Thursday, Medjugorje Sunset raining down upon the pilgrims during outdoor Mass.
The sweet sounds and scenes of Medjugorje always bring the heart back to the place that has turned millions of hearts from stone to flesh. These days we are preparing for the anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions here in Medjugorje, and at Caritas in Alabama. The joy of the anniversary comes through the Cross. All joys for the Christian will be such.
The Cross in the spiritual life is not the fault of others, but a motivation to change and mold us into a new being, in order to bring fullness of joy and happiness.
July 25, 1989
“…Open yourself to God and surrender to Him all your difficulties and crosses so God may turn everything into joy…”
The church steeples where Our Lady has appeared hundreds of times, pictured during Rosary yesterday 6/21/07.
These trials which Our Lady has told us of, come our way many times by the Father’s hand, and they will strengthen and protect us when one is of a good attitude with good will, wanting to change, but on the other hand, will damage us if we are of a bad attitude, with a bad will. The fruit of following Our Lady’s messages, sacrificing our lives which is to lead to happiness, can do so only if one possesses a good will and good attitude towards such. In addition, one must be willing to change, have and accept a way that will many times go against what one would want for their lives today, but by making a decision in the present will lead to a better future. For those who seek the will of God in their life, they cannot present God with a laundry list or check list of their expectations, desires, or wants. Happiness will never come to us by this way, rather by forgetting self and abandoning our life to God. There are two paths, two ways of looking at everything which can bring us to satisfaction or discontentment. It is not the surroundings or others who determine this, rather your own heart.
With Love,
From the Village of Medjugorje
The Cross, which has brought joy to the world, as seen from the church. Our Lady says She prays everyday beside this Cross for the sins of the world. It is why so many experience conversion while climbing this mountain.
The apparitions during Ivan’s prayer group are especially beautiful just before the anniversary of years past. Tonight’s apparition will be the meeting with Our Lady with pilgrims who have come from all over the world for Her 26th anniversary. You can join in and be on your knees when Our Lady comes here to us in Medjugorje. (See chart below for your time.) We start singing one hour before the apparition. About 9:30 p.m. Medjugorje time, Ivan begins the Rosary. He then usually prays the 7 Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s and Glory Be’s before Our Lady appears.
We’ve heard from people from several different nations who are praying in union, at the same moment with Ivan, the prayer group and pilgrims in preparation for Our Lady’s visit. At the moment Our Lady personally appears to Ivan, at 10:00 p.m. Medjugorje time, you can give Our Lady your hearts and intentions. We can say with confidence, this makes Our Lady happy because She has said repeatedly, She is happy to see us in large numbers. Call all Medjugorje people you know. From all nations, encourage everyone to be on your knees when Our Lady comes to the earth to bless you and receive your heart’s intentions.
To anyone in the Birmingham, Alabama area, the Community of Caritas invites you to join them in this prayer at Caritas of Birmingham, on one of the sites of Our Lady’s apparitions to Medjugorje visionary, Marija Lunetti. Click Here
The Field in Alabama where Our Lady has appeared many times to Marija, visionary of Medjugorje, today, Friday, at sunrise.
10 thoughts on “Yesterday Evening in Medjugorje”
I have been following this capture for so long,Love to always receive mail on Our Ladys Message,Picture and prayers.