
Our Lady’s May 2, 2013 Message on the Day for Nonbelievers

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s May 2, 2013 Message
Given to Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children! Anew, I am calling you to love and not to judge. My Son, according to the will of the Heavenly Father, was among you to show you the way of salvation, to save you and not to judge you. If you desire to follow my Son, you will not judge but love like your Heavenly Father loves you. And when it is the most difficult for you, when you are falling under the weight of the cross do not despair, do not judge, instead remember that you are loved and praise the Heavenly Father because of His love. My children, do not deviate from the way on which I am leading you. Do not recklessly walk into perdition. May prayer and fasting strengthen you so that you can live as the Heavenly Father would desire; that you may be my apostles of faith and love; that your life may bless those whom you meet; that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and my Son. My children, that is the only truth, the truth that leads to your conversion, and then to the conversion of all those whom you meet – those who have not come to know my Son – all those who do not know what it means to love. My children, my Son gave you a gift of the shepherds. Take good care of them. Pray for them. Thank you.”


** A Friend of Medjugorje, due to the importance of the May 2, 2013, message of Our Lady, has been working on the writing the past 2 days and, therefore, it will not be released until Monday, May 8. This is a very important message as Our Lady is saying things within it that She has not spoken of before. After meditating on this message since early Thursday morning, and writing for several hours, A Friend of Medjugorje said there is too much left to say to release the writing prematurely. He will be working on it for the next days to have it completed for Monday. Look for it here on Medjugorje.com, Monday morning, May 8, 2013. It is a writing that you will want to download and spread to everyone you know. More information about the special writing here…


In the Radio WAVE broadcast for the May 2, 2013 message, you are able to get a preview of what has set the heart of A Friend of Medjugorje on fire with this message of Our Lady. To listen or download the Radio Wave show with A Friend of Medjugorje, titled, “Learning How to Fall,”  can click to visit here…

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