“You, be a sign…”

“You, be a sign…”


May 4, 2018 A.D.

Ivan had a prayer group on top of Apparition Mountain tonight. As pilgrims began to gather, rain began to lightly fall. Thunder could be heard and lightning could be seen behind Cross Mountain and Apparition Mountain. As the time approached for the prayer group to begin singing, the storm moved closer as well. At around 8:45 p.m. a big storm moved directly over Apparition Mountain and the pilgrims gathered there. Rain, thunder and lightning drowned out the singing of the prayer group. At about 9:15 p.m., Ivan announced that we would now begin to pray the Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. The storm moved past and the rain stopped about halfway through the Rosary. Our Lady appeared to Ivan around 10:00 p.m. The apparition lasted several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition.

“Also today, after the meeting together with Our Lady, I would like to briefly describe tonight’s meeting to you. Also today Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy and She greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then, She prayed with Her arms extended over all of us here. She prayed especially over you the sick present. Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today I desire to encourage you to live my messages which I am giving you. Live my messages and encourage others also to live them. Also you, be a sign to others. I especially call you to be a sign to all of those who are coming. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.”

Then, Our Lady blessed all of us with Her motherly blessing, and blessed everything you brought to be blessed. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick, and everything that is in your hearts: Our Lady knows best what is in our hearts and what we desire to say to Her. After that, Our Lady continued to pray for awhile over all of us, and She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting,  ‘Go in peace my dear children.’ Thank you.

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

Our Lady’s words tonight through Ivan, “…you, be a sign…”, are a mandate to us, Her apostles, to be planted firmly in the ground for all who pass by to see and read a clear direction to follow, and what roads to avoid. Being a sign is not just praying more, though praying more is essential. Being a sign means to live differently, to stand out as different.


A Friend of Medjugorje, in the recent May 2, Radio WAVE, special broadcast, told about the death of Baby Alfie Evans through inside sources, and exposed something which many people, through good intentions participate in. A Friend of Medjugorje shows that something sinister is being used to trick people into doing something they think is good. You do not want to miss this 2-hour special titled, Lying Voices of Liverpool. This broadcast is a clear sign which shows the roads to avoid, because they lead to, literally death. Listen or download free here, Lying Voices of Liverpool

May 2, 2018 Radio WAVE Special with a Friend of Medjugorje, Lying Voices of Liverpool

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on ““You, be a sign…””

  1. Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of His covenant could be seen in the temple. There were flashes of lightening, rumblings, and peals of thunder…..Rev.11:19

  2. Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of His covenant could be seen in the temple. There were flashes of lightening, rumblings, and peals of thunder…..Rev.11:19

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