Our Lady with a few tears and a smile. She also looked serious at some points, and spoke with Our Lady a few times, nodding and shrugging her shoulders at different times.
After a few minutes, Mirjana spoke the words from Our Lady for us today and they were written down.
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s April 2, 2010 Message Given to Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers
“Dear children; Today I bless you in a special way and I pray for you to return to the right way to my Son – your Savior, your Redeemer – to Him who gave you eternal life. Reflect on everything human, on everything that does not permit you to set out after my Son – on transience, imperfections and limitations – and then think of my Son, His Divine infiniteness. By your surrender and prayer ennoble your body and perfect your soul. Be ready, my children. Thank you.”
As Our Lady was leaving, Mirjana saw a large golden Cross behind Our Lady.
Be Ready
Be ready for a noble way coming – whether we are ready for it or not. The ways of the culture contradict the ways of God. This is a conflict. A conflict by way of a war. For Joan of Arc to win the 100 year war, she put her soldiers on a ‘way’ of perfecting their souls. She required of her men no swearing or cussing, daily attendance at Mass, to be more proper, ennobling their bodies in order to perfect their souls. This was the first step she took to win the conflict. Only then did she step out and lead her men into battle. She understood the special way to a noble victory is to ennoble and perfect one’s self. Conflict with the human self is the first confrontation that must be won. The victory comes when the enemy of self surrenders its “imperfections,” and its restrictive “limitations” which keep it bound to transient, momentary ways of error. Leading it in the wrong way with the culture. Only with much prayer is your surrender possible, a surrender which requires your entire past, all the evil accumulated in your heart, to be given up to our Lord. Only when that happens will you find the “right way.” Once you confront and then surrender yourself to the right way, the second conflict with the wayward culture can then be confronted and crushed into surrender by the new way. This is the special way Our Lady of Medjugorje is blessing us with – the way of joy, a joy which is to manifest through our witness. Joan of Arc got it. She knew the surrender of and noble victory over the enemy of her nation could not be achieved without the surrender of wayward ways of her own men first. She ennobled them to fight for a higher purpose through her own witness.
The “Way”
The Community of Caritas was commissioned by Our Lady of Medjugorje on May 31, 1995 in an apparition where only Medjugorje visionary Marija and the founder of Caritas were present. Marija stated that this message was for the founder, his family, and the Community of Caritas. On this day, Our Lady communicated that which She had established years before, a “way” of life in the Community of Caritas where the messages had been culturalized into their everyday life. Our Lady’s message for the Community of Caritas of May 31, 1995:
“Little children, I desire that through your lives you are witnesses, that you are my extended hands, my instruments. Get as many hearts as you can close to my heart and lead them to God, to a “way” of salvation.”
The culture’s surrender of its wrong direction, righting its path cannot come, will not come, without the first conflict and surrender of self and your wayward ways. In conflict, when an enemy refuses to surrender and is defeated, he is wounded or killed. We must realize society, the culture as we know it, will die and what remains is going to be radically changed. All who refuse to surrender from it, who desires to stay attached to their way, will be killed with it. The erred ways of the culture is leading to the death of society, while Our Lady constructs, with Her children, a new society. Our Lady’s ways to bring life to the culture and society cannot co-exist with the erred ways. The culture of death or of life is not speaking in the context of restricting ourselves to pro-life issues, but all issues of godlessness, everything and action human vs. Godliness and Christ-like actions. Our Lady of Medjugorje is readying us for this conflict and we must decide what “way” we want to stay attached to. The decision is the old human way inspired by darkness or the new special way inspired by Our Lady, given by Her Son, being re-ushered in by Her. A new way involving both the physical and spiritual life is coming. It is in great conflict with the human way that dominates society today. One will win. One will dominate. One will be the casualty. It cannot be avoided. You must decide. If you wish to remain as you are and let the culture remain as it is, you will become a casualty of this conflict. Or you can change the way you are, change the way of the culture and bring the victory Our Lady seeks. Joan of Arc got it. Do you?
