
How Important are the Visionaries of Medjugorje

How Important are the Visionaries of Medjugorje


The visionaries have been given many gifts. One of these gifts is the gift of love. Just being in their presence is a cause of conversion. Their sacrifices have converted thousands of people; yet, some individuals downplay the visionaries. We have heard some say: “People make too much over who the visionaries are,” or, “They are really not important,” or, “They are nothing more than telephone lines.” We believe this is a gross error. They have to be the first to live the messages and witness with their lives that they are extremely important to the plans of God. Realizing that there are six billion people on this planet and reading what Our Lady said to Ivanka at her last daily apparition, one can understand that these visionaries are very important.

May 7, 1985

“No one in the world has had the grace which you, your brothers, and sisters have received (the visionaries).


To go further, Father Jozo quotes Our Lady’s own words to the visionaries, not only about their importance, but also about ours.

January 1988 – Father Jozo

“The first days Our Lady spoke about four things, and the visionaries believed Her. She said to them: ‘I chose you. I call you. I need you. Your are important.’ Those words Our Lady wants to tell you again now. Those words are meant for you. Our Lady, not I, tells you that you are important. These are Her words now.

“She tells you: ‘I chose you.’ She says, ‘I have a plan to save the world and I chose you.’ Everyone of you here is chosen by Our Lady. And She adds, speaking to each pilgrim personally, ‘I want you to become a prophet. Go and be strong, be courageous, like David, like Moses, like My Son, like Moses who had to meet the Lord on Mount Sinai. Today, I chose each one of you. I chose you. Today, I want to send you, so you will have to abandon your house, your home, to go meet the people. Like bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus, so you will be transformed. Go, I send you. Go in peace.’

“You will receive here peace and joy and you will go out to be a bread shared by others. This world is for those who know how to live the Word of God. The pilgrims who come to Medjugorje have come to transform their hearts. Accept the logic of belief and reject the logic of this world. With prayer you will stop the wars. Stop the war now! We can do it through prayer. She can do it with you. We can do it with our Christian logic, as believers.”


Visionaries of Medjugorje

Five of the six visionaries of Medjugorje are pictured here at the end of the Croatian Mass on the 25th Anniversary of the Apparitions. Ivan, Jakov, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Marija led the multitudes of pilgrims who were present for the 25th anniversary in prayers. These individuals were chosen by Our Lady to be the first to live and witness Her messages throughout the world through their lives.


We write the above as an encouragement for you to pray for the visionaries. Pray for the love which they possess to be passed on to all and pray that it will spread. They want and need your prayers.

In the Love of Our Lady,

Friend of Medjugojre

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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7 thoughts on “How Important are the Visionaries of Medjugorje”

  1. I was very very enthralled with this show- I do feel lost most of the time, but when I pray and listen to your show and read your messages from our Lady Queen of Peace site I get a calm and centered feeling again. My greatest hope is that I can help my family and friends and others I meet to be able to experience this miracle of peace of the soul. Putting God first, working for his glory, controlling the use of electronic devices, and loving one another unconditionally like our Lady’s example shows us to do.

  2. I was very very enthralled with this show- I do feel lost most of the time, but when I pray and listen to your show and read your messages from our Lady Queen of Peace site I get a calm and centered feeling again. My greatest hope is that I can help my family and friends and others I meet to be able to experience this miracle of peace of the soul. Putting God first, working for his glory, controlling the use of electronic devices, and loving one another unconditionally like our Lady’s example shows us to do.

  3. I was very very enthralled with this show- I do feel lost most of the time, but when I pray and listen to your show and read your messages from our Lady Queen of Peace site I get a calm and centered feeling again. My greatest hope is that I can help my family and friends and others I meet to be able to experience this miracle of peace of the soul. Putting God first, working for his glory, controlling the use of electronic devices, and loving one another unconditionally like our Lady’s example shows us to do.

  4. I found the excerpts of the France Talk by the Friend of Medjugorje very refreshing. Indeed where there is truth that convicts, one just need to look around and see the extent of opposition to such an issue of truth. I applaud the good work, what an eye opener!

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