February 2, 2012 A.D. 10:15 A.M. Central Time USA
February 2, 2012 Message Not Released
Don’t Blame Us
We realize thousands of you have come to Medjugorje.com, as well as phoned us, for Mirjana’s message for the 2nd of the month and are upset that you have not received it, even though it was released shortly after Mirjana’s apparition. Those of you who know the message has already been released, we understand your anger, but don’t blame us. After over 9 hours ago, the message still has not been released in English and other languages. This is inexcusable and shows a lack of comprehension and diligence, not only in hindering the spreading of the message in English, but the message goes from Croatian to English, then goes into several others languages around the world from the English translation. This is not the Croatian to English translator’s fault. They must have a hard copy of the message, and they are still waiting on it. When a message date approaches, Caritas has preplanned who will be involved and where they will be. On the 2nd of the month in Medjugorje, we are preparing all night. At Caritas in Alabama, we have 4-6 people up at 3:00 a.m., working to receive the message, the description and writing to get the message out immediately. When we are with Marija, no matter where in the world, plans have been made, even days in advance, to have the message immediately sent back to the parish office in 10-20 minutes, to give to the translators who are ready to go to work immediately, and from there a network of communities, Medjugorje Centers and other media programming receive it, who spread it to the whole world. Mirjana is in Italy today. Those responsible after receiving the message first are irresponsible in grasping what this delay causes around the world. An unofficial Italian translation was the only thing released shortly after the apparition. There was a snow storm in Medjugorje, but this does not excuse the delay as contingent plans should always be in the works for whatever happens. The mail runs, despite snow or rain, and this message from Heaven is too important for this laze quasi approach to get it out. The efficient and quick release of the secrets should be put into practice ‘now’ each month, through the 2nd and the 25th messages. We do not want to go into the secrets with those who personally do not see the significance of their actions in what lateness and an attitude lacking in diligence can have on Our Lady’s network, that She Herself has built around the world to spread Her messages. The reason this is being written is because this is not the first time this has happened.