August 2, 1981
“…A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake.”
Be ready.
In the Readiness for the New Special
“Right Way” of the Culture,
Pictures and caption details follow.
Some have asked us to explain the budget of Medjugorje.com, such as the following feedback we received:
Dear Maintainers of Medjugorje Site,
I congratulate you for making such a professional work and for making the messages available. I was interested in knowing why does it take $208,000 to make the site available. Please don’t take me wrong. I’m just curious and want to make your campaign as clear as possible, because costs for keeping a site online are very cheap. If you could specify extra costs it would be easier to be supported, I think. Best regards and congratulations,
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
On Tuesday, April 6, the questions asked about Medjugorje.com’s $208,000 budget will be answered.
Our Lady will crush the serpent’s head. In that regard, “everything” of satan is in the process of “being crushed”, no matter how big the institution, government, etc. It is why many are concerned for their future, because society’s future is rooted in to the wrong way. Man senses something is wrong, but does not comprehend it is due to a human way without God. Man’s concerns rises the more he depends upon man’s “way” as his system of life. Many sense the culture and its way as we know it is going “a – way”, but are not conscience that sin is the reason. The daily apparitions are the catalyst of these ways being crushed by the tender feet, of Her, Whose plans will be the high “way” to Her Son.
Our Lady said today to “be ready”. Yesterday’s Radio WAVE Mejanomics Show, a 30 Minute radio broadcast is a show about being ready. Visit here to listen
The following definitions are to make the message clearer:
way: 1. n a. thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place; b. an opening for passage; 2. the course traveled from one place to another: route; 3. a course (as a series of actions or sequence of events) leading in a direction or toward an objective; 4. adj. of, connected with, or constituting an intermediate point on a route
transient: adj 1. a. passing especially quickly into and out of existence: transitory b. passing through or by a place with only a brief stay or sojourn; 2. affecting something or producing results beyond itself
infinite: 1. subject to no limitation or external determination 2. extending indefinitely: endless 3. immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive: inexhaustible 4. extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any pre-assigned finite value however large
ennoble: 1. to make noble: elevate 2. to raise to the rank of nobility
25 thoughts on “Our Lady Says Be Ready”
Please put be back on your emailing list, there was some news put out against mejlist they said it was not a true site so I unsubscribe then I thought about it and found out its was not so! So I want to say I’m sorry and can you put be back on this wonderful site again! I have been with you for a long time. and what to be a part of this again Thank you from my heart!!!! Kim
Please put be back on your emailing list, there was some news put out against mejlist they said it was not a true site so I unsubscribe then I thought about it and found out its was not so! So I want to say I’m sorry and can you put be back on this wonderful site again! I have been with you for a long time. and what to be a part of this again Thank you from my heart!!!! Kim
Please put be back on your emailing list, there was some news put out against mejlist they said it was not a true site so I unsubscribe then I thought about it and found out its was not so! So I want to say I’m sorry and can you put be back on this wonderful site again! I have been with you for a long time. and what to be a part of this again Thank you from my heart!!!! Kim
I think this is a good message to all people so we could get ready for all what’s going to happen.GOD BLESS YOU!
I think this is a good message to all people so we could get ready for all what’s going to happen.GOD BLESS YOU!
Thank you for the beautiful, poignant, clear pictures. Heaven does come to us.
We should as Christians re-assert ourselves to promote our faith amongst non-believers and others faiths. We should not stand by and let other peoples faiths seem to be more important than our own. Jesus died a very painful death for all of us. As Our Lady keeps saying we must pray to protect ourselves, our families and offer our prayers for her intentions also. SAY THE ROSARY DAILY.
What really struck me in this message was ENNOBLE your body. I remember another message in which she asked our bodies to be strong. Are we going to have to walk distances, do manual labor, etc. I don’t know? But I strongly feel we will need to be physically fit, and this is inspiring me to lose weight, walk more,gain endurance and be ready for whatever tasks Our Lady needs help with to accomplish Her plans.
