March 18, 1993 – Mirjana’s Annual Apparition
Mirjana’s annual birthday message from Our Lady:
“Dear children, my desire is that you give me your hands that I may, as a Mother, lead you on the right path to bring you to the Father. Open your hearts. Allow me to enter. Pray, because in prayer I am with you. Pray and allow me to lead you. I will lead you to peace and happiness.”
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1 thought on “Medjugorje Annual Apparitions: 1993 – Medjugorje Messages”
Dear Friend of Medjugorje:Over the years I’ve heard you speak on many topics, but one thing in particular I haven’t, but wish you would. In the Media, there’s much discussion regarding AI or Artificial Intelligence. There’s even a religion being promoted which I believe is very telling. The reason I believe that is because Genesis tells us God created man in his image and breathed life into man.Revelations tells us “they’re” told to make an image for the beast which was wounded but didn’t die, and it was allowed to give breathe to the image of the beast.Since satan only creates shades of God’s glory, and He’s trying to get man to be as a god, would it be too much of a stretch to realize, the image being a robot that everyone believes has allowed the continuation of the wounded beast…this would of course be a great lie and would cause people to believe there’s another way to have eternal life…this would be how he deceives the whole world. AI is moving forward very fast.