What really struck me in this message was ENNOBLE your body. I remember another message in which she asked our bodies to be strong. Are we going to have to walk distances, do manual labor, etc. I don’t know? But I strongly feel we will need to be physically fit, and this is inspiring me to lose weight, walk more,gain endurance and be ready for whatever tasks Our Lady needs help with to accomplish Her plans.
I always eagerly await the 2nd and 25th posting. Yours is the only site that I can find the 2nd message. Be Ready. Yes, we must be ready at all times. Not in fear, of course, but in the knowledge that we do not know the time or the place. Recent funeral of a friend who died suddenly was a reminder that we must be ready. Make every day work to bring us closer to the Kingdom of God.
Praise Jesus. We are living the Book of Revelation. We are chosen disciples of the Lord. Yes, be Ready because the time is soon.
this is truly a blessing for our LADY to appear to us on this day.BE READY is very strong and urgent.MIRJANA thank you for everything may OUR LADY bless you always,and keep us in your prayers for those days coming.May we will be ready no matter what.
Amen. Truly love has come to show us the way.
how wonderful that our lady appeared on good friday. we must say the rosary daily, take watch, as the lord said i will come like a thief in the night. god bless all the world!!
I am glad to here these words from Heaven. This world is out of control. Guide us all back to your Son. Help people understand that we are here to live together.
Today I felt in my soul that we would hear something that would make us wonder and think (be ready) I’m not sure yet what this means but because its coming from God I’m not worried- I’m happy this maybe the beginning for all people to start to come together as a people and pray for peace! Love! Kindness! to turn back to God and be a clean nation and clean hearts! Oh Mother Mary may your Immaculate Heart Trump
Today I felt in my soul that we would hear something that would make us wonder and think (be ready) I’m not sure yet what this means but because its coming from God I’m not worried- I’m happy this maybe the beginning for all people to start to come together as a people and pray for peace! Love! Kindness! to turn back to God and be a clean nation and clean hearts! Oh Mother Mary may your Immaculate Heart Trump
Thank you so much for all that you do. I immediately picked up on the “Be Ready”. Today, Good Friday, I and hundreds of other Catholics gathered at Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral to pray the stations of the Cross and then process in prayer and song to an abortion clinic near by. We especially feel the urgency of our actions as the largest abortion center in the western hemisphere is about to open only a few miles away in south Houston. We are standing against a tidal wave. Pray for us.
I was looking forward to today’s message, because something told me it would have a special meaning. The words Be Ready to me are major, and not to be taken lightly. Be ready, because we will very soon see and know the truth of who He is. I pray that I am truly ready, and I also pray for my family’s well being.
I was looking forward to today’s message, because something told me it would have a special meaning. The words Be Ready to me are major, and not to be taken lightly. Be ready, because we will very soon see and know the truth of who He is. I pray that I am truly ready, and I also pray for my family’s well being.
What a beautiful sight.
Thank you for the wonderful work you do in spreading Our Lady’s messages, the accuracy with how you share them and the beautiful pictures you provide of the events as they are happening. Keep up the excellent work! God bless you, Dawn Marie Roeder
Thank you for the wonderful work you do in spreading Our Lady’s messages, the accuracy with how you share them and the beautiful pictures you provide of the events as they are happening. Keep up the excellent work! God bless you, Dawn Marie Roeder
Awed! Really need to make a PRACTICAL DECISION about my job & way of life. Please add this request to your prayer list. Sounds like nothing, but believe me it is essential. Please evoke Our Lady’s input for me and my wife, Denise. God Bless & keep it coming! …Tom (Dee, and son Seth)
Awed! Really need to make a PRACTICAL DECISION about my job & way of life. Please add this request to your prayer list. Sounds like nothing, but believe me it is essential. Please evoke Our Lady’s input for me and my wife, Denise. God Bless & keep it coming! …Tom (Dee, and son Seth)